Mori Kogoro patted his head, turned to perform the rejuvenation technique, and gently massaged Belmore to heal him.

Sensing bursts of mint-like cool energy, Belmore trembled, and his face flushed.

"The sun is so bright today, it's too hot to wear two sets of clothes!"

It was quite hot, especially her hot black leather jacket, which was so hot that her chest was covered with fine sweat!

Immediately after Belmode came to his senses, he couldn't help but asked: "Xiao Wulang, did you know that gin would appear a long time ago? Remind me like that!"

Mori Kogoro didn't deny it either. He stroked Belmode's long silver hair with his left hand, and said, "I remind you that you are still so stupid. Gin is not an easy guy. Last time he escaped from a serious injury and was hunted down by countless people. Death, this time he came back to snipe you and came prepared.”

"Don't you think that this guy is a tough guy who dares to be an enemy of everyone if he blocks the way and fires all by himself?"

"He's not that stupid. If you showed up just now, you might be the one who died."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro opened the gun holes of the escort car, and the two of them watched the situation outside face to face.

As soon as Kogoro Mouri finished speaking, someone from the Birds of Prey squad confronting Gin was attacked.

With a bang, the temple of a strong white man was blasted, his brain burst out, and he was killed on the spot.

The members of the Birds of Prey kept shouting in English: "There are snipers, look for cover!"

Another sniper shot followed, and another strong man fell to the ground.

The team members got into bulletproof off-road vehicles one after another, or hid behind the bearing columns of the bridge, carefully observing the surrounding situation.

On the contrary, Gin had the upper hand. Gatling's tongue of fire on his right hand was still going on, while his left hand took out the newly assembled armor-piercing sniper rifle from the car and pointed it at the two bulletproof off-road vehicles.

In hot weapon battles, the deterrent effect of snipers is always greater than everything else.

Chapter 0230

Belmord couldn't help asking: "Xiao Goro, do you know who the person who shot and sniped was?"

Mori Kogoro turned his head, kissed the corner of his mouth, and said leisurely: "Of course I know, if my prediction is correct, that person's name should be Asaka, who used to be Rum's subordinate, a traitor who betrayed Rum! "

Hearing this, Belmord immediately remembered what he heard seventeen years ago. It was the incident of Koji Haneda and the incident that Rum messed up.

Qianxiang also disappeared from that time, but she didn't expect to reappear here today, and it was mixed with gin inexplicably.

But then Belmode's brows jumped up wildly, and he couldn't help complaining: "Xiao Wulang, are you an animal? You have been in the hospital for so long just now, and now you are still fighting outside!"

The thick-skinned Mori Kogoro chuckled lightly, without any embarrassment.

"Who made you dress so sexy, show a little respect!"

Hearing this, Belmord's blue eyes couldn't help but give him a blank look, and said coquettishly, "Big pervert!"

But then the corners of his mouth were raised, thinking he was quite proud of his own charm, and he wrapped his arms around Kogoro Mori's neck.

Then the smooth cheeks came up again, and Kogoro and Kogoro watched the situation outside through the gun hole.

It's really strange, there are other gun holes beside it that can be opened for viewing, and Belmode didn't think about changing it.

I have to say that Belmord, who was dressed in a black leather suit exactly like the Investigator series of the short movie, was really attractive, and it made people feel angry even hugging him.

Coupled with the addition of the classic original image, the long silver hair looks full of temperament of Yujie.

This is completely different from the nurse's outfit in the morning, which arouses the desire to conquer at first glance!

To be honest, Mori Kogoro was a little bit eager to try, the guns blared outside, and he also wanted to have a bombardment inside.

But he always knew that it was not the right time, mainly because there was not enough time, so he dismissed the idea.

On the south side of the viaduct, in the mountains beside the river, on the trunk of a towering tree, a long-haired woman was lying on it with a sniper rifle and aiming.

She squinted her right eye and only used her left eye to look through the magnifying glass, her eyes were full of revenge.

If the Detective Boys saw her, they would definitely call her 'Wakasa-sensei'.

This person is Rumi Wakasa, the deputy head teacher of Class 1 B of Teidan Elementary School, who is reckless but skilled.

She was still chanting silently: "The third one!"

Sitting in the Bentley and monitoring the scene with binoculars, Fusha's face was extremely ugly, and her heart was bleeding continuously.

The thirteen members brought back from the Eagle Kingdom are Fushahui's confidantes, and her elite subordinates are each proficient in different fields.

Some are good at lurking, some are good at hacking, some are good at camouflage, some are good at hot weapons, some are good at cold weapons, and some are good at fighting.

This is a nearly omnipotent team. Starting from them, they can easily pull out a group of useful subordinates, and they are also the seeds of Fushahui's resurgence.

Fusha Picture Book didn't want this group of subordinates to enter the field, but asked them to stand ready at the exit and let them help Ireland and Belmore to sweep them away.

Rum could see that there was a mob in his subordinates, and Fushahui could see it even more.

Originally, Fushahui arranged for Belmode, Keir and a group of five to test the FBI. This is not just a test, it is actually a way to drive away tigers!

She just wanted to see who was paddling in it and who was really fighting for the organization, so as to judge the traitor!

Unexpectedly, the traitor Gin Jiu suddenly appeared, disrupting all of this, and even damaged several of his elites.

Fu Shahui couldn't hold back anymore, and took out her mobile phone to make a call again.

At this moment, she could no longer maintain her elegance, and her words were full of anger.

"Aren't you making a move yet? Don't you want to do things after you get the deposit? Very good, I'll let you know what trouble you got into."

The female voice on the other end of the phone was still lazy: "Why are you in a hurry, we are trustworthy, isn't it here? Let's go, get to work."

When Fu Shahui heard that they had finally left, she breathed a sigh of relief: "I want you to beat up that silver-haired man and bring them back, and wipe out all the FBI in the escort car!"

"No problem. You are the boss. You have the final say. It just so happens that I don't like the FBI either."

After saying this, the phone was hung up immediately.

And a thousand meters ahead of the location of the viaduct rush, the door of a black truck parked on the shoulder of the road opened.

First, a black Harley motorcycle sped out, followed by a side three-wheeled motorcycle, which galloped towards the battlefield as soon as it landed.

Riding a Harley motorcycle is a woman with an extremely hot figure, wearing a black leather jacket, this is a domineering figure that can only be found in anime, and she also wears a rose mask on her face.

There are also two large shotguns hanging from the handlebars of the motorcycle, which is very domineering at first glance.

There were two people sitting on the tricycle behind him, both of them were wearing masks, as if they didn't dare to see anyone.

The one on the left was driving while pressing his hat while driving, and a curly-haired man in a kimono and holding a Japanese knife sat on the right straddle.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro was shocked instantly! ! !

Nanai's best son, don't think that I don't know you when you put on your clothes.

There is also Ishikawa Goemon, holding a broken sword all day long, wearing a kimono, so obviously thinking that wearing a mask can disguise himself?Damn, how can there be such a stupid woman, I'm your man, and I jumped back to help Fusha paint!

Mori Kogoro suddenly recalled that Fujiko called himself with great interest a few days ago, saying that he wanted to be a big one,

Afterwards, I went 'on leave for a few days', 'do you want her', 'do you want benefits'!

It turned out that this was what was said at the time to make a big vote.

Mori Kogoro was so angry that his teeth itched, and he couldn't help pinching his big hands.

Belmore in his arms couldn't help but whispered softly: "Xiao Wulang, you hurt me!"

The depressed Kogoro couldn't help but beat up Belmode heavily, who made the two women dress the same.

It's very difficult now, to protect three, it suddenly becomes four, and the situation is getting more and more chaotic, it's a big melee.At this moment, the Birds of Prey team, which was constantly attacked by Qianxiang outside, finally reacted.

Smoke bombs were thrown around by him to cover his position and avoid being sniped again.

Chapter 0231 and so go back to reward you!

Gin turned the sniper rifle in his left hand, aimed at the approaching motorcycles, and shot directly.

The golden armor-piercing sniper bullet pierced the void and shot in the direction of Mine Fujiko.

At this moment, Ishikawa Goemon, who was sitting on the bridge, opened his eyes with a cold light.

He stood up from the ground, completely breaking free from the shackles of gravity, and jumped in front of Fujiko's motorcycle in one leap.

The last strike came first, and the Zhantie sword was held in his hand at some point, and he slashed down fiercely, breaking the sniper bullet in two!

Seeing this scene, Gin was stunned, it didn't make sense at all.

He turned to put Gatling inlaid on his right arm, and the barrage enveloped in the direction of Fujiko, almost like a long dragon.

An even more unreasonable picture appeared!

In Ishikawa Goemon's hand, he swung the iron sword in a circle. The sword was like a silver plate, and it blocked the entire barrage, and all the bullets bounced back.

He was just running wildly on wooden clogs, but his running speed was actually faster than two motorcycles.

Ishikawa Goemon, with superb sword skills, opened the way in front, while Fujiko Mine and Daisuke Jigen kept approaching in their cars.


Fujiko laughed wantonly, firing the shotgun in his hand, full of arrogance.

But the woman had no idea that the shotgun had a short range and the bullets were not accurate.

He couldn't hit the single-handed gin on the opposite road at all. Instead, there were muffled groans from the raptor team shrouded in white smoke.The sound passed through the earphones into Fushahui's ears, causing the veins in Fushahui's head to throb continuously. She couldn't help but press her chest, feeling tight and painful!Immediately afterwards, Fu Shae called Fujiko Mine again, intending to scold this woman.

But Fujiko Mine, who was driving the motorcycle, had no intention of answering her phone at all. She reached into her heavy chest with her small hand, took out the ringing cell phone, and threw it directly into the river.

Fu Shahui in the Bentley gritted her teeth angrily.

Seeing this strange trio approaching constantly, sweat dripped from Qin Jiu's forehead.

This kind of sword skill has already surpassed the limit of the human body, how can it match it?

At the moment when he was slightly distracted, Daisuke Jigen, the sharpshooter who had been dormant for a long time, finally made a move.

His right hand no longer held the hat, but threw it forward, revealing his eyes completely.

In less than 0.3 seconds, the Smith pistol at the hip was aimed at Gin.


Magnum bullets shot out, following the Gatling barrage gap and upstream.

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