"According to me, you should break up with such a nonsense guy, otherwise you will be deceived even more in the future, and you don't know which girl she will become the 'godfather' again."

Speaking of the word 'godfather', Chikage gave Kogoro a deep look.

What the hell?Qianying, why are you talking nonsense?Who promised you to get the Fist of Cyan Blue, didn't you just help solve Kaito's case?What are you two trying to set me on fire for?Aren't they two female snitches?Steal it yourself!

Fujiko thought that Kogoro had really agreed to her Cyan Blue Fist commission, so he couldn't help but give Kogoro a hard look.

"My sister was joking. After all, he is his own man. If he is disobedient, he should be trained well. How can he lose it?"

Mori Kogoro turned dark immediately, couldn't help pinching Fujiko, listen, what is this called!Still want to train me, think too much!These two women are not simple, they are still doing things like crazy, they don't have enough rest, their heads are groggy, and they still come to this Shura field, why!Qianying's little hand gently stroked the big rough hand on her leg, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

This was not a good start, I didn't show my relationship with Kogoro first, and I heard all these "my men" were at a disadvantage and were pushed to the ground and rubbed crazily.

She stopped fighting against Fujiko, and turned to look at Kogoro Mouri: "So, Kogoro, you got the Fist of Cyan Blue, will you give it to Fujiko in the end, or to me?"

It's really an unsolvable problem!

"How about you two rock-paper-scissors?"

Hearing this, the faces of the two women turned dark, but immediately after, their bodies trembled.

Streams of tiny currents were transmitted from Kogoro Mori's big hand.

Although there is no way to tell you two thousand-year-old foxes, but I am the King of Dharma, and there is no problem in convincing you with electricity, and the hand of God will be cast immediately!

Chapter 0020 'Qingzi' Brand Pillow

Succeeded in a surprise attack, the two girls were subdued in an instant, falling into a paralyzed state and unable to extricate themselves!

They all pursed their lips, not daring to make any noise, for fear of being discovered by others.

Fortunately, this location is in the corner, and there is still some distance from the bar where the girls gather.

I have to say, Kogoro, is really too bold!

Mori Kogoro smirked, and the Thunder Control Technique was changed to other techniques.

Or hot as fire, or cold as ice, or mad as wind, or as hard as gold...

The expressions of the two women kept changing, and Chikage leaned over, biting Kogoro Mori's arm with her teeth.I'm really going to die, Aoko and Kaito are both on the plane, what should I do if I was found out!

"You two, who else wants that Cyan Blue Fist?"

Of course the two girls didn't dare to be demons any more, and they shook their heads slightly, signaling that they didn't want it anymore.

Fujiko whispered even more: "Xiao Goro, - stop for me!"

But Kogoro Mori's style is to take advantage of the victory and chase after him. To gain the upper hand, he must make good use of the two women. Naturally, he refused to stop easily, and various spells continued to change.

I don't know how long it took, and Xiaolan looked sideways frequently, and Mouri Kogoro stopped.

The two girls who had been tortured enough by this enchanted attack were speechless, as if they had been played badly.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and pulled up Fujiko's delicate body, let him sit in his original position, and took out two blankets from the cabinet, covering the two girls.

"From now on, we must get along well and stop making trouble!"

The two girls who had learned this lesson were very well-behaved, obediently nodding their heads.

Mori Kogoro used the wind control technique to manipulate the surrounding air and headed towards the toilet.

But as soon as Mori Kogoro walked away, the harmony on the surface of the two women was instantly broken.

Fujiko was the first to speak: "Pretend to be a client and hook up with my man, shameless!"

Qianying replied, "Little sister, did no one teach you to respect your seniors? When I debuted, you didn't even know where to play with mud."

"It's amazing, lady of the strange thief, don't make trouble anymore after you quit the arena, and be careful to be beaten to death on the beach by the back wave."

"I'm really not as rambunctious as you are!"

"You..." Fujiko glared at him.

"Don't beep if you have the ability, see Zhenzhang under your hands, and see who can get the Fist of Cyan Green first this time, and who will be the number one female thief!"

"Who is afraid of whom!"

"Humph!" X2

The two girls snorted at each other, then turned their heads away, looking completely at odds.

But after a while, the two girls said at the same time: "Do you want to go to the bathroom together?...Hmph, let's go together!" X2

Apparently they all felt that it was too big of a goal to go alone!

It has to be said that women's toilet love is beyond the comprehension of men.

When Mori Kogoro came out of the bathroom, he saw Kaito checking the ventilation of the suitcase when he passed the hatch compartment. Obviously, he still cared about the life and death of Conan inside.

It's really lucky for the little devil to always meet these men who treat him so well!

When Kaito saw Mori Kogoro, he sat on the suitcase pretending to have nothing to do, and whistled while looking at the white clouds outside the cabin door.

At this time, Qingzi came out from the living room of the cabin, and when he saw Kogoro Mouri, he approached him with a smile on his face again.

Xiao Nizi's cheeks were slightly flushed, she obviously didn't know how to drink, and she was fed some more.

The girl put her arm around Kogoro Mori, then raised her head and smiled smirk at him, her pink lips pouting even more, as if she wanted to ask for a kiss.

Kogoro Moori pecked down lightly, and Xiao Nizi was very happy. She leaned her head on Kogoro Moori's chest and turned around, and she had to hug his slender waist to stop.

This scene was reflected by Kaito through the glass window again, and he suddenly felt overwhelmed.

It's better for a silly little girl like Qingzi to get along with her at ease, she is obedient and won't cause trouble, kneel down when asked to kneel down, and get down on the ground when asked to kneel down, how nice it is!

"Uncle, why did Aunt Qianying follow along?"

"She is my uncle's client this time. She asked me to help with some investigations. Qingzi should be obedient and don't imitate her!"

"En!" The little girl nodded obediently: "Qing Zi is very good, and he gets along well with Hong Zi."

"Okay, uncle, you have to take the time to check."

"I hate it!" The little girl shyly patted Moori Kogoro's chest!

Hearing this, Kuai Dou's face turned dark again. Why can I understand these words separately, but why can't I understand them combined?Mori Kogoro couldn't help yawning, he was still a little tired after staying up all night.

The little girl looked concerned: "Uncle, are you sleepy?"

"Well, I got a new material last night, studied it all night, and haven't slept yet."

Kaito couldn't help complaining in his heart: nonsense, he must have never gotten out of some woman's bed.

However, Qingzi completely believed what Mori Kogoro said, and turned to say: "I remember Sonoko said that there is a room at the end of the cabin, and there is a bed in it to rest. Uncle, I happened to be a little dizzy after drinking alcohol. Let's go to bed." Bar!"

When the little girl said this, her pretty face was still a little red.

But Kaito, who was sitting on the suitcase, staggered and fell directly from above: Listen, this is human talk, and they went to sleep together, how could this be possible!

Hearing the sound, Aoko couldn't help but roll his eyes at the 'Kudo Shinichi' behind him, but soon turned his head to the side and hid in Kogoro Mouri's arms, acting coquettishly: "Oh, I've been heard!"

"It's okay, Xinyi has a very strict mouth and won't chew his tongue."

"But don't think about doing bad things. Uncle is really sleepy. At most, he needs a 'Qingzi' brand pillow."

"No, nonsense, nonsense, hentai, hentai!"

The little girl patted Mouri Kogoro's body with her small hands, making Mouri Kogoro laugh out loud.

"Okay, okay, just kidding, even if Qingzi wants to do something bad, uncle will try his best to cooperate."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro grabbed Aoko's slender waist and walked towards the rear of the cabin.

Kaito, who was about to cry without tears, was left behind, pointing in the direction of Mori Kogoro, his lips trembling slightly, but he couldn't say a word.

Such behavior is really outrageous!

Soon, Mori Kogoro and Aoko came to the room at the back of the cabin. It was small and cozy, with a large bed occupying most of the space.After closing the door, he carried the little girl up to rest.

He really didn't do anything bad, he just hugged Qingzi like a pillow.

The smell emanating from the girl was really reassuring, and Kogoro Mori fell asleep after a while.

Qingzi waited for a long time but did not wait for any other action. Turning his head, he saw that Kogoro was breathing evenly and fell asleep.

She didn't feel lost either, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and Ti slowly turned around, facing Kogoro face to face.

His little hand caressed Kogoro Mori's mustache, and couldn't help but secretly kissed him, put his long legs on his body, and closed his eyes to rest.It's so good to sleep with the smell of uncle!

Chapter 0021

And at the bar, the little Shikigami Fusang was surrounded by women and stars like a moon.

This girl who came out of the anime is so cute, with blue hair, crimson eyes, big breasts and long legs, girls like it very much.

Coupled with the fact that Mori Kogoro helped her fabricate her life experience, all the girls felt great sympathy, and all the girls treated her very well.

And the corners of the materialist Zhenchun's mouth twitched from time to time, looking totally incomprehensible.

Talk about it!It's the [-]st century, and there are still witches, and the soul is out of the body?

Kataoka Lianhua poked her snowy skin that was as white as creamy fat, and couldn't help asking: "Fusang, how do you take care of it? It's so slippery to the touch?" private possession.

After all, all the women here have Kogoro Mori's breath on them, and they are all the master's women, so there is no need to cover it up.

"This is very simple, as long as you practice the way of witches and absorb the aura of heaven and earth."

"The way of the witch is broad and profound, and it is not comparable to any crooked ways."

Speaking of this, Fusang's Feitong couldn't help but glance at Hongzi.

While drinking the red wine, the red-faced Hongzi couldn't help but stare back.

If it wasn't for Kogoro's order not to mess around on the plane, Hongzi would definitely make gestures with this little shikigami to let her understand the power of a witch.Speaking of which, where did Kogoro go?

The slightly drunk Koizumi Hongzi took out the mirror from his handbag, activated it and asked, "Magic mirror, magic mirror, where did Kogoro go?"

The vanity mirror revealed the picture of the room at the back of the cabin, and Hongzi couldn't help scolding softly when he saw it: "Good you Qingzi, if you don't pay attention, you want to steal it again!"

She shook her head, ignored the group of girls who were exchanging beauty experience, and went towards the rear of the cabin.

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