"Then let me ask you, why did my scars disappear after I was in the toilet last time?"

Belmord has always been puzzled by this point. The lingering collapse in the three scars made him suffer for a long time, even the gene repair fluid in the tissue didn't work, and it would happen from time to time, making people uncomfortable for a long time.

But for the last time, Yi Rongcheng donated fashion,     珧 珧 and 笑 维 维  willing  В  Pao Cai  big tax mulberry?/p>

"I gave it to you, so naturally there is a way to take it back."

Seeing that his expression was still confused, he had to cast a rejuvenation technique on Belmode anyway.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and demonstrated it in advance.

[Rejuvenation Technique] was immediately cast, and waves of invisible witch power radiated from his body.

The flowers, plants and trees outside the courtyard trembled slightly in the direction of Mori Kogoro as if driven.

Strands of invisible spirits of vegetation escaped from the flowers and trees and gathered together, making people feel inexplicably alive.

Mori Kogoro poured the spirit of vegetation into Belmode's body.

A coolness like mint erupted in his body immediately, filling his whole body.

Belmode's green eyes lit up a little, his body straightened up suddenly, and he trembled a few times.

She remembered that the last time she pretended to be a woman with a surname of [-], and her surname was [-], but she was a woman with a surname.

Catalyzed by the powerful spirit of plants and trees, Belmode only felt that all the discomfort in his body was dispelled, and his whole body was revived with blood.His green eyes looked at Mori Kogoro in surprise, and he opened his mouth lightly: "Is this your skill? Qigong? Or spells?"

Both of them have reached this point, so of course there is no need to hide it from her.

"Just treat it as a spell, there are more powerful ones!"

As the control of the spiritual power in the body became more and more delicate, Mori Kogoro also developed many unique tricks, and the attributes of enchanting the magic weapon were also added.

Attribute switching such as Thunder, Red Flame, and Ice is even more fluid.

He had only experimented with Xiaoshigami before when he was developing it. Now that there is such a great opportunity, how can we not let Miss Bei open his eyes.

"It's hot, it's hot...it's cold, it's cold...it's amazing..."

On the other side, in Tokyo Station, Xiaolan looked at the time on her phone from time to time, and couldn't help but complain to the little Lori next to her: "Daddy, why haven't you come yet?"

Hui Yuan, who looked like he was on a picnic in a white dress with a waist, replied, "Didn't Uncle send you a message a long time ago, saying that he would come to Nagano later?"

"I know, but I thought he could catch up. Really, I don't know where he went if he didn't catch him. I tried my best last night, but I didn't expect to disappear again in the early morning. It's too disgusting. .”

Huiyuan didn't care about Xiaolan's thoughts at all, and turned to Fujiko Mine with his blue eyes: "But what I'm curious about is, why did this guy come with us?"

Hearing what Little Loli said, Fujiko immediately hugged her up, and performed a chest tightness trick. Huiyuan waved her little hands desperately, and struggled crazily.

"There are so many people in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department wanting me, of course they want to go out and hide to avoid the limelight."


Xiaolan hurriedly covered her mouth, and couldn't help complaining: "Miss Fuji, you are already wanted, please don't say such things in public?"

"Also, don't you really wear something to disguise? Don't you wear a hat and sunglasses or something?"

Fujiko Mine, who was in a red and white dress, said stinkingly, "I don't want it, my beauty can't be covered by those mortal things."

"But Kogoro is not here, it's really boring. I still remember that I was on the plane with Kogoro, and I was a little bit looking forward to the train. It seems that there is no way."

On the plane!

Xiaolan blushed immediately, and quickly covered Fujiko's mouth with her small hands, wisps of heat were still rising from his forehead, it was really unbearable for such a bold Fujiko.

"Miss Fujiko, these are not things that a lady should say, nor are they things that can be said in public."

At this moment, the radio at the station rang, and Conan and Heiji got out from nowhere, and greeted the three girls to get on the train.

Xiaolan hurriedly pulled Fujiko to the direction of the queue.

And the little loli Huiyuan, who had been struggling in Fujiko's arms for a long time, finally came out, panting: finally saved!

Chapter 0258

At the gate of the villa that Belmode had just moved to, a black car stopped.

The car door opened, and a pair of black leather shoes came down first. He was dressed in plain black with a bulging waist, as if he was hiding a gun!

The man looked around, then cautiously came to the back door of the villa.

I saw a steel wire protruding from his hand, poked it into the keyhole and turned it a few times, and the back door was opened immediately.

She sneaked into the courtyard, stepped on the lawn, and came out of the French windows.

Looking at the scene in the back room, his brows were slightly raised, and he couldn't help but pushed the glass door open and broke in directly.

Belmore, who was lying on the sofa, was startled, exclaimed, sat up, and turned into a standard Erlang leg.

However, Kogoro Mouri said with a normal face: "Rena, is your brother on the plane? Don't worry, I have asked the Duke over there to wait for the plane."

Shui Wurennai's eyes were on the two of them, and she raised her eyebrows, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, after we separated, have you two been together?"

"It's not always..."

She was interrupted by Belmord before she finished speaking, and she took Mouri Kogoro's arm, she calmed down, and said triumphantly: "Of course we have been together all this time, you don't even know that we are together How sweet, sister Reina!"

Seeing the word Maoli written on his leg in blood, Rena Mizumu couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and spoke angrily.

"You are the younger sister!"

"Hey, you don't keep your promises, so I saved your brother for you, and now you regret it, Kogoro, leave me to judge!"

Now Belmord speaks coquettishly to Kogoro Mori.

I can't stand it, I really can't stand it!


Shui Wuliannai, who had a little resentment, snorted softly: "Hmph, I'm too lazy to bother with you two. I haven't closed my eyes all night. Where is the room?" Bellmord hurriedly pointed to the right side of the corridor: "The first one on the right The first room is yours, and I've already made the bed for you."

Rena Mizumu yawned and walked towards the room.

Obviously, knowing that Gin was also monitoring Reina Mizumu, Belmode let it go and let her move here together, which was considered a kind of care.

Kogoro Mori is naturally happy to see the results, Kaneyou Zangjiao, still the sister Bei and Keir in the organization, it seems that the future will be indispensable... Hehehe.

Besides, the two of them lived close to each other and it was convenient to take care of them. If something happened, it would be easy to rush over from home.

"I'm so hungry, by the way, the breakfast I made, Kogoro, is all your fault!"

After saying this, Belmode ran towards the kitchen with bare feet, his steps were light and he looked in a good mood.

Seeing that the food was getting cold, she put on her apron and started to reheat the food.

I have to say that Belmore's food is more attractive than cooking at this moment!

Mori Kogoro followed suit, waited for a while at the dining table, and then saw Belmore coming with breakfast.

It was already ten o'clock, and breakfast was only started.

Belmode put the hot egg and ham sandwich on the dining table. When he saw the stains on the table, his face blushed, and he immediately took out a paper towel and wiped it desperately.

Mori Kogoro watched this scene with interest while enjoying his scorched breakfast.

Full of color, but a little warm.

The time after that was the time when he was served by Belmode, pouring tea, preparing a fruit plate, preparing clothes and shoes for going out, and helping him tidy up his clothes at the entrance.

It can be seen that Belmord's movements are clumsy, this is her first time serving people, but her expression is clearly enjoying it.

Seeing the indomitable sister Bei trying hard to be a virtuous wife in front of me, it is really a full achievement.

Mori Kogoro embraced Belmode, and kissed his lips.

After another deep kiss, he bid farewell to him, turned around and walked out the door.

After seeing off Mori Kogoro, Belmode couldn't suppress his tiredness anymore, and went to his room to catch up on sleep while yawning.

And in the living room of Tatsuo's house in Nagano Prefecture, Conan Heiji and his party all came here to visit.

Xiaolan was typing frantically, urging Kogoro Mori to edit the information.

She thought her father had already arrived here first, but who knew that she had been in Nagano County for so long and hadn't seen any trace of him, so she was naturally in a bad mood.If Dad hadn't said he would come over during dinner last night, Xiaolan wouldn't be so bored and come here from such a long distance.

Looking at the photo given by Patriarch Longwei, Heiji said, "Your son Kang Si was tied up and buried on a stone pestle. Afterwards, the murderer smashed his head several times with a blunt instrument, and he died directly."

"The murderer put the dead centipede on the blood before the blood coagulated. This method is too cruel!"

"Then what did the police say?"

The head of the Longwei family wearing glasses said angrily: "Of course I only said that the investigation is underway, that's why I asked Police Officer Dalong to help me find someone to investigate this case. Heiji, you must Please help me."

Hattori Heiji replied, "But according to Police Officer Dalong, this case is already in the making."

At this moment, the door of the living room was pushed open, and a short, white-haired old man came in: "It must have been done by the Hutian family. Their Hutian Yoshiro died first, so they thought it was our dragon." The O family did it, so they sent someone to kill Kang Si to vent their anger."

Patriarch Longwei immediately said: "Mom, without evidence, you can't just draw conclusions."

The old man looked annoyed: "No one can do this kind of revenge full of hatred except their Hutian family."

Patriarch Longwei was helpless when he saw his mother's appearance.

Conan couldn't help asking, "Who found the corpse?"

"It was my other son, Ah Jing, who found it on his way home from practicing horse archery. This son of mine was still a horse archer when he was offering sacrifices in the village!"

"Then where is Mr. Ah Jing?"

"You should practice riding and archery in the woods. Soon the annual sacrificial activities in the village will begin."

On the other side, in the stables of the Hutian family, the void twisted for a while.

Mori Kogoro, who had used the Great Teleportation Talisman, felt his world spinning for a while, his body was thrown out, and immediately bumped into a soft body.It seems that I haven't used this big teleportation talisman for a long time, and I'm a little unskilled, and there is such a big deviation from Xiaolan's position.

Mouri Kogoro hadn't recovered before he heard a scream, and immediately the world was turned upside down, and then he was thrown heavily to the ground.Shoulder fall?

His arms were directly clasped, and what caught his eyes was a woman dressed as a young woman.

Chapter 0259

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