These words instantly brought Mira back to her original memory, her pretty face turned red, and she couldn't help but patted Kogoro Mouri's legs: "It's disgusting!" This appearance was completely dizzy, how could there be any more regrets? He looked tangled up with the question just now!

"We two are destined to be married. You and Xiaolan bumped into each other and then came to my house."

"I am happy to sleep with you again when I come back. Such a coincidence is completely arranged by God."

Mira immediately wallowed in fond memories of their first encounter.

But soon, his face changed, and he couldn't help but said quietly: "This is not the arrangement of the heavens at all, it is clearly because you are a pervert controlled by a daughter."

"Don't pay attention to these details!"

At this time, Kogoro Mori felt as if he had been kicked in the back, so he turned his head, and immediately saw Xiaolan looking at him with a strange expression.Xiaolan raised her eyebrows, pointed to her ears, and signaled that she had heard everything.

Xiaolan's hearing is surprisingly good, and Kogoro Mouri forgot again.

Hearing his father praise Mila so much, it really made him feel very upset!

Why, if Mira is a princess, she is noble, elegant, and unparalleled. If I am not a princess, I am not noble, elegant, or noble?

Seeing his precious daughter looking like a little lioness, ready to explode at any time, Mori Kogoro screamed inwardly, confessed decisively, and begged Xiaolan for mercy with his hands clasped together.

After all, the little angel had a very high tolerance for Mori Kogoro, so he just snorted and did nothing.

Apart from twisting her waist and thighs blue with the little hand full of strange force, she really didn't do anything more.

Don't praise a woman in front of another woman, this sentence is really a wise saying.

Seeing Mira who was whispering with Kogoro, and Ran who suddenly sat up to occupy the space on the other side of Mori Kogoro, the little transparent Lianhua fell silent again.

After all, she didn't have any Gongdou skills, and she wasn't too familiar with other people, so it's normal for her to be reticent.

Kogoro Mori observed Lianhua's expression, and couldn't bear to neglect her: "Lianhua, it's getting late, do you want to spend the night here or should I take you back?"

Before Kataoka Lianhua could speak, Mira put her arms around Lianhua's arm: "Of course we spent the night here. Lianhua and I hit it off too. Let her sleep with us tonight!"

hit it off?Yeah?

Lianhua smiled awkwardly. She intended to stay, but as a first-time guest, it was a bit strange to stay.

When Mila said this and passed a step, Lianhua nodded repeatedly and said, "Then I'll spend the night here, don't bother?"

Xiaolan pinched Mori Kogoro's butt again, but said with a smile on her face: "Don't bother, don't bother!" Mira blinked at Kogoro, with a small expression of asking for credit .

Therefore, it is still very useful to coax a girl to like you. If you coax her to be happy, you will feel better after that. You don’t know when she will repay you.

Chapter 0256

Seeing himself staying here, all the girls getting along harmoniously and having fun, Kogoro Mori also felt very relaxed.

It's just that the buttocks and waist are a little sore from being pinched by Xiaolan!

Immediately afterwards, Mira leaned over, resting her little head on Maoli Kogoro's lap, raised her brows slightly, and couldn't help but joked, "Xiaogoro, why don't I call Aoko over?"

Mori Kogoro's heart jumped suddenly, his body froze for a while, and he couldn't help but said: "This, it's not very good!"

Although he said words of refusal, the expression on his face was obviously moved.

These four girls look exactly alike!

Xiaolan on the side immediately thought of something, and couldn't help puffing up: "Dad, don't bark!"

Of course it's impossible to call, I just got together with Lianhua yesterday, and I want to invite her to a wave of trouble-free battles today, it's easy to spoil this girl.

Naturally Kogoro Moori wouldn't do this, it's too immoral.

"No, of course not."

Lianhua tugged at the hem of Lamila's clothes, and couldn't help asking, "Who is Qingzi, that Mila?"

"It's also a girl who looks exactly like us, but it's a pity that she has poor breasts."

"Ah!" Hearing this, Lianhua couldn't help looking at Kogoro Mouri with a strange expression.

Qingzi, who was working hard at Nakamori's house, couldn't help but sneezed a few times, and said with a depressed face: "Who is talking about me behind my back!"

"Okay, it's getting late, you guys pack your bedding and rest, I'll go see if the others have settled down!"

As soon as they heard that Mori Kogoro wanted to leave, all the girls immediately looked at him with unfriendly expressions, their pupils all radiating a cold light.

Sitting on the sofa, He Ye dangled his playful little feet, and couldn't help complaining: "I must be looking for that woman, Fujiko again. I knew that men like that kind of figure."

Hongye couldn't help crossing her chest with both hands, making her curves more arrogant: "Maybe I went downstairs to find Teacher Judy, after all, she's a foreign girl."

Mira couldn't help but chuckled, and grabbed Moori Kogoro's leg hair again with her small hands: "Go, I'm sure, not at all, not angry."

Hearing this blatant threat, Mori Kogoro dared not move.

He sneered twice: "Just kidding, they must all be asleep, don't worry about it, I'll help you lay the floor!"

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro stood up graciously, helped push away the sofa space in the living room, took out a sheet of futons from the cabinet, and spread them out.Seeing the quilts arranged one by one, Mori Kogoro remembered the ridiculous night when Sonoko and Aoko were together.

At that time, there were eight girls in the living room, and it seemed a little happy!

It's better to urge them to fall asleep quickly, because Kogoro Mori's home field is at night!

Under Mori Kogoro's repeated urging, the girls who were obviously not feeling sleepy climbed into the futon one by one and fell asleep obediently.Xiaolan didn't want to go back to her room either. Yingli was monitoring the room, so she didn't go back to the room to rest these days.

Either sleeping on the floor with everyone, or asking Huiyuan to sleep with him for various reasons, it's really getting more and more reckless!

Soon, the living room lights were turned off by Mori Kogoro, and he returned to his bedroom to rest.

The lights next door and on the second and first floors were still on, but it was already dark and quiet here.

After a long time, the door of the middle room opened, and a wave of invisible witch power continued to spread out, covering one by one with invisible barriers, separating the five girls.

In the darkness, something seems to be surging!

At about two o'clock in the morning, Mori Kogoro quietly walked out of the stairwell.

He just came out of Jinghua's room, and today's task can be regarded as a great success.

Originally, he still wanted to sleep peacefully, but he promised Belmore to go back, so naturally he had to do it.

Soon, he came to Belmode's new residence, and the door opened as soon as his fingerprints passed.

Mori Kogoro walked towards the inner bed, and saw a female body in silk pajamas lying on the bed under the moonlight, with her eyes closed, as if sleeping peacefully.

A head of hazel-colored long hair exudes a faint brilliance, just like a goddess descending to earth.

No need to get close, Mori Kogoro can hear the gradually chaotic heartbeat.

Belmord didn't sleep at all, and had been waiting for Kogoro to come back.

Without saying a word, Mori Kogoro lay down on the bed, hugged Belmode into his arms, closed his eyes and kissed his forehead, and fell asleep directly.

Belmode, who was in his arms, let out a breath, and his chaotic heartbeat gradually calmed down.

Smelling the familiar smell, Bi Mou opened her eyes and stared angrily at the man beside her.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and his pretty face looked extremely beautiful under the moonlight.

Immediately afterwards, Belmord threw the pistol he had been holding onto the carpet, turned around and lay in Kogoro Mouri's arms, crossed one leg, and then fell asleep peacefully.

It seems that he is inexplicably at ease when he is there!

On the next day, after eight o'clock in the morning on Monday, Kogoro Mori, who had slept extremely comfortably, woke up, but there was no trace of the beautiful woman beside him.But there was something sweet in the air.

Mori Kogoro rubbed his messy hair, then got up straight away, followed the direction of the scent, and soon came to the kitchen.

Then he saw Belmode in pajamas, with long silver hair tied into a big ponytail, clumsily cooking fried ham and eggs, fearing that the oil would collapse and would jump away from time to time.

This scene really surprised Mori Kogoro.

This is the mysterious Belmode who plays with people's hearts and minds in the organization. Why does he still look like this young and charming wife? It's too unnatural!

"You're awake, Kogoro, you can have breakfast soon!"

Realizing that Mori Kogoro had woken up, Belmode turned around and told him, with a smile on his face, which was a smile Mori Kogoro had never seen before. I have to say, this smile is very beautiful under the morning light.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but went forward, hugged her from behind, and smiled softly: "I didn't expect you to have cooking skills."

"Of course, walking in the rivers and lakes is impossible without two brushes!"

"Hee hee, itchy, I'm still frying something!"

Looking at the apparently charred eggs, Kogoro Mori shook his head and chuckled, "You said you were fat and you gasped, you really could climb up the pole."

He turned off the boiler conveniently, turned Belmore around, and stared at her straightly: "But I don't want to eat right now."

Chapter 0257 newly developed witchcraft

The morning sun shines on the floor like a flowing golden lake;

The birds outside were chirping, as if they were trying to wake up the people who were lying in bed;

Butterflies are flying in the courtyard outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, chasing after each other, and gorgeous music is played from the kitchen, everything seems so harmonious and perfect.

The eggs and ham in the pot were burnt, but no one started the pot. It was already cold, and they were piled up on the side of the pot alone, and no one cared.

Kogoro Mori caressed Belmode's long silver hair with his big hands, it was soft and fluffy, and it felt great to the touch.

As soon as the hair tie was pulled away, it looked like an advertisement picture, all the long silver hair fluttered out, shining golden in the morning light, that scene was really beautiful.

Even if Belmode doesn't wear makeup, she is still beautiful, dazzling, and full of aggression.

Especially when his green eyes were raised slightly, the seemingly invisible arrogance and disdain lingering between his brows made people even more crazy.

It's just that this arrogance completely disappeared when facing Mori Kogoro.

This seems to have been engraved in her bones, and she dare not show any disrespect to Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro held her pink lips, hugged her, and accompanied by the sound of the music, his footsteps swirled gorgeously like a waltz.

Soon, the two came to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

Leaning his head on Mouri Kogoro's shoulder, Belmore couldn't help but murmured: "I thought you only liked that kind of thing!" "Nonsense, I'm very easy-going and can accept anything? Besides, didn't I always think about you before?"

Belmode wanted to roll his eyes when he heard this: This guy, is he thinking of me?

Feeling uneasy, Belmode couldn't help biting his silver teeth on Kogoro Mouri's shoulder, but in the end he couldn't bear it, and soon let go.

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