"Red Queen, take off!"

Fujiko's eyes trembled, and the Quinjet fighter closed the hatch.

As soon as the faint blue propeller was activated, the speed increased instantly, and it flew towards the distant sky. The height continued to climb, and it was above the white clouds, and a stirring movement sounded.

And Yui, Heiji, and Conan rode back to Hutian's house.

The Nuoda family in the village, except for Younong, the rest of the mansion are guests.

Xiaolan and Huiyuan couldn't help shaking after hearing the whole case.

Little Lolita couldn't help but said: "That is to say, none of the Hutian family we are staying in today is a good person. This is too scary, and they all pretended too well!"

Yui couldn't help but smiled awkwardly. Strictly speaking, she was also from the Hutian family.

Xiaolan immediately frowned: "Xiao Ai, why are you talking, Miss Youyi is a good person here."

"Speaking of which, I also admire Miss Youyi very much. She pursued the police officer Jia Fei's case for so long, and she did not hesitate to marry a bad guy."

Hearing this, Yuyi quickly waved his hand: "No, it was a fake marriage. When I went to the district office to register, I troubled my colleagues there to help me make a fake certificate, and I got away with it."

"In addition, Yoshiro is gay and only needs a wife in name to help cover it up, so this marriage is fake from beginning to end, fabricated for the convenience of investigation."

"However, in the end, it was not of much use. I didn't find out anything. It was all relying on Kogoro to find out the truth."

Because you are facing the family of Kogoro Moori, and Yui wants to be with Kogoro again, some things need to be explained clearly, so as not to cause trouble.

Unnecessary misunderstanding and discrimination.

After listening to her narration, Xiaolan and Huiyuan looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help twitching: No wonder!

Chapter 0282: Free caged bird

The dynamic music in the Kun-style fighter is playing, filling the inside with waves of sound!

Fuji leaned on the small golden mountain, his eyes were full of intoxication.

So much gold, Mori Kogoro gave her all, seriously, it made her very excited!

The gold reflects so that his body is also golden, which is very attractive!

Listening to the hunting wind outside the window, Fujiko turned his head and saw the beautiful scenery outside the window.

The setting sun dyes the endless clouds pink, and this Kun-type fighter jet is constantly swimming in the sea of ​​clouds, which is too beautiful to behold!It's really heaven!

And Mori Kogoro held his slender waist and moved him to the window, instructing the red queen to stop the speed of the fighter, and the window slid up.The strong wind swept in, messing up Fujiko's wine-red curly hair, and Kogoro felt that his nose was full of fragrance.

Under the setting sun, the fluff on that little pink face is clearly visible, and the red lips turned sideways are even more breathtaking.

Mori Kogoro held up Fujiko's white chin, turned his face sideways, and kissed her in one breath.

"Uh huh, ho ho!"

This woman is smiling, the corners of her eyes are crooked, her brows are crooked, and that relaxed expression seems to be really happy!

Kissing Fujiko's red lips, Mori Kogoro hugged the female snitch tightly with his big hands, as if wanting to rub her into his body, reluctant to let her go.

"How is it? Do you recall what happened to us on the plane for the first time? Does it feel the same?"

Fujiko glanced at Kogoro with her beautiful eyes: "Nonsense, what's the same? Last time it was a large passenger plane, and it was at night again. There was a moon, and there was moonlight. The passenger plane almost fell into the sea. It scared me to death. I was scared to death. It's the same if you get stuck and take advantage of the fire!"

"Wow, I remember so clearly, it seems that Fujiko misses the story on the plane very much!"

Fujiko, who was held in his arms, murmured: "How could it be possible to forget, that is the most precious memory."

Seeing Fujiko who was full of tenderness, Mori Kogoro's eyes were also full of warmth.

"I promise, we will have more precious memories to create together in the future, as long as you want, I will satisfy you!"

Hearing this, Fuji's face turned red, and Tsundere said: "Who wants you to be satisfied, narcissist, big pervert!"

"Red Queen, speed up with all your strength!"

"Okay, master!" A mechanical female voice came from the control panel of the fighter.

The blue flames from the propellers of the Kun-style fighter jets parked on the clouds immediately sped up crazily.

The strong wind swept in, and Fujiko almost lost his footing, his hands were tightly grasping the window sill, and his heart was flustered again, extremely nervous and excited. "Ah, Kogoro, it's too fast, slow down! Slow down!"

"No, I want to fly higher and sprint at full speed, Red Queen!"


A sonic boom appeared above the sky, and a white shock wave surface formed around the Kun-style fighter, which was extremely dazzling.

But in the fighter plane, the two people covered by the protective formation were completely unaffected, and the sound and vibration were isolated.

Fujiko only saw the scenery flying by crazily outside the shock wave outside the window, and his mind was in a trance for a while.

About an hour later, in the invisible space carrier above Tokyo, a Quin-jet fighter slowly landed on the tarmac.

Mori Kogoro came down with his weak-legged Fujiko in his arms. The experience just now was not stingy with the roller coaster, no, the cloud battleship, in a short period of time

Travel to the seven continents and five oceans.

This kind of experience, I believe Fujiko will also feel that he will never forget it!

Seeing Kogoro Mori's teasing and joking expression, Fujiko with a flushed face gouged him a few times, and then said bravely, "I tell you, I'm fine, I just have a little fear of heights."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro let go of Fuji's slender waist.

"Oh my god!" Fujiko screamed and fell on his body, dribbling the ball into someone, and refused to get up because he was leaning on him.

"Bastard, it's all your fault, you still dare to let go, kill you and kill you!"

A mouthful of silver teeth came up again.

Mori Kogoro shook his head and smiled lightly, stroking his soft back with his big hands, and performed the rejuvenation technique to appease this bluffing Fujiko.

With the spirituality of grass and trees entering his body, Fujiko's state gradually recovered, and his beautiful eyes patrolled the sky carrier curiously.

"Xiao Goro, you really surprised me too many times today. You have such fast fighter jets, and they can also be invisible. Now you even have the sky aircraft carrier in science fiction. What else do you have, tell me together." Bar!"

"It's not as amazing as you said!"

"I remembered. There was a news report saying that you have a diving aircraft carrier. Could it be this one? Be good, you are an amphibious monster!"

Seeing Fujiko's ignorant appearance, Mori Kogoro became happy again, pinched his chubby face, and pecked again.

"Knowing that I am so powerful, do you want to stay and be my private secretary obediently?"

Hearing this, Buerziqiong wrinkled her nose slightly, rolled her eyes at him, but did not answer.

Fuji, who yearns for a free life, would not want to be a bird in a cage.

Besides, she still has bloody revenge on her body, how can she stop like this before the revenge is finished.

But, but, even thinking this way, Fujiko still hesitated when he looked at Mori Kogoro.

She was really moved, she really wanted to stay by this man's side, to see him as soon as she woke up, and to live with him shamelessly every day, wouldn't that be wonderful.

Hey, revenge or something, it doesn't really matter.

Fujiko was frantically entangled in his heart, and the balance gradually shifted towards the private secretary.

She was about to speak, but at this moment, Kogoro Moori chuckled: "Okay, I won't force you anymore."

"What a silly girl. Didn't this Quin-type fighter just practice in front of you? It's only thirty minutes at most, enough to reach any corner of the earth."

"So, it doesn't matter where you go, as long as I think, I can easily catch you, and then I can, hehehe!"

Hearing this, Fujiko's face turned black.

Damn, I finally decided to stay and be a secretary, why are you talking about this!

His little feet couldn't help stepping on Moori Kogoro's shoes, and even crushed them vigorously, but it didn't break the defense at all.

Of course Kogoro Mori knew what she was thinking, and was just teasing her.

"Okay, okay, let's go in, and I've always kept my word when I said I'd take you to meet people today." Saying this, Mori Kogoro walked toward the interior of the aircraft carrier with Fujiko in his arms.

But Erzi turned his head sideways, looking at the streamlined and technological fighter behind him, with a slight smile on his lips.

With it, there will be no conflict between investigating the world and staying with Kogoro!

Fujiko has already made up his mind to steal a fighter plane for his own use.I have to say, just now, it was super cool!

Chapter 0283

With this Kun-style fighter, Fujiko can steal all over the world during the day, and stay at Kogoro's house at night, and there will be no conflict between the two.

And as long as there is enough information, the efficiency of stealing things can be greatly improved.

Get one ticket here and run away, another place to get another vote, steal him and turn the world upside down.

You must know that this is a fighter that can be invisible. It can sneak in and respond secretly without anyone noticing, which is perfect.

Even if he was seen, he would appear in another corner of the world in a short time. It was a perfect alibi, and the police couldn't do anything about it!The more Fujiko thought about it, the more excited he became, and he took Kogoro Mouri's arm and began to act coquettishly.

This effect is naturally there. Mori Kogoro has three Kun-style fighters, and he has long planned to give Fujiko one to support him.

This woman is too worrying. What she does is licking blood from the knife edge. She is against black and white and all kinds of people. After a while, she will cause a wave of trouble.

He can't just give it up so easily, he has to figure out what's best!

You must know that this prodigal girl was given a golden mountain just now, a golden mountain worth [-] billion yen.

With such a large amount of wealth, it must be settled for a while.

His big hand smacked Fujiko's buttocks fatly: "Calm down, Shingen's 'one hundred thousand gold' was given to you just now, and now you still want to attack my fighter, why, Fujiko, do you want to dance again? "

Hearing this, Fujiko immediately confessed, stuck out his pink tongue resentfully, and dared not say anything more.

Just now the coldness of ice and aggression of fire alternately came to the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire. Seriously, it was super scary, Fujiko would not dare to come forward again.However, his sneaky eyes were rolling around, obviously he still didn't give up!

Mori Kogoro shook his head and laughed softly: "Okay, go to the interrogation first, and you will stay by my side honestly for the next few days."

"If my prediction is correct, someone will definitely come to Japan to save or kill the 'magician'. In all likelihood, it is one of the thirteen members of the organization you want to deal with. Let's just wait and see."

Hearing this, Fujiko's expression became more serious, and he nodded silently.

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