Chapter 0244

Looking at this guy as if he entered his own home, he didn't touch all the warning traps he designed.

Belmode only thought that he should have sneaked in countless times.

"Also, be careful when looking for Bourbon, try not to come into direct contact with him, gin often appears around Bourbon."

Hearing this order, Belmode's blue eyes were full of strange colors: "Do you even know who Bourbon is?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, took Belmore and pecked lightly: "I'm not a fool, lurking under me, and wanting to play under the lights, you overestimate yourself."

"I know your identity, let alone him, but because of the good relationship between you two, I didn't attack him."

But Belmode frowned: "But it seems that Bourbon was shot today, and I don't know how the injury is!"

"Don't worry, doesn't your organization have some genetic repair fluid? Maybe it will be alive and well in two days."

"You know even the genetic repair fluid, Kogoro, what else do you not understand!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said: "The only thing I don't know is where your boss is really hiding. If you know, then everything can be settled."

His big hand patted Belmode: "Okay, go and pack the things you want to bring first, I will take you to your new residence, which is also near here." Belmode obediently went into his room to tidy up, and Mori Kogoro looked around the apartment.

Arms room, cloakroom, study...

It was the first time for him to come to Belmode's house, so he was so familiar with it thanks to the psychic Thousand Paper Crane.

However, the paper cranes also always have negligent records. Looking at an old photo on the desk, it is a photo of Sharon Wynyard and Yukiko.

Kogoro Mori slowly pulled out the old photo. The scene inside seemed to be the place where the two of them were nominated for an Oscar for the first time sixteen years ago.

In the photo, Yukiko is abnormally young, and Sharon is not so old with make-up, full of mature charm.

Kogoro Mori raised his eyebrows, and secretly hid this precious group photo in his arms.

He continued to peek into Belmode's study room, and found Sharon's movie discs on the bookcase. He made about twenty or thirty films, and most of them became classics.Like a collector, Mori Kogoro found Sharon's first Oscar nomination disc and hid it in his arms.


Hearing Belmode's voice calling him, Mori Kogoro left the study.

When he saw Belmode who had changed his clothes, he felt extremely amazed.

Nonsense, a woman who has won three Oscars can't even wear clothes, that's just ridiculous!

She was wearing a short silver skirt with silver sequins dotted on it, revealing a pair of long snow-white legs, and a pair of white high heels underneath.The long silver hair hangs down naturally, and the skin is as young as a girl in her teens. She looks like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world.

This is a new image that Mori Kogoro has never seen before. Whether it is Belmode, Chris period, or Sharon period, she is always in black in all kinds of old photos and movies.

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Looking at it now, the clothing, skin color, and hair color complement each other, and she can also be dazzlingly white and bright, which gives people a great sense of contrast!

Belmode can completely control this kind of clothing, with an astonishingly strong aura, aloof and arrogant like a queen.

It's just that as soon as Kogoro Mori leaned over, his aura weakened inexplicably, and he became a concubine attached to the king.

Mori Kogoro wrapped his arms around his slender waist, Belmode subconsciously tensed up.

"It's so pretty, I like how you're dressed."

Hearing the praise, Belmore's mood suddenly improved a lot, and it was not in vain that he had painstakingly selected for so long, and even took Mori Kogoro with his bare hands.

"You only have so little luggage, don't you bring the rest?"

Looking at the silver suitcase behind him, it was only a few clothes in this size, and he probably didn't bring any guns or anything.

"No, you are enough!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but leaned over and kissed his lips. The purple lipstick was removed, and now he looked pink and cute.Naturally, it is enough to have him, and he will naturally arrange the rest!

"Let's go!"

Moori Kogoro dragged a small suitcase in one hand and Belmode's slender waist in the other, and walked out of the apartment quickly.

After closing the door of the apartment, Belmore, who left with Kogoro, couldn't help turning his head.

Looking at the gradually deepening corridor, she seemed to understand what she was cut off from.

At Maori's house, Xiaolan, Yukiko and the others also came back from the TV station.

Today's terrorist attack is such a big deal, the people from the TV station have been sent out to live broadcast urgently, and the filming of Yuxiko's original program has also been postponed, so naturally he can only come back.

Kataoka Renhua, who had been an apprentice for a day today, followed him home.

Xiaolan happily introduced her home to Lianhua: "These two buildings together belong to us, and the place where Dad handles the case is downstairs, er, although it hasn't opened for many days, he has been handling the case. "

"Up above is our house, and Aunt Youxizi lives opposite."

Hearing this, Kataoka Renhua couldn't help being surprised.

You Xizi who was behind smiled lightly and said, "Xiaolan's father and I are old classmates, old friends. I like to be lively, so we live together."

As soon as the door was opened, the girls all rushed in, and immediately saw Fujiko Mine sitting comfortably on the sofa, taking advantage of her beauty to be fierce.

"Miss Fujiko, why are you here?"

Seeing Fujiko appear in her home, the corners of Xiaolan's mouth couldn't help twitching, she really didn't want to see this guy appear.Nonsense, an extremely bold and unrestrained character, a strong man who can put his chest on the table without changing his face, how could Xiaolan hope to meet her again.

And Mine Fujiko came forward familiarly, and hugged him affectionately: "Xiaolan, I miss you!"

Huiyuan on the side couldn't help but roll the dead fish's eyes, this guy just said he missed himself, and Xiaolan said he missed her as soon as he appeared, talking nonsense, but nothing was true.

Sakura, who had been guarding Huiyuan all this time, breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that Xiaolan couldn't help jumping up with blue veins on her brows, and stood aside and couldn't help shouting: "Hey, you hugged the wrong person, do you know?"

Kataoka Renka, whose innocence was affected, was taken aback by Fujiko's self-acquaintance, and was stuffed in her arms like a quail, not daring to move.

Fujiko Mine pushed Kataoka Lianhua away: "You two really look alike, I thought Xiaolan's breasts had shrunk!"

The corners of Kataoka Renka's mouth twitched immediately.

"Honey, I miss me so much." After saying that, she turned around and hugged Xiaolan.

Chapter 0245

Xiaolan held Mine Fujiko in her arms, felt the material of the leather jacket on her body with her little hands, and somehow felt that the clothes looked familiar.

The memory fragments kept flashing back, she remembered something, and quickly pushed Fujiko away.

Xiaolan took out her phone and clicked on the video of today's press conference.

Soon, she was rowed to the part of the military and police joint wanted.

Inside, there was a woman riding a motorcycle and attacking the viaduct with a shotgun. She was wearing this outfit!

Although she didn't take a clear picture of her face, the figure is exactly the same.

With such an amazing figure, it is difficult to find a second one in the whole world.

Xiaolan pointed at the phone and couldn't help exclaiming: "This person must be you, Miss Fuji, you are wanted, why are you here?"

Feng Fujizi covered his mouth and laughed lightly: "How is it possible, it's just a bump in the shirt, don't care about these attacks!"

When Yingzi heard this, she immediately became nervous: "Just now she came in because she held me hostage with a knife, should I call the police?"

The sensitive little butler immediately picked up his mobile phone and was about to call the police urgently.

At this time, Yuxiko said, "Sakura, don't be so nervous, she is not a bad person, let's talk about it when Kogoro comes." Only then did Fujiko notice Yuxiko, and couldn't help squinting her eyes to examine the other party, and Yuxiko was the same reaction.

There seemed to be a flash of lightning between the two women's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the two women laughed at the same time, the scene was really subtle!

The two of them smelled the same kind of breath in each other.

The girls next to her couldn't help being a little dazed.

Seeing that everyone in the family seemed to know Fujiko, the little butler Yingzi gradually let go of her guard.

She glanced at the time, and couldn't help but said, "Oh, it's so late, if you don't make dinner, it will be too late."

After that, she entered the kitchen with big and small bags of ingredients.

And Haibara's eyes fell on Kataoka Renhua who looked very similar to Xiaolan.

I just met her the day before yesterday, saw her perform yesterday, and brought her home today.

Little Lolita rolled her eyes at Xiaolan speechlessly: Don't you think there are not many people in the family?This is helping your father open a harem, why do you help like this?


Xiaolan obviously didn't perceive Huiyuan's resentment, and still carefully studied the video released by the police.

She couldn't help asking: "Arnold, Miss Fujiko, where are your teammates Ishikawa Goemon and Jigen Daisuke?"

"The two of them, I don't know where to go to have fun. I just came to you for help because I was left alone and penniless!" Fujio obviously sent the two of them to the prison, and even took money by himself. All of Sarah's paychecks are saying things like this.

Although the kind-hearted Xiaolan was a little skeptical, but hearing what she said was so pitiful, she still chose to believe her, and began to arrange for her to live.

"There are not many guest rooms at home. Aunt Kujo and Aunt Meguro left in the morning, so Miss Fujiko, you live in the opposite door and be a neighbor with Aunt Yukiko!"

Saying this, Xiaolan stretched out her hand to pull the big black suitcase that Fujiko brought.

It's just that as soon as his little hands exerted strength, the durability of the suitcase seemed to have reached its limit, and it burst open with a snap.

Bundles of [-] yuan bills were revealed inside, and I don't know how many billions there are!

Xiaolan immediately felt a pain in her head, and the veins on her brows twitched.

Penniless? ? ?

are you kidding me?

"Thick thick thick thick thick!"

Feng Fujizi covered his mouth and laughed dryly, hugged the broken suitcase with his small hands, his potential exploded, and he picked it up like lightly.She walked towards the opposite door as if she was in her own home, without any explanation at all.

"Do I live next door? It's nice!"

There was a heavy slamming sound from the opposite door, leaving only the girls in a mess in the wind.

Yukiko couldn't help but smile, the shameless side of this guy really looks a bit like Kogoro, it seems like an interesting character has come.Xiaolan couldn't help but took out her mobile phone and called Kogoro Mori.

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