As immovable as a mountain yet aggressive as fire!

Mori Kogoro sat with a big horse and a golden knife, gently brushing Belmode's long silver hair with his big hands.

The woman frowned, but her green eyes flashed a bit of admiration, obviously she had a tendency to tremble.

This expression is so beautiful!

Mori Kogoro pointed to his lips, and Belmode obediently leaned forward and offered a sweet kiss.

His fiery big hands clenched Belmode's soft back, remembering his purpose, he opened his mouth to give instructions.

"I came here this time to tell you something. The Marsala of your organization has lurked into Dr. Ali's mansion, disguised as his girlfriend, and started investigating the Kudo family."

"You should pay attention to your future activities, and don't give Marsala a handle."

Immediately afterwards, his big hand fell heavily, and a crisp slap sounded!

"I know that you have some connections with Kudo Shinichi, but you must not risk it."

"If something happens, just let me know and let me handle it."

Hearing this, Belmode nodded obediently.

Immediately afterwards, Kogoro Moori laughed badly: "You can't lock up Reina for too long, it will kill her!"

With a snap of the fingers, there was a wave of fluctuation in the void!

The small hidden barrier disappeared into nothingness, and Rena Mizumu reappeared on the sofa.

Turning his head sideways and witnessing the appearance of Shui Wurenai as if he appeared out of nothing, Belmode couldn't help exclaiming: "Hiss!"

And Lianai's face was full of anger, and her blue eyes were full of water, which was extremely moving.

Looking at the dogs and men who were still hugging each other tightly in front of them, Lianai couldn't help kicking her out of anger.

It's just that her reaction speed has already slowed down by [-]%, and her light kick was instantly grabbed by Mouri Kogoro's big hand.

It was the same routine again, and the Thunder Control Technique was cast!

Countless small electric currents spread towards Reina's body following Mori Kogoro's teasing of the soles of her feet, and she couldn't help laughing.But Belmode, who was in his arms, couldn't help but exclaimed: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Ouch, it seems to have hurt the pond fish!

"Sorry, I forgot that the human body is also conductive, and I accidentally electrocuted you."

He said he was apologizing, but there was a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, Belmore, who was closer to the power source, was shocked enough!

His delicate body was leaning against Mori Kogoro's arms, and his small head rested on his shoulders, and he could only vent his anger.

Fortunately, fortunately, Belmode is still very beautiful without electricity.

It would be a sin to turn her head into an Einstein-like afro.

Its Xu Rulin!

Mori Kogoro can only gather the extremely cool spirit of plants and trees, and start to help Belmore fully recover!


But when she didn't pay attention to Reina beside her, Reina, who recovered from the laughter, turned around and bit Moori Kogoro's arm, looking at Mouri Kogoro with cat eyes without blinking.

This kitten can bite too!

Mori Kogoro pushed Belmode away from his arms, and began to teach the cat a lesson.

His big hand grabbed Liannai's high ponytail, and with a little force, Liannai was picked up weakly and helplessly, as if being strangled by the back of fate's neck

Lianai hasn't seen the newly developed enchanting witchcraft yet, let her try a Song of Ice and Fire first!

The smirking Mori Kogoro pecked her delicate face a few times, stroked the dull hair on her head, and stopped being polite to her.

Meow meow meow.

On the other side, at Kudo's house, three people who sneaked in through the back door were sitting in the living room.

Akai Shuichi also lifted the curtains, carefully observed the surroundings, found nothing unusual, and then started talking with Kaito.

"It's really a fake disguise technique, it's exactly the same as Kudo Shinichi, Kaitou Kidd is really extraordinary."

The corners of Hei Yu's mouth twitched: Damn, this is my real face!

But he wasn't that stupid, claiming that he had the same appearance as Kudo Shinichi.

"Hey, uncle, who is the Bei you just mentioned, why are you so excited, and you shoot directly, almost shooting me to death."

Akai Shuichi said, "That's a member of a terrorist organization, and it's also the common enemy of me and this child."

"Forgot to ask, what did you want to do by knocking him out just now?"

Kuroba Kaito said, "I'm in some trouble in Singapore. Someone planted a case on me. I have a relationship with this kid. Don't you need a detective to investigate the case? Just ask him to help and knock me out. He was trying to abduct him to Singapore."

Hearing this, Akai Hideo nodded, accepting his statement.

"I said uncle, we've known each other for so long, don't you take off your mask? You don't have any sincerity to apologize!"

Akai Hideichi showed hesitation on his face, and his big hands were slightly stiff.

"Tch, anyway, I'm not curious about a man's appearance, let's go first."

After saying that, Kaito wanted to pick up Conan and run away again.

"Wait a minute, Kidd, I want to ask you for help!"

"What's the matter?" Kaito Kuroba turned his head, he couldn't help being stunned, and then laughed wildly.

He couldn't even hold the little devil's head in his hand, and fell to the floor all of a sudden.

"Wahhahaha, no, no, it's too funny, uncle, you actually look like this!"

Akai Hideo blushed, although it was not her real face, but it was the first time in her life that she was ridiculed because of her appearance.

His Chong Yaang disguise mask has three matchmaker moles on the left cheek, and there are hairs hanging on it, which makes him feel disgusting at first glance, which is why he has been wearing a mask all the time.

One of them was written by Mori Kogoro, and the one behind it was Yukiko who saw it and played it on the spot, full of humor!

Conan had no choice but to get this mask.

Seeing Kidd lying on the ground with his hands on his stomach, and hitting the floor with a smile, Akai Shuichi twitched the corner of his mouth: "Laughing is almost enough, otherwise don't blame me for debunking your plan!"

"Wuhaha, don't turn your face towards me, I'm afraid I can't help it, okay, okay, do you want to ask me for help."

"For the sake of making me laugh so happily, maybe I'll think about it!"

Akai Shuichi said with a straight face: "Please teach me the disguise technique!"

Saying this, he bent down and bowed to Kaito Kuroba.

Kuroba Kaito's expression changed, and he crossed his arms, looking at the funny guy in front of him, looking thoughtful.

Chapter 0014 Anyone who is a mother will be jealous!

Holding Reina's high ponytail, it really makes people feel that they can dominate everything!

Seeing his slightly frowning brows, Mori Kogoro lowered his head, and put his mouth on Reina's pink lips, as if trying to appease Reina.Poor Nizi couldn't even meow.

As soon as he stood up with a little effort, Lianai immediately hugged Kogoro in a panic, looking terrified, afraid that she would fall.

Reina, who was like a koala, hung firmly on Kogoro Mori's body, and was carried towards the French window behind the sofa.Soon, the two came to the floor-to-ceiling windows. Facing the sun, their bodies seemed to be covered with a layer of radiance, which was extremely beautiful.

"Xiao Goro!" Belmode, who had just escaped, reappeared, and she changed her clothes.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help nodding when he saw it. It was the black rubber suit of the female investigator style that he wore during the mission.This set of black gel coat perfectly outlines Belmode's figure.

Long legs, slender waist, and plump buttocks are full of beauty, like a work of art.

In particular, the contrast between black and fair skin made Belmore more alluring.

This woman always knows what a man likes best.

She remembered what happened in the bulletproof car last week, and she specially changed into this set today, obviously to make Kogoro Mori happy.

Looking at Kogoro's eyes straightened, but Lianna became jealous.

She held Mori Kogoro's head in both hands, pulled it back, and scolded softly.

"Don't look, look at me!"

"Ugh!" Belmorde came slowly, stretched his waist, propped up his right hand, puffed up his chest, and looked extremely stretched, which made Mori Kogoro couldn't help but look sideways!

"Look, I'll bite you to death!" The jealous Lianai couldn't help but greeted her, her silver teeth fell on her shoulder.

Mori Kogoro twitched a smile, it seemed that he was being too polite to Reina, which made her want to drink the flying vinegar.

That's not okay, we have to live in peace!

Move like thunder!

The power of thunder came together, and Lianai couldn't help but screamed.

Seeing Lianai's body trembling violently after getting an electric shock, a drop of sweat ran across Belmore's forehead, his green eyes were flustered, and fear surged in his heart.

This is really bad!

Mori Kogoro slowly put down the stunned Reina, slightly curled his fingers, motioning for Belmore to come over.

Belmode, who had a lot of activity in his heart, stepped forward obediently.

"Come on, I'll teach you."

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, in the Izumo Shrine, Kogoro Mori, with the beauty beside him, was strolling leisurely on the cobblestone road.

Reina on the right has become extremely docile, hugging Kogoro Mori's arm, the little bird is like a little girl.

The left arm was occupied by Belmode, and the two women did not change their appearance. The three of them just wore sunglasses to cover their faces.

When the tourists who came to visit the shrine saw these three people, they all looked sideways, and felt that the man in the middle was quite lucky.

"This is the shrine where Curacao is located, and it can be regarded as my property. If you encounter an irresistible enemy, the safe house can't protect yourself, so you can retreat here."

"The shikigami guarding here have made a contract with me, and will protect you."

"I'll see Curacao later, don't mess with her, she has already started to practice, she is a witch, and she knows some spells."

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