Shui Wurena said: "Say it, just now when we reported the news of our safe evacuation, Marsala asked us to rest and recuperate, and there were no orders, Kogoro, how is the final situation?"

"Marsala escaped, Gin escaped, five of the Birds of Prey escaped, and the remaining eight were accounted for on the viaduct."

Belmode couldn't help but said annoyedly: "It's a pity that Marsala escaped."

"That stupid woman didn't know how to gain the trust of the boss, but this time she was asked to take over Rum's actions."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said: "This is a helpless move. Rum lost his mind when I killed James, and he is really not suitable to be a commander."

"What's going on?" Both women were surprised.

Mori Kogoro told James' true identity and everything about Silver Rum, Gold Rum, and Black Rum one by one.

Both women were stunned after hearing this.

Chapter 0239 Reversing Black and White

Belmode's green eyes were full of surprise, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "So that's what happened, there are three of them. No wonder I haven't been able to find who Rum is pretending to be from the FBI. I didn't expect it to be James."

"Have they all gone undercover and become Akai Shuichi's boss? It's unbelievable!"

Rena Mizumu couldn't help but frowned: "That's not right, if he is Shuichi Akai's boss, then Shuichi Akai should have died long ago?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, rubbing his hands lightly, full of elasticity.

"This is because Hideichi Akai has always liked to be alone, so James didn't seize the opportunity."

"A real nail will be stronger and more effective only if it is driven deep enough."

"Perhaps Akai Shuichi is just an insignificant role for Rum, and his goal should be to become a high-level FBI."

"James has already reached the level of team leader, and he is also in charge of operations in the Japanese region, with great authority."

"Just need to cooperate a little more and give him credit for some organizational bases, then he will be promoted to supervisor in all likelihood, and then he will have more voice in the FBI, and then he will meet the requirements of the organization. Bar."

"Perhaps because of this reason, in order not to reveal his identity, he ignored Akai Hideichi."

Hearing this, Belmode nodded: "It's no wonder, I have always been in charge of the forces in the US area before, and I thought it was deserted when I was transferred back. I didn't expect Rum to arrange it long ago. hand."

Shui Wuliannai, with a slightly red face, was a little out of breath, but couldn't help attacking and said: "Belmode, you really went back more and more. You used to be a big official in frontiers, but now you're back in Japan to be sent by someone. , It's really useless!"

Hearing this, Belmord's face was full of resentment, he turned sideways, and the chest tightness technique was cast immediately, severely suppressing Lianai underneath.

"What do you know, Japan is the root of the organization, the boss is here, and the big and small matters here are the most important. As for other places, as long as there is money and people, you can easily pull up a team and build a base."

"Don't look at Marsala, who was in charge of the European region before, majestic and exquisite, but as long as the boss-speaks, everything she has worked hard for will be wiped out."

Reina finally struggled to get away, panting heavily while holding Kogoro Mori's thigh.

"After talking for so long, you still haven't told me who the boss of the organization is. I've been undercover for four years, and I haven't even seen the boss. The only time I saw it was through a video."

Hearing this, Belmord had a wry smile on his face: "I haven't seen him for six years, and they are all in contact with mobile phones and videos. If the thing he planned is completed, then I'm afraid I'll be sorry for him." It’s not an accurate impression.”

"Keir, don't ask. If one day he really appears in front of you, you will definitely recognize him. The guy who exudes suffocation and fear is the BOSS!"

Hearing these words, Shui Wulian became more and more confused, but Kogoro could understand the meaning of Belmore's words.

Seeing that Belmore didn't want to say any more, Rena Mizumu didn't ask any more questions.

However, Shui Wurena, who was feeling a bit tight in the chest, couldn't bear it any longer, and asked, "Xiao Goro, how long are you going to let her suppress me?"

Only then did Kogoro Mori loosen his grip on the two girls and let them go.

Belmore got up rubbing his buttocks, and then asked, "Where is the bathroom? The whole body smells strange, it stinks to death."

Saying this, his green eyes still gave Kogoro Mori a vague look, as if he was blaming him.

But it was true, from the beginning when he changed into a hospital nurse, to the time when he disguised himself to return to his original appearance to participate in the operation, Belmode had never taken a shower, and the smell of gunpowder smoke permeated his black leather coat.

Rena Mizumura pointed to the corridor on the left; "Just go straight inside."

The woman walked towards the bathroom on catwalks.

As soon as she disappeared from sight, Rena Mizumura immediately grabbed Kogoro Mori's big hand, pulled it away, and couldn't help asking: "Kogoro, can she really be trusted? She should have a second chance when she joins the organization." It's been ten years, and I don't believe she would betray so easily."

After all, this is not a play, it is impossible for Liannai to trust Belmode immediately.

Her father's life was at the mercy of the undercover agent, so naturally she couldn't treat Belmode as a companion so lightly and hand over her back to her.Mori Kogoro stroked the stupid hair on Reina's head with his big hand: "Just rest assured, there will be absolutely no problem, she has already been trained by me."


Upon hearing this term, Lianai couldn't help raising her brows, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

"You bastard, don't mess around with everyone!" The little fist couldn't help but hammer down.

Mori Kogoro pinched his wrist and pecked his pink lips lightly.

He knew that if he didn't tell Belmode about the relationship with the boss, Mizuna Rena would not be able to fully trust Belmode.

So Mori Kogoro leaned close to Reina's ear and whispered to her.

And Rena Mizumu's blue eyes couldn't help but widen, trembling constantly, and in the end she looked unbelievable, as if her world view had been violently impacted.

Kogoro Mori looked at Reina with a sluggish face, he put his arms around her slender waist, and pulled her back to the sofa.

At this time, he didn't say anything more to her, he just digested it slowly by himself.

The TV was turned on immediately, and there was a joint press conference of the military and police broadcast live by Nikmai TV!

Sitting on it were high-level police officers and military officers, and the one who was speaking was an officer with a Chinese face named Tumen Kangping.

He is Tumen Kanghui's younger brother, a powerful faction in the military, and a subordinate controlled by Mori Kogoro.

Kohei Domon was on stage condemning the organization that had committed several terrorist attacks in a row today, explaining that this incident was a glorious record of having received word of it long ago, and the military and police cooperated to lay a net and capture the terrorist attack's most important criminals.

The status of cannon fodder that those few rums gave up all of a sudden became the planners, organizers and actors of this incident.

Liannai was a little confused when she saw the high-level military officers talking nonsense and turning black and white on TV: I participated in it myself, is that so?

Chapter 0240 Who is the sister?

Soon, Belmore came out after taking a shower.

She knew that Mori Kogoro liked the way she wore leather clothes, and she had already shown it clearly in the escort vehicle, so she didn't change into other clothes.

This kind of leather jacket does not get wet, and it will be clean after a few washes.

Watching the live press conference on TV, Belmode sat next to Mori Kogoro and wiped his silver wet hair, and said with a light smile, "Xiaogoro, did you arrange this? It's okay! Is there anything else we need to do? of?"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "No need, just take a good rest."

"Both Rum and Marsala have suffered heavy losses. There should be quite a long period of peace. The only thing to pay attention to is gin. That guy is now a lone wolf, and he may attack someone."

Rena Mizumu couldn't help but took a picture of Kogoro: "It's all your fault, what kind of game are you playing when you have nothing to do? Such a bad taste!"

"Don't worry, the game will be over soon, there will be no mistakes!"

Hearing these words, Belmore became a little confused: Could it be that Kogoro designed the gin matter?


Could it be that the guy with supernatural abilities is also on Kogoro's side?

Belmode is still deeply impressed by the wind spell in the abandoned warehouse last time, it is a mighty power that can turn the world upside down with just one hand!But before she could ask, a text message came from Rena Mizumu's cell phone.

She immediately took out her mobile phone, and when she saw the content inside, her face instantly became ugly.

[Don't forget three o'clock in the afternoon, Rocky R——Rum! 】

It was Jin Rum's text message, and he didn't cancel the task at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Reina's mood immediately turned bad, and she turned her head and asked, "Xiao Goro, have you found my brother's trace?" This time Mouri Kogoro let her down, and shook his head slightly.

He has mobilized all the strength of his subordinates to search, but there is no trace of Eisuke Hondo.

The main reason is that he has been focusing on protecting the girls here, without being distracted flawlessly.

"It seems that Yingyou was really caught by Langmu. I promised my father to protect him."

and many more?Caught by Rum?

Belmore frowned slightly, and couldn't help but ask, "Who are you talking about Yingyou?"

Reina glanced at her, and after hearing what Kogoro Mori said, she could already trust Belmore, so she didn't hide it anymore: "That's my younger brother, he came to find me from Osaka."

"You actually have a younger brother, didn't you say you were an orphan?"

Mori Kogoro began to explain: "Reina is an agent of the CIA. She sneaked into the organization as an undercover agent. Her identity was forged. Her real name is Hondo Eisuke, and Hondo Eisuke is her younger brother, but she has been separated from her for many years."

"Yingyou has been looking for the trace of her sister, but she can't find it. She only came to the TV station a few days ago to make a fuss, because Lianna's appearance made him suspicious."

Only then did Belmode show a sudden look: "So, Lord Ethan?"

"He is my father, who died for my safety because of my mistake."

Belmord understood in an instant: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mention your sadness."

Immediately afterwards, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "But, this Hondo Yingyou you mentioned, I do know where he is!"

Hearing this, Shui Wurenai immediately turned around excitedly, and asked eagerly: "Tell me quickly, tell me quickly!"

Belmore put on airs instead, with a pair of beautiful legs stacked together, and a playful smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

After finally getting this opportunity, it is impossible not to make good use of Kiel.

"Oh, when I climbed the ladder just now, it seemed that my shoulder was twisted somewhere, it was so sore!"

Lianai got up immediately, came behind her to help her shoulders, and Belmode showed a satisfied expression: "Not bad, not bad, that's the strength!"

"Oh, it seems that these shoes are a bit uncomfortable, and this leg is also a little bit hard!"

Lianai immediately turned around and took a pair of home shoes, helped her put them on, and lightly tapped her thigh beside her: "Well, where is my brother?"

Belmode didn't answer, but instead asked: "Then who is the older sister and who is the younger sister?"

Lianai's expression froze for a moment, and she could only reply unwillingly: "You are my sister, you are my sister."

Hearing this, Belmode laughed with satisfaction. "Ouch, I seem to be a little thirsty..."

It's almost enough, but we can't let her bully Reina anymore.

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