"who are you?"

The woman dressed as a young woman scolded softly, clasping Kogoro Mori's right arm upside down with both hands, leaning against his back, and pinning him to the ground.

This is a fighting technique used by the police to subdue the prisoner, but Mori Kogoro only felt that his back was full of softness.

Of course, with his physique, he would not be injured, so he struggled to get up.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm a detective from Tokyo, and I bumped into you when I didn't stand still."

Saying this, facing Uehara Yui's astonished gaze, Mori Kogoro carried him on his back.

With a little effort, the woman on his body was thrown out, and with another pull of his big hand, he pulled her in front of him.

This is a very charming beauty, wearing a beige top, orange long skirt, long hair parted left and right, revealing a delicate face, light blue eyes seem to hide lingering sadness.

The Thousand Paper Cranes that came out of the psychic flew around the surroundings, and Kogoro Mori knew where he was.

This is the Hutian family who has animosity with the Longwei family for generations! ! !

And this woman is the widow of the Hutian family, Hutian Yui, whose real name is Uehara Yui.

She was originally a policeman in Nagano Prefecture. Six years ago, she seemed to be trying to track down the truth about the death of a very respected senior. She married Yoshiro Torada and became his elder. But Yoshiro Torada died a while ago, so she became a widow.

However, from the perspective of Moori Kogoro, the old driver, this newly promoted widow who has been married for six years is actually a young child and has not yet been humanized.This is too bizarre!Could it be that her husband can't?

Perhaps Moori Kogoro's gaze was too hot, and he didn't hide it at all.

There was more annoyance in Uehara Yui's eyes, and he couldn't help scolding softly.

"Dengtuzi, I'm not the kind of widow who can be bullied!" Saying this, the long skirt was rolled up, and the long snow-white legs immediately swept towards Kogoro Mouri's head.

But this speed was too slow, Mori Kogoro grabbed his ankle casually and pushed him straight up.

hiss! ! !

Uehara Yui's eyes immediately rolled up, and the other foot kept jumping up.

pain! ! !

It seems that she is not flexible enough, she can't bear it before she pulls out a split horse?

"You really misunderstood me, don't you know me? My little Maori Kogoro is a detective and came here specially for this case."

At this moment, the wooden door of the stables was pushed open, and a man in a suit with an unshaven beard, leaning on crutches with one hand, and seeing things with one eye appeared.

When his one-eyed eye saw the scene inside the stable, Yui Uehara, who was facing away from him, was supported by one leg, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted violently, "Let go of Yui!"

This man is a policeman from Nagano Prefecture, Yamato dares to help!

She was also Yui Uehara's childhood sweetheart, and naturally reacted violently when she saw this scene.

His boss is Kuroda Hei, whom Mori Kogoro wants to meet on this trip.

Yamato Gansuke, who shouted loudly, exploded at a speed that ordinary people did not have. He walked like flying with one leg, and stabbed in the direction of Mori Kogoro while holding a cane.When dealing with men, Mori Kogoro was not so polite to Uehara Yui.

With his hand on Uehara Yui's right leg, he moved slightly to one side, and Uehara Yui couldn't help gasping again.

I did a ligament stretch today out of nowhere.

Then Mori Kogoro kicked out directly, as fast as Yamato Dasuke rushed over, he flew upside down.

Yamato Kansuke, who fell to the ground, was covered in mud and couldn't help coughing a few times, looking at Mori Kogoro with one eye like a wolf.

As a policeman, he naturally has a gun, so he quickly took out the pistol and pointed at Kogoro Mouri from afar: "Release him quickly, or I will make you look good."

Seeing Yamato Daresuke impulsively pulling out his gun, Uehara Yui immediately said nervously: "Yamato, you misunderstood, quickly put away the gun."

"This man is not a bad guy, he is the great detective Mori Kogoro from Tokyo, please don't act foolishly."

Originally, when Mori Kogoro said his name, Uehara Yui recognized him.

But before he made it clear that Yamato dared to help, he barged in, and this was what happened.

And Yamato dared to help Cyclops, he couldn't believe it, even if he was a detective, he couldn't treat you like this, what are you doing with this posture?

Listening to his childhood sweetheart talking to Mori Kogoro, Yamato Kansuke felt his heart throbbing constantly.

Mori Kogoro coughed lightly, and hastily let go of the plain white smooth ankle that was grasped by his left hand.

Uehara Yui's center of gravity was unstable, and he immediately stretched out his hand to hold his shoulder, and then barely stood up.

She immediately stretched out her hand to press down the hem of the long skirt, her little face blushed for no reason.

Seeing this scene, Dahe Ganzhu felt extremely overwhelmed again.

"Ahem, I, Kogoro Mori, is a detective and came here for this case. There are many misunderstandings, please forgive me."

Yamato Ganzhu also recognized him, so he silently put the gun back and struggled to get up.

Uehara Yui still wanted to help him, but he flatly rejected him. It seemed that he had a lot of self-esteem!

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Yui Uehara subconsciously ignored that the door of the stable had not been opened before, and Mori Kogoro appeared inexplicably, and then took care of her own business. The clumsy excuse of falling on the ground was too clumsy, and she didn't believe it at all.

She turned to ask: "Detective Maori, are you here to investigate the matter of my deceased husband? But the death of my husband Yoshiro was an accident."

"He was swept into the sky by a tornado, and then fell into a cliff to his death. No one can control a tornado!"

No one can manipulate it, but the one in front of you will do.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "I'm sure Torada Yoshiro's death was an accident, but what I'm here to investigate is the death of the eldest son of the Tatsuo family, Tatsuo Koji; The accidental death of policeman Jia Feixuan."

Hearing this, Uehara Yui and Yamato Kansuke's eyes lit up immediately, and their expressions instantly became eager.

Jia Feixuan is the senior they respect very much!

It was because he wanted to find out the truth about his death that Dahe Dahe helped him hunt down the criminals Jia Feixuan had offended and entered the snow mountain. He lost his eyes and broke his leg when he encountered an avalanche.

Uehara Yui also found clues about the Torada family, so he resolutely resigned and married Torada Yoshiro whom he didn't like.

The two paid a lot of price for the truth of Jia Feixuan's death, and they are still investigating secretly, but there is no progress.

Now, the world-renowned strongest detective said that he came for the death of Jia Feixuan, how could they not be happy, they only felt that there was a bright light in the dark mist.

Mori Kogoro observed the change in the attitudes of the two, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 0260 Willing to anything?

Yui Uehara quickly asked: "Detective Maori, do you think the case six years ago has something to do with the case of Longwei's family?"

"It's a bit vague, but I can't tell the specifics."

"As long as it is helpful to the case, I will tell you everything I know."

"As long as I can solve the case and I need to do it, I will fully cooperate!" It seems that Uehara Yui has already placed some hopes on Mori Kogoro.

And the one-eyed policeman Yamato Gansuke saw this scene, his heart was sour, and his one-eyed eyes narrowed slightly.

Confused by his pride, he said, "You guys check it out, so what about the detective from Tokyo, so what about the big name, I don't believe you can find out Hua."

"Yuyi, I'm here to ask you this time. Six years ago, policeman Jia Fei fell into the cliff and died. You are the first witness now. Do you still remember seeing centipedes beside him?"

Yui Uehara frowned immediately, and blinked his light blue eyes slightly: "Centipede, I don't remember that, senior's body was mostly covered by fallen leaves, and there was a dead horse beside him, his body was covered with oxidized and blackened blood, There is no centipede at all, Yamato, did you find anything?"

Yamato dared to listen to the information he wanted, turned around on crutches and walked outside, not thinking about sharing clues at all.

"It's nothing." A sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Just don't end this incident quickly, I'm afraid there will be more victims in the future, big detective!"

Seeing that Yamato Gansuke couldn't figure it out, Uehara Yui turned around and asked Mori Kogoro: "Detective Mori, do you know what this centipede means?"

Seeing that Yamato Kansuke didn't go far, combined with the information obtained from monitoring Heiji and Conan, Mori Kogoro's voice became a little louder.

"Pretentiously, centipedes are also called centipedes. During the Warring States period, scouts and messengers on the battlefield would carry centipede flags and gallop across the battlefield, especially the Chibei Army under Takeda Shingen, which used centipedes as their banners."

"So the appearance of the centipede means that the battle is not over yet."

"In addition to the incident of Jaffe's policeman falling to his death from a cliff six years ago, in the two recent incidents of Yoshiro Torada being blown to his death by a tornado, and Koji Ryuo being buried in a mound of earth and crushed to death, the blood Before the coagulation, someone put the centipede on it, so that the centipede and the blood coagulate together."

"Obviously this is a signal of serial killings, that's why this guy came to ask you if there was such a scene six years ago, and if so, it can be connected in series."

After listening to Mori Kogoro's analysis, Uehara Yui immediately expressed admiration.

But Yamato dared to help the footsteps, but staggered for a while, and then sighed: Sure enough, he is a worthy man under his reputation!

He speeded up and walked towards the distant woods.

When the two could no longer see him, Dahe Gansuke took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Gao Ming, I have met the guy you have always admired. If you want to compete with him, come to Hutian's house!" An excited voice came from the other end of the phone!

Seeing that there were only himself and Uehara Yui left in the stable, Mori Kogoro chuckled.

"Ma'am, what you just said is that as long as you can solve the case, you are willing to cooperate with anything. Is this true?"

Uehara Yui still couldn't hear the bad intentions in it, and nodded seriously: "Of course it is true, I will definitely seek justice for the death of Senior."

Kogoro Maoli had a smirk on his lips: "It seems that Madam has really made up her mind. How about this, go outside and tell me everything you know."

Uehara Yui led Mori Kogoro outside, sat on a wooden pier and began to talk.

She started from the beginning, and what happened six years ago came to life.

Six years ago, at the joint sacrifice of the two villages, Jia Feixuan and Longwei Jing, the youngest son of the Longwei family, competed for the position of Yabusame.

【Yabusame: A Japanese priest who shoots on horseback and shoots a bow and arrow that breaks a wooden plank in order to pray for peace in the world. 】

In the trials, both sides hit every shot without fail.

But on the last target, both sides missed the target, which caused the trials to be postponed to the next day.

At the end of the competition, Jia Feixuan rode into the forest to continue training, but Long Weijing went home first because he was exhausted.

But that night, Jia Feixuan did not come back.

The people in the village knew that something had happened to him, and everyone went into the woods to look for it. After all, Jia Feixuan was a well-known and respected policeman in the village.But everyone searched the woods, but they couldn't find any trace of Jia Feixuan.

Until seven days later, after the typhoon, Yui Uehara, who was still searching in the forest, finally found the body of Jia Feixuan under the cliff.Because his body was covered by leaves, no one found it until the typhoon blew the leaves away to reveal his true face.

His leg was pinned down by the dead horse, and he couldn't escape. He was also at the bottom of the cliff, and the cry for help could not be heard.

Under that dark cliff, the Jia Feixuan was starved to death.

Later, by chance, Uehara Yui heard the news that Yoshiro Torata was drunk and talked about the trial, and he entered the woods.

In order to investigate the truth, his childhood sweetheart Yamato Kansuke encountered an avalanche and disappeared directly.

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