[Could it be that mother told He Ye that I would return to China today, and she came here specially to wait for me?Has Yeh changed her mind?But, can


Hattori Heiji's eyes drifted to the little ghost beside him, his eyes were full of entanglement.

Conan the little ghost turned around on the three daughters Xiaolan, Mira, and Kataoka Lianhua.

【It's only been a week, why is there another girl who looks so similar to Xiaolan? 】

Maori Kogoro didn't care what the two little ghosts were thinking, and instead asked Xiao Zhenchun in a low voice: "Where's your mother?"

"She felt that she was too rude just now, so she didn't come to eat. Sister Yingzi has already sent her a meal."

Really, such a big little loli has such a thin skin.

Mori Kogoro arranged for the girls to sit down, focusing on Sakura who stood up again, and then the dinner began.

Chapter 0249 haggard Judy

He Zizi talked with Xiaolan and Hongye by himself, completely treating Heiji on the opposite side as air.

Hattori Heiji didn't notice it at all, and was thinking about how to face Kazuha later.

Should I hang her out for a while?Or happily reconcile with it?

In his mind, He Ye specially came to Tokyo with his mother when he came back.

This can't be a coincidence, the only possibility is to wait for yourself.

Conan, on the other hand, aimed at Kogoro Mori, thinking of finding an opportunity to tell him what happened today, and ask Uncle Mori to help him analyze it.

On the other side, Jinghua saw her son whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and couldn't help asking: "Heiji, did anything interesting happen during your trip to London this time?"

Conan and Heiji immediately recalled the absurd night in London, their eyes met immediately, and then turned their heads in panic.

"Oh, there is nothing interesting to do, just go to handle the case!"

At this moment, Hattori Heiji was a little flustered, pretending to be drinking juice, and quietly changed the subject: "I said, Mom, I'm not a child, do I need to come to Tokyo to pick me up? How much trouble have you caused uncle? !"

Mori Kogoro immediately chuckled: "There's no trouble, since it's Heiji's mother, it's completely from my own family, so you don't need to be polite."

"Jinghua, are you satisfied with my hospitality these days?"

Eri and Yukiko rolled their eyes one after another, Hattori Heiji couldn't hear it, but they could hear the connotation, and couldn't help but roll a look at Kogoro Mori.

Jinghua was not flustered at all, and looked at Kogoro with beautiful eyes: "Of course I am satisfied, it can be regarded as a comfortable vacation!" The two exchanged affection in front of Heiji, very bold.

Eri and Yukiko, who watched from the side, only felt that this scene was terrible.

"But usually, I didn't come here specifically to pick you up. This time, Officer Dalong has a case and he can't leave by himself. He asked you to help investigate."

"It's Longwei's family in Nagano Prefecture. It seems to be a grievance between the two families. I want you to help investigate it!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro thought, Nagano Prefecture, isn't Kurodabei still in Nagano Prefecture?

According to what Matsumoto Medical TV said, he seems to have not officially taken up the post, and he is still on the last shift at the Nagano station!

Instead, I can meet this Kuroda soldier, the identity of this guy should be very interesting!

"I still have to deal with the case, so what should I do with my studies, and there is also a kendo competition, and I have to fight that guy Okita!"

Jinghua smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I've already asked you to leave. As for the kendo competition, it won't matter if you don't take part in it once. That kid won't run away!"

Heiji rolled his eyes: "Then Mom, are you going to handle the case with me? Or go back to Osaka by yourself?"

"Of course not, I will continue to stay in Tokyo. I heard that there will be a very interesting parade and sacrifice, of course you can't miss it!"

Jinghua is really not guilty at all, saying that she lives in Maori's house is justified.

He Ye and Hong Ye echoed again and again: "That's it, then let's stay for a few more days, of course we can't miss the excitement."

The parade festival they are talking about is the Gion Festival. The streets and alleys will be filled with white palace lanterns.


The women wear bright and extraordinary kimonos, and they are beautiful, and there will be the sound of traditional percussion instruments everywhere, which is a very lively sacrificial ceremony.Hearing this, Heiji immediately looked up in surprise.

Doesn't she go to Nagano Prefecture with herself?Did she just come to Tokyo this time to join in the fun?

Thinking of this, Heiji lowered his head in frustration.

Mouri Kogoro immediately said: "Then I will go with you tomorrow. It just so happens that I have something to investigate with Nagano."

Hearing this, Jinghua and Ye frowned slightly.

The three girls said this because they wanted to get along with Kogoro for a longer time, but if Kogoro wanted to go to Nagano County with him, wouldn't they be able to get along again?For a moment, the three women felt a little resentful in their hearts.

Mori Kogoro could only smile wryly, there is no way to avoid this situation when there are more women.

Then I can only work a little bit harder tonight, and comfort them in advance!

Anyway, I have a big teleportation talisman, and it won't take too much time to teleport back after finishing the work. Maybe I can give them some surprises then.

After dinner, Kogoro Mori was dragged to the office on the second floor by Conan the Kid, and Heiji followed closely, intending to discuss business matters with him

"Uncle, have you received the news about what happened at the Kubado Central Hospital today? It's the people in the organization who acted, and they're going to deal with the FBI!"

"Uncle, you would never have guessed that this time we cooperated with a senior agent in the FBI and drove a nail deep into the organization." Speaking of this, Conan the Kid still had a smug look on his face.

Akai Shuyi cut off contact with him one by one. This little devil didn't know the other agents in the FBI, so he naturally became blind. Without a source of information, he didn't know what was going on.

However, he has great confidence in himself, in Akai, and in the whole plan, and he takes credit for the success of the plan.

Mori Kogoro didn't pay attention to his words at all. Hearing the sound of the car engine and the familiar footsteps from the stairwell just now, he got up and walked to the door.

When there was a knock on the door, he opened it.

Seeing Kogoro, the haggard-looking Judy couldn't bear it any longer, and threw herself into his arms, looking exhausted.

James died, Akai Shuuichi disappeared, Kuwado Central Hospital was exposed, and she is now the highest position, so naturally everything has to be carried by her.The accountability from Shangfeng, the staff who dealt with the dead, and the logistics staff who settled the hospital have kept Judy busy until now, and she is exhausted.But what she was thinking about was still the inside story about James' death, and she drove here to inquire whenever she had free time.

Seeing the FBI's Judy appear, they shut up for two hours.

Mori Kogoro took Judy to the sofa, and before he sat down, Judy asked, "Kogoro, what happened to James' death?"

Hearing this, Conan couldn't help but said: "Didn't he be killed by Ishikawa Goemon? The bullet that was cut on the top is obviously Iai Zhan of Ishikawa Goemon!"

The three-plan explosive chestnut hammer hit Conan's forehead directly, and three big red envelopes bulged out.

Conan jumped up again.

Chapter 0250 Reversing Black and White

Only then did Judy notice Conan and Hattori Heiji, and she wanted to pull Mori Kogoro away, not wanting to reveal these things to them.

Mori Kogoro held it down immediately, and said, "It's okay, they are not outsiders, and the two of them are here today, so it's okay to tell them!"

Judy recalled the scene of the two boys running with Xiu Yi.

And the two little ones looked complacent. They caught an organization killer today, which can be regarded as meritorious service.

"Xiao Goro, are you going to send them as spies to find out information?"

Hearing this, the two children immediately became a little unsteady.

Hey, what a spy, we caught a member of the organization, what are you talking about!

Conan immediately said: "Mr. Judy, we are not spies, we are cooperating with Mr. Akai. Today's plan is all planned by us."

Hearing this, Judy frowned, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

His little hand directly clenched his fist, and hit the red envelope on Conan's head heavily: "It turns out that you guys did it!"

The big red envelope on his head immediately shattered, and the little ghost ran away screaming.

"I just said why Xiuyi suddenly wanted to fake his death, it turned out to be the bad idea of ​​the two of you!"

Eh, how did she know?

The two children were a little dumbfounded immediately, this should be an extremely secret matter.

Mori Kogoro immediately said: "Your plan has failed, Westland is dead, and was killed by gin."

It ended up the same as the original!

Hearing this, the two children became even more shocked, and Conan couldn't help but said, "Impossible, could it be that the acting was not good enough and the identity was exposed? How could Gin Jiu kill people?"

Conan had never experienced the Tumen Kanghui incident, so he naturally didn't know the inside story of Qin Jiu's defection, and thought Qin Jiu was a member of the organization.

"Gin is a traitor to the organization. He will fight against people in the organization. It is a coincidence that he killed Westline."

"However, once Westland is dead, Akai Shuichi's suspended animation will be meaningless. It doesn't matter whether he shows up or not."

Seeing that their ears were red and they looked like they couldn't digest it, Mouri Kogoro didn't want to wait for them and continued to speak.

"As for Director Takahashi of the hospital, a senior agent of the FBI, he was killed by Silver Rum, that is, James."

As soon as these words came out, it was like a depth bomb was thrown into a lake, and the three of them were stunned for an instant.

Judy even grabbed Kogoro Mori's skirt with one hand, and stared at Kogoro Mori with bloodshot eyes: "Kogoro, what did you say? Say it again!"

Judy has always respected James, and he was the one who brought her to the FBI just now. Hearing the news, she instinctively couldn't accept it, as if her world view had collapsed.She came to Mori Kogoro because she wanted to find out the murderer who killed James, and to avenge him.

Mori Kogoro knew that it was difficult for Judy to accept that being betrayed by someone he trusted was not a good feeling.

His big hands caressed Judy's blond hair, soothing the frizzy Judy.

"Although I know the facts are a little hard to accept, but Judy, this is all true. I didn't deceive you. James is an undercover agent who organized to sneak into the FBI. His real identity is Silver Rum."

"Recall carefully, every time you confront the organization, whether the decision James makes is to hinder the action!"

"During the full moon incident, why your identity was exposed early, and why everyone was so easily removed by Belmode."

"Clearly James is the commander, but he didn't know about it. Why did the residences of FBI agents be exposed one by one after the end, and they were counterattacked!"

"In the Domon Kanghui incident, the location was Cupido Park. Did James lead to other places at the beginning, or did he add chaos to our cooperation in the middle, causing constant friction?"

"And in today's Cupido Hospital, during the combat meeting, did he prevent you from arresting Kusuda Rikudo, and you were almost escaped by him?"

"Sometimes emotions can blind people's eyes, so Judy you didn't notice!"

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