Uehara Yui recognized him, and couldn't help but said, "Gao Ming, aren't you at the Xinye Police Station? When did you transfer back to the headquarters?"

"Yuyi, after solving the serial murder case in Xinye last time, I have been transferred back to the headquarters."

"However, haven't you returned to the game yet? The section chief misses the coffee you make!"

Xiaolan couldn't help being surprised and said, "Madam, you used to be a policeman?"

Uehara Yui waved his hand: "No, I resigned six years ago, and I am no longer a policeman."

Zhu Fu Gaoming shook his head and said: "With Youyi's ability, the Director agrees to come back."

At this time, the old man next to him slammed his cane heavily, and said: "If you want to check, check it out, don't make too much noise, I still have to take a nap!"

After saying that, the old man turned around and went towards the side room.

Xiaolan couldn't help but flooded with sympathy again: "It's so pitiful, I'm alone."

Youyi shook his head: "There is no other way. No one will take care of Senior after he dies. Let's investigate the case first. If we find out the truth, Senior's father will be relieved."

When the old man left, Kogoro Mori stepped into the wooden house first, and the simple and simple atmosphere came over his face.

His eyes patrolled the building left and right, his brows were slightly raised, and he was a little more concerned.

Zhu Fu Gaoming on the side said: "This building is completely in the style of the Edogawa period. I heard from Ah Gan that the Jia Fei family was also a well-known big family in ancient times. It is also said that the Jia Fei patrol was the old Jia Fei family. The descendants of the high-ranking military, now it seems that there is quite some basis."

(Note: The Jia Fei Army is an army formed by Takeda Shingen in the Warring States Period using Jinshan Gold Mine!)

Zhu Fu Gaoming and Dahe Ganzhu's classmates grew up together, and they have always been competitors with Dahe Ganzhu.

However, he is not very familiar with Uehara Yui and Jia Feixuan, and he doesn't have much feeling about Jia Feixuan's death, and he will not investigate as desperately as Yamato Kansuke and Uehara Yui.

This time he came here purely because he was attracted by Kogoro Mori after a phone call from Yamato Kansuke.

He just wanted to meet the top wise man in the country for a while.

And his first investigation object was not placed in Hutian's house, nor in Longwei's house, but in Jia Fei's house, so he ran into Mao Li and his party.

Seeing the ancient armor placed in the room, Mori Kogoro believed most of this statement, and felt a little more anticipation inexplicably.

At this time, Uehara Yui couldn't help but said: "Detective Maori, what do you want to investigate when you come to the senior's house? It's been six years, and there are people living in it again. I'm afraid all traces have disappeared."

"If you really want to investigate, then I can take you to the bottom of the cliff where the body was found. That is the first scene, and there may be traces left."

Moori Kogoro ignored Uehara Yui's question, turned around and walked out of the room, and walked towards the direction of the ancestral hall

Followed by Lu.

But Fu Gaoming rested his chin and meditated, turning his head and investigating silently by himself.

Chapter 0266

When he came to the ancestral hall, Kogoro Mori saw the enshrined tablet of Shingen Takeda, a famous general of the Warring States Period, and couldn't help but become more convinced of the reasoning in his heart.And beside the enshrining table, there is still a Shingen armor!

When Haibara saw it, he couldn't help but said, "This is Takeda Shingen's Suwa Hosho armor. Uncle, look, there are white bear hairs on the left and right sides of the helmet!"

Japan's Warring States Period was actually the period of chaotic wars from the [-]th to the [-]th centuries.

The status of the history of this period in Japan is similar to that of the Three Kingdoms in China.

And Takeda Shingen, as the number one strategist in the Warring States Period of Japan, his image is also deeply rooted in Japan.

Naturally, Huiyuan recognized this classic image at a glance. He caressed the white bear fur with his small hand, and couldn't help but be amazed: "This seems to be the real white bear fur."

Fujiko couldn't help murmuring: "Xiao Wulang, what's so interesting about this place!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Maybe we can really find the treasure of 'one hundred thousand gold' that Shingen buried back then!"

Hearing this, Fujiko immediately became excited, and her beautiful eyes looked around.

"Where is it, where is the organ, where is the secret passage?"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but knocked Fujiko on the head: "Idiot, how could it be here, there are only clues here."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro went straight up and pulled off the token worn at the waist of Shingen's armor.

This token is not made of stone or jade, it is quite heavy, and the word 'Jia Fei' is engraved on it.

As soon as he got it, Fujiko took it away curiously and looked at it carefully.

Uehara Yui, who had just entered the ancestral hall, did not see this scene.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro's cell phone rang suddenly.

When the phone was connected, Hattori Heiji's anxious voice rang out.

"Uncle, something is wrong. The head of Hutian and his wife visited just now, and they got into an argument with Longwei's family."

"We spent a little time persuading the peace, and then we went to the toilet to find Mrs. Linghua, but Mrs. Linghua disappeared in the toilet, and I couldn't find it at home. What should I do?"

Moli Kogoro frowned slightly, and immediately said: "Fenglin Mountain Fire, there are wind and mountains, so let someone go to the woods to look for it, but the situation is probably not serious!"

Mori Kogoro originally thought that the accident would happen only when Ayaka Tatsuo got it tomorrow, but he didn't expect that the plot didn't follow the original book, but was moved ahead of schedule.Hearing the prompt of 'Fenglin Shanhuo', Heiji immediately connected the death of Yoshiro and Koji in front, and couldn't help but his eyes lit up.He hurriedly called everyone out of the village to look for the trace of Longwei Linghua.

After hanging up the phone, Mori Kogoro said, "Another accident happened, this time it's Longwei Ayaka."

"Let's go, let's ride a horse and go to the woods to help find it!"

Uehara Yui couldn't help but look a little ugly, and hurriedly beckoned Zhu Fu Gaoming to follow.

A group of people either rode horses or drove, plunged into the woods next to the village, and began to search.

"Mrs. Linghua!"

"Mrs. Linghua!"

A loud cry sounded in the woods.

Soon, a man's voice came: "Here!"

Everyone hurriedly followed the sound, and soon, Mao Li and his party on horseback saw the corpse hanging in the shade of the tree, it was Longwei Linghua's.And the first person who found the scene was Yamato Daresuke who was on crutches!

Long Weijing and Hu Tian Darong, who were also riding horses, appeared. Seeing his wife's appearance, Long Weijing immediately got off his horse and rushed over anxiously.But it was overthrown by Yamato Dare to help with a crutch.

"People are dead, don't destroy the scene!"

Hearing this, and seeing his wife being hoisted, with her tongue completely sticking out, her face livid and hopeless, Long Weijing burst into tears immediately.

And at this moment, behind the tree, a burly man with gray hair came out slowly.

His hair is all white, even the beard underneath is also white, his right cheek is completely burned, and he wears a pair of glasses, except that the right eye is a dark lens, and the shape of the eyeball inside cannot be seen, and his appearance is very terrifying.

Haibara, who was riding the same horse as Mori Kogoro, seemed to notice something, and couldn't help turning his head away.

Seeing this guy, Haibara's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and his body couldn't help shrinking into Kogoro Mori's arms.

This disfigured honor is really too scary!

Mori Kogoro immediately noticed the abnormality of the little loli, and covered the frightened Ai-chan with his big hand.

He turned to look at Kuroda Hei who suddenly walked out: This is interesting!

Golden Rum: The distilled wine needs to be stored in old oak barrels with 'burnt' on the inside for at least three years before it can be aged!

As Xiao Ai said before, some people said that the image of Rum is a strong man.

The image of the old man is undoubtedly the silver rum James, and the two rums under him should be a woman, and the other is a strong man!Kuroda Hei's one-eyed eye met Mori Kogoro's for a few seconds, then crossed.

He walked in the direction of the corpse as if nothing had happened, and couldn't help but said: "I was just wondering why the two of you are not in the office. I didn't expect that a case happened here. It seems that it is still a step late."

Yamato Ganzhu and Zhu Fu Gaoming greeted each other respectfully: "Hello, Head of Section!"

Kuroda Hei turned his head and saw Uehara Yui, and couldn't help but greet him, "Yui, why are you here?"

"Have you forgotten, Section Chief? I'm married to Yoshiro Torata, and I live in this village."

"Oh, yes, look at my memory!"

Kuroda Hei patted his head, turned around and looked at Mori Kogoro who had dismounted from his horse.

"This is the famous Maori detective. I have heard about your deeds from my colleagues in the police circle. It is really too late to meet you." After saying this, Kuroda Heiwei stretched out his hand and wanted to talk to Maori Xiao. Goro shook hands.

The little loli Haibara still looked scared, standing behind Mori Kogoro, hugging his thigh, not daring to look at the ferocious Nagano prefectural policeman.

Mori Kogoro held his hand without hesitation: "Inspector Kuroda, I have known you for a long time, and I really deserve to be the character who can stop children from crying."

The two shook hands and they broke up. Kuroda Hei laughed and touched the burn marks on his face.

"I can't help it. I'm afraid these scars will be with me for the rest of my life. Son, I'm so sorry for scaring you."

Saying this, he smiled at Xiao Ai behind Mori Kogoro.

It's just that this smile is a little scary!

Little Loli immediately hid her body completely behind Mouri Kogoro.

Immediately afterwards, Kuroda Heiwei narrowed his one-eyed eyes slightly, and his face suddenly became serious: "However, Detective Maori, how do you know about me? As far as I know, you have never handled a case in Nagano County!"

"I have a lot of connections with Police Department Matsumoto of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. I have heard about your replacement as the search manager of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Criminal Section [-], so I naturally understand."

"After all, when you come to Tokyo in the future, you will inevitably have the opportunity to cooperate."

"Hahaha, Detective Maori is really well-informed!"

Chapter 0267

The burly one-eyed man turned around and walked towards the two subordinates, and began to ask about the case.

Yamato Ganzhu and Zhu Fu Gaoming reported what they knew.

Mori Kogoro knelt down to comfort the restless little Lolita, stroking her little head with his big hands, and comforted him in a low voice.

I don't know if it's because I was simply intimidated by Kuroda Bingwei's appearance, or Xiao Ai's organization's radar is showing off again, Xiao Ai's mood swings are very obvious.

Xiaolan couldn't help but tugged Uehara Yui beside her, and asked in a low voice: "Is this guy who looks like a mafia boss really a policeman?"

Uehara Yui chuckled and said, "Of course it's the police, and they were transferred from the police department to our Nagano prefecture."

(Note: The Police Department and the Metropolitan Police Department are different. The Metropolitan Police Department is solely responsible for the local institutions in Tokyo, which are led by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government; the Police Department is the highest level and is led by the Public Security Committee. The difference between the two is that the central government Yes, one is local!)

Uehara pointed at his cheeks with his clothes and food fingers, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

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