While complaining, Reina unbuttoned the inflatable suit on her body.

A beautiful woman in a black vest and shorts appeared in the living room.

She also came forward, took Mori Kogoro's arm, and pulled him onto the sofa.

"You two, what are you doing? Are you playing cosplay? Are you playing pretty? Maybe there are two-headed dragons?"

Mori Kogoro threw Belmode on the sofa, picked up his disguise mask, and the corners of his mouth twitched.If he travels by himself, and Belmore pretends to be himself to make troubles, then there will be waves of bloody storms.No, as soon as there is a sign of this kind of thing, it must be killed immediately, otherwise it will definitely be difficult to end in the future.

"Ah, what are you talking about!" Reina couldn't help kicking Mori Kogoro, but Yuzu was grabbed by his big hand.

Belmode explained: "This is to prepare for going to the Izumo Shrine later. I have inquired about it before. There seems to be a foreign priestess with silver hair in the Izumo Shrine."

"I suspect that person is Curacao. She didn't die at the Dongdu Aquarium before. She survived by luck and is still hiding in the shrine."

"The last time I went there to investigate, I seemed to be overwhelmed, so I plan to use your identity to try it this time."

"After all, Kogoro, you and Curacao have a very close friendship, Xiaobai Xiaobai called out, I have never seen you treat me so well!"

Speaking of this, Belmode's words were full of jealousy.

On the side, Reina's cat's eyes narrowed, her brows raised lightly, and a questioning "hmm" came out, full of scrutiny.

Liannai didn't get involved in what happened at the Dongdu Aquarium last time, she only heard about it, so naturally she doesn't know much about it.

However, there are women in the organization who have contact with Kogoro, so she can't ignore it.

Mori Kogoro raised his jade feet directly, and scratched his pink and tender soles with his fingers that contained the power of thunder.

The itching spread, and Rena Mizumu collapsed on the sofa, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

The aura of the interrogation was suddenly disillusioned, and the body trembled from laughing, and instead begged for mercy.

Mori Kogoro immediately let go of his feet, and said with a light smile, "You don't have to try it out, even if you go in front of me, you still won't find anyone, they're all behind the barrier."

His big hands gently rubbed Belmode's head, like stroking a cat.

"Curaçao is indeed not dead. He was rescued by me and settled at the Izumo Shrine. I also want to find a chance to give you a breath, so as not to accidentally hurt each other later."

Belmord was very docile, leaning his head against Maori Kogoro's arms, he couldn't help asking: "What is the enchantment?"

Lianai, who had recovered from her strength, laughed softly: "Tsk tsk, you don't even know this, it seems that you don't know Kogoro's true skills!" I took it out and showed off proudly.

"Do you know what this is? It can summon the shikigami's life puppet. Kogoro specially refined it to protect me. Open your eyes!" Saying this, Reina stared at the villain. I, struggling to pinch.

The green puppet spread out like starlight, and the void distorted for a while.

A one-meter-tall natal doll wearing a blue cloak and a bow and arrow manifested, and began to flip and move.

And Belmore's eyes widened in an instant, with an expression of disbelief.

The natal puppet is not a phantom, an ordinary shot will cut an arrow mark on the wall, and its power is not much less than that of a bullet!

This is still an ordinary shot without wind spells!

Belmord immediately turned his head and looked eagerly at Kogoro Mouri, and couldn't help but coquettishly said, "Kogoro, I want it too!"

Mori Kogoro suddenly had a headache.

Chapter 0012 The Magical Use of Barriers

It is not easy to make a natal doll, and it is really hard to find an earth-bound spirit, so there is really no way to easily meet Belmode's requirements.

He could only whisper: "Okay, I'll make one for you as soon as I find the right material!"

Hearing this, Belmode nodded understandingly.

After showing the magic weapon that Kogoro gave her, Reina recalled the natal doll.

The dwarf in the cloak turned into a little bit of light, and finally condensed into a little doll in Lianai's hands.

Lianai shook the doll triumphantly, then put it in her pocket, raised her head, with a look of stinky fart on her face.

That complacency made Xiao Goro feel a little bit unbearable, so he couldn't help patting his buttocks with his big hand, and the girl stopped.

This is a side that outsiders have never seen before. The two women are no longer talking about the mission of killing in a serious manner, but are full of children, which is extremely touching.

"As for the enchantment you asked about, it probably looks like this."

Mori Kogoro didn't want to hide his abilities either. Belmode had just betrayed the organization, so she had to give her a sense of security.

With a wave of his big hand, an invisible wave of witchcraft spread.

After a long period of training, Mori Kogoro can perform witchcraft without pinching the magic seal, and can just release it directly.

Immediately, the imprints of small invisible barriers landed on Reina's body.

In an instant, Liannai, who was sitting next to the two of them, disappeared in an instant, almost as if she had become a living person.

Belmore was taken aback, pulled Mori Kogoro back uncontrollably, his eyes trembling slightly: "Where's the person?"

"It's hidden. This is a small invisible enchantment, and it's an application of witchcraft."

"Once the barrier is condensed, people outside can't see inside, but people inside can see outside. Come on, say hello to Reina." Belmode obediently waved in the direction of the sofa, looking silly look like.

Mori Kogoro smirked, wrapped Belmore's slender waist with his big hands, and pulled him to sit on his lap.

Then his hands landed on the beautiful white legs.

Sensing Kogoro Mori's movements, Belmore blushed inexplicably, and twisted uncomfortably.

"And this kind is the wind curse!"

As soon as he raised his big hand, a gust of wind rose up in the living room, and a series of cyclones were visible to the naked eye, blowing Belmode's coat a little.

Seeing this scene, Belmode seemed to recall something, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "V, you are V, the mysterious person in the abandoned warehouse that time was you, and you even knocked the ceiling away , and even said to give the gin trial, that's all you!"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Bingo, there is a prize for guessing right!"

Saying this, he pushed his big hand up, and then kissed Belmode's red lips.

Master-level kissing skills were displayed, and Belmord couldn't help but respond.

But soon, there was a gleam of clarity in Belmo's green eyes, and he couldn't help pushing his chest, struggling: "So Qin Jiu didn't really betray the organization, it was all designed by you, and you gave him a trial, In fact, I want to play with him, mua..."

Belmode was caught again, and it took a while to push Kogoro away again: "Daba, Reina is right next to you, it can't be like this."

Mori Kogoro pressed Belmode's soft back with his big hands, and hugged him tighter, his thick breath hit his collarbone, causing goosebumps.

"Because I'm the one who arranged the barrier, as long as I don't untie it, Lianna won't be able to disturb us, so it doesn't matter!"

As soon as the words fell, he started kissing again!

And Shui Wurenai, who was trapped in the small invisible barrier, looked at the two people who were so close, and suddenly filled her face with resentment: "Why is this!"

On the other hand, in the Kudo family courtyard, Akai Shuichi was not as dull as he imagined.

When Conan the Little Ghost Head was knocked out, he discovered the abnormality.

Seeing Conan being picked up and taken away by a mysterious man through surveillance, he didn't bother to hide his identity and broke out from the window on the second floor.

With agility, he turned over on the window sill and railing, ran along the road, turned around again, and blocked the man in the alley behind.

The man was wearing a hat, which was pressed down so low that his face could not be seen clearly.

Xiu Yi shouted: "Put this child down for me."

The man in the hat said, "Uncle, this kid is my younger brother. He fell unconscious from a fall. I'm going to take him to the hospital."

Xiuyi immediately frowned: "Nonsense, I know this child, he is an only child, there is no brother, put him down quickly, or I will be impolite."

The man in the hat laughed softly: "It's you who is so strange. The one who hides his head and shows his face. The distant cousin is also a younger brother. If you don't believe me, look, don't we look alike?"

Saying this, the man in the hat took off his hat, and Hideo Akai was stunned for a moment.

This face looks exactly like Kudo Shinichi!

Xiuyi's pupils constricted: This is definitely Belmode!

He thought his new hiding place was exposed, and Conan was also exposed, and immediately became violent.

Its speed soared, three steps and two steps in parallel, and punched directly at 'Kudo Shinichi'.

This 'Kudo Shinichi' obviously didn't react, and was hit directly in the stomach.

He flew up like a prawn, his face flushed instantly, but even so, he didn't let go of Conan's hand.

"No way, come again!"

Seeing the masked man in front of him chasing him with whips and legs, 'Kudo Shinichi' immediately used Conan as a pad to block him.

Akai Shuichi couldn't hold back, and the whip kicked heavily on Conan.

Even in a coma, Conan still groaned.


"—You are even more despicable for attacking when you disagree!"

Akai Hideyoshi turned cold, and took out a pistol from his arms: "Belmode, stop pretending, you can't fool me

of. ”

Seeing the masked man in front of him draw out his gun, 'Kudo Shinichi' panicked a lot and also took out a special pistol.

"Don't act recklessly, killing people is against the law, shit, it's serious, then I'm not welcome!"

biu! biu! biu!

The silenced gunshots were hidden in the alley, and the flames blazed.

This 'Kudo Shinichi' who was carrying Conan was exhausted, stepping on the wall and dodging constantly.

He was also really fired up. It was obviously a simple kidnapping, so how could it turn into a fight.

He started to shoot, and the playing cards were cut one by one, drawing arcs, and cut towards Akai Shuichi's neck.And Akai Hideichi was just an elbow, so he knocked the playing cards into the air.

Looking at the pattern on the playing card, the shooting stopped immediately, and asked instead: "Are you Kidd? Not Belmode?"

Chapter 0013 Corona Belmode

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