"Fusang is not a ghost. She is a very powerful witch. What you saw before was her soul. Do you understand that her soul is out of her body?"

"She was murdered by an evil witch, and her soul was taken out of her body and suppressed on the island of Miguo."

"Father happened to destroy the formation that imprisoned her and rescued her. What you saw was Fusang in the state of a soul, so you mistakenly thought she was a ghost."

"Now that her soul has returned to her body, she will naturally recover, just like ordinary people."

Hearing this explanation, Xiaolan struggled a little less, and couldn't help asking: "Really?"

There was still a small cry in the words, and the pitiful appearance really made people feel distressed.

And Yuanzi at the door was stunned for an instant, and the corners of his mouth twitched: What the hell?Out of body?What is uncle talking about?Xiaolan, you can believe it, this is clearly a girl that uncle provoked from outside!

Mori Kogoro immediately said: "Of course it is true, Fusang, come and feel Lan, let her feel if there is a heartbeat and a pulse!"

The little Shikigami Fusang obediently stepped forward and grabbed Xiaolan's little hand.

Xiaolan couldn't stop her body from trembling, and tried hard to listen with her fear.

There was a real heartbeat and pulse sound, she couldn't help but relax a little, and her face returned to blood.

"Then what happened to her mouth that was so wide open that it was several meters wide?"

Fusang said, "Illusion, I'm a witch, so it's normal to be able to do some tricks."

"Whoever told you to see me will bite a ghost."

"I'm sorry." Xiaolan immediately apologized, her well-behaved appearance was completely different from before, and her voice was still a little sobbing.Mori Kogoro let go of his daughter: "Okay, the misunderstanding is over, let's talk about it, Dad didn't lie to you, right?"

"Coward, you are still crying at such an adult, are you ashamed?" His fingers gently wiped away the tears from his daughter's pretty face.Xiao Lan threw herself into his embrace without hesitation, and wiped all her tears on his clothes.

"It's all your fault. If you didn't make it clear earlier, I've been scared for so long, and I haven't dared to go to Sister Junhui."

Fuso at the side blinked at Mouri Kogoro with a smile on his face.

As for the baseball bat just now, I don't know which sofa it rolled under.

Originally, Xiaolan wanted to ask her teacher to inquire about her crimes, but she completely forgot about it.

At the moment, she is lying in the arms of Kogoro Mouri and constantly acting like a spoiled child. .

Chapter 0017 Daddy Long Legs also likes it very much

Because he wanted to have a good relationship with the owner's family, Fusang took the initiative to make friends with Xiaolan.

Accepting the saying that Fusang is not a ghost, Xiaolan's fear of him disappeared.

Mori Kogoro also asked: "Because Fusang has been practicing in the shrine, she doesn't know much about common sense, and she will live here tonight, and she will go to Singapore with us tomorrow, Xiaolan, how about you?" You have to take care of her."

Hearing this, Xiao Lan slapped her big breasts loudly, assuring that there would be no problem.

After that, he took Fusang upstairs and took her to visit Maoli's house.

As soon as the two left, Sonoko and Mori Kogoro were the only ones left in the office.

Sonoko looked at Mori Kogoro with pouted lips, and asked resentfully, "Uncle, don't you only like big breasts?"

"Why ask that?"

"That witch's breasts just now are huge, even bigger than Xiaolan's!"

Yuanzi also made an exaggerated gesture, which can be said to be very specific.

"Cough! Cough!"

Couldn't help coughing a few times, Kogoro Mori shook his head and smiled wryly,

He pulled Yuanzi into his arms and sat on the sofa.

"Nonsense, is Uncle such a superficial person? Besides, Yuanzi is so cute!"

"But big boobs are better, right?"

Sonoko couldn't help but stared back, it seemed that Kogoro Mori had already decided in his heart that he was a superficial man.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, his big hand wandered over the injured and swollen area, and the rejuvenation technique was performed.

"Nonsense, Yuanzi's long-legged uncle also likes it very much, just like your mother!"

The little girl's face turned red in an instant, and she felt very strange when she heard the topic about her mother.

"I hate it, I don't care about you."

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and the voice of the little housekeeper Sakurako Kawaii came in.

"Maori-kun, it's time to eat."

Seeing the two hugging each other on the sofa, Yingzi's face flushed instantly, and she ran away like a frightened rabbit.

Kogoro Moori patted Sonoko's buttocks: "Okay, let's go up to eat."

The little girl turned her head around, kissed Kogoro Mouri sneakily, and then went upstairs contentedly.

Going up to the restaurant on the third floor, Sakurako blushed involuntarily when she saw Mori Kogoro, and always kept her head down to avoid him, not looking at him.

There are too many people, and Yingli is here, so I can't do much, so I can only look for opportunities in the future!

As for Yukiko, she is still shutting herself in her room.

Yuanzi saw clearly in the morning, and she felt ashamed and refused to come out at all.

Originally, they had decided to go to Singapore together, but Yuanzi and Xizi were among the companions, so they decided not to go.

Speaking of going to Singapore, Xiaolan asked around, and knew that she was going to handle the case. After a few days, all the girls lost interest.

Eri is still busy with work and has a lot of cases to deal with;

Mary was not in the mood to play because of the aftermath of Shuichi Akai's suspended animation last week;

And Mingmei has always felt that her identity is sensitive, and she doesn't want to show her face too much, so she doesn't go;

As for the little loli Huiyuan, she wanted to concentrate on her research based on her mother's tapes, and she didn't want to waste time going abroad.

Therefore, Xiaolan, Mira, Yuanzi, Zhenchun, Fujiko, and Xiaoshikami Fusang followed to Singapore, which can be regarded as a big team.

As for Conan the Kid, who knows?His opinion doesn't matter at all!

Up to now, no one at home has noticed that he has not returned home, as if he has been forgotten.

After dinner, Mori Kogoro went out again.

Kuroda Hei said that the experimental data deposited in the bank are very important, and it is necessary to get them quickly.

This material is very important. The experiment that Koji Miyano said involved God's forbidden zone.

Mori Kogoro intends to read it himself before deciding whether to show it to Xiao Ai.

If it was as he expected, it must have recorded Belmode's experiments back then.

This is why Toru Amuro knew about the special relationship between Belmode and the boss.

The operation went very smoothly, and Kuroda Bingwei kept this material extremely secret, and no one had any idea about it.Mori Kogoro got it.

The next day at Tokyo International Airport, Xiaolan walked with the yawning Kogoro Mori, and couldn't help asking again.

"Dad, did you go to find another vixen last night, why didn't you come home?"

"I smelled it, and there is no smell on my body. I must have taken a bath. Hurry up and tell the truth, or you will die."

"You're still yawning, didn't you sleep all night? Damn it!"

Xiaolan made up a lot of plots in her mind, and her expression changed for a while.

But she was thinking too much this time. Kogoro Mori did not sleep all night, but this time he really didn't do anything bad.

"Hey, don't think about it, Dad went to work last night."

He got the experimental data last night, took a fighter plane directly to the space carrier, and returned to his experimental base to start research.

He discussed with Dr. Jiang Gutian for a long time, and even produced several experimental antidotes.

I just don't know how effective it will be, whether it can be restored permanently, it depends on the results of human experiments.

Xiaolan still looked skeptical, but seeing that her father looked a little tired, she didn't say anything more.

Mao Li and his party walked towards the VIP waiting hall in a mighty way, and the beauties attracted the attention of countless people.

But Fusang finds everything novel, if it weren't for Kogoro Mori holding her little hand, she might have followed the others in which line she didn't know.

As soon as she entered the private waiting room, Qianying, who was dressed very elegantly, waited quietly inside.

But seeing this big family appear, the smile on Qianying's face was a little stiff.

What the hell?Why are there so many people?My carefully planned romantic trip is all in vain!

Especially when Chikage saw that Fujiko also appeared, she just felt that this journey was a bit uncomfortable.

Mori Kogoro came to his side and explained in a low voice: "I'm sorry, the children all want to follow."

What else could Qianying say, she could only forcefully smile: "It's okay, it's more lively!"

And Kaito Kuroba, who came out of the toilet, quickly attracted everyone's attention. He changed his hairstyle from a hedgehog to Shinichi Kudo's. He was wearing a blue suit, which was exactly the same as Shinichi.

"It's really you, Shinichi, where have you been dead for a while!"

Sonoko patted Kaito on the back and staggered him.

On the side, Shiliang Zhenchun also looked curiously at this high school detective who was never seen in the same class.

As for Xiaolan, she completely regards it as air.

She has not been in touch with Xinyi for a long time, and she is extremely disgusted with him, so naturally she is too lazy to talk to him. .

Chapter 0018 Kogoro, you play pretty!

Hei Yu gave Yuanzi a quick look, straightened his collar, and said, "I have encountered a few difficult cases and got into trouble with powerful forces, so I have been keeping a low profile recently. How is the school? Bar?"

Yuanzi didn't believe it at all: "Blow it up, you're just a high school detective, who else can you mess with?"

Immediately afterwards, she laughed badly: "Do you know that your mother has already lived in Uncle Mao Li's house, and she and uncle are different, hehehe."

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