"Maybe Akai Shuichi sensed something was wrong, so he wanted to feign death and get away, and wanted to investigate secretly!"

Hearing this, Conan and Hattori Heiji's eyes showed surprise, Uncle Mouri really hit the nail on the head!

Indeed, on the day they planned the plan with Shuichi Akai, they heard Shuichi's worrying words from within the FBI.

And Conan's eyes were full of admiration: I didn't expect my uncle to investigate so deeply by himself. I have never heard of the full moon incident, Tumen Kanghui incident, etc.!

Heiji couldn't help asking: "Uncle, how did you know so clearly, are you at the hospital today?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm here. James killed Dean Takahashi and wanted to escape, but I just ran into him, and I chased him to the rooftop."

Conan couldn't help exclaiming: "So that person on the roof is you, you cut the bullet in half, you killed James?" Unbelievable look.

How could this situation be admitted!

Mori Kogoro immediately said: "Of course not. I just wanted to catch him. He was injured by me but he couldn't beat me, he couldn't escape, and he didn't want to leak information, so he could only choose to commit suicide by jumping off the building."

"I wanted to save him, but some members of the organization in the opposite building shot at me. I dodged the bullet, but I couldn't save him, hey!" Mori Kogoro sighed, showing regret.

Hearing this, recalling the place where the female wall of the rooftop was smashed, most of the three of them believed it.

"But why, did you goug out one of his eyes?"

Judy's voice was trembling, there seemed to be mist in her green eyes, and her body was trembling uncontrollably.

Mori Kogoro was really distressed, and immediately wrapped his arms around his waist and hugged him tightly into his arms.

This scene of dog abuse made the two children feel a little stuffy.

"It's a prosthetic eye, not a real one, and it's connected to the other two Rum's prosthetic eyes, so they can share what they see."

"By relying on this prosthetic eye, James can pass on information without any other means, and you have never discovered that he is an insider."

The little devil immediately asked: "The other two rums? Uncle, what does this mean?"

"Rum is the number two person in the organization. This code name does not refer to one person, but three people. One is silver rum, one is golden rum, and one is black rum."

"The three rums have all undergone surgery, fitted with prosthetic eyes, and share the same picture and sound. One person can exert the power of the conspiracy of three people. This is the terrible thing about rums!"

"So if I don't dig out his prosthetic eye, then my identity will be exposed directly. Maybe the bomb will be sent to the office today."

Chapter 0251 the man who dared to hurt me

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and Fujiko Mine, who was wearing a wine-red leather jacket, leaned against the door and said softly:

"Xiao Wulang, there is no underwear that suits me at home, and the size Xiaolan gave me is too small, why don't you go and buy me a set!"

The words are full of familiarity and coquettishness, completely in the tone of talking to a lover.

Judy, who was snuggling in Kogoro Mori's arms, raised her head, seeing the Fujiko from today's gang organization appearing at Mori's house, her green eyes were full of fear

She subconsciously took out her gun and pointed it at Fujiko Mine.

"What's going on? Why is this woman here?"

Conan and Heiji on the side were a little unclear, so they were trapped in the hospital and failed to witness the incident on the viaduct.

Later, they were locked up by the police for a long time, and they didn't pay much attention to the press conference. They never knew that Mine Fujiko was involved in today's incident.

Judy recalled what Andre said to herself, saying that Mori Kogoro and Belmode were in the same group and could not be trusted.

At first, Judy thought that Andre had knocked his head out and was talking nonsense, but now Fujiko Mine appeared at Maori's house, and just now Kogoro said that James died of suicide because of his pursuit.

And the inference of 'James is Rum' is still what Kogoro said?

The combination of various events made Judy unbelievable!

Her eyes were full of pain, and she glared at Kogoro: "You lied to me!"

boom! boom! boom!

There was a loud gunshot, and Judy fired immediately, but the bullets shot in the direction of Mine Fujiko.

Even though Judy's heart was filled with a sense of being betrayed at this moment, she still couldn't bear to shoot Kogoro Mori, but instead thought about breaking Fujiko Mine's leg first, so as not to let her escape.

Fujiko Mine, who was completely unprepared, would not have thought that a woman would shoot at him out of nowhere, and his face immediately turned pale.

But soon, she couldn't help touching her body, as if she hadn't been shot!

As soon as his gaze was deflected, Mori Kogoro raised his right hand high, blocking the front of the gun.

With a fist in his palm, scarlet blood slid down his solid right arm! ! !

Seeing this scene, the shivering two children hugged each other, and complained frantically in their hearts: What the hell?Bullets can't even pierce the palm of your hand, Uncle

Uncle, is this still human?

Mori Kogoro gasped!

[Wow, it's really fucking painful, is this pistol a large caliber?Why is it so powerful?

Mine Fuji, this woman is a troublesome woman, she just provoked Mary, and now she provokes Judy again, no, it's impossible not to educate her later! 】

Mori Kogoro, who was furious with evil fire, opened his right hand, and three orange bullets fell down, revealing his bloody right palm.

Judy was very distressed seeing this scene, and her green eyes were full of panic.

Seeing Kogoro who was injured for himself, Mine Fujiko reached into the leather jacket, took out two pistols, and said angrily, "The man who dares to hurt me, you little bitch will be smashed to death!"

The impulsive Fujiko also shot at Judy.

Another round of gunfire!

Kogoro Mori, who reacted quickly, immediately grabbed Judy and pushed her down under the sofa.

On the opposite sofa, Conan and Hattori Heiji kept jumping up, frothing with anxiety: You shot her, why did you hit us?

The two little devils tried their best to dodge in this hail of bullets, and finally jumped behind the sofa and hid.

The domineering Fujiko emptied the magazine, put his hand into his chest, and took out two pistols. He kept moving his body, trying to find the best shooting position.

"Xiao Wulang, don't protect her, this woman just wanted to kill me!"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

Fujiko screamed: "She hurt you, and you still speak for her."

Judy, who was protected by Mori Kogoro, gritted her teeth and said, "You two are together, I will never let you go!"

After saying that, Judy bit hard on Kogoro Mouri's chest.

"Hehe, little sister, you are too naive. In this situation, it is I who will not let you go."

Looking at the two girls who ran away, it seemed that they couldn't talk properly without subduing them first.

So, when Xiaolan, Hongye upstairs, Zhenchun on the opposite side, and the passing chef Wakita Kenzo ran to the door of the office, Mori Kogoro

, Judy, and Fujiko Mine huddled together, looking like they were entangled endlessly.

Looking at the bullet marks on the wall, Xiaolan couldn't help asking, "Dad, what are you doing?"

"Just kidding, kidding, this is wrestling, yes, wrestling!"

And Heiji and Conan who were behind the sofa dared to poke their heads out, and couldn't help wiping the sweat from their heads.

It was not easy for Kogoro Mori to break free from the various locks of the two female bodies, and sat on the top to suppress the two females.

He pretended to be nonchalant and said: "It's nothing, you go and do your work!"

Two touches of spiritual power sealed the mouths of Fujiko and Judy, and it was impossible for the two women to speak.

And Wakita Kane, who was wearing a single eyepatch, narrowed his one eye slightly, and seemed to be flickering.

Xiaolan sees that her father is in control of the situation, but this scene is quite indecent, and there are outsiders around, so the family ugliness must not be publicized!

She immediately pulled the door of the office over.

Zhenchun couldn't help but said: "Well, Uncle Cook, it shouldn't be your business here, right?" The door of the suite on the second floor behind him was opened a crack, and the sister-in-law and Mingmei were peeping inside.

Wakita Kennori scratched his head and laughed: "I'm the chef at Ebisu Sushi Restaurant downstairs. I happened to be delivering food and came up to care when I heard strange gunshots. I'm really sorry."

"I didn't expect Maori detectives to have a lot of good fortune. It's really enviable to play such a strange game with two beauties at night!" Hearing this, Xiaolan, Zhenchun, and Hongye all found a pair Facing dead fish eyes, he stared at Kenzo Wakita.

The one-eyed chef immediately felt chills, and laughed dryly: "Come downstairs to visit my new sushi restaurant when you have time, I'm leaving first." After saying this, Wakita Kane ran downstairs in a hurry Go, as if there is some beast behind you.

Seeing that the outsider was gone, Xiaolan reopened the door of the office, and the group of three women went into the office aggressively.

"Father, what are you doing? This is too messy!"

Zhenchun picked up the pistol on the ground, with a puzzled look on his face: "What kind of game do you need a gun for?"

But the careful Hongye screamed, and immediately went forward: "Ah, Kogoro, you are all injured, your hands are bleeding, does it hurt?" Upon hearing this, the three girls surrounded her .

The two children on the side looked at Uncle Mao Li who was greeted by all the girls, and they looked envious again.

Chapter 0252 this silly girl, just a few words to settle

Hongye carefully took out the medical kit to help Kogoro treat the wound, applied the potion, and then wrapped the bandage, completely focusing on treating the injury and ignoring everything else.

Judy, who was suppressed underground, still looked angry, and the Fujiko beside her kept provoking her, causing Judy to struggle continuously.

If there is a misunderstanding, it is natural to solve it as soon as possible. It just so happens that Xiaolan is also very curious about this matter, so Mori Kogoro explained it again.

As soon as he told about the identity of Fujiko, he accepted the entrustment to help Marsala, and everyone suddenly realized, and then they understood why the attitude of the two towards Fujiko was so abnormal.

Xiaolan even said quietly: "So Miss Fuji, the person who was wanted on TV today is really you, and you lied to me just now!" At this time, Fuji who could talk laughed dryly.

"Don't worry about these details, these stupid policemen have been trying to arrest me for so many years, but they haven't caught me yet!"

Conan couldn't help asking: "What about Ishikawa Goemon and Jigen Daisuke who were arrested?"

Fujiko flicked his hair, with a casual look: "That's what Lupine should worry about, and it has nothing to do with me."

Hearing this, the corners of everyone's mouths couldn't help twitching: This woman is as bad as ever!

"But I didn't expect you to be a member of the FBI. Please, I didn't do anything to you today? Do you need this look?" Judy couldn't help but snorted coldly: "You can cooperate with members of that organization. People are not going anywhere!"

"It's foolish not to make money." Fujiko Mine gave Judy an angry look.

Seeing that the hatred in the eyes of the two women disappeared, Kogoro Mori let go of the two women and stood up.

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