But it is also understandable, Gin's situation is much more difficult than that of Akai Shuichi.

There is almost no room for black and white pursuits, and the wanted by the Metropolitan Police Department in Japan.

He appeared suddenly, sabotaged the organization's actions, and sniped the members of the organization. In fact, he wanted to play a show in front of the boss and Rum, so that they could witness his death with their own eyes, so that they could escape from the outside and continue to peep.

These two guys are obviously rivals, but they have the same idea, and they are all playing the game of golden cicadas getting out of their shells!

I just don't know if I will meet them in the river below, let's have a hand-to-hand fight!

After confirming that Gin was still alive, Mori Kogoro jumped up and returned to the Broken Bridge.

Yazi and the people from the Metropolitan Police Department quickly descended from the helicopter and controlled the whole situation.

Seeing that Kogoro Mori in a white coat was safe and sound, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief: as long as there is nothing wrong!

However, she didn't come forward to recognize her. Maybe the Karasuma organization's eyeliner is nearby. Once someone shows that they have a special relationship with the "doctor" who killed James, they are likely to be implicated and retaliated by Kim Rum. How could Kogoro Mori make a low-level mistake.

Immediately afterwards, the vehicles of the fire department also appeared, using ladders to connect the broken bridge that was blown up.

Passers-by who had witnessed a small battle rushed to climb along the high bridge, and then were stopped by the police on the other side for investigation.

Seeing Kogoro Mori jumping up, Judy quickly leaned over and asked in a soft voice: "Goro, did you find anything unusual? And you said that James and Shuichi Akai's death had hidden secrets, what's going on?"

Seeing Judy's still flustered expression, Mori Kogoro couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly said softly: "Akai Shuichi is not dead yet, he just jumped into the river and ran away."

"Actually, Westland woke up early in the hospital, and was instigated by Shuichi Akai, so the scenes you just saw of Westland running away in the car, shooting Andre, and Shuichi Akai were all fake. Made with fake bullets and hospital blood packs."

"This is also the reason why Akai Shuichi must be escorted by Andre. The two of them know this plan. They just want to use themselves to be shot and killed by Westland, so that they can regain the status of High Westland. Trust, and then act as an insider for them and provide intelligence.”

Judy couldn't help frowning: "How is it possible, Westline is a member of the organization, how can it be so easy to instigate rebellion?"

"It's not that easy to be a real member of the organization, but Westland's true identity is an agent of the German Federal Bureau of Investigation and an undercover agent in the organization. Naturally, he can agree with Shuichi Akai's plan."

"It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes after all. She was shot and killed by Gin just after the play. It was completely useless."

"The guy Gin's plan is similar to Hideichi Akai's. I just checked his car, and there is a corpse disguised as Gin inside, but it's not his."

"Just now he escaped from the Porsche before the missile exploded. Because the car was parked by the river, no one saw him jumping out of the window. Neither of them died. As for James, his affairs are very complicated. I will I'll talk to you later."

Judy respects James very much. If James' true identity is revealed, Judy may not be able to accept the blow at this time, so let's wait until I get back!

Judy glanced at the dead body of Westline: "It's too messy not to communicate with me about such an important plan."

However, her complexion has improved a lot. I thought that many comrades died today, but I didn't expect that only Cam and James really died. Of course, Judy's mood will improve.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Okay, I can't go back with you. Your people will go with Officer Yazi. I have made arrangements. She will let you go when she arrives at the right place. I will come back later." Look for you."

Judy nodded obediently.

And Kogoro Mori turned around and walked towards the parked Falcon fighter jet. The hood of the fighter jet was opened, and Kogoro Mori sat in easily.Not long after, the Falcon fighter spewed out blue flames again, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Naturally, there is a purpose for leaving like this, in order to confuse the organization's eyes and ears, make it misunderstand that he is a member of the military, and raise a banner to mislead

This scene was caught by a person from the Metropolitan Police Department, and then he found a place where no one was there to upload information.

And on the white clouds more than [-] meters away, the Falcon fighter jets galloped continuously, and the crackling sound came out crazily!

"I made you mess around again. When did I tell you to launch missiles? It was originally agreed that I would do it. You are blocking the road above, and now it is like this!"

Megumin, whose muscles were on Kogoro Mori's legs, was beaten wildly, and couldn't help begging for mercy.

"Didn't I do this on purpose? Who told me that a strange person suddenly fell from the sky, and I was shocked, so I pressed the wrong button." Mori Kogoro was angry that he didn't complete his work today. He originally planned to solve the Birds of Prey team. Afterwards, go on a fighter jet to pursue Fushahui.

Now this posture is not good to continue.

He didn't care much about Gin's escape. This guy might come to Tokyo Tower to throw himself into the trap in a few days.

Huixiang also pretended to sob a few times, and said with teary eyes: "Xiao Wulang, don't be angry, or I will make it up to you!"

"How to compensate?"

A sly look appeared in Xiao Nizi's eyes, and her little hands began to rustle.

And Xiao Ai, who was driving a fighter jet in front, couldn't help complaining: "That's enough, Huixiang, I'm flying a fighter jet now, be honest with me."

Hui Xiang snorted lightly: "Honey, we don't care about her."

Chapter 0236 you fly on the line!

Mori Kogoro gasped, raised his head, and saw the blue sky and white clouds as far as he could see.

But the little love in front saw it, but the boss was not happy in his heart.

So the Falcon fighter turned [-] degrees directly under its control.


With his extraordinary reaction speed, Mori Kogoro hooked the seat in an instant and did not fly out.

Huixiang, who was not wearing a seat belt, rolled over. Fortunately, Kogoro Mori hugged her waist tightly, and she was not injured, but she couldn't speak.

Her posture was embarrassing, she looked upside down, her white jade legs hung upside down on Kogoro Mori, and pressed against his cheeks, she could feel the smoothness of her skin.

"Little Love!"

Xiao Ai has an innocent expression: "I'm hiding a white crane!"

Mori Kogoro immediately laughed angrily, there is no white crane at this height, he thought he was making a movie!

He silently ordered to the Red Queen in his heart to let her take over the flight system of the Falcon fighter.

The AI ​​did just that!

Immediately afterwards, he slowly put down the Huixiang on his body, got up and walked to the direction of Shengai.

"You two are very bold, today I have to let you know why flowers are so popular."

Laishengai panicked in an instant, and shrank forward: "Xiao Wulang, what are you doing, I'm still flying the plane!"

Kogoro Moori laughed badly: "I'll just fly the plane, and you can sit on it!"

After saying this, he untied the seat belt on the body of Shengai, and hugged the petite girl. "No, why are you doing this!"

In the clear blue sky, the fuselage of this Falcon fighter was unstable for a while, and then sailed in a fixed direction.

In Kubado Central Hospital, the turmoil gradually subsided, and the bombs were defused.

Conan and Hattori Heiji were locked in the ward, and there were police officers guarding the two at the door.

The two little devils were looking at the bullets they had managed to collect on the rooftop.

Heiji was the first to speak: "The dead Dean Takahashi was killed instantly by someone cutting his throat with a knife. The people sent by the organization are very proficient in cold weapons."

Conan continued: "After he killed the dean, he chased Uncle James all the way to the rooftop. There was still a trace of a sniper bullet on the edge of the rooftop, and there were snipers standing by. It seems that James Uncle died so easily under the joint attack of both sides."

Heiji interjected: "Afterwards, that person borrowed the tied body from the roof to descend and escaped easily, and he is no longer in this hospital now."

Conan went on to say: "The only trace left is the battle trace left by Uncle James when he confronted the killer. The people sent by the Karasuma organization can not only avoid bullets, but also split bullets with bare hands. You see, every A bullet is cut in half along the central axis, extremely uniform, and the sword skills are very superb."

Heiji nodded: "There seems to be only one person in the world who can do such a sword skill, Shinichi, we guess it should be the same person!" Conan's lewd smile of knowing the truth was lifted on his face.

"Well, that's right, only that person can do it."

"Ishikawa Goemon!" X2

The two called out the name at the same time, looked at each other, and smiled evilly with a tacit understanding.

And Ishikawa Goemon, who was tied up in the police car by five flowers, couldn't help shaking. He didn't know that he had a big black pot on his head for no reason.

Heiji stretched out his hand to straighten the brim of his hat: "But this will be troublesome. I didn't expect the Lupine Group to be so deeply involved with the Karasuma Organization. They are all extraordinary criminal gangs. Police officer Sengata has been chasing them for decades and has not caught them. How do we catch them?"

Conan laughed again: "Simple, find Uncle Mouri, he has a deep friendship with Ms. Mine Fujiko, so it's no problem to let uncle take care of it."

After saying this, Conan called Kogoro Mori, and the call was quickly connected.

"What's the matter, Conan, have you found out who is the undercover agent of the TV station?"

The voice sounded a little panting, and the corner of the little ghost's mouth twitched, and he already guessed what he was doing.

He quickly said: "Uncle, it's not good, a major incident happened at the Cupido Central Hospital, and people organized to attack the hospital, and even sent a message to the FBI.

There was a serious fight, and many people were killed or injured. "

"But do you know Ishikawa Goemon? That guy also joined the Karasuma organization. Uncle, are you still in contact with Ms. Fujiko?"

"Conan, Uncle still has important things to do here, and I'll contact you when I'm done."

The phone was hung up in an instant, and there were bursts of blind voices, leaving Conan the petrified little ghost.

Heiji couldn't help shaking his head: "It seems that Uncle Mao Li doesn't know what happened here, so our investigation this time can be regarded as a preemptive opportunity."

Conan gave Heiji a blank look: Maybe the other end of the phone is your childhood sweetheart!

At this moment, the round-bellied police officer Mumu led the team in: "I knew that someone reported a black youth and a child wearing glasses, and I guessed it was the two of you. How dare you go to such a dangerous case?" Ricou?"

Heiji couldn't help asking: "Officer Mugure, why are you here?"

"This incident is too big. Terrorists attacked the hospital, attacked the viaduct, and blew up the viaduct. Military fighter jets and all the police helicopters were used. And this time it may cause a diplomatic incident. The nature is too large. It's bad, we were also transferred from the Mihua Police Department to help."

Hearing that the viaduct was blown up and the fighter jets were dispatched, the two children looked shocked and asked about the situation quickly.

After hearing what police officer Mu Mu said, the incident did not cause the death of innocent people, and the two primary school students were relieved.

If outsiders died because of their own plan with Akai Shuichi, they would definitely be responsible and feel guilty.

Immediately afterwards, Conan spoke: "Officer Megure, we know who killed Dean Takahashi and Uncle James, please quickly issue a warrant, it is Ishikawa Goemon!"

Hearing this, Police Officer Mu Mu laughed and shook his head: "Well, he was arrested, the military expert did it, I heard he was a 'doctor' in a white coat!"

"Our country is still hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are many high-level people. That guy is really stupid. He wants to cut down the plane with an iron sword. Don't you think it's whimsical?"

The two boys immediately put on a petrified expression: It's completely useless to work with us for so long. That killer Ishikawa Goemon went there after killing people here, and was caught by mistake.

At this moment, the two of them really have no sense of accomplishment in their hearts.

Chapter 0237 Fighting is love, scolding is love

In the outskirts of Tokyo, at the airport of the military base that was agreed, Yazi was waiting anxiously, checking her watch from time to time.

Kogoro Moori's phone has been unable to get through, which made Yazi upset, worried that something might happen to him!

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