Uehara Yui married Torada Yoshiro, who he didn't like, and lurked beside him, intending to investigate the truth.

But six years later, Uehara Yui did not investigate anything.

She only knows her husband Yoshiro, her husband's younger brother Fanji, the eldest son Koji of the Longwei family, the second son Ajing and her daughter-in-law Linghua, and the five formed a secret treasure hunting team.

These five people have been looking for the treasure of "one hundred thousand gold" dug out from Jinshan by the famous Warring States General Takeda Shingen in the nearby woods and mountains.

The five of them grew up together, played very well, and all believed that the treasure was real, so they never gave up the idea of ​​treasure hunting.

And Yoshiro Torada is very vigilant, and he is also very guarded against Uehara Yui, for fear that she is someone who covets the treasure, which has led to no progress in Uehara Yui's investigation.

However, in the eyes of Hutian Dangjia and Longwei Dangjia, this treasure hunting team was completely fooling around, and they didn't pay attention to it at all.

Today, Yoshiro Torada in the five-member team was first blown up by a tornado and fell to his death, and then Koji Ryuo was buried in the soil and was smashed to death with a blunt instrument. Only three people remained in the five-member treasure hunting team.

After listening to Uehara Yui's narration, Mori Kogoro became a little interested in Takeda Shingen's treasure.

If the treasure can be found, maybe Fuerzi will be quite happy.

"Maori detective? Maori detective?"

Hearing the call, Mori Kogoro came back to his senses.

"I've told all I know. Did the Maori detective find anything?"

After finishing speaking, Uehara Yui looked at Mori Kogoro expectantly again.

This is too urgent, do you really regard me as a god?

But Mori Kogoro, who knew the plot of the original book, of course had information to remind her, so he hooked his fingers and signaled her to come over.Uehara Yui obediently listened to him.

"The one with blue and white stripes doesn't seem to be suitable for my wife. I think you can try the one with transparent lace!"

As soon as the words fell, Uehara Yui's cheeks flushed like a steam oven, of course she knew what he was talking about.

Chapter 0261

Must have just been seen!

Yui Uehara said in embarrassment: "Detective Maori, please don't say such impolite words, I just want to ask you if you found it?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Just kidding, I just think it's a little inconsistent to wear such a girly style at my wife's age. Black lace is in line with the image of a wife."

"But it seems to be quite good, and it has a surprisingly kawaii effect!"

This is completely molesting, Yui Uehara's face was steaming, and he couldn't help scolding: "Detective Mori!"

"No, do I look very old?"

"I'm only twenty-nine years old, I'm not yet thirty, so you don't care what I wear?" The woman is still very sensitive to age, so she came over without hesitation. "Detective Maori, are you here to make fun of me or to investigate the case?"

Saying this, Uehara Yui patrolled Mori Kogoro with eyes of a pervert, and slowly backed away.

But his wrist was grabbed by Kogoro Mori, and he pulled him closer.

The warm breath hit his earlobe, dyeing his ears red, and a magnetic voice came over.

"Ma'am, you really don't have any sense of humor. Well, I won't tease you anymore, let's talk about the case."

"Your husband Yoshiro Torada was blown up by a tornado and fell to his death. This was an accident."

"However, the bloody dead centipede arranged by someone at the scene of the crime proves that someone saw this scene nearby, and then chose not to save it and let it die."

"Afterwards, Koji Longwei's death was a bit deliberate. Why did he specifically bury his body with earth and rocks before hammering him to death?"

"Why?" Uehara Yui asked eagerly, her cheeks were very close.

Mori Kogoro could see the fine hairs on his face, so he couldn't help patting his small face with his big hand.

Quite a Q bomb!

"Detective Maori, if you do this again, I won't be here..."

"I didn't think of it until that Yamato policeman mentioned centipede just now."

Hearing Mori Kogoro's words, Uehara Yui, who was originally angry, stopped and listened intently.

"The centipede flag belongs to Takeda Shingen, but apart from the centipede flag, Takeda Shingen also has a very famous flag, the 'Fenglin Shanhuo' flag!"

"[It's as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as plundering as fire, as immovable as a mountain], derived from Sun Tzu's Art of War, but it was also regarded as the supreme principle by Takeda Shingen, and it was written on the flag to remind oneself."

"This murderer probably respects Takeda Shingen very much, so after your husband was killed by a tornado, he came up with a plan to kill people based on these four sentences."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't deliberately bury Koji Longwei in the earth and hammer him to death."

"Now that it is as fast as the wind and as immovable as a mountain, it is just as slow as a forest and as aggressive as a fire."

"In other words, the murderer still wants to kill at least two people."

Uehara Yui rested her chin on her chin, with a pensive look on her face, completely forgetting about Moori Kogoro molesting her just now.

"Then Maori-kun, do you know who the murderer wants to kill next?"

Kogoro Moori couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Please, I just came to investigate, how could I know so much!"

"However, nine out of ten are members of your Hutian family and Longwei family. You two families have a lot of grievances."

"As for the death of policeman Jaffe who fell to his death six years ago, it seems to be related to this serial murder case!"

Uehara Yui immediately looked anxious: "What connection?"

Mori Kogoro immediately laughed viciously: "I won't tell you, knowing too much won't do you much good."

"And you are such a stupid person, the investigation has not made any progress in six years, let me tell you, if you accidentally slipped your mouth, it will be bad."

Hearing this, Uehara immediately glared at Kogoro Mori with light blue eyes angrily.

But the death of Senior Jia Fei was like a demon to Uehara Yui, she just felt that the claws were scratching her heart, and she was very curious.

Uehara Yui's voice pretended to be soft, and she began to act coquettishly: "Mori-kun, just tell me, I'm sure I won't leak the secret."

Seeing Moori Kogoro's unmoved look, Uehara Yui thought about what he said before, gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Maori-kun, as long as you tell me about Senior Jia Fei, I will, I will show you the black lace one you mentioned."

Yoshi!This young woman really spent her life and was willing to pay such a price.

I really want to see it, it seems to be very good!

"Black lace? Dad, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Xiaolan's voice came from behind, full of restrained anger.

Mori Kogoro turned his head and saw his daughter crossing her arms, looking at him with slightly raised brows, and a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

And the little loli Huiyuan rolled her eyes at Mori Kogoro: "Pervert!" After saying that, she turned her head arrogantly.

Fujiko Mine laughed coquettishly: "Xiao Goro, leave the rest of us behind and come to pick up girls by yourself, that's not okay!"

Yui Uehara immediately looked embarrassed: "You have misunderstood, I am Yui Torada, the daughter-in-law of the Torita family, I just discussed some clothes with the Maori detective, and he said that I am more suitable for that kind of black, with lace edges side skirt."

Mine Fujiko inspected her with beautiful eyes: "Torada Yoshiro's wife? Wife?"

"Hi!" Uehara Yui nodded.

"Okay, Kogoro, it's too bad for you to kill the widow of your husband who just died."

Uehara Yui's expression instantly turned awkward.

Mori Kogoro stood up and patted Fujiko on the head: "What are you talking about, I'm investigating the case, and I'm here to ask Mrs. Yui some details, don't think about it wrong."

Hearing this, the girls were a little skeptical.

"Heiji, how is the investigation going?"

Hattori Heiji, who had no sense of presence in the back, said, "I just finished asking Mr. Hutian, and I have a general understanding of the situation. Now I want to ask this lady about the case six years ago."

Seeing so many people present, Uehara Yui invited, "It's not convenient to talk outside, let's talk in the tea room."

After finishing speaking, she led everyone to the tea room in the side hall.

Just as soon as he took a step, he was inadvertently pulled out of the ponytail, and there were bursts of pain in his stretched crotch, and the tearing sensation continued to strike.

Uehara Yui frowned, and walked awkwardly towards the tea room.

The sharp eyes of the three women fell on him immediately, and then fell on his crotch, followed by flashes of cold light.

Obviously, they all wanted it wrong!

At the end, Xiaolan hugged Mori Kogoro's arm very intimately.

Urged by the strange force, his little hand immediately grabbed Kogoro Mori's butt and twisted it.

hiss! ! !

Mori Kogoro's face twisted for a while, and he quickly said softly: "It's a misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding, Lan, it's not what you think."

But Xiaolan didn't listen to Mori Kogoro's explanation at all, she just thought that in just a few hours, he took another woman, a woman who had just lost

When the husband's widow got it, he was naturally very angry, and he ignored whatever explanations he had.

The corners of Mori Kogoro's mouth twitched, purple, purple, even his butt is definitely purple.Xiaolan's strange power is like murdering her own father!

Sensing the small hands on his buttocks like iron tongs, Mori Kogoro felt ruthless for a while.

Come on, hurt each other!

Chapter 0262 The Role of Fame

"Ugh!" Xiaolan's expression changed, and her body stiffened a little.

Hearing this voice, Conan couldn't help turning his head and asked in concern: "Sister Xiaolan, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a moth flying past."

Conan didn't have any doubts anymore, and walked forward with Heiji, looking innocent.

However, Huiyuan, who was very close to the two of them, couldn't help but step on his white shoes on Kogoro Mouri's shoes, and cursed in a low voice, "Pervert!" Hearing this inexplicably from this cute voice, Still a little bit excited!

The mutual harm between the father and daughter who walked together did not stop, but intensified.

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