He walked out of the darkness with his hands on his chest, the orange miner's lamp shone on his face, revealing a chubby face, it was Naobu Torita!

Youyi's eyes immediately filled with disbelief, she never doubted her nominal father-in-law.

Mori Kogoro continued to speak: "That's why it is said that the common man is not guilty, but the person who conceived the jade is guilty. The people of Jia Feixuan have clues to the treasure map of the Shingen Treasure, and that's why so many people are peeping."

"Members of the treasure hunting team set a trap to kill him. Hutian Darong shot his horse to scare him, causing him to fall off a cliff. Hutian's family even buried his last chance of life with fallen leaves. He was destined to die if he didn't survive."

Hutian's big family didn't have a good person, so Youyi entered in ambush and didn't find anything, how stupid!

The bald old man looked weak: "Ahem! You really deserve to be a Maori detective. Your eyesight is too poisonous. I'm really good at acting in front of you."

"Xinxuan Treasure, I found the specific location two years ago, and Fanci worked hard to dig out these passages, but unfortunately it was blocked by this door."

"Originally, I wanted to wait until I saw the treasure and then silence them one by one. I didn't expect my gambler wife to do it first. It really helped me a lot."

"Ahem, Maori Detective, don't report on me. In fact, I didn't do anything."

"We can work together to get out the Shingen Treasure. How about half of you and half of me?"

The head of Hutian's face was flushed with excitement, as if he was very excited.

But the corner of his eyes couldn't help but glance behind the three of them.

On the ground more than ten meters behind the three of them, a wooden board full of sand was slowly pushed away, and a man with a gun stood up, his eyes were full of fierce light.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "You all know that my eyes are vicious, but now you dare to act in front of me, you are courting death!"

His big hand sank into Fujiko's satchel, took out a throwing knife, and threw it behind him without looking back.

The screams sounded immediately!

Youyi turned around and saw Hutian Shigeji, who was ambushing in the pit, fell to the ground, and the submachine gun fell to the ground.

"What's going on? Fanci, isn't he dead?"

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said, "How is it possible, he is the biological son of Hutian Master, and Hutian Master knows his wife's plan, so he will naturally remind his son."

"The charred body on the railroad tracks should be some gambler from the neighboring village. They must have been plotted by their father and son as a scapegoat."

Chapter 0279 Sincerely, Gentleman Phantom Thief

"Tomorita Shigeji feigned death to escape. If Hutian Darong's plan to murder Long Weijing succeeds, he will kill all the other members of the treasure hunt, and he will not hesitate to help their father and son to silence them."

"Afterwards, Fanci, who was lurking in secret, turned around to deal with his mother and silenced her. He himself was killed in the case and disappeared, so he could make a real headless case."

"Their father and son are really united, treating the rest of the family as outsiders."

"If the head of the family didn't worry about his son hiding in the cave and lack of food and water, he would not have been caught by me."

Shigeji Torata, who was leaning on half of his body in the sandpit, struggled and wanted to pull out the throwing knife that had passed through his palm.

A cold light flashed in Fuji's eyes, a cold light flashed in his hand, and another flying knife flew out.

Straight into Fanci's other hand, he couldn't help crying out in pain.

Hu Tian, ​​who was leaning on the milk stone pillar, yelled violently: "Detective Maori, you are indeed very skilled, but today's situation is not unexpected."

"I've already planted enough explosives at the bottom of the cave. If you force me again, it will be a big deal. Let's go to hell together."

"Anyway, this old bone of mine will die when it dies. It's not bad to be buried with famous people."

Yui immediately tugged Mori Kogoro's clothes in panic, signaling him not to act rashly.

This was a case she wanted to investigate by herself, and Yu Yi felt extremely guilty when Kogoro was involved and dragged him into this dangerous situation.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and patted Yui's little hand, expressing his relief.

He turned and said, "Oh, that's so powerful, since there is a bomb, why don't you detonate it now, and show me!" On the dagger that passes through the palm of your hand.

what! ! ! ! ! !

A shrill scream sounded immediately.

"...You have the guts to detonate it."

Mori Kogoro kept provoking Torada, the bald and fat man sweated instantly on his forehead, panted like a broken bellows, and swayed his body

He held the remote control tightly in his hand, and his expression kept changing. Hearing the screams, his face trembled.

In the end, Mr. Hutian gave up. He was sweating profusely and limp on the ground. He couldn't help begging for mercy: "Detective Maori, don't do this. We can discuss it again."

"We don't want the treasure anymore, I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you, just let us father and son go."

Youyi's expression was extremely cold, and he couldn't help but reply: "If you let me go, then who will let Senior Jia Fei go, the death of Senior is caused by all of you..."

Master Hutian became excited instantly, his face flushed red: "If you don't let us go, let's die together."

"I'll give you a chance, but detonate the bomb and see if you can die together!"

Another pot of cold water was poured on Hu Tian's head.

Mori Kogoro had a contemptuous smile on his face, he had already seen through the nature of this guy's sternness, covetousness and fear of death.

Besides, even if he did detonate it, he wouldn't be afraid. All the bombs underneath were dismantled by the Ant-Man robots he sent, so he was naturally very confident.

Then, Mori Kogoro kicked the submachine gun aside, making sure that the father and son were no longer a threat.

He turned around and came to Fujiko's side, and took out his big hand towards his chest.

Fujiko's complexion changed, and he complained with black lines all over his head: "Xiao Wulang, what are you doing, we are cheating, don't mess around!"

Soon, a small black and black token was taken out from his pocket, with the word 'Jia Fei' engraved on it.

"What are you thinking? I just took the key to open the door. Who is fooling around?"

Fujiko's face turned red after being fumbled, and he couldn't help stepping on Kogoro Mouri's feet: "Really, tell me, I can take it myself!"

Youyi, who was on the side, was stunned when he saw this scene.

Immediately after she shook her head, she couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, do you have the key to the door of this treasure? Can you open the door?" Upon hearing this, Hutian and his son, who were seriously injured, couldn't bear it. Live sideways attention.

"Well, if the speculation is correct, this Jaffe cold card is the key to open the door."

"This token is on the ancestral hall of Jia Feixuan's family. The material is very special. It should be a kind of meteorite with a special magnetic field."

"It is recorded in historical materials that during the Warring States period, [It was a big star, almost like a moon, seen in Nagano]. At that time, Nagano County was attacked by a meteorite, and the momentum was extremely large. Afterwards, the well-known organ master Sanshui Jiuzhong was invited by Shingen to Koshu. , and soon became seriously ill and died."

"Actually, he should have been invited to build this treasure room. The material used is meteorite from that year. It is so hard that even explosives can't blow it apart. That's why Hutian and the others were blocked by this door."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro came to the weird gate on the wall.

There are countless animal reliefs engraved on it, like a hundred beasts fighting for battle, the patterns are still clear as usual after a long time.

Kogoro Mori couldn't understand these embossed fine lines, like the Morse code created by Hisashige Misui himself.

Fortunately, there is an ant-man robot that can shrink, and it directly drills into it through the gap, proving the microscopic structure inside the gate.

The red queen combined all the proven inner structures, and then began to prompt where to press the relief.

First is the phoenix tail, horse nose, longan, fox body, deer antler...

One by one, the reliefs were pressed down one by one by Mori Kogoro, and the whole door kept making strange noises, and the smoke and dust kept falling.

Finally, as the surface relief continues to move, a groove that can just be screwed with a token is revealed.

Mori Kogoro embedded the token engraved with the word "Jia Fei" in it and reversed it by [-] degrees.

The vibration sounded immediately, Mao Li and his party took a few steps back, and saw the mechanism door continuously sliding left and right.

Behind the three of them, Hutian and his son straightened their heads and kept peering at the scene inside.

This is the picture they dreamed about day and night, and they dreamed of it. It should be jewels and gems, and gold everywhere!

Unfortunately, this picture only appeared in their minds.

This treasure room, which was carved out of meteorite iron, was empty, and a sentence was written in ink on the wall.

"I will accept the one hundred thousand gold——Gentlemen of the Thieves!"

This is naturally Kogoro Mori's handwriting. All the gold was transported out by the Ant-Man robot along the escape route prepared for him by the mechanism engineer back then, and it is now being piled up on the Quin-style fighter.

Fuji became mad in an instant: "Damn it, who is the thieves and gentleman, who dares to snatch food in front of my aunt, and won't leave me a piece of gold."

The Hutian father and son, who stretched their heads and tried to peek into the treasure room, were stunned for a moment, and the blood rushed to the top of their heads, only feeling dizzy for a while.

No treasure, no gold, nothing in it.

For so many years, painstaking efforts, what have you done!

The father and son immediately doubted life, and looked like they had nothing to love.

Chapter 0280 How can a daughter control her father

This empty treasure room was a great blow to Hutian father and son. They originally planned to use Hutian Darong as a scapegoat. After the "one hundred thousand gold" treasure was dug out, they fled abroad to live a rich life.

But now the beautiful dreams are gone, and the hands are covered with blood, and all the painstaking efforts have been exchanged for nothing.

The father and son lost their target and were seriously injured. They were dying and lifeless.

Mori Kogoro laughed to himself, these two people are really short-sighted, and they are not willing to buy pearls.

The giant meteorite that was hollowed out into a treasure room is also very valuable!

This is a material that can shake explosives hard without losing a single bit. It is about [-] square meters. With such a large weight, the value should not be less than a hundred thousand gold treasures.

But Mori Kogoro didn't say much, he turned around and took the nylon rope that Fujiko was carrying, tied up Hutian and his son, and dragged them towards the exit.

After a lot of busy work, the group returned to the tool shop in Shagu, and Yuyi immediately called the police.

The family conspired to kill police officers, and the father and son were illegally armed and attempted murder. These charges alone are enough to put them in prison.

Not long after, Kuroda Hei, Fuku Takaaki, Yamato Kansuke and others led the team, and Heiji and Conan also came by car.

They had just taken down Hutian Darong and the gamblers from the neighboring village she had hooked up with, and rushed over as soon as they received the news.

Listening to Yui's report to Chief Kuroda, Conan and Heiji looked at Mori Kogoro with complicated eyes.

Really, in the end, I still couldn't beat my uncle!

But the two kids are used to this kind of plot.

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