But Curacao couldn't counter it in the same way at all, she couldn't do this kind of subtle energy control.It seems to be a crooked way developed by Kogoro himself, only he can know it!

It has to be said that the creativity of men in this area is top-notch!

By the time everything was settled, the sun was already setting.

Looking at Jun Hui who was yawning and looking sleepy, it was obvious that she could not count on her for dinner.

Look at the other women, Belmode, Mizuna Rena, and Curacao, these three women can kill people with ease, and if they cook, they can barely eat at most.

As for Fusang, a thousand-year-old salted fish can still be treasured for so long, I hope she has a good knowledge of food, ha ha.

Mori Kogoro could only cook by himself to satisfy the mouths of the girls.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, the five girls who were lying on the sofa in the living room began to praise him.

"Husband is great!"

"Come on, master!"

"Bi Xin, I love you!"

Mori Kogoro rolled his eyes speechlessly, took pity on himself for a few seconds, then skillfully picked up the pot and spoon and started cooking.

This incomparable culinary art was displayed, the body was sculpted, and he had the same taste buds as ordinary people. The little Shikigami Fuso also tasted the deliciousness, and he held Kogoro Mori's arm and refused to let go.

After dinner, Belmode and Reina still wanted to continue to learn witchcraft from Curacao here, so only Mori Kogoro and Fusang left together.On the way home, Mori Kogoro carefully taught Fusang the rules of life.

The satisfied little Shikigami is very well-behaved, nodding from time to time, as if listening to everything.

Seeing the little black leather shoes under his feet stepping on the road, Kogoro Mori was also very satisfied.

There is no way, his requirements for Fusang are so low, as long as he does not fly.

Why don't you buy some safety pants for her to wear, so it won't work for other men to see.

While passing the Polo Cafe, a male voice stopped him.


The dark blond brother Toru Amuro appeared in front of him.

When Toru Amuro saw the porcelain doll-like anime girl next to Mori Kogoro, he couldn't help feeling that this great detective's love life was too prosperous, and a gleam of admiration flashed in his heart.

"Hey, Amuro, you're recovering pretty well, so you can go back to work now?"

A flash of panic flashed in Amuro Toru's eyes, and he lowered his voice, "Maori-kun, please keep your voice down, you also know my identity."

"It's also thanks to you that I didn't get too seriously injured. It will be fine after a simple treatment."

"I heard that you went to Nagano Prefecture yesterday, and had a friendly meeting with Kuroda Hei, Chief of Nagano Police Section."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Yeah, that old guy is quite interesting. He made an appointment at the bar and gave me a bottle of bourbon. He insisted on changing it to a bottle of rum!"

Hearing this, Amuro Toru's forehead immediately oozes sweat: "Mori-kun, stop joking, how is this possible!"

"To be fair, a bottle of bourbon is a good deal for a bottle of rum. I'm still thinking about which rum to choose for him."

Toru Amuro's smile became a little stiff, and Kogoro Mori patted his shoulder: "Look at you, I'm just joking."

"Why, stop me, what else do you want to say?"

Toru Amuro's face returned to seriousness, and he asked again: "I really want to ask Mori-kun about something, that rye whiskey, FBI investigator, Shuichi Akai, is he really dead?"

It was Shuichi Akai again, the life and death of this guy really touched the hearts of countless people.

"Of course, he's not dead yet. That guy's acting is so bad, he tricked you too!"

A sly smile appeared on the corner of Toto Amuro's mouth: "It's good that he didn't die, as I expected, heh, that guy must die by my hands."

Mori Kogoro slapped him immediately, causing Amuro to stagger.

"Little golden retriever, don't pretend to be aggressive in front of me. You don't have to come here to ask me if it's as you expected."

Toru Amuro managed to stand still, supported the wall and continued to speak: "Mori-kun, I was wrong, please tell me where he is hiding again?"

"Look it up yourself. If it wasn't for Kuroda's sake, I wouldn't have told you so much!"

Hearing the name of Chief Kuroda, Toru Amuro was terrified again, and quickly raised his finger: "Shh! Shh! Mori-kun, be careful!"

Ignoring the timid Toru Amuro, Mori Kogoro hugged Fuso's slender waist and went up the stairs to the second floor.

Toru Amuro didn't dare to pester him any more, he turned his head and entered the coffee shop, but his fighting spirit had completely recovered.

At the front desk of the coffee shop, the donator is blowing the straw and breaking the waste, and the beach is full of troubles.] I'm sorry, I'm sorry! ?/p>

"Heh, once the target is found, the arrow feathers will naturally know where to shoot."

"Uh, as long as you're happy!"

Donate to fight against Yu, Portuguese, AТ, Bayu, 砩, ∥, sang, about [-], [-], [-], [-], [-], [-], [-], [-] p>

What to do!Maori-kun has more and more women!What to do!

It seems that the plan set by the afternoon and Yingzi has to be carried out. The maid outfit and cat girl outfit have been bought, which seems to be rich!

So shy, do you really want to do this?If I take the initiative, will Mao Li-kun look down on me!

No matter, it's better to act, otherwise Yingzi will change her mind and gg again!

Donate 魃碌碧风浠浠浠浠茓詈丽古骨露柉士鲂根?/p>


—The three-color cat next to it meowed meekly, and said:

"Captain, do you agree with mom doing this? Don't worry, mom will help you catch dad back." For a moment, this gentle girl's face was full of fighting spirit.

Chapter 0016 Xiaolan's Nemesis

He took Fusang to the office on the second floor, and just as Kogoro Moori opened the door, Sono's call rang out.

Seeing Kogoro appearing, the girl had tears in her eyes, ran and hid behind him, as if looking for a savior.

She also whispered in a crying voice: "Uncle, I'm sorry, I let Xiaolan know about our matter."

Sonoko was still rubbing her buttocks with one hand, and it looked like it was swollen a lot.

Obviously, under Xiaolan's "torture to extract a confession" in the afternoon, this girl couldn't bear it at all, so she told what Xiaowulang had done to her at her home.Xiaolan knew all about the hand of God!

And Xiaolan with a weird smile on her face came forward with a baseball bat in her hand, presumably she had waited for a long time.

She looked at Mori Kogoro with unkindness in her eyes.

[Damn dad, you don't keep your promises at all, didn't you say that you should do something to Yuanzi?I couldn't hold on, how could I do this? 】

Although Xiaolan was threatened by Yuanzi and verbally agreed to help match her and her father, she didn't want to do it at all.

It's a strange feeling for a girlfriend who grew up together to sleep with her father!

Her plan is to pretend to help Yuanzi by herself, but her father has to cooperate with her, and treat Liu Xiahui like a jade.Obviously, Dad broke the precept and failed to do what he promised.

"Sure enough, men are all the same, and they can't stand the temptation at all!"

Seeing his daughter's angry appearance, Mori Kogoro was a little flustered.

This appearance is somewhat similar to the blackened Eri.

"Dad, come here for me."

At this moment, Fusang, who was hiding behind the door, showed his head sideways, with a sweet smile on his face, and greeted Xiaolan. "Hello, Xiaolan."

Xiaolan's face turned pale while holding the baseball bat, and she raised the baseball bat, trembling uncontrollably.

"Ghost, Dad? Dad? Why did you bring her back?"

Xiaolan, who is afraid of ghosts, still remembers Fusang's prank last time, that big mouth was like a slit girl, as if she wanted to eat herself.She was so frightened that her legs trembled uncontrollably and her body couldn't stop stepping back.

Yuanzi suddenly looked surprised, Xiao Lan, who is not afraid of anything, would be afraid of such a cute girl.

The hair is still blue, it must be dyed!

Why is the skin so white, like a freshly peeled egg, kawaii, I really want to kiss it!

It's a foul, why are the breasts so big, I can't even hold them with one hand!

And Xiaolan is still afraid of her, she is simply perfect.

Oh my god, how can there be such a girl, I like it even after seeing it!

Sonoko couldn't help pouted, and looked down at his chest.

Although he often used the method taught by his uncle to massage himself, he had improved a bit, but he was instantly killed by this girl.

Mori Kogoro hurried forward and comforted him in a gentle voice: "Lan, don't be afraid, Fusang is not a ghost, she is a human being."

Xiaolan quickly grabbed Moori Kogoro's arm, hid behind him, and almost shrank into a ball, she was so frightened that she shed tears.

Seeing Yuanzi still standing beside Fusang, Xiaolan yelled, "Yuanzi, get out of the way, it's a ghost."

Of course Yuanzi didn't believe it, hell in the daytime, how could this be possible!

She stretched out her hand to hold Fusang's little hand, and said with a light smile, "How can such a kawaii girl be a ghost? She still has body temperature, Xiaolan, you are too rude."

La. "

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan almost went crazy and couldn't help screaming.

Moori Kogoro, who reacted quickly, covered his mouth immediately, so that no one was alarmed.

Xiaolan just felt that she was going crazy, she clearly saw the scene where the female ghost opened her mouth wide and wanted to eat her, and she told her father why he just didn't believe it, he obviously loved her so much.

He must have been bewitched by this female ghost!

Xiaolan couldn't help but struggled desperately, the movement was so loud that it almost shook the sky.

Looking at this completely superstitious daughter, Mori Kogoro was also speechless.

Although Xiaolan had expected that Xiaolan's reaction would be very big, she did not expect it to be so big.

He immediately exerted strength, pulled Xiaolan to sit on the sofa, pressed his hands on her chest, and crossed her legs up, locking her firmly, and then suppressed her daughter.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro said the reason he had thought up before.

"Lan, calm down, Dad won't lie to you."

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