"On the contrary, it's because his ex-wife Yukiko and I are old classmates that I know many things about the Kudou family."

Hearing this, Fushahui felt a little relieved.

That's right, it's the same as the investigation!

Mori Kogoro and Fujimine Yukiko have already reached the point of cheating and cohabiting.

No man can bear this green hat.

These two men had a falling out because of a woman, how could they get together again? It's really too much to worry about.

That being said, Mori Kogoro and Kudo Yusaku are rivals in love, maybe they can form an alliance with them to deal with Yusaku and the others.

As soon as the strategy was determined, Fusha'e raised her head and gave Mori Kogoro a white look, with all sorts of amorous feelings: "Maori-kun, you are really dishonest!"

"How come, you asked me, didn't you tell you everything? It's too hurtful to say that. "

"Nonsense," Fusha's small hand patted Mori Kogoro's chest muscles, and said with a coquettish smile, "Smart people like you have so many tricks in their heads, and you'll be fooled by you if you're not careful. !"

Looking at this pretty face getting closer and closer, shit, is this woman trying to seduce herself?

Do I accept it or accept it, or accept it?

Mori Kogoro had a smirk on his face, and he covered his slender waist with his big hand without anyone noticing it, rubbing it lightly, which made Fusha's body tremble instead.

"Then do you want me to be honest with you, or not?"

Hearing these words and smelling the masculine breath, Fushahui froze instead, and her heart beat faster.

She quickly broke away from Mori Kogoro's big hand, and changed the subject abruptly: "Then Mori-kun, do you know Kudo Shinichi? I heard that he inherited his father's reasoning gene and is a famous high school detective!"

Mori Kogoro didn't answer her question, instead he twisted his big hands and sniffed the scent on his hands.

Seeing this scene, Fusha's pupils trembled, and a blush appeared on her pretty face.

"Kudou Shinichi, I know, my daughter Xiaolan is his classmate."

"But I haven't seen that kid since last year, maybe he's flying around the world with his dad."

"Speaking of which, Xiaolan said she met you last time at the theme restaurant of the aquarium, why didn't she wait for me?"

Hearing this, and seeing Moori Kogoro's deep eyes staring at her, Fushae panicked again.

Last time, she did deliberately avoid Kogoro Mori from talking to Curacao.

"Hehe, I happened to have something to do that day, and didn't there be a lot of trouble afterwards?"

"We're here, ring the bell!"

Fushahui seemed a little overwhelmed, and couldn't wait to press the doorbell.

Ding Dong!Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang for a long time before I heard footsteps from inside.

"Cough! Cough!"

Finally, the door of Kudo's house opened, and a short-haired man wearing a mask appeared in front of the two of them.

Turtleneck, wearing glasses, squinting eyes, very similar to the previous anime image!

Mori Kogoro was delighted when he saw it. This is the same disguise mask that Yukiko made before.

Because I asked too much once, I knew that Conan asked Yukiko to help make it.

Mori Kogoro also specially ordered a mole among the people in the human skin mask, but I don’t know if the mole under the mask still exists!

"I'm sorry, I'm a little late because I have a cold and can't hear the doorbell clearly. What can you do?"

Fushahui picked up the bento: "I'm Fushahui, because I'm going to live in the house of Dr. Ali next door from today, and I want to get to know the neighbors. This is the curry rice I made. Please also taste."

"Oh, I know Dr. Ali. I'm Okiya Ao, a graduate student of engineering at Toto University. Please take care of me."

Mori Kogoro knew that this guy was Akai Shuichi, so he was not polite to him at all.

"Boy, why do you live here? This is the house of a friend I know. You shouldn't be staying here illegally, right?"

Chong Yaang immediately became a little flustered: "It's not an illegal occupancy, the house I rented before was burned down, and I'm homeless."

"I saw a job advertisement saying that this empty house needs a butler to take care of it. After passing the video interview, I became the butler of this mansion."

"The environment here is also quiet. I plan to write my doctoral dissertation here, so I live here. If you don't believe me, you can ask Dr. A Li. He knows the whole process."

Fusha couldn't help but patted Moori Kogoro with her small hands: "Mori-kun, why are you acting like an interrogator? Everyone is scared by you. Okiya-san, I'm sorry, we're rude."

On the other hand, Kogoro Mori stood there with a big face, his brows were slightly raised, and there was a strange smile on his face.

When Chong Yaang saw this, he was terrified and immediately bowed: "No, I'm not rude at all. Mr. Mao Li is a famous detective all over the country, so we must always maintain this kind of skeptical attitude."

"To be honest, I admire such people the most, and I feel that I have learned a lot."

Seeing this guy apologizing to himself in extreme displeasure, Mouri Kogoro suddenly felt extremely relieved, and his expression returned to normal.

Chapter 0009 The Kid Who Killed

"Well, didn't you hear that Mr. Yusaku has an only son named Kudo Shinichi, who is also a famous high school student detective? Isn't he in China?"

"Oh, you haven't seen him, what a pity, I thought I could see this little detective!"

"To be honest, I'm still his aunt's fan. Such a smart child is really rare."

Saying this, Fushae also made a fan appearance in cooperation.

With the identity of Dr. A Li's girlfriend concealed, Okiya Ao didn't have much doubts about her.

But Mori Kogoro shook his head speechlessly, feeling that her temptation was too conspicuous.

However, the purpose of his trip has been achieved. Just now Kogoro Mori secretly took a photo of Shuichi Akai's new appearance with his mobile phone.

Mary and Zhenchun are always worried about Shuichi Akai. Show this picture to their mother and daughter, and they should be able to recognize it. It can be regarded as a peace of mind for them.

Akai Shuichi's disguise level is not up to standard, even if the disguise mask prepared by Yukiko is used, the effect that can be presented is only the advanced level in the system.

His shoulders, body shape, and limbs have not been adjusted. Although he deliberately squinted his eyes, it had little effect.

Give Belmord a look, and I'm afraid it will be exposed in an instant.

But it is impossible for Youxizi to teach him the disguise technique, so he can only figure it out by himself, and I am afraid that he will not see the sun for a long time.

Facing Okiya's alienating attitude, Fusae couldn't say much, and after delivering the bento, she called Mori Kogoro and turned to leave.The door closed, and Okiya, who leaned over the cat's eyes, looked confused.

Did Kogoro Mori's expression just now recognize him?

When the two returned to the doctor's house, Conan the devil had already arrived, eating curry rice with a spoon.

San Xiaoxiao told Dr. Conan excitedly about having a new girlfriend. Hearing this, the little devil choked on his food several times and beat his chest several times before recovering.

And Dr. A Li looked embarrassed again with the iron tree blooming.

"How is it possible? Are you talking about that Fushahui lady? She is so beautiful, how could she fall in love with Dr. Ali?"

Dr. A Li's face instantly turned into a pig's liver color, and he clenched his big hand into a fist, quite wanting to hit Conan on the forehead a few times.

At this moment, he thinks that he finally understands Mori Kogoro's usual behavior: Conan, this kid, just needs to be dealt with!

"Son, you can't say that, Ah Li is actually a very good person."

Hearing this gentle female voice, Dr. A Li immediately withdrew his hand that was about to clenched a fist, and put it behind him, and turned into a good old man with a smiling face again.Only then did Conan see Fushahui coming to him, as if the whole body exuded the brilliance of ginkgo leaves, dazzling.

The last time it was just a glimpse outside Didan Primary School, but now that I saw it again and again, Conan quickly noticed something was wrong.

"No, Auntie, are you really Dr. Li's elementary school classmate? You look too young, don't you?"

"Isn't fifty years old at all? Thirty years old at most?"

Fushahui rubbed Conan's little head: "Son, I like the way you tell the truth."

"However, women always love beauty, and they are willing to spend more money for beauty."

"I'm telling you quietly, I've had a lot of beauty injections!"

Conan didn't believe it at all. If the face is plastic surgery and hyaluronic acid is applied to the face, then the hands and feet should also show the skin of fifty years old


But the snow-white arms, long legs, and no fat at all, are completely unrealistic.

In this situation, Conan immediately thought of something, APTX4869!

Could it be that this woman also took this medicine?She is also a member of the organization?

The little devil immediately became anxious: "No, I don't agree with this relationship."

"What are you talking about? Mr. Conan." Dr. A Li became impatient for a moment, and his plan fell directly on the kid's head, which swelled up with a big red envelope.

Conan squatted down covering his head, but continued to speak: "The doctor is not good enough for Aunt Fushahui at all. Auntie, you don't know that the doctor has high blood sugar, high blood lipids, high blood pressure, and he likes to stay up late. He likes to go out when he has nothing to do." Some boring riddles."

"Besides, he snorts loudly when he sleeps. He is also old, and he is out of breath after running a hundred meters. He is not suitable to be a lover at all."

"If you're really with him, it's like flowers stuck in cow dung..."

The little ghost talked more and more vigorously, while San Xiao nodded from time to time.

Regardless of the face of Dr. A Li behind him getting darker and darker, the black flames on his body rose higher and higher, completely blackened.


At this moment, the retractable sling popped out of Dr. A Li's hand, and instantly bound the eloquent little devil's head.

Dr. Ali picked up Conan, turned his head to Kogoro Mouri and said seriously, "Maori-kun, can I educate this child?"

Mori Kogoro was naturally happy to watch the show, raised his hand and said: "Conan is too rude, it's very kind of the doctor to help educate him, this kid is too naughty, don't be polite to me."

Hearing that his uncle betrayed him when he disagreed with him, the little ghost realized what he had said, and immediately exclaimed: "Help, let me go."

Immediately afterwards, his mouth was covered by Dr. A Li.

The good old man got angry, but it was terrible to say that Dr. Ali was really provoked into a minefield by Conan this time, and he was full of anger.

Sanxiao, who has sharp eyesight, naturally won't touch his bad luck.

Mitsuhiko has a strong ability to steer the rudder when he sees the wind, so he immediately turned around and said, "Conan, you were just talking too much nonsense just now. Dr. Ali is such a good person, how can you slander him?"

Yuan Tai stared blankly at the remaining curry rice and rubbed her stomach: "Oh, I'm hungry again."

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