"I still don't admit it. If I follow your investigation method, I don't know how many marriages and wives I have married."

"However, what kind of person is Jia Feixuan? It's worth the price you paid. Even marriage is involved. There shouldn't be a relationship line that I don't know about?"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, but in exchange for another round of slaps from Yui.

"Don't talk nonsense, senior Jia Fei is like a brother to me, like a father. Fifteen years ago, there was a mudslide in the village, and my parents were all killed in that accident."

"At first, I couldn't continue my studies, but my seniors supported me with all my strength. After I graduated from the police academy, I aspired to be a good policeman like my seniors. Unexpectedly, I encountered a case against my seniors instead."

"When I discovered my senior's body, I swore to him that no matter what the cost, I would find out the truth and comfort my senior's spirit in heaven. So no matter what, I will investigate to the end!"

In the end, the voice was decisive and firm.

But Mori Kogoro looked down, but saw Yui's tearful eyes, and instantly understood her, and immediately felt a little distressed.

What a silly woman!

Mori Kogoro reached out and hugged the woman in his arms tightly, pressed against her cheek, stroked her soft back, and comforted her in a low voice.

Today, I grasped her eagerness to pursue the truth, really took advantage of her!

"So don't think that you can do whatever happened today. It's just a small price I voluntarily paid. When the incident is over, I hope you will forget everything about today!"

Ouch, this little girl dares to say such a thing!

Seeing that he was still stubborn, Kogoro Mori did not hesitate to use the Maori family law.

The slapping sound continued, accompanied by threats.

"It seems that the 'Fenglinshanhuo' art of war entrusted to you has not been fully understood, and you still say such things, I think I need to educate you again."

"Daba, Yalu!"

"Opposition is futile, motionless like a mountain...moving like thunder"


On the other side, in the ancestral hall of Ryuo's family, wearing Takeda Shingen's red armor and sitting on the altar, Yamato Kansuke couldn't help complaining: "Why hasn't this murderer come here? Really, killing people Don’t worry about it, what’s the future.”

The sliding door on the other side was pushed open, Heitantou Heiji shook his head and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, the police in Nagano prefecture are totally gangsters for saying such things."

"What is the origin of your Chief Kuroda, does he look like a gang boss?"

"Heh, he was just disfigured by the fire. You know he's a police officer. Hey, brat, you're talking to me."

"Let me tell you, if it weren't for the sake of helping you a little, I would have thrown you out a long time ago, give me a little peace of mind."

Conan, the little devil at the side, chuckled and said, "It seems that no one will come over at this time, Uncle One-Eyed, how about we exchange information?"

"Looking at your expression just now, it seems that Uncle Maori has provoked you, why don't you tell us about Chief Kuroda, and I'll tell you about Uncle Maori!"

Yamato dared to help and looked at Conan in surprise, this kid really didn't speak like an ordinary child.

But when he thought that he was brought by Mori Kogoro, he calmed down.

If it was cultivated by Maori detectives, it would be possible to be so smart.

He was very curious about the information about his rival in love, and he told the two brats that it was not a betrayal of the officer. Yamato dared to struggle for a moment, and then he opened his mouth.

Chapter 0276 father or husband

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon, four hours had passed since lunch time, and the dark clouds in the sky gradually became thicker.

Mori Kogoro sat in the corridor with Youyi in his arms, his feet stepped on the courtyard, and he still had time to smooth out the strands of Youyi's hair.

"Now you know who I am?"

The drunk-eyed Youyi couldn't help shaking his body, and immediately replied: "Father!"

A few black lines immediately appeared on Mouri Kogoro's forehead, and he patted it down with his big hand.


A crisp slap sounded!

"No, it's right to be called Husband, Dad can only be called on special occasions!"

Yui's small face turned red in an instant, leaning her head on Mouri Kogoro's shoulder, she murmured softly, "Husband!"

This beautiful wife is very docile at the moment, and this husband's call is like the exhortation of a woman in a water village in the south of the Yangtze River, which makes people feel comfortable and satisfied when they hear it.

There was a smile on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth, and he replied softly: "Hey!"

"Hey, no, calling me husband always reminds me of your dead husband. It has a bad meaning. You should call me dad!"

Hearing this, Yui couldn't help rolling her pretty eyes, opened her mouth, and bit the shoulder of Mori Kogoro with her silver teeth.

"Ouch, I'm teasing you and biting people, just like a little bitch."

After receiving this evaluation, You Yiqiong's nose wrinkled up, and she bit more vigorously, but it was a pity that she didn't break her defense at all.

Mori Kogoro didn't care at all, just thought she was playing with him.

"Do you still dare to say that you have forgotten everything about today?"

Hearing this, Youyi let go of his silver teeth, and snorted softly: "Hmph, if you dare to forget what happened today, I will chase you to the ends of the earth and kill you."

Ah!What a fickle woman!

She was the one who said before that she would be a stranger in the future, and now she is the one who said that she would kill if she dared to forget. A woman's mind is erratic.

But Mori Kogoro was very satisfied with this answer, and the big hands covering his back couldn't help hugging him a little tighter, really full of tenderness!

As if aware of Mori Kogoro's attitude, Yui smiled slightly.

"Can you fully understand the 'Fenglinshanhuo' art of war I taught you just now?"

Hearing the word "art of war" again, Youyi's body trembled immediately, and his face turned pale.


"Heh, useless guy, I just want to ask, which sentence do you like most in this whole set of tactics?"

It is still necessary to collect impressions after reading!

The wife felt a little relieved, and her little face flushed inexplicably: "It should be 'Qi Xu Rulin'!"

Yui wanted to create a good image in front of Mori Kogoro, that's why she said "Qi Xu Rulin".

"It's a lie, the heart rate has increased by [-]%, and the panting sound is also faster, isn't this sentence!"

Youyi turned his head guiltily, and fell silent.

"I think Yuyi's favorite is the line 'aggression like fire' followed by cold as ice. The alternation of ice and fire is a great artistic conception!" The appearance of being crushed.

This stupid and cute Yazi provoked Mori Kogoro to turn his head, and he kissed her again.

Hehe, flirting with this fledgling wife is really unspeakably comfortable!

Mori Kogoro hugged Yui-chan and teased her for another half an hour.

During the whole process, Youyi's little face was always red, as if he was overwhelmed and wanted to listen again, it was really interesting.

He wrapped his hands around Kogoro Moori's neck, and sat in Kogoro Moori's arms without even thinking about getting up.

Thanks to the great detective's efforts, Yui actually forgot about the case he had been working hard to investigate.

But all of this was interrupted by the gradually darkening sky!

"It seems that some accidents have occurred, and the final murder case will be brought forward."

Only then did Youyi come back to his senses, and couldn't help asking: "Why do you say that, didn't you say it was tonight?"

"Because of the weather, it looks like it's going to rain. It is said that the murderer wants to kill Long Weijing tonight. He will follow the saying 'aggression is like fire', so he will definitely use fire attack."

"But if it's raining, the fire attack is very likely to fail."

"Now that it's getting dark, the murderer will most likely act early, and nine out of ten are on the way."

An anxious look appeared on Youyi's face, and he got up quickly: "What should I do? Kogoro."

"Don't worry, I said that Kuroda Bingwei came up with the plan to lure the snake out of the hole. Naturally, he has already arranged it. Yamato dares to help Heji and they are all at the ancestral hall of Longwei's family. There will be no problem."

"It's just that I didn't expect that this trick would lead to not only a poisonous snake, but also an old fox!"

"Old fox?"

Youyi thought for a moment, and then a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

"There is no way to do it, because of all the results. The death of Senior Jia Fei seems to be accidental, but in fact it is inevitable."

"Okay, go and change into casual clothes. Next, I'm going to take you to the cave to catch foxes."

Mori Kogoro patted Yui's buttocks, the healing technique was immediately displayed, and Uehara Yui imposed energy again.

Youyi kept thinking, but didn't notice that he was resurrected with full blood, and turned to the Japanese room at the back to change clothes.

On the other side, in the ancestral hall of Longwei's family, Longwei Jing dressed as a warrior held a longbow and practiced shooting at the target in front of the red Shingen armor.

Chi Chi Chi!

The arrow feathers hit the bull's-eye with precision.

"Yiro, Koji, Ayaka, Fanji, I will definitely avenge you."

Every time a person's name is read, an arrow will be shot into the bull's-eye, and Longweijing is fully prepared.

At this time, thunder sounded, and the sliding door of the ancestral hall was pushed open.

The electric light reflected the faces of the people outside the door in alternating light and dark, which was extremely terrifying.

Standing outside the door was a man with a raised face, his eyebrows raised like a hanged ghost, wearing a green suit, and it was the wife of the head of the Hutian family—Taraka Hutian!

"It's you, is it you who texted me?"

Long Weijing was about to set up the longbow, but before he took the arrow, his expression changed suddenly.

The old woman in front of her even set up a shotgun with her backhand. This cold weapon has no chance of winning against a hot weapon!

"Hey, ho ho ho, to be honest, I really can't bear to kill you, it's a pity, who let you occupy the position of Yabusame for six years, and you still win easily every year, causing me to lose a lot of money! "

[The job of Yabusame?That’s right, I’ve heard of people betting on how many arrows the Yabusame will hit as a bet, and people from neighboring villages approached me and asked me to deliberately miss the shot to manipulate the game, but I didn’t agree! 】

Thinking about it this way, Long Weijing immediately understood where the killing intent of the old woman in front of him came from.

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