"But, what does this matter have to do with Linghua and the others? You don't want me to be a Yabusame, just deal with me. Why kill them?"

Chapter 0277 The Art of War

"Who made them stupid? They still want to expose the matter of Jia Feixuan six years ago, and just pretend that he fell to his death?"

"Yirou and Koji are still talking about going to the police, so I have no choice but to ask them to go to hell first!"

"Hoho, I didn't expect God to help me, Yoshiro was caught in a tornado and died, so I just killed Koji!"

"But I obviously intend to stop here, why do you one or two still behave so obviously, so that I have to continue to kill people."

Hearing this, Long Weijing looked in disbelief.

"Murder to silence, did you do what happened to the policeman Jaffe six years ago?"

Darei Hutian laughed softly: "That's right, that old-fashioned guy, who has money but doesn't know how to make money, still occupies the position of Yabusame, and hits all the targets every time, causing us to lose a lot of money." Money, this kind of person, what's the point of keeping it."

She patted her shotgun: "I used this gun to scare the Jia Feixuan's horse back then, causing him to fall into the cliff."

"The poor four idiots came out of nowhere. They thought their trap worked and they made me a scapegoat!"

"However, it's okay to be a scapegoat honestly. If you want to call the police, you can't blame me for looking for death."

The corner of Hutian Darong's mouth curled up into a sneer: "Okay, I've told you so much, and let you die like a ghost, and I'm doing you a favor. I originally arranged the script for you because I caused so many people to die, and the guilt is unstoppable." , the ending of seppuku."

"How about it, how about you just be obedient and kill yourself with Shingen's treasured sword behind, and I'll give you a face, how about it?"

Speaking of this, Hutian Darong laughed wildly, with a crazy look that he was sure of winning.

"Obasan, you think too much!"

At this moment, the sliding door on the left opened, and Hattori Heiji in a pose appeared in the Japanese room on the left.

"Everyone has known about you killing Mrs. Linghua for a long time. At that time, you deliberately rode a horse from behind a tree to cover up the horse's hoof print."

"It's as fast as the wind, it has sneaked here four hours ago, and it has been waiting here for a long time!"

And the sliding door on the other side was pushed open, and Conan the Kid had a smirk on his face, and the extremely rare moment of acting coquettish began.

"First coax Mrs. Linghua to the horse, and still wear a black towel on her body, lead her into the woods first while pretending to search, put a rope around her head and hang her to death, this trick can be concealed who!"

"It's Xu Rulin, and I have been waiting in this room for a long time without daring to take a breath."

The old woman Darong Hutian had a look of disbelief on her face: "Little devil, how could it be!"

Immediately afterwards, a thick male voice came from the Shingen armor on the altar.

"It's immovable like a mountain. Even if the truth is found out, we must act calmly and wait quietly, waiting for the opponent's opening!" Dahe Dasuke took off his mask, revealing his one-eyed eyes. Hanging with a sneer.

Seeing the police appear, Tariyo Torata instantly sweated profusely, with an expression of disbelief.

But Long Weijing only felt that he had survived the desperate situation, and couldn't help showing a look of rejoicing.

At the same time, Mori Kogoro, who rode with Yui and Fujiko to the woods outside the village, shivered from the cold.

He didn't expect that Heiji, Conan, and Yamato Gansuke would actually say all those middle school lines, one sentence per person, as if they were well-distributed, they were so pretentious.

There is no need to continue to read the following plots. There are Conan, Heiji, and Yamato Kansuke inside, and there are Kuroda Hei and other brilliant police officers setting up an ambush outside.

Even if this Hutian Darong colluded with the people in Hecun, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of this group of people.

Mori Kogoro stopped paying attention and cut off the connection with the psychic Thousand Paper Crane.

Huiyuan has also been entrusted to Xiaolan, so naturally there is no danger.

A group of three people rode horses, and soon sank into the woods, turned at the three-way road, and went deep along the muddy path. After a while, they came to an open valley.

This valley was obviously mined by an excavator, and then it was deserted, with gravel everywhere, and it was unremarkable.

There is also a wooden house in the valley, which is the treasure hunting base of Hutian Shigeji who wanted to bring people here before, but did not come.

This is the base of the treasure hunting team. The five members of the treasure hunting team usually gather here to study the treasure map.

Youyi naturally recognized this place, and it wasn't too secretive.

She looked at Kogoro Mori suspiciously.

Fujiko asked directly: "Xiao Wulang, this place has been dug three feet, will there be a treasure of 'one hundred thousand gold'? You must have guessed wrong, right?"

"There is a saying in the art of war, the truth is false, and the false is true. In fact, the location of the treasure has been found long ago, but someone wanted to swallow it all, so it was concealed."

Hearing the word Art of War, Youyi trembled subconsciously, and then he trembled with both legs, his calves twitched a little!

Mori Kogoro glanced at Yui, and couldn't help shaking his head and chuckling, don't leave any shadow on this new young woman.

He got off his horse immediately, followed by the two women, and walked into the wooden house together.

The sliding door was pushed open, and it was just a very simple tool house, with all kinds of tools piled up on the left and right, including shovels, drill bits, jacks, and automatic shovels.

Fujiko and Yui looked at Kogoro Mori with doubts on their faces again.

Mori Kogoro didn't say much, instead he went to the counter, took out a pair of pliers, and pulled out a protruding nail in the wall.Boom!

The mechanism at the bottom rotated, and the plank retreated directly, and a passage appeared in front of the three of them.

"Hiss!" Youyi immediately exclaimed. She has been to this place several times, but she has never found such a passage underneath. How did Kogoro find it.

"There should be someone inside, be careful."

Saying this, he immediately stepped into the aisle and walked in the forefront.

Fujiko was already excited, he dug his little hand into his chest, took out a small flashlight, and helped Mori Kogoro light the way ahead.Youyi at the back closely followed the two people in front.

As soon as the three of them came in, the wooden plank behind them closed automatically, and the way back was cut off for a while.

This passage is so narrow that Mori Kogoro has to bend over to move forward.

After walking about three or four hundred meters, I saw a bright light in the distance, which was the exit of the passage.

Immediately afterwards, the bright light was blocked, and a body blocked the exit, with an air of one man guarding the gate and ten thousand men not opening.

The sharp-eyed Kogoro Mori recognized what the body was holding in an instant, a submachine gun.

Chapter 0278

Da da da da da!

The people blocking the exit didn't say much, and shot at the three people in the passage as soon as they met each other.

The two girls behind him turned pale in shock, while Mori Kogoro let out a muffled grunt, and was shot several times, causing some skin damage.

He guarded the two women behind him, his handprints changed rapidly, and a shield constructed of witchcraft stood in front of him, blocking all the bullets.Because it was in a dark passage, the shield was very inconspicuous, and the two women behind didn't notice it either.

Fujiko dealt with this situation very calmly, took out a throwing knife from his satchel, and swung it towards the exit.


The throwing knife bounced back after hitting the shield, and directly pierced Mouri Kogoro's shoulder.

"Oh, Kogoro, I didn't mean it!" Fujiko thought he missed it.

Mori Kogoro shook his head speechlessly, pulled out the throwing knife, and performed a healing technique on himself.

Immediately afterwards, his big hand passed through the shield and threw the blood-stained throwing knife out.

The distance of two to three hundred meters is nothing at all. Not long after, a man screamed from the exit.

The guy screamed and retreated, and the suppression of fire naturally disappeared.

And Mouri Kogoro grabbed the two girls behind him with his big hands, making sure that the two girls were safe.

He dispelled the shield and said, "Speed ​​up, go out of the passage first, and follow me closely."

After finishing speaking, he took the lead and ran towards the exit, and the two women followed closely.

In less than ten seconds, Mori Kogoro ran out of the passage. The passage outside was much wider than the inside. There were yellow miner's lamps hanging on the wall. This was a manually dug cave.

There was also a bloodstain spreading deep on the ground.

Youyi could see things with his eyes, so he pulled Maori Kogoro and asked worriedly: "Xiaogoro, are you okay? Did you get shot?"

"It's okay, it's okay, that guy should have bought a fake gun, it's purely for bluffing, I'm not hurt at all."

Fujiko knew the magic of Mori Kogoro, so he didn't worry about him at all, instead he said: "The enemy is injured, let's chase after him!" .”

After saying this, the three of them followed the blood trail to the bottom of the cave.

I chased for another few hundred meters, passing several natural caves in the middle, and no one checked them one by one.

Finally, the three of them came to the end, a stalactite cave with a strangely shaped gate on the wall.

As soon as he came here, Mori Kogoro heard a very obvious panting sound, and the guy was hiding behind the stone pillar in ambush.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly, and said to the empty grotto, "Aren't you afraid to come out and talk about it now? Head of Hutian?"

Fujiko immediately said in amazement: "Xiao Goro, is the bald fat man who ambushed us? It doesn't look like it, he was still very sad at noon!"

"This can only show that the old guy's acting skills are very good, and he deceived you all."

"This kind of person knows how to use his wife who gets along day and night to distract the police. How could he feel sad for his son's death."

"You know, six years ago, I personally went down to the bottom of the cliff and buried the unconscious Jia Feixuan man under the horse with fallen leaves, but this old fox did it himself."

"Otherwise, how could such a large horse and people be completely buried by the fallen leaves overnight."

Youyi's eyes were full of confusion: "But, why?"

"I've all gone to the bottom of this cave, and I'm still asking why, Youyi is so stupid, of course it's for the treasure!"

"Shigeji Torata is the youngest and most immature in the treasure hunting team they formed. Why is he making the decision on the treasure hunting matter, and even this wooden house is under his name."

"Naturally, there is a scheming person who is behind the scenes, and this person is his father, Hu Tian, ​​the head of the family."

"From the very beginning, I felt strange. It is clear that Shingen's 'one hundred thousand gold' treasure is real, but why Hutian is the head of the family is just a fallacy. He frequently insults his son and prodigal son, and puts aside all connections with him."

"This is hoping to divert my attention from the treasure, it's hateful, it's so unnecessary!"

cough! cough!

A hoarse cough came from the stalactite pillar, and a fat body appeared in everyone's sight.

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