Looking directly at Uehara Yui, he felt that this scene was very attractive.

And Uehara Youyi's face was flushed, and he turned his head sideways, not daring to look at him.

To act like this today, for her, it was the only time in her life that she acted boldly.

Its light blue eyes flicked around, as if afraid of being seen by others.

"Okay, can you tell me about Senior Jia Fei now?"

After saying this, his hands loosened.

As if this is an exchange condition, if you meet Mori Kogoro's request, you can know what you want!This is really a stubborn woman, and she still refuses to give up.

Mori Kogoro smiled slightly, his big hands directly wrapped around his plain wrists, and pulled him over.As soon as Uehara turned over, he was pinned against the tree by the wall without any resistance.

"Ma'am, there are some things you can't do in front of a man like me!"

Hearing this, he felt that his wrist was imprisoned, and he couldn't break free at all, Uehara Yuno immediately became nervous. "Detective Maori, what do you want?"

"You don't even know how attractive you are!"

Mori Kogoro, who started to smirk, kissed Uehara Yui's pink lips without waiting for her to speak again.

Yui Uehara's pupils shrank sharply! ! !

Immediately afterwards, Yike's knee bumped towards Mori Kogoro's crotch.

But Mori Kogoro's reaction speed was too fast. With a twist of his body and a pinch of his legs, Yuyi's knees were pinched.His hands were captured by Mori Kogoro with one hand, and pressed on top of his head, the beautiful wife couldn't move.

And not far from here, Yamato Dasuke was squatting on the ground on crutches to observe the corpse.

As the breeze blew, several green leaves fell on his head, making his head look green.

Zhu Fu Gaoming at the side came forward, slapped off the leaves on his head with his hands, and asked, "Anything else?"

Yamato Gansuke, who was wearing gloves, opened the dead man's eyes, and said, "The dead man didn't show any signs of resistance. I think it's very likely that someone he knew committed the crime. It's very likely that he was from the Longwei family."

"In addition, Koji Tatsuo's death is full of doubts. On the contrary, Yoshiro Torada was blown up by a tornado and fell to his death. This is force majeure, and it cannot be designed by humans. There must be something wrong with Tatsuo's family."

Zhu Fu Gaoming shook his head: "My idea is the opposite of yours, I just need to use the fear in people's hearts to design a deadly trap, leaving little time for the victim to react and resist, no trace of resistance is enough to explain what."

Dahe stood up on crutches, and said with a sneer, "Let's go and ask who are the people who came here on horseback just now? Gao Ming, I'll leave the corpses here to be guarded by you."

After that, he leaned on crutches and walked back along the road back to the village.

"This guy, it's like this again!"

The troubled Zhu Fu Gaoming tapped his temple, leaned against a tree, and could only wait for reinforcements from the Nagano County Police alone.

As for Kuroda Bingwei, that grim-looking investigator, has long since left without knowing where he is going!

And in the team returning to the village, someone finally noticed that a few people in the team had fallen behind.

The wife of the house, Tariyo Torata, couldn't help but ask, "Fanci, Fanci, where did he go? Why didn't he disappear?"

Xiaolan was also asking: "Has anyone seen my dad?"

Little Lolita Huiyuan followed up and said, "The wife who was entangled with my uncle is also gone."

Hattori Heiji immediately said with a serious face: "Could it be that the lady wanted to do something to Shigeji Torata, and then uncle saw through it, so he ran to stop it!"

Hearing this, the head of Hutian's family also panicked: "Impossible, Yuyi is a very good wife, how could she attack Fanci?" Longwei Weishi beside him looked gloating.

Conan hurriedly asked: "Old man, where is Brother Fanci most likely to go?"

"I see. His cabin in the forest and his treasure hunting tools are all over there. I'll take you there."

After saying that, the bald and fat head turned around and ran towards the Sanchakou where he came and went, and everyone naturally followed closely behind.

A group of people passed Sanchakou mightily, and the sound of trams could be heard in the distance.

Next up!


Suddenly, a scream came from the direction of the tram, and everyone turned pale with shock.

Head of Hutian said repeatedly: "That's Fanci's voice."

They turned around and ran in the direction of the screams.

After a few minutes, everyone came to the railway track, and saw Kuroda Hei who had just left standing standing here.

In front of him, a charred corpse was thrown and burned, and Kuroda Hei seemed to be the first person at the scene of the crime.

Everyone rushed forward, and the corpse beside the railway track was still burning with flames.

After walking a few steps, Hu Tian recognized that the corpse seemed to be his only son, his feet softened immediately, and tears filled his eyes.Completely looks like a white-haired person sending a black-haired person.

"Funci, Fanci!"

There was a cry of grief, almost like weeping blood, and his wife quickly reached out to support him.

It seems that although the head of the Hutian family beats and scolds his son frequently and dislikes him very much, he still regards him as his own son in his heart.

Heiji and Conan also looked extremely ugly, and the surrounding atmosphere was very gloomy.

Hei Tianbei said: "Hei boy, the last fire of the 'Fenghuo Forest' you mentioned is enough. It seems that the serial murder case is over."

"But didn't this guy go back with you? Why did he come here suddenly?"

"I don't know too well. When he went back, he quietly left the team by himself, and no one noticed."

Conan on the side pretended to be naive, and asked Kuroda Hei: "Old man, aren't you investigating the case of hanging? How did you get to this railway track?"

Kuroda Hei laughed: "Why, doubt me, I also heard the scream just now, and then ran over following the sound."

"It's just that the footsteps are faster than yours, and it happens to be closer, so I arrived first, but where is Detective Maori?"

Conan replied: "Uncle and Mrs. Yui don't know where they went, but with Uncle here, there should be no problem."

At this moment, Mori Kogoro and Uehara Yui were still kissing passionately, and they didn't care about another case at all.Yui Uehara didn't hear the scream, but Kogoro Mori, who had excellent hearing, heard the scream but ignored it.How can there be a girl to have fun solving crimes!

Chapter 0270 drill groves why?

Unexpectedly, Uehara Yui's capital is quite rich, almost the same as Mira!

Although he is still a young child, his age is not in vain. He is only one year away from thirty. She looks like a young mature woman, and her figure is naturally extremely mature.


The former policewoman was about to cry, and her face was flushed. After suffering such a big loss and being taken advantage of so much, she felt a little dizzy in her head.

His light blue eyes glared at Mori Kogoro, with some scarlet in his eyes, but he was deceiving himself in his heart: If he didn't want to ask the truth about Senior Jia Fei, it would be impossible for you to do such nonsense!

Conscience of heaven and earth, Mori Kogoro has already let go of her hands.

The woman's own hand was on Kogoro Mori's shoulder, and she was reluctant to let go.

After another passionate kiss and parting, Uehara Yui couldn't help but said: "Bastard, why don't you hurry up and tell me about Senior Jia Fei, believe it or not, I'll call the police to arrest you!"

This sentence has appeared for the fourth time, and Mori Kogoro didn't pay attention to it at all. If she really wanted to call the police, she would have reported it long ago.

But it is impossible to kiss again, it has been delayed for quite a long time, if this continues, Xiaolan will definitely have to think about it again.

"Okay, okay, it doesn't hurt to tell you."

Mori Kogoro took her little hand and led her out of the woods.

"The Jaffe patrolman you respect is the cause of a series of cases recently."

"According to my investigation, the people of Jia Feixuan should be the descendants of the elite of Takeda Shingen's subordinates during the Warring States Period, the Koshu Army."

"The Koshu Army is the army that buried Shingen's '[-] Gold'. Most of them perished with Shingen in the fight against Tokuyasu Iagawa and Oda Nobunaga, but there is still a small group staying in Koshu."

"After Shingen's death, no one in Takeda's family had the prestige to instruct the remaining army, so the army disbanded on its own and lived here in Koshu."

"The Jia Feixuan is the descendant of the commander of this army. In other words, his family has clues about the 'one hundred thousand gold'."

"The clues are in Jiafei's home, but after the death of Jiafeixuan, Torata Shigeji said that he found the relics related to Shingen from his home, and formed a treasure hunting team, saying that he wanted to find the treasure buried by Shingen."

"Tell me, how could an ordinary Hutian family have these clues?"

Hearing this, Uehara Yui's face changed slightly: "You mean, they did it?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "It's not certain yet, but it's definitely related to them."

"Among the people who died this time, Yoshiro, Koji, Linghua, and all of them were members of the treasure hunting team. Obviously, the murderer wants to deal with Fanji and Ajing next. I don't know which one will be unlucky first. gone."

Having said that, Mori Kogoro just got out of the forest with Uehara Yui and returned to the road.

It so happened that I met Yamato Dasuke who was waiting on crutches.

Yamato Ganzhu's one-eyed contracted sharply immediately, and his one-eyed was deflected everywhere, which was very obvious.

He first glanced at the slightly messy clothes of his childhood sweetheart, then at the reddish and sweaty pretty face, and finally at the hands of the two intertwined fingers, and he was instantly stunned.

This posture is clearly coming back from the grove!

The two of them, what are they going to do in the grove?

Anger was burning in Yamato Kansuke's chest.

He waited here because of the two horses grazing obediently by the road. He went back to investigate the riders, but unexpectedly, his first love and Mori Kogoro waited for them.

Yamato Gansuke clenched the crutch tightly in his hand, without making a sound.

But Yui Uehara turned pale, trying hard to break free from Kogoro Mori's big hand.

Mori Kogoro didn't want to press her too hard, so he let go of her hand, and stepped forward with his right foot, protecting Uehara Yui's body.Just this body movement, it explained his attitude!

Yamato dared to help his body tremble, his normal right leg slightly bent, as if about to attack with force.

At this moment, his mobile phone rang, breaking the tense atmosphere.

"Sir, what are you waiting for, I have to teach others a lesson!"

"...What, someone died again, or was burned to death in front of the railway tracks, suspected to be Shigeji Torata, okay, I'll come right away."

After hanging up the phone, his one-eyed eyes crossed the two of them, ignored them without saying a word, and ran towards the railway tracks past the two of them.

Still smart, not asking for trouble!

When Mori Kogoro wrapped his arms around Yui Uehara's left shoulder, he found that her whole body was stiff.

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