Saying this, Mori Kogoro pressed his big hand on a piece of void, and the void in front of his eyes was filled with ripples of water.

The barrier was opened, and the three of them got in, and there was obviously a hole inside.

The noise of the noisy shrine's crowds disappeared, leaving only a piece of tranquility.

But then the sound of breaking wind sounded, and an elf-like woman appeared on the tree trunk, carrying a bow and arrow, heroic and heroic, it was Curacao. "Xiao Wulang, what's going on? Have you been kidnapped?"

Saying this, Curacao immediately pulled away the big bow he was carrying, and an inexplicable energy gathered in its arrow feathers.

Mori Kogoro hurriedly said, "I'm not being hijacked, Xiaobai, stop quickly."

Hearing this, Curacao put down his big bow, his eyes full of confusion.

A look of fear flashed across the faces of Belmode and Lianai. When Curacao raised his bow just now, they really felt a deep sense of crisis.

Seeing that Curaçao was still safe and sound after jumping from the two-meter-high tree trunk, Belmore couldn't help but asked, "It's only been a while, and you've become so scary?"

Curacao, on the other hand, ignored her words and looked at Mori Kogoro suspiciously.

"The two of them are not enemies. I forgot to tell you before. They are all my people. They were turned around by me. This time I brought them here to ventilate with you."

Hearing this, Curacao glanced at the arms of the two girls who were holding Mori Kogoro, and a look of dismay flashed in his eyes.

His eyes couldn't help but glared at Mouri Kogoro faintly.

Mori Kogoro coughed dryly immediately, and quickly broke away from the two girls, Curacao looked better.

"Ahem, Xiaobai, what are you doing with your bow on your back?"

"Learn archery from my senior sister. Witchcraft can be combined with archery to produce a stronger power. Kogoro, do you want to train it too?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I'd better forget about it, just three arrows that destroy the devil are not enough for you to share, I just have a gun."

"Besides, I have to go to Singapore to investigate the case tomorrow, and I don't have time!"

"Singapore? Where is Singapore?"

A phantom appeared out of thin air, and the little Shikigami Fuso, holding a bag of potato chips and chewing on it, was suspended in mid-air.

Looking at the hem of the skirt from the bottom, it seems that it is still a little bit hidden!

"Fusang, how many times have I told you, don't float around after body shaping, and start learning the human life style, Xiaobai, didn't I tell you to teach her?"

Curacao said: "Senior sister and I are taught, but the master didn't listen, and said that she is the biggest here, and she is the only one who cares about us, we can't care about her!"

And Belmode and Lianai on the side were completely dumbfounded, they all have shikigami?

Another flicker, Fusang came to Kogoro and acted coquettishly: "Master, don't be angry, Fusang won't dare next time, come, eat some potato chips, huh!"

The manga girl, who was as white as a peeled egg, opened her mouth to act like a baby, bursting with power, Mori Kogoro calmed down in an instant, and ate the potato chips that Fuso fed.

"Oh, the master is so bad, he even ate my little hands."

After saying that, Fusang took his little hand back, couldn't help but licked it himself, and then pretended to be innocent and looked at Belmode and Lianna beside him.Belmode and Lianai felt very strange about this act of swearing sovereignty.

Sure enough, no matter human or non-human, as long as she is a mother, she will be jealous!

Curacao replied: "It's true, it's quite leisurely in the shrine, so I practiced with Master Fusang to pass the time."

"On the other hand, you two, what's the situation? Why have you become Kogoro's people?"

Lianai explained: "Originally I was not a member of the organization, but a CIA undercover lurking in the organization. When I assassinated Kanghui Tumen, Kogoro helped me a lot, and then we got together in a daze."

"It's not like you don't know the style of this bad guy!"

Curacao nodded in agreement, then turned to look at Belmode.

Belmore panicked, and quickly said: "Don't look at me, I knew Kogoro earlier than Reina, and speaking of it, it was because of me that Reina got in touch with Kogoro, and she still had to call me sister !"


Hearing this, Shui Wurena couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

It was obvious that he was with Kogoro first, and he was completely tricked by this woman.

But after all, Yingyou was rescued before, thanks to Belmode's information.

Now that she agreed to recognize her as her older sister, Lianai didn't open her mouth to tear things down.

The thick-skinned Belmode continued to speak: "Rena and I both knew Kogoro first, and Xiaobai, you have been performing missions abroad, and you only met Kogoro in the previous Dongdu Aquarium incident."

"You are also younger than us, so you are my younger sister!"

Hearing this, Curacao blushed slightly, couldn't help turning his head, and said arrogantly: "No, I'm not that bad guy's woman."

Belmode embraced Curacao's arm, and said with a light smile, "You're still shy, my sister has already experienced it, so I can tell at a glance that you and Kogoro must have an unusual relationship."

"That guy treated you like that in the aquarium before, and he was afraid of melting in the palm of his hand. I don't believe it when he says he doesn't care about you."

Curacao fell silent.

When Shui Wurenai at the side heard this, the corners of her mouth couldn't stop twitching.

Obviously this woman was a genius and Kogoro the day before yesterday, and now she has become someone who has come here, so you came here too fast!

Seeing Curacao's acquiescing expression, Belmode turned his back on him.

"Sister, haven't you become a witch? Let's see if my sister has the qualifications. Are there any spells you can teach us? For example, the spell against electricity?"

Hearing this, Lianna also looked forward to it.

Both women were shocked to death, so naturally they don't want to be so embarrassing anymore!

And this is to fight against Kogoro, so naturally it is impossible to ask Kogoro for advice. Since Curacao also knows witchcraft, it is advisable to save the country with curves!

Curacao looked embarrassed. She has only practiced for a short time. Although she is very talented, she only masters superficial witchcraft. These defensive spells have not been learned yet, so naturally there is no way to teach them.

Seeing her expression, Belmore thought she was unwilling to teach, so she put her bare hands on her soft shoulders.

"Sister, we are all our own people, so the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields."

"It's good for you to teach us, big deal, my sister will help you push your butt in the future!"

Hearing these bold and unrestrained words, both Curacao and Lianai blushed.

Lianai couldn't help but patted Belmode: "You're going to die, why are you saying everything, didn't you think you couldn't push it enough before?"

Curacao immediately had black lines all over his head, and decided to stay away from the two female hooligans.

She broke free from Belmode's embrace, pinched out spells one by one in her hand, and cast the Wind Control Technique.

The wind was blowing under his feet, he pulled it up from the ground, stepped on the trunk and jumped more than ten meters, and jumped towards the shrine like an elf.

"Wow, that's really handsome!"

Both Belmond and Lianna showed envious expressions.

And walking in front, the little shikigami holding Mouri Kogoro's arm kept complaining.

"What a big pervert, I can smell it, and the two women behind have your smell on them."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Then do you want to smell like me?"

"I don't want it, big pervert, big pervert, ang woo..."

Fusang is so cute. Hearing her swearing feels like an anime girl swearing. I don't feel uncomfortable, but rather enjoy it.

Mori Kogoro felt a little perverted, so he couldn't help pinching his chin and kissing him.

The spiritual power in his body seemed to have an outlet to vent, pouring it into Fusang's mouth continuously.

Even though Kusang has finished shaping his body, he is almost human.

But this sucking of spiritual power is like an instinct for her, especially for the master's spiritual power, she has no resistance, and naturally she can't stop it.

After a passionate kiss, the spirit power in the little Shikigami's body was quickly filled, and his cheeks and ears were flushed.

Mori Kogoro let go of it, and rubbed Fuso's sensual face with a light smile.

"Dishonest, you say no with your mouth, but your body is very honest!"

The little shikigami lowered his head and murmured softly: "Big pervert!"

"Well, what do you call me?"

Fusang, who succumbed to his despotic power, changed his words honestly: "Lord, master!"

"That's good." Mori Kogoro rubbed his long blue hair.

"Tomorrow you will go to Singapore with me. Your ID and passport are all prepared for you. You need to get used to the life of a human being in the future."

"I also want to introduce my family members to you. Although you always come over to peek, you should know them all, but I still have to introduce them."

Hearing this, Fusang's crimson eyes were full of surprise.

She couldn't help jumping up, hanging on Mori Kogoro, with her long legs wrapped around his waist, and kept cheering.

Taking Fusang out and living a normal life is what Mori Kogoro promised her long ago.

In addition, Junhui and Xiaobai obviously couldn't control Fusang, so they had to do it themselves.

I didn't expect this incident to make Fusang so happy, if I knew about it, I would have said it earlier.

Chapter 0015 Take Fuso Home

A group of people came to the shooting range noisily, and Jun Hui was concentrating on practicing archery. Sweat slipped from his cheeks, soaking the white maiden skirt, which was faintly visible, quite tempting.

But as soon as Kogoro Moori appeared, the little witch put down her bow and arrow, and trotted into his arms in surprise, so that Kogoro Moori was covered in her sweat.

His own woman, Mori Kogoro, did not dislike her either.

It was hard to get past the shrine, and the actions of the girls are all justifiable.

As the saying goes, a little goodbye is better than a newlywed, so this time I came here to comfort the three girls so that none of them would be left behind.

First Junhui, then Xiaobai, and finally the duplicitous little Shikigami Fusang...

[Li] There is a newly built small bungalow in the shrine. This is built by Fusang after the villa seen outside, which is very convenient.

After all, it is the [-]st century, and the practice of witchcraft should also enjoy the convenience of modern times!

Afterwards, Curacao really understood why Belmode and Mizuruna asked him for anti-electricity spells as soon as they came.

It's really not smooth!

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