A thick-browed woman in a short purple skirt kept applauding: "As expected of A Jing, all hits. It seems that you are the Yabusame for this sacrifice."

Long Weijing got off his horse and said, "You still can't be careless, I'm still far behind Senior Jia Fei!"

Pingji couldn't help asking: "Excuse me, are you Longwei Jing and his wife? We are detectives invited by the owner of Longwei, and I want to ask some questions about Longwei Koji."

"Well, my father told us about this, but you look very young!"

Regardless of his doubts, the little ghost asked directly: "Did anything strange happen when your brother died?"

Long Weijing then shook his head and said: "Kang Si is not my elder brother, he is my brother-in-law, he joined our Longwei family, so he changed his surname to Longwei, and my elder sister died ten years ago, so I also treat him as my elder brother Respect."

"However, strange thing, let me think about it."

"By the way, before Yoshiro Torada died, Koji often met with him in private, and even said that he was going to meet someone."

Ah Jing said this, but his wife Linghua's face changed.

Chapter 0264

Conan keenly noticed the change in the young woman's face, and the eyes behind the glasses were staring at Linghua.

And Heiji asked eagerly: "Mr. Ah Jing, please try your best to recall, who did the two deceased want to see before they died?"

Long Weijing held his beard and tried hard to think.

"I remembered that it was Officer Yamato. They had said that they would go to see Officer Yamato, but Koji didn't say anything about it after the tornado incident."

Officer Yamato?The weird one-eyed criminal policeman on crutches immediately flashed in the minds of the two children. They met him when they asked Shigeji Torata, so they naturally knew who he was.

Long Weijing held his chin and continued to speak: "I still remember that after Yoshiro's accident, Kang Si always hid in the room alone, saying something like 'I'm the next one'."

Hearing this, the face of the wife behind him changed drastically, and her pupils continued to dilate.

She hurriedly asked: "Ah Jing, what are you talking about? Did brother-in-law say such a thing? Why didn't I know?"

Long Weijing said with a surprised face: "Didn't you go back to your mother's house at that time? It's normal if you don't know. Afterwards, Kang Si was attacked and killed in the mound, and you only encountered his funeral when you came back."

"What's the matter, Linghua, why is your face so ugly?"

The young woman's face was abnormally pale, and her body trembled.

Pingji hurriedly asked: "This eldest sister, do you know something inside?"

"No, how is it possible?"

Ling Hua immediately exclaimed, her appearance became more and more suspicious.

She turned to her husband: "Jing, I'm tired, let's stop practicing and go back first."

Long Weijing, who felt sorry for his daughter-in-law, nodded immediately, and then led the horse and led Linghua towards home, while the two little ghosts followed quickly.

Pingji even opened his mouth to explain: "It just so happens that I still have some things I want to ask you, the head of the family, so let's go back with you."

Naturally, Long Weijing had no objection, but Linghua glanced at the two children from the corner of her eye, but she was full of coldness.

The two little ghosts fell behind the young couple, whispering to each other.

"Heiji, have you noticed that the deceased members of the Tatsuo family and the Hutian family are said to be the first heirs, but in fact they have no blood relationship with the rest of the family?

Heiji nodded: "Well, I also found out that Yoshiro Torada is the son of the sister in charge of the Torada family. He was adopted, so he is called Yoshiro." It's not related at all."

Conan's glasses were full of white light: "A tiger's poison doesn't eat its sons. Since it's not his own son, in other words, the heads of the family or the elders are also suspected."

Heiji put his hands on his head: "It's really a complicated relationship, but this Linghua is very suspicious. When Koji died, she just went back to her mother's house and was not there."

"She must know something, and there will definitely be clues after further investigation."

But to the disappointment of the two little ghosts, when this Longwei Linghua returned home, she refused to accept Conan's inquiries, and instead hid in the toilet alone, ignoring everyone.

Such an abnormal behavior makes people helpless.

After waiting for a long time, Heiji finally remembered to call Mouri Kogoro about the situation here.

"Uncle, this is the clue we have investigated. How is the progress on your side?"

Mori Kogoro was a little embarrassed, looking at the four girls galloping with him around him, he felt a little guilty.

He really couldn't stand Fujiko's soft-heartedness, so he agreed to go treasure hunting with her.

So I found Uehara Yui, borrowed a few horses from her, and followed the map to this plain.

In the treasure map, several places have been circled, some have been dug out by the treasure hunting teams of Hutian and Longwei's family, and some have not yet been mined.

Kogoro Mori drives the Ant-Man robot into the land for exploration. The Ant-Man robot can shuttle between the gaps in the land. It is always beneficial to send the Ant-Man robot to explore the treasure.

As for Mine Fujiko, a lazy woman, she felt unequipped when she came to the location specified on the map, so she didn't want to dig.

He also said that it would be fine to just blow it out when the explosives are ready.

Now this woman is riding a horse and having fun, chasing a rabbit and galloping wildly, which also makes Mori Kogoro a headache.

"Uncle, how is your progress there?"

Mori Kogoro quickly replied: "It's going well, but you said that Longwei Ayaka has been in the toilet for half an hour, I'm afraid there is something wrong, maybe there is a secret way to escape, I suggest you go and ask someone to look."

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji nodded quickly: "Okay, I'll go and have a look..."

Before the voice finished, the phone was hung up, and the corner of Heiji's mouth twitched immediately.

And on the big horse, Mao Li Kogoro took the little loli Huiyuan, grabbed the rein, and said: "Xiao Ai, sit still, let's go after Xiaolan and the others now."

Huiyuan held Kogoro Mori's arm tightly with his two small hands, his little face was pale, and he let out an indescribable whimper, looking extremely pitiful.Unexpectedly, Hui Yuan, who has always been calm and resolute, would be afraid of riding a horse.

Immediately, the beast control technique was displayed, and immediately communicated with the white horse underneath to let it run more steadily.

Baima sneezed, indicating that he knew.

Then Mori Kogoro held the rein with one hand, and embraced Huiyuan's belly with the other, protecting her and bringing her closer to him.


The white horse began to slowly speed up and run wildly, but Hui Yuan, who closed his eyes and screamed, could not feel any jolt.

This level is similar to a carousel in an amusement park.

She felt the fiery big hands on her lower abdomen and the firm embrace on her back, and then she barely opened her closed eyes, and saw her uncle smiling gently at herself.

Seeing Mori Kogoro's face, Haibara was not afraid at all.

Seeing the beautiful scenery passing by, the strong wind sweeping left and right, the air is still filled with the primitive atmosphere of vegetation.

Little Lolita finally realized the charm of riding, and couldn't help but shouted.

The voice was cute and pretty, which made Mori Kogoro laugh out loud.

I just leave it to those two energetic brats to investigate the case, and galloping is what I should do.

Soon, the fast-accelerating white horse caught up with Xiaolan who was riding the red horse.

Mori Kogoro patted his buttocks with a big hand, then walked away with a big smile.

"Smelly dad, you wait for me!"

The provocative Xiaolan clamped her horse's belly, swung her whip and chased after her.

Chapter 0265

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and blinked at his daughter: "Lan, your riding skills have improved a lot now!"

Xiaolan, who was chasing after her, was holding the rein, her legs were clamped on the horse's belly, and she was hanging on the horse, looking very heroic!

This is the standard rider's posture, which is worthy of full athleticism.

However, under Kogoro Mori's foul-level animal-monitoring technique, the red horse under him rebelled, and his speed quietly slowed down, pulling away from the two people in front.Little Loli Huiyuan poked her head out of Kogoro Mori's arms, making faces at Xiaolan, and Xiaolan looked helpless and angry!The four riders galloped all the way outside the village, from the head of the village to the end of the village, and finally stopped in the shade of a tree.

Mori Kogoro arrived at the finish line first and stopped, leading the white horse and walking slowly with the little loli in his arms, facing the breeze and feeling happy.

And Xiaolan, who caught up, couldn't help kicking his butt a few times, and then dismounted and followed Mouri Kogoro.

The shoulders of the father and daughter bumped into each other from time to time, but the tacit understanding was abnormal.

Followed by Fujiko Mine and Yui Uehara!

As soon as Yui Uehara came over, he couldn't help but complain: "Detective Maori, are you here to investigate the case or to play? It seems that you don't care much about the case here."

She always felt that she was a little fooled. Mori Kogoro said that he would help find out the truth of the case of Mr. Jia Fei six years ago, but he didn't see him really take action.

I also said before that I knew the connection between senior Jia Fei and the two recent cases, so it was all a lie!

At this time, Mori Kogoro chuckled, and turned his finger to point to an independent mansion at the end of the village: "That should be the home of Jia Feixuan!" mansion.

Unexpectedly, he ran all the way along the wilderness outside the village and stopped near Jia Fei's house.

Yui Uehara immediately thought that he had misunderstood Kogoro Mori, and couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Let's go, since we're all here, let's go and have a look together!"

The people tied the horses under the shade of the trees, and went together to the independent mansion at the end of the village.

The building of the mansion is extremely old-fashioned, like the house of a rich family in ancient times, but it lacks care and looks quite dilapidated.

When Yui Uehara saw this familiar house, his eyes were full of memories.

When she was young, she and Dahe Ganzhu always came here to play, but after the death of Jia Feixuan, she seldom came here.

"I remember that my predecessor passed away without getting married and having children. There is only one old man with a strange personality left in Jia Fei's family. I don't know how he is doing recently!"

When everyone came to the main entrance, they found that the gate was open and a police car was parked at the gate.

Taking a closer look, a man with a mustache in a suit and leather shoes was talking with an old man on crutches.

The man took out his police certificate, squinted his phoenix eyes, and patiently explained to the old man: "My humble fellow, I am a policeman from the Nagano Police Department. I came here to investigate the incident of Jia Feixuan six years ago. I hope the old man can give me some help." convenient."

Xiaolan couldn't help but asked, "Zhuge Kongming?"

(Note: Zhufu Gaoming and Zhuge Kongming are homonyms in Japanese, so it's normal to mishear!)

The man with the mustache and phoenix eyes turned his head: "It's not Zhuge Kongming, but I do have the nickname 'Kongming'." After speaking, his gaze fell on Kogoro Mouri, and he couldn't help smiling and said, "Detective Maori , I have really admired your name for a long time!"

"You are the 'Kong Ming' Zhu Fu Gaoming of the Nagano Police Department, I know you!"

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