After getting out of the car, Mori Kogoro glanced at the Kudo's house behind him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and turned to enter the doctor's house.As soon as the doorbell was pressed, a crisp loli voice was heard.

With a sound of notification, the sound of hurried trots sounded from inside.

Immediately afterwards, the door of Dr. Ali's house opened, and the little loli Ayumi bumped into Mouri Kogoro's arms with a look of surprise.

"Uncle, uncle!"

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to hug Ayumi, let her sit on his arms, and scratched his small nose with his fingers.

"Ayumi, isn't today Tuesday? Why didn't you go to school?"

"Not only me, but also Mitsuhiko and Yuantai didn't go, the doctor has a big happy event, please come to his house as a guest."

Speaking of this, little Lolita's eyes were full of excitement.

"Hey, where are Conan and Xiaoai, why haven't they come yet?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said: "We just returned home from the bullet train, the two of them should rest at home and come over later."

"What's the big happy event for the doctor, even I have been notified."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro carried Ayumi into the entrance, and changed into a pair of slippers.

Little Lolita's excited voice came from her side: "The doctor has a girlfriend!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned.

Chapter 0007 Poor Dr. Ali

how is this possible?The doctor is a virgin who has been around for ten thousand years, and he is gradually developing into a Frankenstein, how can he get out of the order so easily!Wasn't he always single in the original book?what happened?Where did the moth come from!

Ayumi still spoke excitedly: "Uncle, the doctor's girlfriend is very gentle. She even gave me a small comb when we met. Look."

A delicate silver hair comb appeared in Ayumi's hand, and a pattern of jalapeno leaves was engraved on the handle.

Kogoro Mori recognized the sign at a glance. At this moment, a familiar female voice sounded.

"This is the Maori detective. I remember we met once, outside Didan Primary School."

An intellectual beauty with a quiet and soft temperament, wearing a round cap, appeared in front of Kogoro Mori, and a strange look flashed in her eyes.

It was Fusa-e? Campbell? Kinoshita, also number three of the organization, Marsala.

Mori Kogoro's eyes couldn't help shrinking, he reacted, and immediately started acting.

"I remember, under the ginkgo tree, I still called the business card you left me, but it seemed that your assistant was picking it up."

"Later, I went to that road specifically, but I never ran into you again."

"What's going on, I heard that you have become the doctor's girlfriend?"

After saying this, Mori Kogoro showed a little more hesitation on his face, as if he really missed her.

Fushahui's eyes became a little more flustered, she pursed her lower lip lightly, and frowned slightly: "I'm sorry, I just have something to do right now." At this moment, Dr. A Li walked out, his face brimming with happiness and joy smile.

Fushahui's expression changed immediately, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her bare hands gently wrapped around the doctor's arm.

Dr. A Li instantly froze as if he had been petrified.

Fu Shahui continued to speak: "It's also a coincidence, after you left that day, I waited for A Li."

"Ah Li and I are actually students of Didan Primary School. We lost contact because we changed schools. We had an appointment to meet in ten years, but we didn't expect to meet again in forty years."

"At that time, there were a few little boys next to Ah Li. I thought they were his grandsons, so I didn't want to disturb him."

"I met again by chance later on, and I found out that Ah Li hadn't been married for so many years, so..."

"Hehe, hehe!"

And the doctor with a big bald head and curly hair on the left and right rubbed his shiny bald head with his big hands, he just smirked and couldn't say anything.

Mori Kogoro understood Fusa's body language.

She seems to be very close to Dr. Ali, but they are actually very far away, as can be seen from the distance between her feet.

Even if he hugged his arm, he just gently embraced it, full of strangeness.

This woman didn't really like Dr. Ali, she was just using him.

It's really poor Dr. Ali, who has been played by others after being a virgin for ten thousand years.

Thinking of the peeping gaze from Kudo's mansion when he just got out of the car, Mouri Kogoro's eyes flashed with embarrassment.

Akai Shuichi had just been arranged by Conan and Yusaku to Kudo's mansion when this Marsala appeared.

I think she came here for Akai Shuichi.

Shuichi and Conan's actions in Kubado Hospital were not concealed, and it was normal for their identities to be exposed.

On the other hand, Fushahui is a woman who should not be underestimated. She just suffered a major blow last week, and now she has recovered.

Such a keen sense of smell is worthy of being the number three of the organization.

If it was her handwriting that she was invited, it would be a bit scary.

If it was Fusha's invitation, it would prove that most of what she did at Kubado Hospital and what she did on the viaduct were exposed.

But it doesn't seem like it, if it was really her invitation, there is no need to show surprise just now.

Although countless thoughts passed through his mind, Mori Kogoro remained calm.

At this time, Dr. Ali, who finally came to his senses, couldn't help but look behind Mori Kogoro: "Mori-kun, where are Conan and Xiao Ai?"

"The two of them were a little tired just after getting out of the car. Conan should come over later. Xiao Ai is not feeling well and needs to rest at home. Please ask me to apologize to you."

Mori Kogoro was typing text messages blindly with his mobile phone in his pocket, telling Xiao Ai not to come.

It's not a big problem for Conan to come over like a dead kid, but Xiao Ai is fine.

Don't hang around in front of this woman, Marsala, and expose your identity.

Dr. A Li immediately looked regretful, he really wanted to introduce his new girlfriend to everyone.

"In this case, let's not wait for Conan."

"Mori-kun, go in and try Fusha's handicraft. Her curry rice is really unique."

Hearing that there was something to eat, little chubby Dunyuan got out of nowhere and shouted: "Curry rice!" "Curry rice!"

A group of people rushed to the direction of the restaurant.

On the opposite side of Kudo's mansion, a corner of the raised curtain slowly fell.

"Ah, it's so delicious!" Yuan Tai patted her chubby belly and cried out in satisfaction.

Ayumi couldn't help scolding: "Genta, you eat too much."

Then little Lolita turned her head and picked up Kogoro Mori's bowl to help fill it up.

A little ghost, Ayumi imitated her mother and made a virtuous look: "Uncle, eat more."

Mori Kogoro had some scruples about Marsala, so he didn't eat too much.

However, when Ayumi said this, she could only accept her kindness obediently.

On the other hand, Mitsuhiko was gnawing a slice of lemon, looking at Ayumi with extreme resentment, looking extremely sour.

"I really didn't expect that you, Fusha, have lived in Eagle Country for a long time, but the curry rice is so authentic, it's completely Japanese."

"I lived here in Japan when I was a child, and I needed to cook by myself. I cooked a lot, and many things became natural once I got used to it."

Seeing Fushahui take out the bento box and pack the curry in the cauldron separately, Dr. Ali couldn't help asking: "Xiaohui, what are you doing?"

"I will live here in the future, and I still need to get along well with my neighbors when I move here. This is a meeting gift for my neighbors."

The little chubby Dunyuan couldn't help being surprised and said: "Move here, doctor, are you going to live with this beautiful aunt? You won't have a child soon, right?"

Ayumi couldn't help scolding: "Yuantai, why are you talking, it's too rude."

As for Dr. Li, a ten thousand-year-old virgin, he became popular like a boiled shrimp after hearing the words 'live here'.My head was in a daze, and I couldn't hear the follow-up words at all.

But Mitsuhiko couldn't help but said: "But there is only Brother Shinichi's house nearby, and there is no one in his house or at all!"

Fu Shae laughed softly: "Mitsuhiko, don't lie, people who lie will have longer noses."

"In the morning, I clearly saw someone pull the curtain on the opposite side, so someone must be there."

"Okay, I'm going to give the meeting gift now. It's a bit shy to go alone, Maori-kun, can you go with me, it can be regarded as giving me courage."

Hearing this, Dr. A Li came back to his senses in an instant: "I, I..."

"No, Ah Li, you have to take good care of the children here, we will come as we go."

Dr. A Li couldn't say anything, and nodded dumbly.

Chapter 0008 You are dishonest

Fushae followed Mori Kogoro towards Kudo House, and the two kept talking.

"I really can't see it. She looks like a young woman in her thirties, but she is a classmate with the doctor. The appearance of a woman is really incredible!" Fusha painted a reserved smile on her face, as if listening to this kind of question If there are too many, there is already a way to deal with it.

"That's why I pay attention to maintenance on weekdays. Speaking of which, Mori-kun is also very young, and looks like he is thirty years old." Mori Kogoro chuckled.

"Heh, let's stop bragging about business. Others may laugh at us if they hear it."

Fusha turned to look at Kudo's house: "That's right, Mori-kun, do you know anything about this Kudo's house? It is said that it is the residence of the leading novelist in China?"

Mori Kogoro patted his chest pretending to be bragging: "You are asking the right person, I know the Kudo family's affairs best."

"Kudo Yusaku seems to be preparing for the next mystery novel. The whole world is collecting stories, and now he is in London and Iceland!"

Hearing this, Fusha's fingers holding the bento couldn't help but exert some force, and her fingertips turned white.

London!She came back from defeat in London!

His brows were downcast, and he continued to ask: "Really? It seems that Mori-kun and Kudo-kun have a pretty good relationship, so did he tell you about any cases?"

"Ugh!" Mori Kogoro made an awkward smile on his face.

"Although I have known Yusaku for decades, the relationship is not that close."

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