And Yamato dared to assist the whole process, so he couldn't help but climbed into the underground passage with a cane, and went down to the cave to confirm it himself.

When he came up again, he looked at Kogoro Mori with complicated eyes, and he closed himself quietly without making a sound.

Obviously the murderer who killed Senior Jia Fei was found out, but Yamato still felt very uncomfortable when he dared to help.

I paid the price of an eye and a broken leg for my senior's case, but I still got nothing.

Mori Kogoro only came for one day, and he gently and deftly clarified everything and captured the real culprit. This gap is really desperate!

After listening to Youyi's narration, Zhu Fu Gaoming couldn't help but exclaimed:

"It's a clever trick. Even the wife who shares the bed with him has used it. This kind of trick can be seen clearly by Maori detectives, which is amazing."

Listening to these half-baked words, Mori Kogoro is also full of black lines.

Kuroda Bingwei said, "I didn't expect that there is no good person in Hutian's family. Yui, your latent mission is over. When will you report back to the bureau?"

Hearing this, Yamato Gansuke couldn't help pricking up his ears.

It was her own decision that Uehara Yui sneaked into Torada's house to investigate, and she never knew Kurodabei.

Kuroda Hei said this just to give her a favor.

Anyway, he is now the head of the Nagano Prefectural Police Department, and it is easy to transfer someone back.

And in a few days, I will take up a new position, and I have the right to not use it, and it will become invalid after the expiration date.

Why not help match subordinates!

It was Yui Uehara's wish to be a good policeman. Hearing this, she couldn't help feeling a little moved, and her expression hesitated.

At this time, Mori Kogoro stepped forward and lightly embraced Yui's soft shoulders.

"Officer Kuroda, what you say is not authentic. You have been promoted and your salary has been raised. Next week, you will be transferred to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department as a police officer. Youyi has been undercover for so many years and has made such great contributions. Shouldn't you be promoted?"

The eloquent Kogoro directly replaced the private investigation routine with years of undercover work, which is a great contribution.

"In my opinion, it's not a big deal to get back to the original position. You should also be promoted to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department!"

"Kogoro!" Uehara Yui immediately panicked.

From her point of view, Chief Kuroda had helped him a lot by allowing him to become a policeman again, so how dare he ask for anything else.

However, when Kogoro Moori exerted a little force with his big hand, Yui's body began to weaken, and he didn't dare to say anything, and let him decide completely.

Yamato Gansuke at the side looked at You's hideous big hands on the shoulders, and his one-eyed eyes almost burst into flames.

Kuroda Hei smiled wryly: "Detective Maori, you are really embarrassing me, how can I have such great rights!"

Seeing Kogoro Mori's playful expression, Kuroda Hei could only helplessly say, "But I just need someone to go to Tokyo, Yui, would you like to go with me there to handle the case?"

Hearing what Kuroda Heizhen said, Yui was stunned for a moment.

Kogoro Moori pinched his buttocks, and Yui came back to his senses, and nodded quickly: "Yes, I am willing!"

"Okay then, I'll help you write the transfer application when I go back. Whether it's successful or not depends on the review."

Yamato Ganzhu was depressed for a while, thinking that his childhood sweetheart would come back to get along with him, but these three sentences are about to go to Tokyo, so how can it be done!

"Chairman, this is against the rules!"

Heiwei Kuroda's face darkened in an instant: "Rules are dead, but people are alive. Besides, I just submitted an application. It depends on the approval of the higher authorities."

"Yamato, don't worry, at worst, I'll apply for you too, and let's transfer to Tokyo together."

Yamato dared to help, and then his face turned pale.

Zhu Fu Gaoming's face became embarrassing, what's going on, am I the only one left in the Nagano Cheese Police Headquarters in the end?

Seeing everyone's expressions, Mori Kogoro smiled inwardly. Most of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is staffed by himself. When the time comes, Yamato will definitely be brushed off, and only Yui will pass.

He leaned over to Youyi's little ear, and whispered, "Don't worry, I will definitely let you and me go back to Tokyo, and then I will teach you the art of war!"

Hearing this, Yui's cheeks flushed instantly, and her little hands couldn't help but pushed Kogoro Mori's chest.

This is like a picture of a couple acting like a baby, seeing Da He dare to help is like a knife cutting his heart!

"Okay, it's almost time to close the team, Detective Maori, I have an appointment at a bar at eight o'clock tonight, and I am looking forward to our meeting tonight."

"We must go then!"

Kuroda Hei led the crowd into the police car and left, but before Yamato dared to help him leave, One Eye took a deep look at Yui, hesitant to speak.

After the police left, Fujiko, who had been hiding for a long time, reappeared.

"The notes are all gone. It's really boring. I thought I could find a treasure, but I didn't expect there was nothing."

Immediately afterwards, she embraced Mori Kogoro's arm, pinched his weak spot with her small hands, and asked in a low voice.

"Kogoro, I saw you pinching someone's ass just now, tell me honestly, what's your relationship with Yui Uehara?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just a little friendship!"

"Oh, you are dead, let me tell your daughter."

"What's the use of telling Xiaolan, father always takes care of his daughter, how can a daughter take care of dad!"

Fujiko sneered: "Is it useless? When I was being entertained in the morning, I saw it all, a guy with a human face and a beast's heart fumbled with his big hands, hum!"

Chapter 0281 Fujiko, you also want to dance

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but look embarrassed, and began to pretend to be stupid and stupefied: "There's nothing wrong, you must have misread it!" He immediately ran forward, and Fujiko immediately chased after him.

"How could I be wrong, what are you running for, hehehe, Xiaowulang, you are guilty, why don't you tell me the truth." The two ran farther and farther, away from the sandy valley, and entered the woods.

In the end, Mori Kogoro was still captured by the female snitch, and her big hands were tightly held by her, and they couldn't be separated at all.Sensing the warmth and softness of his arms, Kogoro Mori felt rather hopeless at this moment.

Bu Erzi's face was full of excitement, as if he was spying on an incredible secret, and a strange light shone in his beautiful eyes. "Say it quickly, tell me quickly, I have long thought that you two are weird, flirting with each other all day long, it's totally abnormal!"

flirt?unusual?Is it that obvious?

Eri didn't even notice it!

It seems that this nervous Fujio has a particularly sensitive perception in this kind of thing!

"You tell me, I will never tell anyone else."

How could Kogoro Mori believe in Fujiko's integrity? Tell her, if she doesn't make trouble, she won't be called Fujiko Mine anymore!

He immediately changed the subject and said, "Do you still want the 'one hundred thousand gold' treasure?"

"Cut, don't change the subject, I'm asking about the relationship between you two?"

Suddenly, with a flash of golden light, a gold nugget with the word 'Yan Xuan' printed on it appeared in front of his eyes.

Fujiko couldn't help exclaiming: "One hundred thousand gold!"

"Hey, no, isn't there nothing in the treasure room? Where did you get this gold nugget?"

"Oh, that 'Gentleman of Robbery' is you, did you keep the pen in there?"

Immediately, his little hand squeezed Mori Kogoro's waist again: "Damn it, I've always been the only one who plotted against others when it comes to stealing things. How can anyone plot against me, Kogoro, you're dead."

"Damn, it's not that I don't want to share the spoils with you, don't label me indiscriminately!"

"The main reason is to hit Hutian and his son. Seeing the empty treasure room makes them doubt how good life is!"

"Besides, the Nagano police saw Bijin, so it must not be for us. Of course, I have to transfer it out first."

Fujiko kept urging: "Where is it? Where is it? Take me to see it!"

Sure enough, she is the best son of a big money fan. Now her eyes are shining with gold, and she is dazzled by the treasure.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, took Fujiko to a slightly open place, and snapped his fingers.

There's a lot of noise!Boom!

The plants and trees bowed one after another, as if a plane had landed!

As the light flashed by, a streamlined fighter jet full of high-tech texture was unmasked, revealing its true appearance. It was a Kun-type fighter jet.

Fuji's eyes widened in an instant. As an international thief, she was well-informed. She had never seen any fighter planes, but this was the first time she had seen this kind of truly invisible.

The Kun-type fighter plane landed, and the boarding ladder opened, and Mori Kogoro boarded the fighter plane with the terrified Fujiko.

What catches the eye is a pile of gold like a hill!

This is only a part that has not yet been sent to the space carrier, accounting for a quarter of the total.

Takeda Shingen's "one hundred thousand taels of gold" is not the one hundred thousand taels of gold that Xiao Ai said, but the real one hundred thousand catties of gold.

There are more than [-] gold bricks in a catty, and a Kun-type fighter plane cannot carry them all.

The quotation for a catty of pure gold is [-] yuan or more, [-] catties is [-] billion yuan, and if converted into Japanese currency, it is more than [-] billion yen.Although the purity is not pure gold, it is still [-]% to [-]% pure, and in the end it is more than [-] billion yen.

This is a windfall that Mori Kogoro can't easily ignore!

The pile of gold in front of him is more than [-] billion yen. Fujiko took the task and worked hard to get a billion yen reward. How can it be compared!When she saw this little golden mountain, her eyes were a little dazed, she couldn't help picking up a gold brick, wiped it and bit it.

I can't bite at all, it's really gold!

Fujiko immediately ran to Mori Kogoro excitedly, jumped up and hung on his body, wrapped his legs with excellent elasticity around his waist, and couldn't help shouting: "Xiaogoro, let's get rich, get rich! I really love You are dead!"

After finishing speaking, Fujiko held Kogoro Moori's head in his hands and kissed it.


Mori Kogoro hugged Fujiko's waist, his steps twirling as if dancing a waltz.

After a while, he sat firmly in the driver's seat.

After a passionate kiss, Fujiko's little face was also flushed.

His beautiful eyes looking at Mori Kogoro are full of charm and tenderness.

Seeing Fujiko happy because of the treasure, Mori Kogoro was also very happy.

How much he gains is just a number for him, and it doesn't make him too happy.

But his own woman is happy because of the treasure, which is more important to Mori Kogoro.

His big hands slowly walked up and down Fujiko's plump body, and there was a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

"It seems necessary to review our first experience, Fujiko, you want to dance too!"

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