"I remember that Chief Kuroda encountered a serious accident while handling the case. Not only was his face burned, he was also in a coma in the hospital for nearly ten years, almost in a vegetative state."

"However, luckily, I finally woke up. It was because my body was stimulated during the treatment. When the bandages were removed, my hair was all white and my face was disfigured. It felt like a different person. Even the memory They're all missing."

"Six years ago when I was a policeman, I was under Chief Kuroda. Although he looks vicious, he is actually not a bad guy."

Xiaolan couldn't help but shook her head: "It's so pitiful. If you encounter such a thing, you should not be married until now!"

Uehara Yui nodded: "Yes, Chief Kuroda is already fifty years old, and he has always been a loner. It is impossible to see that he has a wife and children."

Xiaolan sighed a few words, then saw Fujiko Mine hiding behind the tree, and couldn't help asking: "What are you doing?" Fujiko looked shocked and quickly motioned for Xiaolan to keep silent .

"Hush! There are so many messages coming, of course I have to hide."

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come with you guys. Really, Kogoro also came here when he had a case, and he didn't even think about me."

Mori Kogoro, who has strong ears, heard Fujiko talking bad about him, so he led Huibara and walked behind the tree.

He came behind Fujiko, took out the starting belt from his arms with big hands, tied up Fujiko's long wine-red hair, and tied it into a big wine-red ponytail.Immediately afterwards, two pieces of plasticine-like material were pasted on the left and right sides of Fujiko's cheeks, and they were scooped apart.

There are two shadows on the left and right of his sweet and alluring pretty face.

The last pair of orange-yellow glasses rested on Fujiko's nose.

This master-level disguise technique is deployed, but there are some minor changes. It feels like Fujiko has changed his face, just like a different person.

Haibara also looked at this scene with a look of amazement, which was even more surprising than Japanese makeup techniques.

"Okay, there's no need to hide now, let's see if you are satisfied with the new look?"

Fujiko immediately took out the makeup mirror from the small satchel at his waist, and observed it carefully. The new image was still beautiful.

She embraced Mori Kogoro's arm in satisfaction, and kissed him proactively.

"As expected of the man I fancy, he just has the ability."

Mori Kogoro's arms immediately sank into softness, he didn't react much, but the little Lolita couldn't help but rolled her eyes several times.

Mori Kogoro dragged Fujiko and Huiyuan to the side of the crime scene, and no one else recognized her.

Among them, Kuroda Hei was speaking: "...In other words, including Ayaka Tatsuo who died today, a total of three people died in the Torata family and the Tatsuo family."

"One tornado, one buried in the ground, one hanging in the woods, the murderer is based on Takeda Shingen's 'Fenglin Shanhuo' to kill people, black boy, these are all your ideas!"

Heiji shook his head and said, "My uncle Maori thought of this. My uncle knew about it when the first two dead people appeared."

"And you see, there is a dead centipede's body under the feet of the deceased. There are two deceased in front of it. This is undoubtedly a serial murder case. The centipede can also think of Shingen's centipede flag. Damn it, my uncle reminded me specifically , but Sister Linghua was still killed by the murderer!"

Mori Kogoro looked calm, but everyone around him couldn't help looking at him in amazement.

Kuroda Hei continued: "The murderer should be the same person, the Tatsuo family and the Huda family are all suspected."

Xiaolan immediately said, "Mrs. Youyi didn't have time to commit the crime. In fact, she has been entertaining us since ten o'clock in the morning and never left. We can testify to that."

And Longwei Weishi, the owner of the Longwei family wearing glasses, also said: "My mother is not suspicious, she is seventy years old, how could she subdue Linghua and hang her from a tree."

At this time, Yamato dared to help and said: "Now is not the time to listen to your one-sided words, sir. I have discovered that there are no footprints under this ancient tree. How did the murderer hang the deceased without leaving any traces?"

Hearing this, Kuroda Hei narrowed his eyes and frowned slightly.

And Zhu Fu Gaoming, a policeman with a mustache beside him, turned to ask: "Compared to this, I am curious about what Mrs. Linghua heard to make such an abnormal behavior, and locked herself in the toilet. It’s even more inexplicably missing.”

Zhu Fu Gaoming's eyes looked at Hattori Heiji and Tatsuo Kei like lightning, as if they were intimidating.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but sigh with emotion, these two guys are really competitors, they can't solve the case well, and they have to fight each other.

Long Weijing then said: "I just said before that after Yoshiro died, Koji locked himself in the room, muttered to himself, 'I'm the next one', and then Ayaka changed his mind when he heard it. It's very strange, I never thought that she would be killed like this, woo woo!"

After Long Weijing finished speaking, he burst into tears again.

Kuroda Hei turned his head and asked, "Detective Maori, what advice do you have?"

"I'm afraid we have to ask Torata Shigeji and Tatsuo Keisai about this matter. As far as I know, they also have the dead Yoshiro, Koji, and Linghua. These five people actually played together in private. Form a treasure hunting team, looking for the treasure of 'Koshu Hundred Thousand Gold' buried by Shingen back then."

"I'm afraid this incident has something to do with the treasure hunting incident!"

Hearing this, the wretched man Shigeji Torata's expression changed drastically, and sweat oozed from his forehead inexplicably.

Chapter 0268 Drilling into the Grove

Fuji couldn't help but said: "Could it be that you have already found the treasure, and some people want to share more, so they attack other people in the treasure hunting team."

"In that case, the rest of Tatsuo Kage and Torata Shigeji are very suspicious."

"After all, such things are very common in TV dramas."

Wearing glasses, Longwei Weishi, the head of the Longwei family, said: "Stop talking nonsense, Linghua is Ah Jing's wife, they are so loving, how could they kill their own wife, and if they do it, they are the prodigal sons of the Hutian family .”

Hearing this, the wretched-looking Shigeji Torata quickly waved his hands and said, "I didn't do it, trust me!"

Sweat trickled down his forehead, looking extremely suspicious!

The bald head of Hutian's family, Hutian Zhixin, also said: "The so-called treasure is nonsense. You are such an adult. You travel in the mountains and forests all day without doing business. You can't find the treasure. How can you kill someone because of it?" .”

"Useless things, what do you look like when you are scared."

The head of the Hutian family disliked his son very much, under the scolding, Shigeji Huda couldn't help shaking his body, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing the conflicts between the two families, Kuroda Bingwei said: "There is a murder case, this is not a place for you to make trouble. Now everyone go back home and wait for me. I have already called people. I will go to your home to investigate later, and everyone is not allowed to leave without authorization."

Hearing this, the scolding war between the two masters subsided a bit, and they walked towards the village together.

Maori and his party followed Mrs. Yui to Hutian's house.

Looking at the back of Mori Kogoro leading the horse away, Kuroda Hei narrowed his eyes slightly, his gaze was quiet.

He raised his hand and looked at his palm, the bruises on it were very obvious.

The big detective's heart is really too small, but to scare the girl behind him, so revenge when shaking hands.

"Gao Ming, what do you think of this Maori detective?"

Zhu Fu Gaoming on the side looked cold, and then he said: "If you want to see a sage but don't follow his way, it's like closing the door if you want him to enter."

"Hehe!" Hearing this, Kuroda Heiwei sneered twice, raised his hand and patted Zhu Fu Gaoming on the shoulder, then turned and walked towards the corpse.To be honest, he didn't understand at all.

But in front of his subordinates, if he pretended to understand, he could only react like this.

Yamato Gansuke, who had been surveying the scene, suddenly called out: "I found out again, there are no footprints under the tree, but there are traces of horseshoes behind the tree."

The two immediately turned around and leaned towards Yamato Gansuke.

In the procession returning to the village, Uehara Yui led the horse and fell to the end, walking side by side with Mori Kogoro.

"Detective Maori, there are already three fires in Fenglin Mountain, and there is only one fire left in the end. Where do you think the murderer will be, and who will he attack?" "I don't know!"

After clarifying all the incidents, Mori Kogoro knew that the few people who died this time deserved their crimes, so he naturally looked like he was just sitting back and watching it happen. "How is it possible? You are a great Maori detective, how could you not know?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro rolled his eyes at him.

"If you don't know, you don't know. A detective is not a god."

Uehara Yui didn't believe it at all, this guy was just investigating at Jia Fei's house, but when a call came, he didn't go to investigate in person, and immediately

In time, he grasped the situation of Longwei's house, said that the person had been killed, and accurately pointed out that the corpse would appear in the woods.

Now he must know it too, but he just holds back and refuses to say it.

"Then you can tell me about the relationship between Senior Jia Fei and today's case that you said earlier."

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "You still can't say it!"

Hearing this, Uehara Yui immediately blushed with anger, and she remembered what Mori Kogoro said with a smirk.

【Madam, what you just said, as long as you can solve the case, are you willing to cooperate with anything? 】

Shouldn't you really want to do that?

Thinking of this, the young woman gritted her teeth, grabbed Moori Kogoro's wrist with her small hand, and pulled him towards the woods.

Eh!Eh!Why, I was a little excited when I was dragged into the woods for the first time!

The team returning to the village was completely unaware that the last two people had disappeared.

And in the line, Shigeji Torita, with a white turban on his head and a nervous expression, looked around, as if he was worried that some innocent soul would jump out and claim his life.

At this time, the mobile phone in his trouser pocket vibrated, and a few drops of sweat oozed from Shigeji Torata's forehead.

He quietly took out his mobile phone, glanced at the text message on it, and his face immediately turned pale.

But then, he pretended nothing happened, walked slowly from the middle to the side, under the cover of the horse, dodged, and disappeared into the woods.

No one saw this scene, and everyone continued to rush to the village.

On the other side, Mori Kogoro was pulled into the depths of the woods, and was directly pushed by a small hand against the towering tree.

He glanced at Yui Uehara, who was wearing a beige top and a long white skirt, and couldn't help but said, "Madam, please respect yourself!"

Hearing this, Uehara Yui's already slightly red face flushed a little more, and she glared at him angrily.

How did you make yourself look like an obsessive?

"Why are you willing to tell me the relationship between senior Jia Fei and this incident?"

It's still the same problem, this woman really values ​​love and righteousness, she has been investigating for six years, and she still doesn't give up.

It's just that Mori Kogoro really didn't intend to tell her the connection. After all, he planned to take the treasure of "Koshu One Hundred Thousand Gold" by himself.Although he is already wealthy, who would think that he has too much money?

The main reason is to come to Nagano once. It’s not good to return empty-handed. It’s almost as good as bringing some local specialties back.

Take back the Jiazhou gold in the treasure and give it to your woman as a souvenir, it will be more face-saving!

Mori Kogoro smiled wryly: "Madam, what I said before was just nonsense, I really don't know the relationship between the two!" When he said this, he himself didn't believe it, let alone Yui Uehara.

Uehara Yui's eyes flashed with determination, and he didn't speak again, and his hands turned to lift the hem of the skirt.

Mori Kogoro made a defensive posture to prevent this guy from violently kicking people.

Chapter 0269

Soon, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but gape, the blood tank was half empty in an instant.

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