Seeing that the siblings in the back seat had also calmed down, Mori Kogoro immediately said, "Okay, Ying Hai, cherish the time spent with Ying You, and we will say goodbye when we get to the airport."

"What do you mean? I don't, I finally found my sister, and I want to be with her." Eisuke Hondo became emotional all of a sudden, and kept roaring.

Lianai immediately yelled softly: "Yingyou, how could you yell at Kogoro like this, apologize to him!"

"Oh, kid, it's okay."

"I'm not a child, sister, who is this man?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I am your brother-in-law!"

Hondo Eisuke's gaze fell on the hands held by the two people in front, and he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Impossible, I know you, you are Kogoro Mori, you are a great detective, how could you be my brother-in-law?"

Hearing others call Kogoro an old man, Belmode couldn't help but chuckled.

Moli Kogoro's forehead was throbbing with blue veins. This kid, he knew that he would have used the knife just now to make him sleep until dawn.

However, Liannai couldn't stand her younger brother talking about Kogoro like this, and her face became serious: "Yingyou, how could you talk to Kogoro like this, apologize immediately!"

Reina's face was serious, and she was still very intimidating, so Hondo Eisuke quickly followed suit.

However, Kogoro Moori didn't care too much about the child, and continued to speak: "The little guy still doesn't understand the situation!"

"Your father is a CIA undercover agent. Your sister joined CIA and became a CIA agent. Now she is lurking in a terrorist organization as an undercover agent."

"Last time you went to the TV station to make a fuss, and Ying Hai was almost exposed."

"You were arrested by people from that terrorist organization. They wanted to force Ying Hai to execute you with his own hands in order to verify his identity."

"I know you still hate me for knocking you out, but the big sister and I were here to save you just now."

"Under my design, the group of terrorists mistakenly thought that Ying Hai executed you, so your current identity cannot be revealed. If you are found to be alive, your sister will die."

"I will take you to the airport later, and a private jet will take you to study abroad. After eradicating the terrorist organization that killed your father, you will be able to come back. Do you have any questions?"

Yingyou was stunned immediately, but asked, "So are you my brother-in-law?"

I lost it, saying so much is completely playing the piano against the cow!

Lianai smiled lightly and said, "Xiao Goro is indeed my sister's boyfriend, you should respect him."

"What about this one?" Yingyou pointed to Belmode.

The corner of Reina's mouth twitched, and she said with some difficulty: "She is also Kogoro's girlfriend, she is my sister!"

Lianai still kept her promise, she admitted that Belmore was older than her, she was her sister, so naturally she wouldn't change her mind.

Belmode couldn't help laughing when he heard this address, feeling very happy.

Hondo Yingyou's expression became dull: My sister is willing to be a child for others, how is this possible?

"Okay, you don't have to worry about adults' affairs, you children, you have to take good care of yourself after you go abroad, and you have to learn English well so that you don't have a way to communicate with others."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "You don't need to speak English. I plan to send him to the Kingdom of Visbania. It's my territory, and the people can speak Japanese."

Eisuke Hondo was silent for a while before sorting out all the information, and bowed deeply to everyone.

"I know, sister, Maori detective, and big sister, I have caused you trouble this time."

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "It's all from my own family, so what's causing trouble, but I can't be impulsive in the future."

"Your sister has a special mission, so I can't contact you in person. If you want to know her situation, you can call me and ask me in the future. But it shouldn't be long before you can return to China to live, so you should take a vacation!"

Hearing this, Hondo Eisuke nodded obediently.

Mori Kogoro didn't say anything more, let's leave some time for the siblings to talk.

On the other side, the little maid, Yonehara Sakurako, was humming a song, and returned to Mori's house with vegetables, looking happy.

After the exorcism was over, she felt much more relaxed, and she was in an incomparably better state.

But just as she opened the door of Maoli's house, a cold knife was pressed against his neck, and all the plastic bags in his hand fell out of fright.

"Be honest, don't bark, don't make any noise, let me in!"

Hearing this voice, Yingzi almost cried.

It's a lie, I just got rid of bad luck, why did I encounter this kind of thing again.

Maori-kun, you big liar!

Chapter 0243 miss you?

Yingzi was pushed into Maori's house, and she still hasn't seen who the perpetrator behind her is.

"Are you the housekeeper here? Tell me, how many people are there in the family now, tell me honestly, maybe I can give you a good time!"

The knife slashed back and forth in front of Yingzi's face, causing Yingzi's face to turn pale with fright, her lips trembling uncontrollably.

"Don't act recklessly. Are you here to seek revenge from Maori-kun? Don't be impulsive. Killing me will definitely be useless. Detective Maori is so smart. If you kill me, he will definitely investigate. If you figure out who did it, then you will go to jail, so why bother with yourself?"

"Think about your family, think about your friends, there's no need to choose such an extreme way, let's sit down and have a good talk!" Under the pressure of her life, Yingzi's potential fully exploded.

She imitated the negotiators in the TV series, trying to persuade the assailant behind her to put down the butcher knife.

"There's nothing to talk about, stop talking nonsense. If I ask anything, you can answer honestly. If you say another irrelevant word, I will slash your face and make you an ugly woman even after you die!"

"No!" Sakura immediately covered her face with her hands.

"Woo, I came here to be a housekeeper the day before yesterday. I don't know what's going on at home. Don't kill me!"

At this moment, the door to the third floor opened, and little loli Huiyuan walked in with short feet.

Yingzi immediately screamed: "Xiao Ai, hurry up and call the police, there are bad people at home!"

After saying this, she slammed the arm holding the knife and bit down on it, buying time for Hui Yuan to escape.

But the little loli at the door didn't move at all, instead she couldn't help but said, "Big cow, what are you doing!"

The woman called the Big Milk Cow kept screaming in pain, trying to break free from Sakurako's bite.

But she was still holding a knife in her hand, afraid that she would really hurt Yingzi, so she didn't dare to use force, so instead, Yingzi bit her and there were blood marks.

Seeing the messy scene, Huiyuan couldn't help but said, "Sister Yingzi, please let go, this is not a bad person."

Yingzi let go of her mouth when she heard this, and immediately broke free from the woman's shackles, and ran to Huiyuan to protect her.

Only then did she see clearly who had kidnapped her just now.

With wine-red curly hair, a rose-red leather jacket, an extremely hot figure, protruding front and back, and a gorgeous face.

Fujiko Mine waved his arm "Ouch, Ouch", frowned and said, "Really, just kidding, how could you really bite, it's bleeding."

"Who is joking with you, I don't know you!" Yingzi immediately replied angrily.

"However, this housekeeper is quite good. It seems that Kogoro has trained you very well!" After saying this, Fujiko took an apple and sat on the sofa to eat it as if he was at his own home. On the coffee table, very comfortable.

"Who did it? I haven't been trained!" Yingzi blushed as if she stepped on her tail.

Hui Yuan then came to the sofa in the living room, and couldn't help asking: "Didn't the last time the power was turned on said you were in the Czech Republic? Why are you here?"

Fujiko Mine laughed lightly, and pinched Huiyuan's cheek with his small hands: "I miss you! By the way, have you researched the medicine for eternal youth?"

Little Lolita's cheeks twitched: Turn the table over, believe it or not, can such a confidential matter be said casually?

"I said that it's not for such a boring use, and this matter can't be said casually!"

On the side, Yingzi listened to the conversation between the two women with a dazed expression, but she couldn't understand, and she felt a little strange for some reason.

Huiyuan pretended to be a little girl, showing an innocent smile: "Sister Yingzi, are you going to the kitchen to prepare dinner?"

Yingzi shook her head, and sat beside Huiyuan, holding her little hand as if ready to run away at any time.

"No, Xiao Ai is still too young, my sister is worried about you being with this woman of unknown origin." Seeing Yingzi's attitude, Huiyuan was helpless.

Mine Fujiko turned to ask: "Where did Kogoro go? Why didn't you see him?"

Little Lolita replied: "He went to the TV station, why, he revealed his purpose so soon, do you want a lover?"

"That's right, I'm here to find Kogoro, and I've brought all my luggage."

Looking at the silver-white suitcase next to her, Sakurako looked at Fujiko with inexplicable hostility.

Ganqing is not here to seek revenge, but to find a lover.

It really is a pervert, there are so many women in the family, and there are women who come to the door.

Finally confirming Fujiko's identity, Sakurako felt relieved.

But with Yingzi by his side, Fujiko Mine and Huihara couldn't talk properly, and the atmosphere between the three women was a bit dull.

On the other side, Mori Kogoro drove Belmode towards her house.

Because it is a private aerospace company, a private jet, and you can take off whenever you want.

Reina and her younger brother, who haven't seen each other for a long time, have a lot to say, so they accompany Eisuke in the VIP room of the airport, while Mori Kogoro and Belmode will come back first

Seeing the familiar door of the apartment, the green eyes of Belmode in the passenger seat narrowed slightly.

She didn't tell Mori Kogoro that she lived here, but the car sent her there.

It seems that his residence has been exposed for a long time.

"You've been watching me from above, didn't you realize that I'm watching you too?"

"You like to look at me through a telescope with a towel on after you take a shower, and I also like to look at you at that time, it's so beautiful!"

Hearing this, Belmord's cheeks turned red, and he couldn't help spitting: "So you know my disguise technique like this!"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, took a lady's round hat and put it on his head, and smoothed his long silver hair.

"It's not for this reason. In fact, no matter how much you change your disguise, you can't hide it from me."

"However, your residence has been exposed. When I was observing before, I found Gin in the surrounding area. Now I brought you back to move."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro put on a pair of sunglasses for Belmode, pecked her cheek lightly, got out of the car and dragged her upstairs.

Belmode pressed his hat and bowed his head to follow behind Kogoro, and soon came to the fourth floor of the apartment.

Even the door couldn't stop Kogoro Mori, Belmode didn't even take out the key, the door was pushed open by Kogoro Mori.Seeing this scene, Belmode was stunned!

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