The passage that Mori Kogoro took with Fujiko was the secret passage of this sky carrier. Without disturbing anyone, he took Fujiko to the place where the 'magician' was imprisoned.

This is a completely transparent prison, and the 'magician' who was beaten to death lay inside, still dressed in a nurse's uniform, no one healed him, but he did not die because of this, but recovered at an astonishing speed .

Seeing someone coming, the 'magician' Robert raised his eyelids slightly, and seeing that it was Kogoro Mori, his information flashed in his mind instantly, and he was immediately surprised.

Previously, Kogoro Mori was captured by the 'doctor' pretending to be him. Robert didn't know that the 'doctor' was Kogoro, so he didn't react too much.But Mori Kogoro knew that this guy would never escape from this space carrier, so he faced it with his true face.

"It's really amazing resilience. When you played against each other before, I felt that your physical strength is not as strong as ordinary people."

"It seems that he has taken drugs such as angel dust to transform his body. No wonder he can dominate Europe."

In this world, there are Meng Bo who ate angel dust and turned into a super soldier, Conan who ate aptx and then shrunk, genetic repair fluid that quickly repairs his body after being soaked, and transformation technology that is assembled with guns, obviously biotechnology The development is very advanced.

It is also normal to have non-human beings under the influence of other drugs, and Kogoro Mori is not surprised at all.

And Robert narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were extremely cloudy, he gritted his teeth and said, "You are the doctor."

"If it's the person who injured you in the hospital before, then I admit, that person is indeed me!"

"But you have already become a prisoner, so I hope you will cooperate well, otherwise the next life will be difficult!"

Robert in the glass prison sneered.

At this time, Fujiko took a step forward and asked, "Where is Pan?"


There used to be a pair of golden combinations in the killer world, the success rate of the commission was [-]%, and none of the people who tried to kill survived.

This pair of members is a man and a woman, and the man's name is Pan!

And this golden combination has only been performing missions for three years, and the three years they were active in the world are exactly the three years when Fujiko lost his memory.

According to the information said by Daisuke Jigen, the female killer is Fujiko.

And the killer Pan accepted the employer's last commission to kill Fujiko.

Killer Pan made his move, but somehow missed.

Afterwards, the group disbanded and Pan disappeared. It was rumored that he quietly joined the Thirteen Knights of the Round Table.

Fujiko believed what Jigen Daisuke said, knowing that someone had killed him, so he wanted to seek revenge from the killer Pan.

She also wanted to retrieve her missing three-year memory.

Rather than revenge, she wants to know what she experienced in those three years, why she changed from a normal girl to a woman full of assassins.

Yes, a woman with extremely strong physical fitness.

All these mysteries must be solved, so she will definitely investigate Thirteen Knights of the Round Table to the end.

"Nah ho ho!"

"Pan, Fuji, that's right, you are that woman, and if you want to find him, it will be interesting!"

"I didn't expect that monster to perform a mission back then with dirty hands, and it left your life behind."

"But the damned person still has to die, but just live for a few years."

Hearing this, Kogoro Mori frowned slightly, raised his finger slightly, and a current of electricity fell from above Robert.

Robert screamed, but roared hysterically: "You are dead, you don't even know who you have offended!" His skin was torn apart by the electric shock, and blood flowed horizontally.

His body is also curled up in the prison, but his dark eyes are still looking at the two with hatred, obviously his will is extremely firm.

Brainwashing is a bit difficult to deal with this kind of guy.

But Mori Kogoro didn't care, and when Robert was so shocked that he lost any ability to resist, he dragged Fujiko into the glass prison.

The title skill of the expression master was used again, and Mori Kogoro and Fujiko began to ask questions.

Chapter 0284 gift for Xiaolan

Accompanied by a series of pressing questions like a storm, even though Robert was expressionless and silent, there was still nothing to hide what was going on in his heart.

As long as there is something in the heart, there must be a reflection on the body, and Kogoro Mori, who is a master of expressions, must have captured this reflection.

Pan was indeed a member of the Thirteen Knights. After murdering Fujiko that year, he also killed his employer, and took over the assassin organization under him. There were many subordinates. After that, he seldom did anything himself, and his whereabouts were unknown.

He wears a silver mask all year round, and he is very at odds with Joker, and the two split into two factions among the Thirteen Knights.

The "Magician" Robert admires Joker very much, and is the number one dog licker under Joker, so he doesn't have much contact with Pan, so he doesn't know much about him.

Robert and the member "Illusionist" are inseparable. Before that, the Illusionist also said that he would come to Japan to find him and have new tasks to carry out together.

Now that Robert is in a cage, the illusionist should be the first to notice the abnormality, so it is very likely that he will confront Mori Kogoro and the others.

At the end of the questioning, Robert looked at Mori Kogoro with horror in his eyes, thinking that this person could read minds.

He grabbed the ground directly with his head, and bumped himself several times, knocking himself out.

Just relying on one mouth to make people beep dizzy, Fujiko was also shocked.

Seeing Kogoro looking over, she couldn't help but put her hands on her chest, with a defensive look on her face: "Don't read my mind, you don't have any privacy at all, you are too scary."

Kogoro Moori couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this: "This is not mind reading, it's an interrogation technique that combines micro-expression observation, auxiliary hormones, blood flow rate, heartbeat, pulse and other information!"

His big hand couldn't help but beat him fatly: "Don't think I can't see through your mind, be honest, don't count on my Kun-style fighter."

Fujiko showed a flattering expression, and shook Mori Kogoro's arm, blatantly giving benefits.

"Xiao Goro, you already know, then you can lend me the Quinjet fighter!"

Mori Kogoro laughed badly: "It's not impossible to consider, Secretary Fujiko, there is still a chance to perform well!"

Fujiko naturally understood the connotation of this sentence, his little face blushed a little, but he hugged Mouri Kogoro's arm more and more tightly.

"It's time to go, otherwise Xiaolan and the others should be in a hurry."

"Hey, that's right, you haven't said what is between you and Xiaolan..."

Another slap landed on Fujiko's buttocks, and Kogoro Mori had a smile on his face: "Huh?"

It really hurts!Fujiko stared at Kogoro tearfully, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

She lowered her head and cursed in a low voice: "You are a pervert, you are a daughter-in-law, you are a big beast."

Mori Kogoro could only pretend he didn't hear it, and exhorted himself: "Be careful in the days ahead, the illusionist that Robert said has joined many criminal organizations, can easily confuse others, and many people use it for him. You can be careless!"

But Kogoro, who said this, remembered in his heart the commission of Kuroba Chikage before. There was a killer named "Spider" who wanted to deal with Kaito. Occupation is illusionist.

Just don't know if they are the same person.

Soon, the two returned to the Kun-style fighter plane. As soon as Fuji got on the fighter plane, he ran and rolled in the gold bricks, and he didn't feel uncomfortable.

With an order, the Red Queen took control of the fighter plane, and with the blue flames of the propellers sprayed, it set off from the space carrier and headed for Nagano County.

In less than ten minutes, the two returned to Hutian's home.

Seeing her father appearing, Xiao Lan, who had been waiting so long, twisted his ears and asked him in a low voice where he had been running for the past two hours, but where did he go to hook up with a good woman!

Xiaolan was really annoyed, she couldn't see any changes in Uehara Yu's clothes with her eyesight level ten.

It was so obvious that it was obvious at a glance.

And Yui kept getting close, trying to get a good relationship with himself, and he couldn't do without Mori Kogoro in both inside and out.

Xiaolan is not stupid, so she naturally knows that this is another woman who covets her stepmother, so she also understands what happened between her and her father.

That's why she was annoyed, under her own eyes, her father who had been guarding him secretly opened a harem again, and she couldn't even guard against it.

No matter how powerful a famous detective is, there is still no one who can cure you!

Faced with Xiaolan who is going crazy, Kogoro Mori is naturally prepared.

A statuette was pulled out by him, with a fluttering skirt and fluttering long hair, carved into the shape of Xiaolan, with a beautiful and lifelike face!

"Shhh, don't say anything, Dad and Fujiko went to find Shingen's treasure just now, and we really found it."

"There are a total of [-] gold bricks, let's send them again."

"This is what Dad carved out for you with the gold bricks inside. Look, does it look like you?"

Immediately, Xiaolan's eyes were full of surprise, she let go of her little hand, and played with the statuette, with smiles on her lips.

"Really, why waste time doing this thing!"

Even so, Xiaolan's expression was obviously very happy!

"Where is the time wasted, no amount of time can be spent preparing for Xiao Lan's gift."

In fact, it only took a few minutes. After all, many of his sculpting skills have reached the perfection level, so the efficiency is naturally amazing.


"Hmph, I'm reluctant to forgive you for what happened today, and I can't do this in the future!"

"But Dad, you found so many gold bricks, how can we bring them back?"

"Don't worry, the arrangements have been made long ago. The place is very secret. Tomorrow, we will send people to transport all the gold bricks back. There will be no mistakes. Let's go, let's go, let's have dinner!"

Yui in the Japanese room poked his head out and greeted everyone to have dinner.

She had already prepared dinner and was waiting for Kogoro to come back.

Mori Kogoro had experienced two consecutive battles today, and he was hungry, so he led his daughter to the back room.

Seeing the hands held together by the father and daughter, Fujiko couldn't help squinting her beautiful eyes, and there was a strange smile on her face, as if she knew how to get the Quin-style fighter.

The dinner was of course full of color and fragrance, and Yui Mou tried his best to show off in front of Mori Kogoro, so he made a very impressive feast.This culinary skill is probably of a high level, not inferior to the chefs of star-rated hotels outside.

She even sat next to Kogoro Moori, refilling wine and serving him. Naturally, the meal was a delight for the guests.

Chapter 0285 more in-depth

At eight o'clock in the evening, in a bar in Nagano Prefecture, Kuroda Hei was already waiting here.

He sat alone in a corner with a gloomy expression.

Because of his terrifying appearance, everyone around him thought he was the boss of a gangster, and no one was seated at the surrounding tables, which seemed rather clean.

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