Chapter 0004

As expected, Fujiko is the same kind of person as Yuxiko, and since he first met him, he has seen through him, and he really guessed right.

Under Mori Kogoro's art of war and witchcraft, Yukiko no longer has a petty temper, but is very docile.

Its Xu Rulin!

The cool and mint-like spirits of plants and trees came together, and the coolness slowly poured into You Xizi's body, restoring her lost physical strength, causing You Xizi to frown her eyebrows in shock.

Seeing his surprised little expression, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but chuckled, and couldn't help poking his nose.

"This is my new art of war, and there are even more powerful ones!"

You Xizi immediately felt the chill, and couldn't help but tremble, goose bumps all over her body, and her delicate body trembled violently.

so cold!

But the chill didn't last long, and the temperature suddenly rose.

You Xizi's pupils kept shrinking, and she couldn't help but let out a cry.

hot!too hot!The whole person is almost melting!

Its sandalwood mouth is slightly opened, exhaling hot air, pores are opened one by one, and sweat seeps out of them.

This is the alternate use of cold as ice and aggressive as fire in the "Fenglinshanhuo" art of war, and the effect is outstanding!

Seeing Yukiko smacking her head desperately and trying to escape, Mori Kogoro smirked, and directly kissed her pink lips, displaying a master-level kissing technique.

Yukiko's eyes widened immediately, and she looked at Kogoro Mori pitifully.

But they all said that they wanted to teach her the art of war, so how can all previous efforts be wasted, of course they have to demonstrate all of them.

As the saying goes, the wind borrows the power of the fire!It's as fast as the wind!

The flames are like fire, and the madness is like the wind!

You Xizi felt countless winds lingering around her body, and the sweat that oozes was quickly dried up, and her whole body seemed to be blown higher and higher by the winds, straight into the sky.

Kogoro Mori caressed Yukiko's curly hair with his big hand, just like stroking a Persian cat, the feeling was really good.

Seeing Yukiko who was receiving the Art of War, Mori Kogoro's eyes flashed with a strange light, and he began to display it with all his strength.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, the door of the office was pushed open.

"Uncle, you are back, I came to play with you?"

It was Sonoko who came in, and next to her was the little maid Sakurako who was peeking into it and couldn't stop her at all.

As soon as the garden opened the door, I saw a wonderful scene!

The swiftness of the wind continued, and Yukiko, who had accepted the inheritance of the art of war, had her hair blown out by the strong wind.

Her narrowed eyes and her whole face exude a bewitching beauty, like a witch.

Yuanzi opened his mouth wide and covered his cheeks with his hands, staring blankly at this scene, unable to move his feet at all.

On the other hand, the little maid Yingzi quickly hid downstairs, but she didn't dare to let Kogoro know that she had been peeking for so long.But Junhui Miko is really right, Maori-kun really knows witchcraft, and his level is too high, powerful.

After more than ten minutes, everything in the detective agency returned to normal, and only Kogoro Moori and Sonoko were left.

The scene where Sonoko broke into teaching the art of war and witchcraft, the thick-skinned Mori Kogoro acted as if nothing had happened, and looked calm and breezy.

And Yuanzi looked at the sofa full of resentment, and then at his uncle sitting behind the office chair, his amber eyes flicked around, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Its small ears are still red, which is quite cute.

There was an eerie silence in the office, neither of them spoke.

Fortunately, Xiaolan, who came downstairs, broke the weird atmosphere.

"Yuanzi, you're here, did you have something important to say on the phone just now?"

Sonoko just came back to his senses, and said again: "Yeah, I almost forgot, uncle, you two went to Nagano yesterday, don't you know what happened?"

"Senior Tsukamoto, she has received an invitation to a karate competition in Singapore, and is about to compete with masters from other countries!"

"I heard that the prize of that karate competition is a famous jewel!"

The corner of Xiaolan's mouth twitched: "The Cyan Blue Fist?"

"Yes, that's the name, Xiaolan, how do you know that!"

"Senior sister finally got an invitation to a karate competition, and it just so happens that she is your apprentice, uncle, let's all go to Singapore to cheer for senior sister!"

"I heard that the Marina Bay Sands Hotel over there is really beautiful!"

Mori Kogoro said: "Coincidentally, I just accepted the commission from the lady just now, and I need to go to Singapore to investigate."

It seemed that everything came together and there was no way to avoid this trip.

Even if you miss a lot in your homework, if you travel abroad with your dad, you will miss it.

Xiaolan chuckled lightly: "Okay, when are you leaving?"

Yuanzi then said: "Tomorrow, the competition will start tomorrow. I have already asked the housekeeper to prepare the private jet in advance. It will fly directly to Singapore. I will definitely be able to catch up."

Yuanzi, who has a good style, is using his banknote ability again!

At this time, Fujiko also walked in at the door, obviously hearing the conversation of everyone.

"Xiao Goro, have you decided to go to Singapore? Please take me with you."

Seeing the bright and extraordinary Fujiko, Sonoko inexplicably became hostile again, and his amber eyes stared at Kogoro Mori resentfully again.

Mori Kogoro also felt a bit of a headache immediately, and couldn't help but said: "Fuji, can you calm down a bit, or you can stay in Tokyo and help me take care of the gold sales."

Fujiko walked slowly to Mori Kogoro's side, and picked up his lapel with his small hand: "No, I found out that everyone has come to the door in person to fight. It would be ridiculous to retreat without a fight."

Speaking of this, his red lips pressed a sip on Kogoro's cheek.

Yuanzi went berserk in an instant, and couldn't help but stepped forward and shouted angrily: "Let go of my Uncle Maoli!"

Xiaolan who was behind hurriedly grabbed her best friend.

But Fujiko laughed, and with her beautiful eyes narrowed, she inspected the garden up and down.

"Little girl, if you are indecisive, you will sit back and watch the good opportunity miss you."

"When waiting for an opportunity, you should be as immobile as a mountain, but when it's time to make a move, you must learn to be aggressive like a fire."

After saying this, Fujiko loosened Mori Kogoro's collar, changed hands to tidy it up, and left in a hurry.

And Yuanzi chanted these two sentences, and fell into deep thought.

Not long after, his eyes were full of sparks!

When Xiaolan turned her head, she saw Sonoko sitting in Kogoro Mouri's arms, blushing and asking for a kiss.

Xiaolan couldn't help but help her forehead speechlessly: Yuanzi, you didn't use the Art of War in love like this!

She went forward again and dragged her best friend back.

Chapter 0005 Cursed

If it wasn't for his daughter's presence, maybe Mori Kogoro would have responded.

Yuanzi, who was dragged back by Xiaolan's ear, yelled, with a look of unwillingness.

Her amber eyes were full of resentment, and the image of the radiotherapy just now deeply shocked her heart, and it was hard for her to calm down.

How angry, how can I not have my share, obviously I have known my uncle for so long.

Looking at Sonoko's pitiful little expression, Kogoro Mouri said, "Lan, let go, how can you treat Sonoko like this, it's too rude."

Hearing this, Xiaolan was instantly stunned: "Dad!"

In the past, she taught Yuanzi's father like this without saying anything. Why did she become like this this time? Could it be...

And Yuanzi heard Kogoro speak up, broke away from Xiaolan's little hand, and happily went forward to embrace Mouri Kogoro's arm, with a satisfied expression.

"Ahem, there is one more thing I want to tell you. Shinichi will go to Singapore with us tomorrow!"

new one?

The expressions of Xiaolan and Yuanzi were stunned for a moment. It's been a long time since I heard this name. When I heard it, it was really strange!

Thinking of the scene just now, Sonoko couldn't help but sniggered.

Poor Kudo children's shoes, do you want to tell the story between your mother and uncle?

"The employer just said that because the case to be investigated this time is very important, he found an assistant for me. No, it's the high school student detective Kudo Shinichi."

Yuanzi couldn't help but said, "Uncle is so smart, why would he need an assistant, the case must have been solved casually."

"Then thank you Yuanzi for your good words!" After saying this, his big hands rubbed Yuanzi's little head.

The corners of Xiaolan's eyes couldn't help twitching when she saw this scene.

Mori Kogoro didn't dare to be too obvious, so he hurriedly broke away from the garden, and then said, "Lan, ask your family if anyone wants to travel to Singapore together tomorrow, let everyone pack their bags and arrive Time to go together."

"Dr. A Li has something to do with me, I have to go there."

After saying this, he turned around and walked outside the door.

Yuanzi couldn't help pouted, why did he just leave like this again.

But soon, she remembered the itinerary planned for tomorrow. She and her uncle's room were booked on the same floor, and everyone else's room was booked on another floor.This strategy trip is sure to be a success!

His expression suddenly cheered up, his small hands were clenched in front of his chest, and fierce fighting spirit was ignited in his eyes.

But then, she heard the "cracking" sound of bones being squeezed from her side.

Looking back, Xiaolan, who was exercising her muscles and bones, had a strange smile on her face.

"Yuanzi, it seems we need to have a good talk."

"I don't want it." Yuanzi ran away.

"You dishonest villain, you said you'd give me an assist, but you haven't helped me yet. There's nothing to talk about with people like you."

However, Yuanzi, who can't move his limbs, can't escape Xiaolan's pursuit.

Before going out, Xiao Lan dragged her back again.

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