Such a scene was smashed by Yamato Gansuke, and her whole mind was in a mess.

"Hey, Yuyi, someone died again!"

Seeing that Uehara Yui still didn't come back to his senses, Mori Kogoro knocked on his head, which brought him back to his senses.

"Didn't you hear what that little one-eyed guy said? Shigeru Torata died on the other side of the track, we have to go and have a look."

"Oh, oh!"

Uehara Yui still wanted to run, but Mori Kogoro supported his buttocks and rode on the horse.

Immediately afterwards, he turned over and sat behind the beautiful young woman.

Before Youyi could say no, "Drive!", the brown horse underneath started galloping wildly.The horse quickly caught up with Yamato Gansuke who was galloping on crutches.

Yamato Gansuke looked at the two people who were riding a horse together, and their faces darkened instantly.

The two of them, what is going on?Isn't it the first day we met?

And Uehara Yui bent down, his head was completely lowered, and he didn't dare to look at Yamato Gansuke.

But this posture, on the contrary, seemed more and more like snuggling in Kogoro Mouri's arms, and Yamato was so angry that he dared to help.The horse had already run away, but Kogoro Mori lost a word that was light and fluffy.

"There is another horse behind, you can catch up with it, we will go first, drive!"

Just like that, the two disappeared from his sight, and Yamato Kansuke, who was in a hurry, kept throwing his crutches.


Not long after, the two appeared beside the railroad tracks alone.

With a beautiful dismounting action, the dizzy Uehara Yui followed and landed.

Xiaolan and Huiyuan immediately narrowed their beautiful eyes, as if they were shining coldly.

Kuroda Hei said, "I met Detective Mori again, but you two didn't go back with everyone, what did you do?"

Maori Kogoro said righteously: "Of course it's an investigation. I'm not familiar with this forest. I need Yui to help lead the way. What's going on, someone died again?"

Seeing the bald head of the Hutian family sitting slumped on the ground in grief, Mori Kogoro frowned.

"Yeah, it was Shigeji Torata who died. I recognized him from the personal items around him."

"Also, Shigeji Torata seems to have committed suicide by lying on the rails. The case seems to be closed."

Chapter 0271 IQ online only child

Immediately afterwards, Yamato Gansuke, who was riding on a horse with one leg, rushed over with difficulty, and his one-eyed gaze was full of anger in the direction of Mori Kogoro.

And Kuroda Heiwei shook the diary in his hand, and said: "This is Torata Shigeji's exchange diary, which describes their treasure hunting process in detail, and more importantly, it also states the details of this incident." cause."

"Yiro, Koji, Fanji, Linghua, and Ajing are all members of the treasure hunting team."

Master Hutian couldn't help shouting softly: "Bastard, there are so many people messing around with Fanci!"

Hearing this, Long Weijing couldn't help retorting: "We found Shingen's treasure to build a better village."

And Kuroda Bingwei put on a straight face, interrupted: "Stop arguing, listen to me continue."

"Six years ago, after the trials between Longweijing and Jia Feixuan, Ah Jing went home to rest, and the rest of the treasure hunting team, who played well with him, sneaked into the In the forest, look for the Jia Feixuan patrolling who is practicing in the mountains."

"The four of them set up traps on the way home for the Jiafeixuans, causing the Jiafeixuans and their horses to fall into the cliff and die."

"Now this case seems to be the responsibility of Shigeji Torata."

"Killing Koji and Linghua with Fenglin Shanhuo, and finally committing suicide, is to apologize to the policeman Jia Fei in the kingdom of heaven!"

Everyone was shocked immediately, and Yamato Kansuke hopped one leg towards Kuroda Hei, and snatched the diary.

Uehara Yui looked suspiciously at Mori Kogoro, the officer's statement is different from what Kogoro said, isn't it for the treasure of "one hundred thousand gold"?

And Ah Jing collapsed directly: "How is it possible? How is it possible? It's not true, it's not true!"

The headed wife, Darong Hutian, said, "How is that impossible? Maybe they just wanted to hurt Mr. Jia Fei's horse. They didn't expect to make such a big commotion, and they dare not turn themselves in after killing someone. Isn't that normal! "

"I didn't expect there to be so many scum in our Hutian family!" The old woman shook her head in grief.

When her husband heard this, he immediately quarreled with him angrily!

Long Weijing was crying alone in frustration!

Kogoro Mori didn't pay attention to the beings, his eyes fell on the wires above the tram tracks, and then on the charred corpse.How can fire be so powerful that it can burn people completely beyond recognition within minutes after the screams start.

Next to the corpse, Heiji and Conan squatted and communicated, and they both discovered the clues.

However, more than one person discovered the clues, but they all tacitly concealed it when they saw that Mori Kogoro didn't speak.Kuroda Hei also pretended to say: "Everyone go home first, since the case is closed, I will send someone to take a statement in the evening." Hearing what the police said, the noisy and crying dragon Both the O family and the Hutian family set off to return to the village.

Mori Kogoro wanted to go back with Yui and the others, but was stopped by Kuroda Hei.

Kuroda Hei led Mori Kogoro aside, and Mori Kogoro spoke first, "It's a good trick to lure a snake out of its hole."

"Hehe, it really can't be hidden from the discerning eyes of detective Maori."

"However, I heard from Gao Ming that before the two murder cases here, the Maori detective went to the home of the Jiafeixuan to investigate. It seems that you already knew that this incident was related to the Jaffei patrol? I don't know what the Maori detective found. what?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "I didn't find anything, just confirmed some ideas."

Hearing this, Kuroda Heiwei had a half-smile expression.

He didn't pay much attention to this matter, so he easily dismissed it and asked other questions instead.

"I heard that the Maori detective made a lot of noise in Tokyo. I've been looking forward to it for a long time. It's happening here. Can I have a chance to have a drink? I have a lot of things I want to ask!"

Is this the obvious temptation to say it like this?

Mori Kogoro expressed doubts: "What is Police Officer Kuroda talking about? What's the big deal? I've gone to Karuizawa to soak in the hot springs in the past few days. How can I have time to do anything? "

"Officer Kuroda must have misunderstood me as someone else?"

"Hahaha, my head is getting old, and it's always easy to remember things wrong."

Mori Kogoro turned to chuckle: "I'm old, I can't accept it, but it's okay to drink at night."

"Find a bar and I'll buy you a few bourbons."

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro patted Kuroda Heibei on the shoulder, then turned and left.

Seeing him turn his back, Kuroda Heiwei's face darkened for an instant, his eyes were tightly closed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing Mori Kogoro catching up on horseback, Mine Fujiko came over on horseback, bumped his soft shoulder against Mori Kogoro's shoulder, and asked in a low voice.

"Hey, Kogoro, what is that one-eyed guy planning, what nonsense!"

"When you talk about suicide, isn't that a fool's dream? I killed two people and silenced them. How could this kind of guy commit suicide and apologize?"

Mori Kogoro looked at Fujiko in amazement: "Did your chest shrink? Why is your IQ on the line?"

A horsewhip immediately hit Kogoro Mori's ass.

"Bastard, you're the one who's shrunken, you're the one with big breasts and no brains, my lady has always had a high IQ, otherwise, how do you think I've tricked Lupine and the others!"

"Okay, okay, okay, you have a high IQ!" Even Fujiko saw it, and Huiyuan and Xiaolan should have seen it through too.

"But don't talk nonsense, just wait and watch a good show tonight."

"If everything goes well, I will be able to return home with a full load of 'one hundred thousand gold' tomorrow."

Hearing this, Fujiko became obsessed with money again, and excitedly said, "Xiao Wulang, do you know where the treasure is? Tell me quickly, tell me quickly."

Mori Kogoro had a reckless expression on his face.

"Just tell me, just tell me, you can do whatever you want tonight!"

Saying this, Fujiko bit his lower lip and flirted with Kogoro Mori.

This gorgeous look instantly made people's hearts throb!

"Tch, I didn't do what I wanted last night, there was no temptation at all!" The stubborn Mouri Kogoro said something against his will.

Seeing this, Fujiko snorted softly, stepped on the stirrup with his right foot, turned around, stepped over his horse, and sat in front of Kogoro Mori, riding with him.

His plain hands directly covered his shoulders, and his red lips were printed on it.

This woman is too daring, she dares to do such a thing in public and in a clear world.

Xiao Lan, who was five meters away with extremely keen perception, instantly sensed the abnormality, turned her head, and seeing this scene, her eyes flickered with coldness.Mori Kogoro hurriedly pushed Fujiko, he was really scared of her!

"Okay, okay, it's okay to tell you, anyway, I'm going to take you there tonight."

Mori Kogoro bit Fujiko's ear and whispered.

Chapter 0272 childish mourning sauce and Fujiko

Listening to Mori Kogoro's words, Fujiko's eyes became brighter, and he didn't pay attention to the big hand that made trouble on his body.

This money-obsessed girl got carried away when she heard that there was a real treasure, and she even forgot what Moori Kogoro said to take her to interrogate the 'magician'.After a while, Fujiko seemed to feel the light on his back, turned his head, and saw Xiaolan Huiyuan, who was riding a horse with him, beside him, and they all glared at her.That momentum is really terrifying!

The quick-response Fujiko immediately limp in Kogoro Moori's arms softly, and another foul dribbled into someone!

"Ouch, Kogoro, I feel a little dizzy, please take me home!"

God's mother's dizzy horse, why didn't she say dizzy when she was riding a horse for fun just now, the two girls couldn't help but rolled their eyes!

Xiaolan couldn't help but reminded: "Father, we are still investigating the case, don't be rude!"

She was really worried about her father and this bold and unrestrained woman, who had a disagreement and rode into the woods, talking on horseback.

Just now, Dad and Uehara Yui didn't know where to go, and Uehara Yui's mouth was swollen when he came back!

Mori Kogoro smiled awkwardly, as if he was a little bit embarrassed by what had happened to his mind.

"No way, how is it possible? Fujiko is just dizzy from the wind blowing too much. I'll just send her back."

Fujiko, whose head was nestled in Kogoro Mori's arms, nodded silently, but his eyes were full of provocation when he looked at the little loli Haibara, which made the little loli's face turn black.

Kogoro Mori, who was keenly aware of it, quietly beat Fujiko a few times behind him with his big hand, before he suppressed the troublemaker.

But then, Mori Kogoro heard rustling sounds from the woods next to the aisle.

Turning his head, he saw people peeping behind the trees, all of them strangers.

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