Finally, traces of Falcon fighter planes appeared in the distance.

Yazi breathed a sigh of relief as the fighter plane flew down and landed on the runway.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro helped the two girls down from the top.

Seeing Xiao Ai and Hui Xiang's legs limp and their bodies still swaying, the corners of Yazi's mouth twitched.

Well, you co-authored me to worry to death here, and you went to the sky to be happy and happy.

As soon as Kogoro Mori, who had lifted his disguise and recovered his true face, came up to him, Yazi rolled his eyes angrily, and couldn't help but glared at Xiaoai and Huixiang.

The two girls smiled awkwardly, blushed abnormally and held hands to avoid it, letting the two of them talk.

After all, it was important business, and Yazi quickly reported: "This incident caused five people to die, sixteen people were injured, nine people were killed by the Karasuma organization, a total of twenty-two people were captured, and two more people were injured. One is from the Lupine Group."

"But the incident is too big. Now that the major TV stations have dispatched interview helicopters, I'm afraid it can't be suppressed. What should we do next?"

Mori Kogoro then said: "If you can't suppress it, you won't suppress it. Just hold a press conference and explain this incident. I will control the direction of public opinion."

"Those captured cannon fodder can also come in handy. Let them be used as scapegoats. With them, the Metropolitan Police Department will not be burdened with too many criticisms from the public."

"But you don't need to come forward in this incident, just let the police below show the limelight."

Yazi laughed softly: "Why, are you worried about my safety?"

Mori Kogoro wrapped his arms around Meizi's slender waist, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Of course I am worried about you. The Karasuma organization is not an ordinary terrorist organization. Intelligence organizations from various countries have infiltrated it, but they have not been able to find out its true details."

"As far as I know, the human body weapon transformation plan and gene repair technology they have mastered are all world-leading biotechnology. It's not that simple."

"You ask the police officer who doesn't deal with you very much to come forward and explain, and I will transfer people from the military to go to the press conference together to help you share the pressure."

Hearing such an arrangement, Meizi had a smile in her eyes, and she couldn't help stroking Kogoro Moori's cheek with her little hand.

"Tsk tsk, it's really unexpected. The famous Maori detective not only has so many people in the police force, but also has your people in the military. You can come in and out of this military base at will, Kogoro, what skills do you have? Let's talk it out together, don't hide it from me?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "I want to say that I actually have a business empire and secretly dominate a small country, believe it or not?"

Yazi narrowed her beautiful eyes, and smiled coquettishly: "I believe, I believe everything you say, but even if you are the king, you can't make me wait that long!" Saying this, Yazi raised her long legs and wanted to He stepped heavily on Kogoro Mori's feet.

But Kogoro, who reacted quickly, turned his leg sideways in an instant, and clamped Yazi's long leg.

And his big hand greeted his hips mercilessly, and the whole set of movements was as smooth as rehearsed.

"Really, I've been busy in the sky for so long, and my reflexes are still so good, so stop hitting."

Yazi, who failed in the sneak attack, resolutely confessed, and pushed Kogoro Moori's chest to get away.

How could Kogoro Moori let him go so easily, he put his big hand on his waist and kissed her, covering Meizi's pink lips.After a passionate kiss, this girl lost her temper.

Seeing that Kogoro's actions were getting more and more violent, with his big hands getting into the skirt of his clothes, Yazi pushed him away in a panic.

"Okay, don't be silly, I have to hold a press conference, don't delay the business."

Mori Kogoro could only let go of his hand reluctantly.

Yazi tidied up her skirts, and rolled her eyes at the two girls beside her who were giggling.

"I have let go of those FBIs. Judy has been looking for you. Go and meet her when you have time."

"As for Xiaoai and Huixiang, I took them away, so don't try to bully them again."

After saying this, Yazi pulled the two girls along and walked out.

The two girls, who had been tamed so submissively, reluctantly waved goodbye to Mori Kogoro.

Watching the three girls go away under the escort of the military convoy, Mori Kogoro turned back to the airport.

The invisible Quin-jet fighter jets then removed their camouflage, revealing their true colors.

He directly boarded the Quin-style fighter and flew towards downtown Tokyo.

And on the third basement floor of the Mihua Tenwang Building, this is the safe house prepared by Kogoro Mori for Rena Mizumura.

The whole basement is made of bulletproof and shockproof materials, and it is directly connected to the Japanese underground pipeline; there is also an elevator inside to go straight to the top floor, and the planes parked above can be evacuated at any time. When the back door is opened, the Tokyo subway network extends in all directions.

Shui Wurenai brought Belmode, and treated her like a hostess, beckoning her to sit down, and went to the side to make coffee for her.

Seeing Shuimurenai's posture, Belmore narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately folded his legs, straightened his back, and raised his airs. "Keir, what's going on with you and Detective Mori? You don't mean to betray the organization, do you?"

Hearing this, Shui Wurena froze, and then chuckled lightly: "What are you talking about, the organization doesn't care if people fall in love, they just have a boyfriend, what does it have to do with betraying the organization?"

Hearing the word 'boyfriend', the corners of Belmore's mouth twitched: This girl must be demonstrating on purpose!

"Coincidentally, Kogoro is also my boyfriend. Let me think about it. The first time I met him seemed to be half a year ago at the reception of the Suzuki Foundation cruise ship. At that time, Kogoro was very warm to me."

"Keir, when did you know him? Could it be the third party, a third party intervening and trying to rob me?"

Shui Wuliannai squeezed the cup tightly in her hand, took a few mouthfuls of force to calm down, then turned around and spoke with a smile.

"Belmode, what's your name!"

"Who doesn't know that you made a big fight to deal with Kogoro back then. I was the one who interviewed you for the fire. You two fought to the death. Where did you get together? Who knows who is the latecomer!"

Belmode covered his mouth and laughed coquettishly: "Hehehe, beating is affection, scolding is love, not beating or scolding is not love, the special relationship between Xiaowulang and me is not something outsiders can understand, without looking at me Haven't you dealt with him since then? We've been secretly together for a long time."

Chapter 0238 two jealous girls

"Ha ha!"

Rena Mizumura sneered twice, put down the coffee she had made, and drank it without calling Belmore.

She sat on the sidelines on her own, turned her head sideways with her arms folded, and stopped talking to Belmode.

When Mori Kogoro arrived, the two girls, who were dressed like investigators, were still at war with each other, fighting coldly.

But when they saw Kogoro appearing at the door, the two girls smiled sweetly and called Kogoro Mori's name affectionately.

The intimacy made Mori Kogoro tremble in fright, it was so weird!

Calling Kogoro's name, the two women came up to greet him, vying to grab Mouri Kogoro's arm first.

The green eyes and the cat's eyes intertwined, full of swords and swords!

Sensing the warm and soft touch of his arms, his body was involuntarily dragged to sit on the sofa.

Rena Mizumu took the lead in attacking: "Xiao Goro, don't you think it's funny, Belmode saw you like a mouse seeing a cat before, but just now she said that she had been with you a long time ago, she was lying with her eyes open! "

Hearing this, Belmore frowned, then chuckled lightly, gently stroking Mori Kogoro's arm with his little hand.

"Xiao Wulang, isn't it? You always say that we have a good heart, and my disguise can deceive everyone, but I can't hide it from you, and you always expose it."

"Hate it, tell me quickly, how did you see through me?"

As he spoke, Belmore patted Moori Kogoro's chest with his little hands, acting like a spoiled brazenly.

Shui Wuliannai's eyes narrowed slightly, and the cold light flashed slightly, then he frowned and said, "Xiao Wulang, the battle just now was really scary, my back seems to be scratched by a stray bullet, and it still hurts now Well, why don't you go into the room and check it for me?"


"Stop talking nonsense. As soon as Gin appeared, you hid behind the car. I saw it. No bullet hit you, Keel. If I hadn't asked you to come to Tokyo to deal with Kogoro before, you thought you would know he?"

"I thought something was wrong with you in the hospital, you little bastard, how dare you hook up with my man!"

Saying this, Belmord stretched out his hand and pulled Kogoro over.

Not to be outdone, Rena Mizumu teared back and said: "What is your man? This is my man, Kogoro. This guy is nicknamed 'Witch with Thousand Faces'. She wants to be with you most likely." Use you, don't let her be fooled."

"As far as I know, the relationship between her and the boss is extraordinary, and it is impossible for her to betray the organization."

"I think she just wants to seduce you to get information, so don't fall for it."

Hearing this slander, Belmore blushed so angry that he couldn't help but fight back.

Kogoro Mori found this scene very interesting and full of sense of accomplishment.

The two female killers in the organization who are decisive in killing are fighting and jealous in front of him, this picture shouldn't be too good!

But seeing the two girls getting more and more angry, Kogoro Mori stopped them in good time.

As soon as his hands exerted force, he pushed the two women down on his lap, Belmore was pressing down on Mizurunai, and Mizurunai was lying on his lap, and the two big hands greeted him immediately.

The Maori family law once again showed its power, and the crisp slapping sound continued.

"Give me a break, how many people have died today, and they still want to make trouble."

"And Liannai, don't doubt Belmore anymore, she has already turned to the light, she is one of her own."

Lianai raised her head with difficulty: "But her and the boss?"

"The relationship between her and the boss is very special. It can't be explained clearly in one or two sentences, but it's not the kind of relationship you think. Belmode has helped me a lot before."

And Belmore, who got Kogoro Mori as a guarantor, had a smug smile on his face, and pressed his big breasts on Rena Mizumura, and turned to fan the flames: "Kogoro, I suspect that Keir is the one sent by the organization to play a seductive scheme For the one who is here, hit her harder."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro beat up Belmode more vigorously.

"It seems that the lesson I gave you in the morning is not enough, you are still not good!"

The pain struck, and Belmore cried out in pain a few times before it subsided.

Mori Kogoro didn't let go of the two girls, and continued to suppress them: "Let me tell you again, the Chianti in the organization is also on my side, the three of you don't accidentally hurt each other."

"What, Kogoro, you have such a strong taste, you can handle Chianti?"

Hearing Belmore's words, Mori Kogoro's mouth twitched, and his right hand couldn't help twisting heavily, the pain caused Belmore to struggle desperately, almost hitting Rena Mizumu below.

"Don't think too much, Chianti was captured by me before, and I brainwashed her with a set of tools. She just listened to my orders and didn't attack her. My taste is not that strong."

Hearing this, Belmode came to his senses: "It turns out that you secretly helped Judy when I acted on the full moon last time."

And Mizuru Rena who was under him smiled lightly and said: "It's showing some flaws, if you and Kogoro had been together long ago, there's no reason for Kogoro to hide what happened to you before."

"It seems that you have only recently turned from the dark to the bright, you little three, why don't you hurry up and call me sister."

The woman seems to be particularly concerned about the size of the big and small, and she turned back to the original topic while talking.

"You don't have to be afraid of being overwhelmed if I call you sister, little sister, how old are you?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro glanced at Belmode with a half-smile: "It seems that I can't stand it!"

Not to be outdone, Belmode glared back at Mori Kogoro, even if she was controlled by others, she would never give in to this matter.

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business, have you two gotten in touch with the organization?"

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