Mori Kogoro ran towards the second floor with Mary in his arms. As soon as he entered the suite, he saw Sera Masumi sobbing on the sofa, and Akemi comforting Zhenchun without knowing why.

It seems that Zhenchun really respects his elder brother!

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Why are you crying, Akai Shuichi is not dead, why are you all so excited!"

Hearing this, Shiliang Zhenchun immediately looked up, with teary eyes, extremely pitiful.

"Uncle, really?"

Hearing the urging voice of Mary in his arms, Mori Kogoro immediately began to explain.

"Shuichi Akai faked his death. The woman who shot him was called Wesleyn. She was an agent of the German Federal Bureau of Investigation who lurked into the organization. She was instigated by Hideyoshi Akai and became his informant."

"He used a blood bag from the hospital. Akai Hideichi wanted to escape from the FBI by acting in suspended animation. He went out to investigate by himself. It was also to give Westland a high status, so that he could return to the organization smoothly and provide information."

"On the viaduct, the railings reach below the shoulder blades, and people who are shot will collapse directly."

"If it wasn't for my own intentional and secret force, it would be impossible to fall into the river. You can see carefully at the railing of the viaduct in the broadcast."

The mother and daughter immediately checked the mobile phone, looked at the report video, and carefully identified the height of the viaduct railing, and they were half convinced.They all breathed a sigh of relief, and then Mary couldn't help asking: "What about the woman upstairs, isn't she with the organization?" A famous thief in the world can entrust her to do many things as long as she has a hire fee."

"They don't kill good people, they are just hired by Marsala as a cover. After all, Jigen Daisuke and Ishikawa Goemon are too strong."

"Now that the employment is over, naturally it doesn't matter anymore, and Fujiko will be free again."

"Besides, they just rode a motorcycle and fired a few shots at the gin this morning, and then I took it down without causing any damage!"

Zhenchun couldn't help exclaiming: "Uncle, you are here today!"

"Nonsense, how could I not have noticed such a big thing? Didn't I see that I was not at home today? I also witnessed the scene where Akai Hideichi was shot and killed!"

Mary immediately complained: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"You two are so impulsive, I'm worried that you are messing around."

"Besides, I have already planned everything. I arranged for people from the Metropolitan Police Department to ambush. Of course, I don't need your help. It's a pity that only one-third of the rums have been solved!"

"One third of rum, what does that mean?" Ming Mei couldn't help asking.

Mori Kogoro immediately informed James' identity, Rum's avatar, prosthetic eye and other discoveries one by one.

After hearing this, the three women couldn't help exclaiming repeatedly.

With the narration, Mary and Zhenchun's expressions returned to normal, and they gradually calmed down.

But Mori Kogoro pressed the little Loli Marie on his lap, and then began to enforce the family law.

"You're such a grown-up, and you're still so impulsive. If you make such a fuss, how will it end? Also, your true strength has been exposed. How will you explain it to Yingli and Jinghua?"

Although it was in front of her daughter and niece, Mary, who knew she was wrong, still did not dodge, and accepted the punishment honestly with a blushing face.

Mary blinked her big eyes and looked at Kogoro Mouri, Kogoro Moori hit harder and harder, and finally gave her an annoyed look.

"Hey!" Mary rubbed Kogoro Mouri's big hand and smiled embarrassedly.

Forget it, who told her that this was her own woman, she had to go out and wipe her ass after she got into trouble.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but patted his little head: "If anything happens in the future, tell me right away, don't be alone."

Mary immediately nodded like pounding garlic.

"Okay, you guys stay below, I'll go up and help you clean up the mess!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro put down Little Lolita, turned around and walked upstairs.

As soon as he went out, he ran into Xiaolan who looked concerned.

"Dad, is Mary okay?"

"It's all gone. I have explained some misunderstandings."

Mori Kogoro rubbed Xiaolan's head, then took his daughter upstairs.

As soon as he entered Eri's suite on the third floor, he heard Fujiko Mine acting as a demon.

The master-level acting skills exploded, and he looked like weeping.

"What did I do wrong? Why does such a small child hate me and beat me? It seems that I am an unwelcome person here. I'd better go!"

Yingli and Jinghua on the side continued to persuade, while Yukiko looked very interesting. She was inexplicably familiar with Mine Fujiko's routine, and seemed to see her own shadow in her.

As soon as Mori Kogoro came in, Fujiko Mine got up immediately and threw himself into his arms with a sobbing face.

Well, this dribbling is full grade!

"Xiao Wulang, you're finally back, what's going on here?"

"What's going on? You don't have any memory of what you did today? That child has relatives who are enemies, and mistakenly thought that he died in the line of duty. Naturally, he treats you as an enemy."

Hearing this, Mine Fujiko laughed dryly.

And the women behind kept asking: "Xiao Wulang, what's going on, please explain in detail!"

"Actually, it's a misunderstanding, because the lives of some important case personnel are involved, I can't reveal too much, but there is a misunderstanding between Fujiko and Little Mary, please don't worry about it, I still have something to ask Fujiko."

After saying that, Mori Kogoro took her to the back room.

Chapter 0248 obviously very concerned

As soon as the door was closed, Fujiko wrapped his arms around Maoli Kogoro's neck, and said coquettishly, "Xiaogoro, you have to take me in this time, I'm homeless now."

"Being homeless, how can you not find a place to live with so much cash?"

"You bastard, with such a big commotion, the police outside are looking for you!"

"Didn't I tell you not to get involved with that organization when you helped Belmode last time? Why are you disobedient!"

Fujiko Mine kissed Kogoro on the cheek: "Oh, isn't that too much reward? I just accepted a small commission, and I didn't do anything bad!"

Saying this, Mine Fujiko opened the broken suitcase as if showing off, and laughed happily with stacks of Japanese coins: "Hehehe, Kogoro, I got rich this time, you see so much money, why don't I take care of you?" ?”

Mori Kogoro twitched his mouth: "I'm very expensive, you can't afford it, and besides, it's a long time to keep the money in your hands for a week."

Feng Fuji loves money like his life, but he has no way to manage money.

She always likes to invest in some unreliable projects indiscriminately, accepting commissions when she has no money, and losing money when she has money, and so on.

Fujiko came forward with catwalks, Yujie's aura exploded completely, and Kogoro Moori was knocked against the wall.

"How expensive are you? I think [-] yen would be enough to buy you."

Saying this, Fujiko slapped a [-]-yuan bill on Mouri Kogoro's face, his eyes full of provocation.

[Oh, this woman is too crazy, if it wasn't for the recent crackdown, I would definitely let her know why the flowers are so popular! 】

Seeing Mori Kogoro not daring to respond, Fujiko couldn't help laughing triumphantly.

"You silly woman, do you know that this time you cooperated with the mysterious organization you've been looking for?"

Hearing this, Fujiko's laughter stopped immediately, and his small face became serious all of a sudden, with his little hands grabbing the lapel of Mori Kogoro.

"What? Kogoro, is what you said true?"

"Can I still lie to you? That guy is Robert, a well-known magician in East Germany. He is also a member of the Thirteen Knights of the Round Table you are looking for. The three-year memory missing in your mind is caused by those guys!"

"That magician was also hired by the organization to attack and kill Wesleyn at Kubado Central Hospital!"

Fujiko hurriedly took out a gun from the suitcase: "Where is that guy? I'll go find him now!"

"Don't worry, I've already solved it for you. Lock him in a safe place and take you to see him tomorrow."

Can it be unsafe to be locked on an aerospace aircraft carrier?

Of course, she could trust Kogoro Mori's words, so she put down the pistol, and she looked at Kogoro Mori with softer eyes.

"Xiao Wulang, you really gave me a big surprise? I searched for so long but didn't find it, but you even caught the man. What are the Thirteen Knights? Tell me quickly."

Most of this information came from Irene Adler's mysterious mobile phone.

The Thirteen Knights is a criminal gang composed of thirteen top criminals. It is very mysterious and has power all over Europe.

The boss among them is said to be a man who likes to wear fancy clothes, code-named Joker, and claims to be a man above Arthur!

Irene Adler is also one of them, but she is a non-staff member, not a core member. She is more focused on the one-acre and three-point land of the Eagle Country, so the information content is also limited.

What Kogoro Maori knew was more investigated by the Red Queen and the Ant-Man robot he sent.

These thirteen knights are all first-class criminals, who are good at assassination, stealing information, organizing terrorist attacks, and planning crimes.

【Magician】Just cooperate with Rum and do him a small favor.

It's just that the person he met this time was Mori Kogoro, and he was targeted when he was in the Hopa Magic Troupe, so it was so easy to fall into his hands

What he is best at is killing people while performing large-scale magic tricks, but unfortunately this ability has not been fully utilized.Mori Kogoro told Mine Fujiko the information about the thirteen knights, and Mine Fujiko fell into deep thought for a long time. "Don't worry, your revenge is mine, and I will avenge it for you!"

At this moment, a small gap suddenly opened in the door, and pairs of agile eyes looked in through the gap.

Mori Kogoro raised his brows, and immediately released the touch of spiritual power, and an invisible big hand opened the door.

Xiaolan, Mira, and Yukiko all fell in.

They looked at the two men who were neatly dressed and talking seriously, and the three women laughed embarrassedly.

Outside the door, Yingli and Jinghua were standing in the corridor holding teacups and chatting.

She was obviously very concerned about what happened in the room, but she pretended to be nonchalant, her beautiful eyes glanced over from time to time.

The appearance of Fuji Fujiko seemed to give the girls a strong sense of crisis.

Mori Kogoro knew that someone was eavesdropping from the beginning, so he behaved himself and did not do anything excessive.

Xiaolan reacted quickly, and said directly: "Father, Conan and Hattori Heiji are back, and Sister Yingzi also said that dinner is ready, let's go eat!"

"Then let's go eat together!"

Although I ate at Belmode, but at that time I did more feeding and teasing Sister Bei, and I didn't eat too much at all.

Kogoro Mori walked out of the room with Fujiko Mine, and the living room outside had been tidied up by the girls.

Soon, a group of people came to the Maori's house next door.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw the girls of Momiji, Heba, and Lianhua. The girls all called Mori Kogoro's name affectionately.

Hattori Heiji at the dining table was a little confused, and really couldn't understand why Kazuha appeared here.

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