Judy patted her clothes and stood up, then pulled Kogoro Mori to the toilet.

"Come here, I have something to ask you!"

On the other hand, Fujiko had a stinky face: "If I hadn't pulled back just now, both of them would have been beaten to the ground by me."

Hearing this, Heiji's face darkened, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

There is still a scratch on his right shoulder that was torn apart by a bullet, and the bullet just missed his body!

Entering the toilet, Judy crossed her arms and turned her back to Mori Kogoro.

This is an obvious defensive posture. Although she can accept Kogoro's explanation of Fujiko's identity just now, her confidence in Kogoro has been shaken, and she can't trust him completely.

After all, revenge for her parents is her long-cherished wish. If Kogoro really got involved with Belmode as Andre said, then she doesn't know what to do!

Looking at the extremely fragile Judy, Mouri Kogoro sighed, and opened his arms to embrace her from behind.

Judy trembled inexplicably, as if she felt that the man behind her was a little strange.

But when she saw the bandaged wound on her right hand, she couldn't help but ask, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore, your man has thick skin and thick flesh."

"Don't you know how to heal people's qigong? Why don't you use it on yourself."

Kogoro Mori hugged Judy even tighter: "If my pain will make you feel better, then I'd rather endure it forever."

"Fool, how can I feel better, you should treat it quickly."

These women know their abilities very well, and it is getting harder and harder to use their bitter tricks now.

As soon as the healing technique was performed, the granulation on the palm under the bandage continued to grow, and it returned to normal after a while, but Mori Kogoro did not untie the bandage.

Soon, Judy couldn't hold back herself, and couldn't help asking: "I heard from Andre that in his escort car today, besides you staying on top, you also asked Belmore to hide in, How is this going?"

Through the mirror, Judy stared at Mori Kogoro with her blue eyes, full of hope and pleading, begging him to give a reasonable explanation.

Looking at those eyes, Mori Kogoro really didn't want to deceive her!

But it's not time to reveal everything, and the Boss hasn't shown up yet, so you can't lie!

Damn Andre, I knocked him out before I knew it.

So, sometimes some white lies are still useful.

"Judy, believe me, I will never join forces with the Karasuma organization, but what Andre heard is indeed true. I did go there to protect Belmode."

Hearing this, Judy couldn't help but gasped, her eyes were full of despair.

"Of course I'm also going to protect you. Belmode's identity is extremely special. After my investigation, she has a very special relationship with the boss of the organization."

"If you want to eradicate the Karasuma organization in one fell swoop, it must fall on Belmode. She is the best bait."

"So through my series of designs, I have gained her trust, and I can contact her and obtain information from her."

"If you want to wipe out the Karasuma organization, then you can't do anything to her for the time being."

The twists and turns were too fast, and before Judy could finish her breath, she let out an 'um' in relief.

She was fooled by Kogoro in an instant, and she believed him completely again, her blue eyes were full of worry.

"Then will it be dangerous? That woman is very cunning. If you lurk beside her, will she see you through?"

Mori Kogoro shook his head, with a fearless look on his face: "For you, a little danger is nothing." [At most, there is a risk of being squeezed dry! 】

"Judy, you must believe me. There is a reason for what I do. Your parents' blood feud is just like my blood feud. I will definitely avenge it for you."

"I will definitely bring the woman who killed your parents back then to you, and let her atone for your sins."

Hearing this, Judy turned around with a moved face, hugging Kogoro Mori tightly.

"I believe in you, I have always believed in you, no matter what you do, I will support you."

This silly girl was settled in a few words.

Mori Kogoro caressed Judy's blond hair with his big hands, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"I don't know if Xiuyi will show up next time. It's a good thing that James, the silver rum, is dead. Your FBI's actions will not be hindered in the future."

"The letter of appointment from the United States will come down soon, and by then you will be the highest officer of the FBI in Japan!"

Judy shook her head: "Shangfeng should send other commanders down, I'm just a senior agent, not qualified."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "No, you will be qualified, and your promotion appointment letter will come down soon, at least at the director level, you have to believe in yourself."

Judy looked at Kogoro Mori in a daze, and soon understood what he meant.

Chapter 0253 Judy rest here too

Soon, Mori Kogoro finished talking with Judy and came out of the toilet.

Seeing Judy's obviously relaxed expression, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But Erzi folded his hands on his chest, crossed his legs, sat on the sofa, turned his head sideways, looking still angry.

Judy glanced at Mori Kogoro's expression, then stepped forward and apologized awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I shot you just now because of a misunderstanding, you didn't get hurt?"

Fuji snorted coldly: "With your trivial tricks, if you want to hurt me, practice for another eight hundred years!"

"Xiao Wulang, it seems that I'm an unwelcome person with you, I'd better not trouble you, I'll just go!"

After finishing speaking, Fujiko got up artificially, and walked slowly to the door.

His beautiful eyes glanced towards Kogoro Mori from time to time to observe his next move.

Seeing the essence of this play, Mori Kogoro shook his head helplessly, he still had to cooperate with the acting.

He quickly stepped forward and grabbed Fujiko's plain wrist: "Who says you are not welcome, I welcome you very much, I didn't say anything, don't leave, it's too dangerous outside."

Fujiko grabbed Mori Kogoro's arm with his backhand, and he immediately felt full of tenderness.

Seeing this, Fujiko smiled sweetly, as if showing off to Judy.

"I knew Kogoro that you wouldn't leave me alone, let's go, let's go buy a change of underwear now, I'll show you what style you want." Hearing this, the heads of all the girls jumped wildly. , then looked frantically at Fujiko who caused trouble.

Judy's face suddenly became a little stiff: "Then I'll go back first, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with!"

After saying that, Judy wanted to go to the door, but her plain wrist was grabbed by Mori Kogoro's other big hand.

"There are so many things, let Andre deal with them, you are tired enough today, it's time to rest, just stay here."

Seeing his tough posture, Judy's legs stopped immediately.

"Sakura, you help tidy up a suite and let Judy rest."


Yingzi in the stairwell agreed loudly, and trotted to tidy up in the suite on the first floor.


Fujiko jerked violently, and dragged Kogoro Mori downstairs.

"I'll be back soon after shopping, Judy, don't run away, give me a good rest now."

Hearing the echo from the stairwell, Judy smiled slightly.

While being led out of the stairwell by Fujiko, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but look at the owner of the newly opened Ebisu sushi restaurant next door.That is, Wakita Kennori who just broke in without authorization!

Of course, Wakita Kanenori, who was wearing a one-eyed mask, couldn't just pass by by chance. I'm afraid he was always paying attention to the Mori Detective Agency.

This is interesting!

Fuji couldn't help tightening his little hands: "Xiao Wulang, what are you looking at? Is there anyone in it that looks better than me?"

"No, but is it okay for you to come out in such a grand manner?"

"What are you afraid of? Isn't the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department all your people?"

It seems that Fujiko's intelligence has been done very well, and even this has been found out.

"Knowing that you are all mine, you are still causing trouble on my territory!"

His big hand patted it down without hesitation, and Fujiko changed the subject with a coquettish smile.

"Xiaogoro, what kind of underwear do you think I should buy better, a wrap-around style, a one-piece style, or separates?" Mori Kogoro said with a chuckle, "It looks better without it."

"I hate it!" Fujiko blushed slightly, and lightly punched Kogoro with his fist.

The two of them walked towards the large underground shopping mall, and the selection process was so beautiful that it is not unreasonable.

At home, Xiaolan sweeps the bullet holes on the floor with a broom, Zhenchun cleans the sofa, and Hongye repairs the bullet holes on the wall.

Xiaolan couldn't help but said: "Really, I always feel that after Miss Fuji moves in, the house is much more dangerous."

Zhenchun then interjected: "There is no way to do this, after all, she is a wanted female snitch, of course there are many enemies."

On the other hand, Hongye looked worried: "Really, why does my husband protect her so much? If he is found out, won't he be charged with harboring criminals?"

And Zhenchun couldn't help making a gesture: "I think the relationship between the two of them is like this!"

Seeing this, the other two women nodded in agreement.

And Judy, who had been settled by Yingzi, came upstairs again, and when she saw the two girls who were busy, she smiled shyly and joined in to help.

Three women and one team worked together, and the bullet holes were quickly cleaned up, and the bullet holes were also pasted with cute 0K bandages.

"Okay, Mrs. Judy, let's go upstairs to drink tea, I'm quite curious about what happened today."

"This is confidential, I can't say it."

The three girls surrounded Teacher Judy and went upstairs, completely ignoring Conan and Heiji in the office.

The faces of both of them were a little stiff: they really were completely ignored!

After about two hours, the duo from the big purchase came back.

Fujiko looked very satisfied, while Mori Kogoro was carrying a lot of bags and a lot of things.

Xiaolan couldn't help but greeted them, and looked at the two suspiciously: "Dad, didn't you buy a change of clothes? Why have you been here for so long?"

Mori Kogoro twitched his mouth: "Fujiko likes everything he sees, so he walked around for a while."

In fact, the real shopping time is less than half an hour.

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