"Father, come back quickly. There's a big accident at home. Miss Fujiko is here, and she brought a lot of money. I feel like she's done something big, and then ran here to seek refuge!"

In the new home arranged by Belmode, in the empty living room where the gorgeous music resounded, Kogoro Mori received this call from Xiaolan.

The phone rang from outside the setting, and Belmode heard everything.

His green pupils regained consciousness all of a sudden, his brows raised slightly, and he couldn't help asking: "Fuerzi? At your house?"

"For a long time, Judy belongs to you, Kiel belongs to you, Chianti belongs to you, and even Fujiko belongs to you, Kogoro, it's all because of your people fighting so much today !"

Belmord had already surprised Mori Kogoro enough today, but he didn't expect him to surprise himself.

Mori Kogoro smirked, and patted it up with his big hands: "Say it as if you're not mine!"

"That's not it!" Belmord couldn't help turning his small face to the side, his face was blushing.

It's come to this point, this guy is still talking hard, he's really arrogant!

Mori Kogoro picked him up and said, "Then it will slowly change!"

But Belmode couldn't help but said: "I called you to urge you to go back, and you still don't go back and wipe Fuji's ass!"

These words are sour, like drinking sour plum soup.

His words were full of reluctance, but he insisted on opening his mouth like this.

"No, it's still early anyway, and I'll make you dinner later."

Hearing this, the corners of Belmore's mouth could not help but rise, but the snickering was suppressed in the next second.

"Anyway, the new residence I found for you is also very close to home. It only takes a few minutes to walk there, so don't worry!"

"Did you remember the surrounding strongholds and safe houses I just told you? I have my staff inside. If you encounter danger, remember to take refuge there!"

"Remember, remember, I'm a professional. Really, I'm only a rice flower town, and you have arranged it into a big net. Thirty caves of the cunning rabbit are not enough to describe you!"

"Since I said I remembered it, then I'll come to test you. Every time you make a mistake, you will be punished one more time."

"No, that will kill you."

"The refutation is invalid, and the assessment has officially begun!"

"Ya Yu!"

Chapter 0246

In the bright European-style open kitchen, Belmode was wearing a white T-shirt and sat sideways on the chair, with half of his hips out of the chair. It seemed that sitting this way would be easier.

Qi Su looked at Kogoro Mori who was cooking for him in front of him.

She always felt that this scene was a bit dreamy and unreal.

Belmode thought that he would never be able to experience such a life full of fireworks, and it would not be like today, like a couple moving into a new house.

She wished so much that time could stop at this moment and not pass by.

"Xiao Goro, you are so proficient in cooking, you must have done it for many women, right?"

Mori Kogoro made a thoughtful expression: "It's not too many, just twenty or thirty!"

Belmord immediately rolled his eyes in displeasure, and stared at the back of the big pervert through gritted teeth.

But when he turned around holding the skewer, this little expression immediately retracted.

In terms of cowardice, she is quick to coax!

"But I don't easily cook for others alone, except you!"

It doesn't cost much to hear nice words, even if it's fake, Mori Kogoro is happy to say this, which makes Belmore happy.

That's right, Kogoro Mori, who was standing in front of the stove, felt the softness behind him.

A pair of bare hands passed through the waist, and Belmode hugged Mori Kogoro from behind, making a few indescribable nasal sounds, as if acting like a baby.

"It smells so good, so what are you cooking?"

"Stir-fry the sauce, make noodles with fried sauce, as well as beef pot and mushroom soup!"

"Put your hands inside, don't let the oil collapse."


Belmode was obedient and obediently put his hand under Kogoro Mori's apron, and couldn't help laughing again.

A woman who is addicted to love is always such a not-so-intelligent sub.

When Mori Kogoro turned around to pick up the plates and seasonings, Belmode, like Siamese twins, did not let go, hugged him and followed him everywhere

Let's go, it's very boring.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but smile.

Maybe this is her true face, the image of a shrewd and capable female killer may just be a disguise in the organization.

"It seems that you are quite energetic, why don't you take the assessment just now!"

Hearing this, Belmode's body bounced away immediately, his head shook like a rattle, with a look of fear on his face: "I won't come, I won't come, the lubricating oil is all used up."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and turned to pick up the plate to serve the dishes.

Not long after, he went to the dining table with three fragrant dishes.

Seeing that Belmode was still standing two meters away from him, Mori Kogoro, who sat down, patted his thigh.

"Why are you still standing there, it's time to eat, I really thought I wanted to eat you!"


Belmode obediently came forward like a pissed off daughter-in-law, and sat on Mouri Kogoro's lap with a blushing face, and the two shared dinner together.She ate very slowly, especially gentle and elegant. She seemed to be deliberately paying attention to her own image, and it seemed that she knew that Kogoro Mori would be gone after dinner.

I'm leaving, that's why I eat so slowly.

In fact, she didn't want Kogoro Mori to leave. The time when she had just betrayed the organization was new to her, and it was also uneasy. She didn't know which direction the future would take.

But as long as Kogoro Mori is around, she will feel much more at ease and won't think about many things.

It's just that under the influence of Stockholm Syndrome, she didn't dare to expect the master-like Kogoro Mori to stay, and she swallowed many words as soon as she reached her mouth.

Mori Kogoro caressed his long silver hair with his big hand, it was fluffy and soft, and it felt great.

Seemingly seeing what Belmode was thinking, Kogoro Mori said, "I have to go back to Mt. Fujiko, and I have to go to Judy to explain to her about James. I have to leave after eating."

Although Belmode remained calm on his face, he was extremely disappointed in his heart.

"When I'm not around, you should rest well and don't move around."

"If your boss or Rum gives you an order, call me as soon as possible."

"Remember to leave the door open for me when you sleep at night!"

Hearing this, Belmord's green eyes flashed with surprise, and he couldn't help but turned his head and kissed Kogoro Mouri on the cheek.

"Hey, a mouthful of oil and sauce, still eating!"

His big hand couldn't help but slapped it heavily, but Belmore didn't seem to feel it, and smiled with his arms around his waist, like a silly elder sister. "Wow, it smells so good, Kogoro, your fried noodles are delicious."

Mori Kogoro couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, it seems that the idiom "you don't know how to eat" still makes sense.

Just now I was just an emotional eating machine, but now I finally realize that the food is delicious, really!

And the big hands that hugged Belmore's slender waist couldn't help but exert some strength!

After dinner at Belmode's house, Kogoro Mori walked back to his own house.But when we got to the stairwell, we heard the sound of fighting from upstairs.

"I warn you, don't grab my hair, or I will be impolite!"

This is the voice of Fujiko Mine, accompanied by the sound of decorations being broken.

Mori Kogoro's expression changed drastically immediately, and he rushed up to the third floor, the voice came from the suite next door.

He pushed the door open, and saw Fujiko Mine and little Loli Marie in the living room, and Eri and Jinghua shivering on the sofa.

You Xizi watched the show with her arms crossed, but Xiaolan couldn't help but stop and said, "Mary, you can't do this, it's wrong to hit someone."

But the runaway little Lolita could not listen to the persuasion, stepped on the wall and kicked sideways, straight to Fujiko's head.

Fujiko was stunned. She had a friendly conversation with Eri and the others, but a child suddenly appeared and attacked her. She was hit in the chest and abdomen several times, and suffered several losses.

And this little girl is not like an ordinary girl at all, the strength of the blow is stronger than that of an adult.

Another shard of glass that had been unloaded from nowhere flashed across. Hattori Shizuka immediately caught it with his small fan, but a drop of cold sweat suddenly streaked across his forehead.

It was also the first time that Yingli knew that Mary's destructive power was so great that she could kick cracks in the wall with one kick, and she didn't dare to go forward to stop it. "My child, my patience is limited. If you make trouble again, I will not be polite."

Seeing this chaotic scene, Mori Kogoro also felt a big headache. Seeing that Fujiko seemed to be taking out her props, he rushed to the center of the battle and picked Mary up.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, all misunderstandings!"

Mary got excited when she saw Kogoro, and quickly shouted: "Xiaogoro, help me catch her quickly, don't let her run away."

Chapter 0247

"Sit down first, I'll educate this child!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro covered Mary's mouth and ran out the door with her in his arms.

Little Loli struggled very obviously, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Moli Kogoro carried her to the stairwell outside the door, and she kept punching and kicking: "Let go of me, you are all together, Kogoro, I will kill you!"

In this situation, Mori Kogoro also feels a big headache, what is going on?

Soon he came to his senses, resisted the little Lolita's scratching, and whispered to her: "Xiuyi is not dead!"

Hearing this, Mary was stunned immediately, her blue eyes trembling.

It was only then that Mori Kogoro realized that Mary must have received the notice of the death of her eldest son Shuichi, and also saw Mine Fujiko who was with the Karasuma organization on TV, and then ran away to avenge her son.

I'm really speechless, the aftermath of Hideichi Akai's trouble is really not small!

"Xiao Wulang, tell me quickly, what is going on!"

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