Belmode and Keir rode their motorcycles to escape one after another, and got into the back of the FBI's escort vehicle, borrowing its bulletproof shell to temporarily escape.


Chapter 0228

Blue flames erupted from the gun barrel, Gatling bullets poured in, and the entire viaduct was filled with gunpowder smoke.

The cars of all passers-by on the viaduct stopped, and they all watched this scene in horror.

They leaned back, for fear of being accidentally hit by stray bullets.

What's more, they just got off the car and fled to the back, not daring to approach this purgatory-like place at all.

Andrei, the big man who pretended to be dead in the second escort car, was in a panic.

His mother's Westland didn't close the door by the way, if that guy slammed into the driver's seat, wouldn't he be beaten into a sieve?

Andre didn't dare to raise his head all the time, so he naturally didn't know that after Wiselian finished acting with Akai Shuichi, as soon as Xiu fell into the water, Wiselian was killed by gin.

He squinted at the gin next to him, his calf trembling constantly.

But for the smoothness of the plan, he could only grit his teeth and persist, praying that Gatlin would not come here.

Qin Jiu's spear skills are naturally very good, relying on his recovered strong body, all the recoil from his right arm was eliminated by him.

Bullets chased the Mazda and the Dodge Viper.

Not long after, the Bourbon on the Mazda was injured, his shoulder was punctured, and the car hit a side load-bearing iron pillar. He rolled over and hid behind the iron pillar.

And that Dodge Viper was hit by a swarm of bullets chasing its buttocks. After a while, the fuel tank of the supercar was hit and exploded directly. The two people in the car were blown out with flames.

Seeing that the situation became so anxious, Fusha immediately frowned.

The boss's order is to let her capture Gin alive, and press her for information about supernatural forces.

But the current Qin Jiu is a killer, and it is too difficult to capture him alive.

But the boss had to listen to the order, so Fu Shahui ordered with a dark face: "The raptors are dispatched, and the gin is captured alive."

As soon as the words fell, the two off-road vehicles that had been waiting for a long time at the exit of the viaduct sped out.

Sitting in the car were strong Caucasian men in black leather jackets, carrying all kinds of heavy weapons, rushing towards the direction of Gin.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Shahui couldn't help but took out her mobile phone: "It's already in this situation, why don't you make a move? I spent so much money not to invite you to watch the show!"

An abnormally lazy female voice sounded: "What's the hurry, it's not time yet!" After saying that, the phone was hung up, leaving Fushahui with an angry expression on her face.

On the viaduct, after Gin stopped the two cars, he turned his gun.

The bullets bombarded the bulletproof escort vehicle where Andre was in, shaking the vehicle body violently.

Fortunately, these two bulletproof vehicles were made of real materials. Although they were punched in countless dents, they still stood firmly in front of the two women.

But if this posture continues, it will definitely be a dead end!

Belmode, who was behind Andre's car, couldn't help shouting: "Gin, are you really going to be an enemy of the organization? Who are you working for now?"

Hearing the old friend's voice, the sound of gin and guns stopped for a while, and then there were sneers.

"Belmode, it's not that I want to be an enemy of the organization, it's the organization that wants to be an enemy of me, chasing and killing me in black and white. Do you know what kind of life I've been living recently?"

"The one who betrayed and betrayed me must be among you, Belmode. The gunshot wound on my right leg was left by you!"

Belmode hurriedly said: "Gin, I believe you are innocent. I was impulsive that day. As long as you stop, I will help you plead for the boss."

She said this purely to hold the gin.

It won't work if you don't stabilize him, this position is surrounded by enemies on three sides!

The first escort vehicle in front was already driving back, and there were eight detectives inside;

Under the leadership of Judy, the detectives in the two cars behind got out of the car one by one and crossed the traffic with their guns, and they were about to encircle them;

On the other side of the driveway, Gin was standing on his classic car, holding Gatling and blasting at this side. There was really no chance of winning the fight!However, the gin and wine were seasoned and ruthless, how could they be fooled by Belmore's two words.

"Forget it, this is the end of the matter, just treat me as a betrayal of the organization, I have to use your corpses as a military exploit, so as to win the opportunity to join." "For the sake of knowing each other for many years, I will give you a happy ending later of."

Saying this, Gin started to shoot again.

Gatling bullets kept pouring into the same place, making the bulletproof steel thinner and shallower, and it was about to be pierced.

In addition, Gin took out the armor-piercing sniper rifle from his car and put it on the door.

The bullet is a special armor-piercing bullet, and one bullet can break through the steel with first-class bulletproof effect. Gin wants to speed up the process.

Belmode saw this scene through the thrown makeup mirror, and began to consider jumping into the river to escape.

The crazy Gin is too inhuman, there is no way to fight back under this firepower suppression, and he only has a small pistol in his hand.

Belmode's side was in dire straits, but Reina Mizumu, who was hiding behind the overturned escort car, was not affected much.

The natal puppet on his body hides in the void, holding a knife and constantly resisting the bullets of the gin, and sometimes triggering small spells to protect Mizuruna firmly.

At this moment, the escort vehicle driven by two off-road vehicles came galloping, interfering with Gin's actions.

The escort vehicle smashed through the still burning wreckage of the Dodge Viper, passing Belmode and Keir to hide behind the escort vehicle.Immediately afterwards, the vehicle slammed across and stopped suddenly in front of Judy and the other agents, providing them with cover.

The detectives in the car also got out of the car one after another, and gathered together with Judy and his party.

The raptor team sent by Fushahui stopped far away, and tall men in black leather jackets got out of the car one by one, about thirteen or four people.

The division of labor is very clear, there are three to rescue or wounded, or burning Bourbon, Chianti, Ireland.

The rest picked up heavy firepower and shot in the direction of Gin.

There were bomb craters on Gin's classic Porsche, which seemed to anger him.

Blue Flame Gatling then turned around and bombarded the raptor team.

It was another hail of bullets, and this time the firepower of the two sides was evenly matched!

Seeing this, Judy raised her hand and said, "Now Agent Andre and Akai have died in the line of duty. I will take over the command."

"Let them kill each other first, and when the bullets are gone, we will go again and execute them on the spot. No mercy is allowed. I don't want to see anyone killed in battle again, understand?"

Everyone nodded and watched the situation nervously.

Chapter 0229


The explosion happened as Fushahui wished, and the entrance of the viaduct was directly blown up, stopping the police vehicles that were rushing continuously.

Seeing this, Yazi who led the team got off the car with an annoyed expression. She looked worriedly at the viaduct in the distance, and immediately ordered: "Call out all the helicopters of the Metropolitan Police Department. See them."

The deputy beside him looked at Yazi with some embarrassment, but he didn't dare to say anything more, so he just followed through.

And looking at the broken bridge deck, those innocent passers-by who abandoned their cars and fled across the river looked desperate.

Living in a big city, where have they seen such a war scene, gunfire roaring, gunpowder smoke everywhere, it is completely war!

The battle between Gin and the Birds of Prey continues!

Gin is indeed the organization's number one killer. Relying on the modified bulletproof Porsche, facing the firepower of ten enemies, he not only persevered, but also wounded two of the members.

The barrel of the Gatling gun on his right arm was extremely hot, and the scorching pain from the half of his arm was completely ignored, and his eyes were as cold as before: it's about time!

But Belmode, who was hiding next to Andre's escort car, had a very ugly expression on his face.

She never expected that it would be so difficult for Marsala's elite men to deal with gin.

Judging by his posture, his Porsche should be full of bullets. If he continues to fight, maybe Gin Jiu killed the team by himself, and he will be dead.

Belmore watched the whole situation through the make-up mirror thrown out just now, pursed his lips, but opened the safety of the pistol.

Boss is also paying attention to this battle, so she can't escape easily. She has decided to sneak attack from the side while Gin and the Birds of Prey are facing each other.

Just when she was about to act, the side door of the dark escort vehicle in front of her was pushed open, and a big hand directly fished her up. "Kogoro!"

A small exclamation came from Belmode's mouth, followed by the sound of the side door closing.

Andrei, who was competently playing the role of a corpse in the front driver's seat, broke out in a cold sweat.

Is it Mori Kogoro?how is this possible?There is obviously no one in the car, right?When did he sneak in?Why was Belmode caught by him?

Andre pricked up his ears to listen carefully, but there was no sound behind the car.

Naturally, Kogoro Moori sneaked into the escort vehicle early in the morning.

He knew Shuichi Akai's entire plan, and if he wanted to send Westland back to the organization smoothly during the transfer, he must have Andre, who had superb driving skills, send him.

Since it is to watch a good show, it is natural to occupy the best viewing area!

Just now, Westland and Andrei fought to the death in the cockpit, each performed with all their strength, and through the glass window, Mori Kogoro, who was hidden in the enchantment, watched with gusto, holding the bread bought from the vending machine in the hospital and potato chips for lunch.

This is a live-action drama, the sound effects and gunshots are all very real.

After that, Westland got out of the car and had a big show with Shuichi Akai, which was also seen clearly by Mori Kogoro through the small gun hole, completely satisfying his desire to eat melons.

But Mori Kogoro didn't expect that Akai Hideichi finally died in front of everyone under the gun of Westland, and then Westland was shot in the head by the sudden shot of Gin on the back foot. This development of the plot is consistent with The original is different.

Originally, he didn't expect to show up so early, but now it's the fight between Qin Jiu and the people in the organization, it doesn't matter if they let them bite the dog.

However, Belmord felt that this girl was not worrying and wanted to go out to die, so he couldn't bear it.

Belmore in his arms looked at Kogoro Mori in a white coat with a dazed expression, feeling like he was dreaming, and couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

He was still beating him to death just now, why did he suddenly come to Kogoro's arms, shouldn't he be hallucinating!

Sensing the familiar slapping of big hands on his buttocks and the pain, Belmode woke up.

She couldn't help but exclaimed: "Xiao Wulang, why are you here? No, there is no one in this car. You were not seen in the thermal imaging just now. How did you do it?"

This is too simple, a frost spell can completely cover the body, so naturally the temperature will not be felt!

"Maybe your machine is malfunctioning, but didn't I tell you? Don't take off today's disguise, why are you disobedient?" Saying this, his big hand greeted again!

Belmode, who was jumping in his arms, couldn't help crying out in pain: "Hiss, it hurts!"

There was a coquettish cry, presumably the injury just caused in the hospital hadn't fully healed yet.

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