And Yukiko and Fujiko, who were sitting next to Mori Kogoro on the left and right, had their arms crossed, as if the roots had taken root, and they sat on the sofa and didn't want to get up.

The eyes of the three women intertwined, and there seemed to be lightning flashing in the middle, and Kogoro Mori also felt very frightened.

"Hey, after all, this lady has a business to visit, so you two should avoid it."

After all, it was the male master of the family who spoke, and he still had to show him some face in front of outsiders, so Yukiko and Fujiko got up and walked out of the office, and the door was closed behind them.

But the two girls immediately attached their ears to the gate and began to eavesdrop.

Mori Kogoro twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at the shadow under the door trembling, not knowing what was going on.

Then he reached into the gap of the sofa on the left side, took out the bug that Fujiko had secretly stuffed in, and removed it.

With a big wave of his hand, an enchantment surrounded the two of them, and only then did he talk to Qianying.

"Why don't you say hello in advance if you want to come over, why are you pretending not to know, you assault..."

Before he finished speaking, the fragrant wind blew in, and Qianying, who was wearing a long purple dress, sat in Kogoro's arms, wrapped his hands wrapped in white silk gloves around his neck, raised his head and kissed him, the sound of smashing was very loud loud.

It seemed to be heard by people outside the door, but the sound was blocked by the barrier.

Qianying's little thought has failed!

"Well, you little Goro, there are so many beautiful women hidden in the house, such as international stars, Legally Blonde, and cute little maids. No wonder it is so difficult to find you. It turns out that I want to accompany other women."

Saying this, Qi Su finger lightly twitched at Kogoro.

"Where is it? Didn't I go there just by calling you? A thousand shadows have an order, and the mission must be fulfilled."

Seeing that Chikage's expression didn't seem so angry, Kogoro Mori started to do it with a smile.

"That big wave woman is an international thief, isn't Mine Fujiko? It doesn't look like anything special!"

Speaking of this, Qianying still has a little resentment.

The big wave Fujiko is really easy to arouse the hostility of women, and he attracts Chikage's firepower as soon as he comes.

Only then did Kogoro Mori show a clear expression. It seems that Chikage came here in person because Fujiko attracted him.

It's true, the lady of the strange thief has washed her hands in the golden basin more than ten years ago, and her reputation has been circulating in the rivers and lakes, and she is full of style.

But later, Fujiko Mine became famous, and he did several big votes, and his reputation suddenly overwhelmed the lady of the strange thief.

Speaking of the top female snitches now, it is generally recognized that Mine Fujiko, who can play the Lupine Group around, is inferior to the three Maoyan sisters who are active in Japan.

Kuroba Chikage, whose reputation has been suppressed or even forgotten, was naturally a little upset, so she wanted to meet Fujiko.

Really, women's boring comparison psychology!

"Hey, how do you know that Fujiko is on my side, you probably didn't spread the word!"

"Xiao Ai said, this girl doesn't know what's going on, she runs to you every three days, and she has a good relationship with your little maid. You shouldn't have given her some ecstasy soup, right?"

I didn’t pour the ecstasy soup, but I poured some other things, it was full.

The guilty Kogoro immediately changed the subject and asked: "What's the matter with this sapphire? Could it be that I really want to win it back for you?" "Of course not, it's still about Kaito."

"In Singapore, there was a murder in the hotel where the Cyan Blue Fist was stored, and Kaito's card was left at the scene of the crime."

"The news is starting to report that Kidd is the murderer, but he hasn't been abroad at all, so I want you to help investigate."

It's about Kaito again. Like Conan, this guy is also the trigger of the case.

He was being targeted by spiders and hadn't been resolved yet, and then someone else framed him as a crime. Everyone was screaming and beating him, it's pitiful.

Chapter 0003 Teach Youkiko the Art of War

Mori Kogoro squeezed his big hands lightly, looking at Qianying's staring eyes, pouted to show off his cuteness, and coupled with the guilt of a few disciples who had brought trouble on her, he couldn't say a word of rejection at all.

"Okay, let me help you investigate, and fight for your innocence."

Chikage, who looked like a noble lady, immediately became happy, and took Kogoro Mori's head in her hands and kissed her again.

"Xiao Wulang, you are so kind, I knew you would not reject me."

"I also want to see how big the green fist is. I've already booked the air ticket and hotel room for tomorrow, and I'm just waiting for your approval!"

"Ah! Are you going too?"

Mori Kogoro's eyes widened in an instant, he was still thinking of using a fighter plane to sneak across there, to make a quick decision, and finish the investigation as soon as it was completed, so it wouldn't take so long.

If Qianying wanted to follow, it would definitely take a long time.

"Of course, Kaito has also admitted our relationship."

"Speaking of which, the two of us haven't traveled together yet!" Speaking of this, Qianying shyly stroked her hair.

"When we go to Singapore, we can just have a good time. It must be more comfortable than in China."

The eyes of Qianying who said this were full of excitement and longing.

Kogoro Mori twitched his lips, unable to bear to dampen Chikage's interest, she was so optimistic!

The world of two is completely unrealistic!

My daughter and Xiao Ai are very clingy, and the two of them will definitely follow when they go abroad.

In addition, Chikage provoked Fujiko just now, if she knew that she was going to Singapore, even for that sapphire, Fujiko would definitely follow.

"My plan is this. Kaito looks very similar to that high school detective Kudo Shinichi. Let him pretend to be Kudo Shinichi and go abroad with you, so that it won't be too conspicuous."

"When the time comes, you will work together, and I will be there to cheer you on. Your relationship will definitely be more harmonious in the future."

It turned out that he wanted to repair the relationship between himself and Kaito, the corners of Mouri Kogoro's mouth twitched, it was really unnecessary!

He has already pried his childhood sweetheart and mother away, so he can repair a woolen thread!

And You Xizi is at the door, you have to get her consent to find someone to play her son.

He was already unable to complain: "As long as you are happy, as long as you are happy."

"Then it's settled, it's a deal, let's reconcile at the airport tomorrow."

Chikage leaned over and kissed Mori Kogoro again, then got up and straightened her clothes.

"I dare not stay alone with you for too long, or the women in your family will be jealous."

She reached out and rubbed Mori Kogoro's head, then walked briskly away.

After opening the door, she saw Fujiko and Yukiko who were pretending to be chatting at the door, Chikage nodded slightly to the two women, then walked down the stairs with her chest up and her head up.Fuji narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't help but said: "This woman is not simple, I smell the same kind of breath from her."

Yukiko ignored Fujiko, who was full of feelings, and turned to enter the office.

It didn't take long before the chicken and the dog jumped up.

"Asshole, why do you have so many lip marks on your face, damn wild woman, you are not allowed to accept this commission."

"I said why there is no sound at all, my lips are blocked, of course there is no sound at all!"

"Still sophistry, the first time you saw this woman, you threw yourself into your arms? You think I'm stupid!"

Fuji at the door couldn't help shaking his head: "What a dissatisfied woman!"

She turned around and went upstairs to the room. Regarding the Fist of Cyan Blue, some information still needs to be looked up.

Even if you just got gold worth hundreds of billions, as a big thief, you can't allow the treasure to slip away from your nose.

In the office, Mori Kogoro was quite overwhelmed with dealing with Yukiko's attacks.

None of these women played a simple role. Qianying came here this time to make troubles and declare sovereignty, and she fell into the trick if she didn't notice it for a while.

"...You Xizi, listen to my explanation. None of these lip marks were initiated by me. They were all kissed by her."

You Xizi couldn't help but stare: "A woman with such a good temperament, why should she take the initiative towards you?"

Mori Kogoro boasted shamelessly: "Maybe your man is so handsome, others can't help it!"

"Get out, just wait, wait until Yingli comes back tonight and see what I have to say."

Seriously, Yukiko, the little coward, will only bring out Eri every time to play tricks on the tiger, will I be afraid of Eri?joke!

Mori Kogoro wrapped his arms around Yukiko's slender waist, pulled her onto the sofa, and said softly, "Really, Eri is so busy with work all day, so what is there to say about such a trivial matter!"

"Hmph!" Yukiko turned around angrily, pointing the back of her head at Mori Kogoro.

But she didn't get up and walk away. It seems that she is not really that angry in her heart!

Having been an old couple for many years, Mori Kogoro naturally understood Yukiko's body language, and wrapped his big hands around Yukiko's delicate body from behind.

"Wow, who is such a handsome woman? This is the first time I've seen her, Detective Fujimine?"


The snort became much softer, and the face that pretended to be frosty also began to thaw a little.

There is a play!

Mori Kogoro began to increase his strength, leaning his head on his small soft shoulder, and began to coax him gently.

Some special titles that were only passed down in the boudoir were thrown out one after another, which gradually melted Yuxiko.

Mori Kogoro understood that sometimes women just enjoy being coaxed.

Quarreling is not really noisy, but a way to enhance feelings.

Let me just say, You Xizi, who has already locked her sympathy points at full value, would not get angry because of such a trivial matter.

Mori Kogoro gently stroked Yukiko's smooth little hand with his big hand, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, he said softly, "Xiaobao Yukiko, I have recently realized a very powerful 'Fenglinshanhuo' art of war, Let me teach you."

Hearing this, You Xizi, who was originally indulging in the sweet atmosphere, couldn't help but stunned for a moment: "The art of war?"

Mori Kogoro smirked, turned his head and pecked Yukiko's fair face.

"Yes, the art of war, I will teach you, you will definitely like it."

"Hey, what are you doing? If you teach the art of war, you will teach the art of war. What are you doing with your hands? If you mess around again, I will beat you."

Yukiko's small hands chased after Kogoro Mouri's big hands.

But what's the use of this? Yukiko, who was dressed as an English detective, was quickly overturned by Mori Kogoro.

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