After all, Xiaolan didn't care too much, and helped Fujiko carry the things to his room.

Seeing that Judy and Fujiko's affairs are settled, Mouri Kogoro remembered that he had to comfort Jinghua and the others, the task tonight was very heavy.

He turned around and wanted to go to the next room, but before he could take a step, he felt that the hem of his clothes was being grabbed by a small hand.Behind Xiao Ai stared at him with a pair of blue eyes.

Seeing Yingli passing by wiping her wet hair after taking a shower, Xiao Ai said, "Uncle, I want to listen to your story."

After finishing speaking, she dragged Kogoro Mori to her room, Kogoro Mori naturally obeyed obediently.

Even after listening to Masumi's general account, Haibara still wants to hear Mori Kogoro's version with his own ears.

Entering the room, Mori Kogoro hugged the little Lolita in his arms, and recounted what happened today.

I have already said it three times, he is naturally very proficient, and there is still time for other small movements with big hands.

Chapter 0254 Duplicity of Little Sorrow

After listening to the whole process of Mori Kogoro, Haibara understood what happened today.

She couldn't help but said: "Uncle, this is too dangerous, why don't you get involved if you have nothing to do, let the FBI fight with them."

Little Lolita only cares about Kogoro Mori, and the FBI is nothing!

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and remained silent, rubbing Haibara's short hair with his big hands.

His original plan was like this, but with so many women involved in the back, Gin wanted to kill even Belmode, so naturally he couldn't stand by and watch!

"And you didn't tell me and my sister in advance that you didn't know how worried my sister and I were when you saw the name of the Karasuma organization in the news today."

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and rubbed Huiyuan's short fluffy hair again. It felt great, and said in a gentle voice, "I told you in advance, wouldn't you be more worried? And you won't be worried for longer."

"Xiao Ai, you have to trust Uncle, I am absolutely sure, and eradicating this Karasuma organization is Xiao Ai's wish, Uncle will definitely help you realize it."

Hearing this, Haibara's blue eyes became softer, his little head rested on Mouri Kogoro's chest, and his little hands hugged Mouri Kogoro tightly.

Lang's waist, for fear that he would disappear.

A whispering voice sounded: "But I care more about your safety, Uncle, than dealing with the organization."

"This kind of life is too dangerous. If you can live a normal life, it doesn't matter if you ignore the Karasuma organization."

"After all, my uncle is the most important person to me!"

Little Loli saw that the viaduct in the TV broadcast turned into a broken bridge, and there were traces of artillery bombardment everywhere, and she was really frightened when she learned that Kogoro appeared in this battle.

She really didn't want Kogoro Mori to take risks like this for her.

Hearing what Haibara said, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but smile slightly, and couldn't help but bow his head and kiss Haibara's head.

"Xiao Ai is also Uncle's most important person, but it is impossible to stop dealing with the organization."

"Uncle can only promise you to solve this matter as soon as possible and restore our peaceful life as soon as possible."

When Haibara heard this, he couldn't help but raised his head, his blue eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori.

"Promise me, next time you have to deal with the organization, don't hide it from me. No matter what happens, let's face it together."

Looking at Little Lolita's bright-eyed expression, it seemed that there was no way to refuse, so Mori Kogoro could only nod slowly.

Only then did Haibara lean on Mori Kogoro's arms with peace of mind.

Mori Kogoro stroked Haibara's short hair lightly with his big hands, comforting the restless little loli.

After a long time, Haibara couldn't help but twisted his body, and looked up at Kogoro Mori again, his eyes were full like a lake. "Uncle, why do you keep rubbing my hair?"

"Because you can't describe it under the neck!"


Little Lolita immediately became dazed, and Kogoro Mouri couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed her with such a cute look.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, Xiao Ai wants to do an experiment, right?"

Hearing this, Huiyuan blushed slightly, and turned his head arrogantly: "Who said that, I don't want it, I just want to say, I will go with you to Nagano Prefecture tomorrow."

Mori Kogoro laughed badly, and held Huiyuan Baijie's chin with his big hand: "There is a kind of experiment that uncle thinks you need to do, so you have to do it, good boy, be obedient!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro grabbed Xiao Ai's ankle with his big hands, and picked up the little Lolita, and the duplicity little Lolita obediently obeyed.

More than half an hour later, Mori Kogoro, who had settled Huiyuan and coaxed her to sleep, walked out of the room.

As soon as she came to the living room, Xiaolan greeted her, her little nose wrinkled, and she couldn't help but said: "It stinks, it stinks, Dad, hurry up and take a bath."

Saying this, she pushed Mori Kogoro towards the bathroom, and the clothes at the door were all ready.

He Ye on the sofa couldn't help complaining: "Xiao Lan, you have too many things to worry about, won't this be too tiring?"

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Xiaolan's mouth: "I'm used to it, Dad is actually a very confused person and needs my care."

Hongye on the side laughed lightly and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you leave it to me, I'm also good at taking care of people."

He Ye couldn't help curling his lips: "Are you kidding me? You are obviously a young lady who doesn't touch Yang Chunshui. How can you take care of others? It's safer for uncle to let me take care of you."

Hearing the two girls fighting for each other, the corner of Xiaolan's mouth couldn't help twitching.

This group of guys, each and every one of them is so jealous of their father.

And the small and transparent Kataoka Renka swallowed her saliva. She really didn't expect Kogoro Mori to be so popular and there were so many people competing for it.

After class today, I came to Mori's house, but I haven't had a chance to say a word to Kogoro yet.

Obviously, obviously Kogoro was with me last night!

Thinking of this, Lianhua couldn't help but pouted depressedly.

On the other hand, Mira couldn't help but look at Lianhua. This girl looks too much like herself and Xiaolan.

Especially now that everyone has showered and their slightly damp hair hangs down naturally, it looks even more like this.

Mira asked Lianhua secretly, "Lianhua, what's the relationship between you and Kogoro?"

The shy Lianhua quietly lowered her head, and said in a little panic, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!"

"Is it okay? But here are all Kogoro's women!" Mira continued to whisper, teasing this Oka Renhua.

Hearing this, Kataoka Renka couldn't help but looked up at Futaba, and seeing that the two of them were still arguing, it seemed that they really wanted to take over the responsibility of taking care of Mori Kogoro from Ran, so she believed it for seven Eight points.

"If it's really okay, you should go back, after all, it's getting late, and we're going to lay the floor in the living room tonight!"

Seeing that other women were sleeping in the Maori's house, Lianhua was naturally not willing to just leave in such a disgruntled manner, making herself feel like she was forced out of the game.She blushed and said softly: "It's also a little bit, a little bit, I can sleep here too."

Mira immediately had an expression of not telling the truth, but she was a little depressed in her heart.

It seems that Kogoro is using his own daughter as a template to find a woman.

So, you are one of them?

Thinking of this, Mira gritted her silver teeth, and stared viciously at the direction of the bathroom with her sky blue eyes, waiting for Kogoro to come out to make him look good!

Chapter 0255 glib rainbow praise

Mori Kogoro walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower, and saw Mira Masa sitting on the carpet staring fiercely at him.He couldn't help but went forward, sat on the sofa beside her, and teased her chin a few times with his big hand like teasing a puppy.

"What's the matter? Who messed with you? Mira! Lianhua, how are you doing? Did you learn anything today?"

Lianhua nodded, and said in a low voice, "Teacher You Xizi is very good at teaching, and I learned a lot."

"And my father asked me to tell you that the company's crisis has been resolved, and asked me to thank you for him."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Don't worry about this, there is no need to say thank you between you and me, ouch!"

At this time, a leg hair was sternly pulled by Mira!

Mira puffed her face and looked angry.

It's too perfunctory for this stinky guy to flirt with other girls after asking himself a question.

She didn't stop tugging at one of Mori Kogoro's legs, but her little hand moved towards the other leg hairs.

Mori Kogoro has a very strong physique, and it is no problem to resist bullets, but this hair is not counted in his physical fitness. Naturally, it will fall off as soon as he is pulled out, and the pain is real.

"Who else, of course you provoked me."

Saying this, Mira exerted all her strength and pulled off a few more leg hairs.

Mori Kogoro immediately pressed her little hand, gasped and asked, "What's the matter? My Queen!"

Mira snorted softly, couldn't help pouting, leaned her soft body over, and asked in a low voice: "Did you follow Xiaolan's template to find us, Qingzi, Lianhua, and me, long They are all exactly the same as Xiaolan."

"You pervert, are you with us because of our looks?"

Women always struggle with such problems, because if they like it on the outside, they like to hear men say they like her on the inside.

Especially in this situation where it is obviously regarded as a substitute, it will be even more entangled with such problems.

But there are traps in this kind of question. If the answer only likes her inside, it will appear unreal and hypocritical;

If it is because of the appearance, it is completely a death template, so it still needs a little skill.

"how is this possible?"

Although most of the reason is that Kogoro couldn't resist the angelic face that looks exactly like Xiaolan, but to be honest, wouldn't that be a big death?How could Kogoro Mori say such a thing.

"Mira, you have completely misunderstood. You and Lan are from two different worlds. How could it be the same?"

"You were born a princess, noble, elegant, yet childlike, and you can come up with such an interesting move of swapping identities, which shows your spirit of resistance."

"When I first met you, I was deeply attracted by you."

"It's not because of your beautiful appearance and bright appearance, and it's not because of your slender legs, pink skin, slender waist, and flawless face..."

To answer such questions, you have to boast both inside and outside, and unify inside and outside.

Hearing this series of rainbow praises, the corners of Mira's mouth immediately curled up, her eyebrows and eyes curved, and she looked in a good mood.

The little hand holding the leg hair loosened, and turned to caress Moori Kogoro's calf gently.

"Especially when you succeeded the queen, when you were crowned as the queen, you didn't know how beautiful you were wearing the royal robe and sitting on the throne, and how much people wanted to conquer you."

"At that moment, I decided that you must be my woman, that's why I did that to you on the throne, but even if I do it again, I will still do it."

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