But he couldn't die, but his classic car suddenly failed, no matter how Gin tried to start it, he couldn't succeed.

Finally, there was a blaring sound, and a small mushroom cloud swept out, and the heat wave made people take a few steps back!

Most of the road opposite the viaduct was directly blown away by this missile, and a large round hole was cut out, revealing the bridge piers underneath.As for the Gin Porsche, it was pitch black, with most of the body melted and fell to the top of the bridge pier, which was still burning with raging flames.

Everyone around was staring at this scene in a daze. The power of modern war weapons made the legs of these innocent passers-by weak.Immediately afterwards, another explosion sounded, and a small mushroom cloud with a diameter of nearly [-] meters rose up.

The location where the missile landed happened to be the weak point in the middle of the viaduct, and it blasted the viaduct apart.

Of the two off-road vehicles that escaped, only one escaped, and the other was directly engulfed by the flames of the explosion, and fell into the river below.

The members of the Birds of Prey carrying the three wounded Bourbon were scared out of their wits, and ran away at a desperate speed, and soon missed the two motorcycles of Fujiko Mine and Daisuke Jigen.

And Mori Kogoro, who held the car wall to resist the aftermath of the explosion, looked at the Falcon fighter in the sky with a dazed expression. He didn't remember that he had given such an order.

The use of missiles in the urban area caused such a big commotion, it would be difficult to suppress this matter, Mori Kogoro suddenly felt a headache.His eyes turned to the Porsche on the pier. The body of the car was melted by the missile, and almost only the frame remained.

Gin was killed so easily?That would be so unfulfilling!

Mori Kogoro immediately looked at Fujiko Mine and Daisuke Jigen who were galloping in this direction. These two people are really brave and skilled, so they can't scare them away. Could it be that they want to save Ishikawa? It's Goemon!

Daisuke Jigen, who was driving a side tricycle, had just put his hat back in his hand, pressed it on his head, and then roared. "Fujiko, I will take down this fighter plane later, and you will take care of Ishikawa below."

Fujiko Mine smiled at him and made an OK gesture.

But his motorcycle slowed down involuntarily, and instead fell behind Jigen Daisuke's side tricycle.

Seeing the break of the viaduct in front of him, Daisuke Jigen held his breath and concentrated his attention, and the accelerator of the motorcycle was maximized, and the car jumped up, drawing a perfect arc in the air.

I saw that when he reached the highest point, there was an extra pistol in his right hand for no reason. This was the illusion that the speed of drawing the gun was too fast.Daisuke Jigen set his pose, and the pistol aimed at the Falcon fighter in the sky instantly.

This fighter is strong, but as long as it hits the pilot, no matter how strong the fighter is, it will be a pile of scrap iron.

Jigen Daisuke is also very good at masturbation.

But before he could pull the pistol, a sudden pain came from his armpit.

He looked down, oh my god, a scalpel with a cold light pierced it directly.

Immediately afterwards, Jigen Daisuke suddenly felt that his body was restrained by an invisible big hand, and he flew out of the side tricycle and fell heavily to the ground.

His eyes happened to see Fujiko Mine on the other side of the broken bridge, and he didn't jump over the bridge with him at all.

The Harley motorcycle under him swung its tail chicly and walked away!

Jigen Daisuke couldn't help screaming: "Fuji, you cheated me again!"

Ke Fengfuzi was already very proficient in doing this job, so he didn't miss it, and he still had time to look back and smile: "Don't worry, Lupine will come to rescue you, I'll go first."

Fuji fled away, and Mori Kogoro didn't want to chase after him. Anyway, she said on the phone that she would come to find her, and then just teach her a lesson.

As for the two tough guys, Ishikawa Goemon and Jigen Daisuke, one wants to cut off the fighter jet, and the other wants to sink the fighter jet. Although they don't know that there is their own woman inside, this crime cannot be forgiven lightly.

Mori Kogoro drove the 'spiritual power touch' to round and flatten the two restrained non-human beings, and continued to ravage them, and the two of them kept screaming and screaming.

After punishing these two people slightly, Kogoro Mori didn't care about them anymore.

In the end, Rum didn't show up, and Marsala hid far away and escaped easily. That's the only way to go about today's affairs, and the next step is to deal with the aftermath.

The helicopter was getting closer and closer, and it was necessary to help cover Belmode and Rena Mizuna to escape.

Don't make a fuss in the end, but Liannai was arrested by the FBI again, and if this kind of thing happens again, it will not be allowed.

Mori Kogoro quietly pinched his fingerprints, and the water vapor from the river instantly turned into fog, covering the cut-off bridge, and the visibility instantly decreased.Judy thought that someone had secretly released the smoke bomb again, and quickly ordered her staff to be on guard.

Mori Kogoro directly got into the escort car next to him, carried Belmode who was protected by the barrier, moved quickly, and soon came to Mizumu Rena's side.

When Rena Mizumu saw this image, Mori Kogoro was startled, and couldn't help pointing his gun at each other. Only when he took off his glasses and mask did he recognize him, and his tense nerves relaxed a little. .

"Lianna, Marsala has ordered the retreat, and you should go too."

As soon as the words fell, a soft ladder descended from the sky. It was a helicopter from the Metropolitan Police Department.

Mori Kogoro patted Belmode's buttocks without hesitation, and quickly woke her up, pushing her up the ladder.

"The people above are my people, Liannai, take good care of Belmode, and after getting out of trouble, take Belmode to the house I told you before, I'll go find you after I've dealt with the mess here.

Chapter 0234 Judy pretending to be strong

Belmord, who had just woken up, felt that he hadn't been in a coma for a long time. His memory stayed in the carriage, and he still felt a little baffled while holding the ladder with his little hand.

But when she heard Mori Kogoro's order in her ear, she subconsciously obeyed and began to climb up.

No, Kogoro said to let Reina take care of me, what's the situation with the two of them?

Lianai also looked at the two with a surprised face, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang?"

Mori Kogoro patted Reina's buttocks with his big hand, and said, "Don't worry, we are all our own people, you go up first, I will reconcile with you when you are out of trouble, and I will explain when the time comes."

"Also, the two of you have to make a good confession, and fool the boss and Rum."

Hearing the words 'all of us', the corners of Rena Mizumu's mouth twitched.

It's long overdue to know about this pervert, but now is not a good time to ask!

The two women, who were dressed like search officers, climbed up the ladder, and soon entered the helicopter cockpit.

The pilot in the cockpit is a woman, this is Chikage Kuroha disguised makeup!

She had been on standby early on to pick her up, and she was not from the same batch as the Metropolitan Police Department's helicopters.Seeing that they were two beautiful women, Qianying narrowed her eyes slightly, and quietly examined the two women.However, she didn't deal with the two of them or get close.

Mori Kogoro said before that the two women have special identities and cannot be easily exposed.

Qianying also agreed to come to meet her, so she didn't say much.

As soon as the helicopter circled, it flew directly towards the mountains and forests, staggering with the team of the Metropolitan Police Department.The two women sitting at the back of the cockpit were a little embarrassed, and they both guessed the relationship between the other and Kogoro in their hearts.Fortunately, the loud noise of the helicopter also gave them a reason not to speak.

The two women looked sideways at the scenery of the viaduct outside the window.

Only then did Belmode vaguely see how the viaduct underneath was destroyed.

Mori Kogoro, who was on the side of the overturned escort car, put on his glasses and mask again, but he didn't disperse the smoke.

He turned around and came to the back of the overturned car, grabbed the deformed door with his big hands, and with a sudden force, he opened the door.There were eight FBI agents lying in it. They fell into a coma due to overturning and lack of oxygen, but nothing serious happened.

After Mori Kogoro opened the door for them to ventilate, he turned and walked towards the second escort vehicle.

The big Andre thought that there was smoke all around him and no one could see his movements, so he crawled under the car furtively, trying to escape by jumping into the river.

Nonsense, the missile exploded as soon as it exploded. He came to cooperate with Westland to perform a fake death, not to actually send him to death. Besides, the main event was at Shuichi Akai. His side is nothing.

It's a pity that his ambition to jump into the river still failed to come true.

The howling wind rose, and a hand knife was chopped down.

Andrei rolled his eyes and passed out.

Of course Kogoro Mori knew that the big guy overheard Belmore calling his name, so he can't let him do anything wrong at this time, it's better to knock him out, if it leaks, it will bring a lot of trouble to Emily and the others.

After doing all of this well, thinking that there was nothing missing, he finally lifted the witchcraft, and the white smoke gradually dissipated.

Visibility gradually recovered, and Judy saw Kogoro Mori walking towards her, still in a white coat, not even a speck of dust. "Okay, put the gun down, they died, they fled, and those who didn't escape were subdued by me. There is no danger now."

Judy couldn't help pointing to the two stopped escort cars: "What about Belmode and the other person behind?"

"I jumped into the river and escaped, and there is no one left. If I want to find it, I have to salvage it."

Judy naturally trusted Kogoro Mori, and put away the gun first.

But how could the FBI agents beside him be able to get out of their nervousness so quickly, they didn't want to take back the pistol at all, they only felt safe holding it.

They went forward together in twos and threes, determined the situation on the scene, moved out the unconscious colleagues in the escort car one by one, tied up the unconscious Jigen Daisuke on the ground and Ishikawa Goemon who fell from the sky, and carried them to the helicopter. Before the arrival of the plane, the aftermath was dealt with as much as possible.

Mori Kogoro came to Judy's side and said softly, "This is not going to work. The police will come later, and your subordinates will easily clash with them with guns."

"Besides, there is no way to escape on this broken bridge. I'd better put away the pistol first, and let me deal with it later. I guarantee that no accident will happen to everyone." Hearing this, Judy breathed a sigh of relief, like a big stone pine in her heart. Open like.

His pretendingly strong face could no longer hold back, and his eyes were full of confusion and panic.

"Kogoro, do you know? Too many people died today, Cam died, James died, Andre died, Akai died too, I am the only one left, I will never let the rest Something happened too."

Kogoro Mori gently held Judy's trembling little hand with his big hand, and said softly, "I'm still here, Judy, don't be sad."

"The deaths of James and Akai Shuichi are not that simple, and Andre's big man is not dead yet, he just passed out."

Hearing this, Judy's eyes came back to life, and she couldn't help but move towards Andre's direction.

She found that the big man was in good condition and was still snoring, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly followed Mori Kogoro's order: "Everyone put away your pistols first, and I will negotiate with the Japanese police later." , to avoid conflict with the police."

Hearing this order, after investigating and finding out that there is no danger on the broken bridge, all the detectives put away their guns one after another.

Mori Kogoro nodded, ignored the group of agents, turned around and crossed the green belt in the middle of the viaduct, and came to the big hole that exploded on the opposite side.

As soon as I got close, I felt that the heat could cook people, but Kogoro Mori, who was full of stamina, didn't care at all, and stepped on the gravel to the bottom pier.

The Porsche had burned down to the frame, but Mori Kogoro didn't believe that Gin died so easily.

As soon as the scorched car door was opened, Kogoro Mori saw a corpse lying on the ammunition box, holding a sniper rifle in his left hand.

The body was so charred that it was impossible to recognize its face.

But on the right arm, with a single stroke of the scalpel, a discarded Gatling can be seen embedded in the arm.

Chapter 0235 The Same Routine

Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly, and the scalpel in his hand slammed into the connection between Gatling and his right arm, and he unloaded the entire heavy machine gun smoothly, carefully observing the connection.

Immediately afterwards, there was a little smile on the corner of his mouth, and then he turned the corpse over and cut his abdomen with a knife.

The skill is almost as good as that of a surgeon, and it is completely autopsy work.

As a detective, Mori Kogoro naturally knows the technique of autopsy.

However, the cases encountered on weekdays are too simple, and there is no need to extract information from the corpses. Naturally, hands-on autopsies are rare.

As expected, the corpse was not the corpse of Gin, as Mori Kogoro expected.

In fact, the strength of the muscles felt just by stabbing it is enough to confirm. This is just the corpse of an ordinary person. It has been dead for about a day, and the Gatling on the arm has just been inlaid on it.

Gin and Akai Shuichi actually played the same routine, and both feigned death to escape.

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