With two guns in his hands, Gin's body trembled, and blood oozes from his right and left shoulders.

The sniper rifle held in his left hand was involuntarily released, and his eyes were filled with disbelief: how could it be possible to have such spear skills!good chance! ! !

Seeing this scene through the mirror, Judy raised her right fist and swung it hard!

A group of [-] FBIs rushed out with guns, five shot in the direction of Gin, and five shot in the direction of the two escort vehicles that were reimbursed, suppressing Belmode and Keir to prevent them from coming forward for reinforcements, and the rest The attackers shot in the direction of the Birds of Prey and Mine Fujiko.

Gin didn't notice for a while, was attacked in the back, and was shot by Judy, and then he lay down in the Porsche car, and the door was closed.

Now in this posture, Mori Kogoro can't even think of a move.

The FBI agents led by Judy are about to face Fujiko Mine and the others, and the ending is completely predictable!

Even if Judy had double the number of agents, they would not be the three non-human opponents of Fujiko Mine.

Damn it, you, Fushahui, can't settle down when you escape to Japan. You have nothing to do with seizing power. It's Rum I want to catch, not you.This boss is also meddling in other people's business, what's the matter with changing coaches just before the battle, he only slaughtered a silver rum, and the gold rum doesn't show up, what is this?Moreover, it was really rude of Fushae to invite Fujiko Mine, Kogoro Moori was so overjoyed that he couldn't speak.

Originally, there was no way for Rum to catch it, so it would be okay to change to the third in command, Marsala.

But when Fujiko joins Marsala, Kogoro Mori will not be able to make a move.

I really put them all together, and then put Fuji and the others, the boss of the organization is not stupid, how can I not think that they have ancient

If Mine Fujiko got into an enemy like the Karasuma Organization for no reason, Fujiko already had a difficult enemy, so why bother.That's why Kogoro Mori was particularly entangled.

But now there is no time to think about it. If Judy's subordinates suffer more casualties, Judy will not be able to bear it.

Mori Kogoro put Belmode in the corner of the escort carriage, placed it in the defensive hidden barrier, and then said: "You take a rest here, don't come out, I will come to you later."

Belmord's little hand immediately grabbed Kogoro Mori's white coat, and said softly, "Go out together, I can help you, I can do whatever you want."

After saying this, she waved the silver pistol in her hand to indicate that she was not useless.

These words did not hesitate to break with the organization. Belmode knew that Marsala and the boss were secretly observing the whole battle situation, and knew what it meant with Kogoro Mori, but he still said this without hesitation.

The escort vehicle has the FBI in front, the Birds of Prey and Fujiko Mine at the back, Gin on the side, and Asaka Sniper in the distance. It is the most dangerous position, and she is still willing to go out and face it with Mori Kogoro.

Manpower is limited, and even gin is in such a mess. Belmore can't believe that Mori Kogoro can please him in this dangerous situation.

If it was destined to die, Belmord would rather go with Mori Kogoro.

Hearing this, looking at Belmore's firm eyes, Mori Kogoro had a gentle smile in his eyes, so he couldn't help but lowered his body, and gently held Belmore's lips.

"It's not the time for you to be exposed, but you have performed very well. I will reward you well when I get back!"

Rewards, what rewards, the rewards mentioned last time have not been fulfilled until now, big satyr, what's going on, my neck hurts, Kogoro, you...

Belmore rolled her eyes, and fell directly into Kogoro Mouri's arms. She was knocked unconscious by a hand knife.

Mori Kogoro gently stroked the silver hair on his cheeks with his big hands, and with a slight smile on his lips, he gently placed him in the corner of the carriage.

He understood Belmode's temperament. He was always stubborn and not so easy to persuade. Even if he was coaxed and pressed inside, she might run out to live and die with him in the next second, so it was easier to knock him out.

There are small defensive barriers and small hidden barriers in the carriage, so its safety is naturally safe.

Mori Kogoro stepped out of the barrier, shrugged his shoulders, his muscles and bones that hadn't moved for a long time made a crackling sound, and the white coat on his body moved automatically without wind.Then he kicked on the wall of the bulletproof car, and the Gin shot many times with Gatling but flew out of the car wall without piercing it.

Holding the sniper rifle in his hand, Mori Kogoro jumped out and appeared in the middle of the viaduct with crossfire.

Chapter 0232 I'll make you fucking everything

Seeing a doctor in a white coat suddenly appearing in the line of fire, Judy recognized him as Kogoro at a glance, and immediately raised her hand to order: "Everyone pay attention, don't hurt that doctor!"

But Mori Kogoro didn't care about these bullets at all, and he used his super-body skills as soon as he came out.

The body under the white coat was shining with golden light, and nothing could hurt him at all.

As soon as he turned around, he picked up the sniper rifle in his hand and pointed it directly at the mountain forest opposite the river, and instantly saw Rumi Wakasa in the magnifying glass.

Wind speed, wind direction, humidity, distance and other information flashed through his mind, and he shot.

Rumi Wakasa, who was lying on the tree trunk, felt her heart tighten suddenly. She kept inspecting the viaduct with her left eye, and finally saw a bright white coat in the battlefield, and then a bullet suddenly appeared in her field of vision, shooting continuously.

Rumi Wakasa turned her head subconsciously, but there was no time to dodge it.

It's just that this sniper bullet was extremely accurate, it only interrupted the sniper rifle in Rumi Wakasa's hand, and did not hurt her body at all.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro turned around and pulled the sniper rifle again.

A bright stream of light shot towards the direction of the Bentley where Fu Shahui was.

Fushahui didn't notice it at all, but Paul, the driver standing outside the car, seemed to sense it, and flew out: "Madam, be careful!" With a bang, the glass windows at the back of the Bentley were first stained with blood, and then Hit by a bullet that pierced the body.

Countless blood-stained fragments splashed, even drawing a bloodstain on Fusha's snow neck.

Fushahui, who had been planning a strategy and had a plan in mind, was full of horror in her eyes, her hands were trembling constantly, and she subconsciously fell down.

Mori Kogoro secretly thought it was a pity, he planned to take care of the third in command of the organization, but he didn't expect that there was a subordinate who would give up his life by her side.

After a missed shot, the Bentley galloped up. Without an angle, there was no chance of continuing to snipe.

Fujiko Mine, who was riding a motorcycle in the distance, saw the strange doctor who suddenly appeared and fired guns in all directions. Although he could see through Kogoro Mori's disguise without a single glance, he felt that this person was very familiar, and the shotgun in his hand moved He fired more and stopped shooting at him.

Her shotgun pounded Gin's Porsche, sending its classic car vibrating.

Fujiko holds grudges very much, and she took to heart the matter of Gin Jiu attacking her just now, and even ignored Fusha Hui's request to capture Gin Jiu alive.

When Judy's agents heard Judy's order, they moved their guns to the approaching Fujiko trio.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mori had a big headache. In his opinion, this scene was completely cannibalism. He didn't feel well if Fujiko or Judy hurt either.

So he simply lifted the wall of the armored car that he had just kicked off, and placed it in the middle of the road to prevent the two sides from engaging in firepower.

It was time for this chaos to end, and his right hand kept pressing the seal.

The clouds that had been like decorations in the sky dissipated suddenly, and a f25 falcon fighter jet with cold light appeared in everyone's sight.


The unique engine sound of the Mi Falcon fighter came, and blue flames erupted from the back of the streamlined fighter. The huge propulsion made it glide, and it was suspended in the air tens of meters above the viaduct.

Two wind deflection correction ammunition dispensers were set up, and they slammed towards the ground of the viaduct.

The firepower of the fighter jets is not comparable to that of small pistols and submachine guns. The concrete road suddenly looks like it has been peared through, and it shatters instantly after being covered by firepower.

A majestic male voice came from the fighter plane broadcast: "Now this place is taken over by the Japanese military. All personnel put down their weapons and surrender."

Marsala, with blood on her face, drove the Bentley, with the driver moaning in pain in the back seat.

His still-shocked eyes stared at the fighter plane that suddenly appeared in the sky, but his heart sank.

Did the Japanese military intervene in all of this today?

With her eyesight, she could tell at a glance that the flag attached to the fighter plane was indeed military, and it was the fighter plane of the Fenghuo Linte team, the elite of the elite.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the sound of the helicopter again, and when he turned his head, more than a dozen black helicopters appeared in the distance.

This is the team of the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department. Is the military and police cooperating?

This situation is really unavoidable. Westland was not rescued, and the FBI did not kill them all. The loss is inevitable.

Fushahui bit her lip, almost bleeding from the bite, but still ordered decisively: "Everyone obey the order, the Japanese military and police are attacking, all retreat."

Hearing this order, the raptor team in the white smoke got on the off-road vehicle one by one, preparing to evacuate.

They rescued Ireland, Bourbon, and Chianti who were seriously injured, but Belmode and Keir, who were imprisoned and trapped behind the escort car, were beyond their reach, so they had no choice but to give up.

Fushahui conveyed the order to her subordinates, but she completely ignored the hired Mine Fujiko trio.

They have already spent one billion yen, so it is time for them to lose their enthusiasm and give their confidantes time to escape!

In the F25 Falcon fighter jet full of metal texture, Huixiang looked excited: "Wow, Xiao Ai, this is the first time I drive this kind of fighter jet. This feeling is awesome."

Immediately afterwards, she picked up the voice changer again, pressed the radio and spoke, and a majestic male voice came out: "Everyone surrenders, surrenders without killing."

"Don't play around, you still have to complete the task assigned by your husband!"

Love in the next life is very proficient. Sitting in the main driver's seat, another shuttle of bullets was sprinkled down to complete the air-to-ground firepower suppression.The firepower of the circling fighter jets was too fierce, and everyone looked for cover, not daring to show their heads.

The passers-by on the viaduct who were involved in this turmoil for no reason looked at the fighter jets spewing out flames in the sky with horror, and said in a daze: "It's really a war!"

At this time, a figure like a gust of wind rose up from the ground, stepping on the steel twisted rope on the right side of the bridge and continuously flying upwards, the iron-cutting sword in his hand gleamed with bursts of cold light.

Mori Kogoro, who was wearing the bulletproof car wall as a shield, couldn't help scolding his mother when he saw this scene.

Nianxi's Ishikawa Goemon is really going to kill the Falcon fighter.

Although in the animation of Lupine III, this guy even cut off the spaceship, but this is too unscientific!

Ishikawa Goemon, who was walking on wooden clogs, had already run to the top of the bridge as if walking on flat ground. He jumped up to the Falcon fighter several meters high with his eyes firmly, and shouted: "There is nothing under my sword that cannot be cut!" !"

I'll make you fucking invincible, Mouri Kogoro, who exploded with all his strength, mobilized all the witch power in his body, and the 'spiritual touch' directly stimulated it.

An invisible big hand appeared out of thin air, and grabbed Ishikawa Goemon, who had amazing jumping ability.

Ishikawa Goemon, who was originally with his legs spread wide and full of sword intent, was crumpled into a ball in an instant, and his body hit the glass cover of the Falcon fighter heavily.

Chapter 0233 of the confused water and Bei sister

The two women in the cockpit of the fighter jet were startled when they saw an unknown object falling from the glass cover.

Huixiang's reaction was a bit louder, and she accidentally photographed a red button.

—The prompt sounded immediately: "Auto focus, aim, launch!"

Xiao Ai couldn't help but exclaimed: "Hui Xiang, what are you doing?"

Huixiang was stunned, with an innocent expression: "I didn't do anything."

The missile rack under the Falcon fighter jet popped out directly, and two Seahawk missiles were launched spontaneously.

It can be named as a missile, and its power is naturally impressive.

The weakest missile can easily level a three-story building.

One of the missiles was aimed at the retreating Raptors, and the other was aimed at Gin's black Porsche.Panting Gin in his black Porsche watches the unfolding events.

The sudden emergence of doctors, fighter jets, and Metropolitan Police helicopters are too many uncontrollable forces, and the next situation is beyond his control, and he is already resigned.

But suddenly, he found that the fighter jet in the sky had launched a missile, and it was still shooting towards his direction, and he broke out in a cold sweat instantly.Qin Jiu's pale face became extremely ugly, and he immediately lay down on the driver's seat, intending to drive into the river and escape.

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