When passing the toilet, two mature beauties, Fujiko and Chikage, came out, and they had just finished tidying up.

The burgundy eyes inspected the two women for a while, and saw the torn stockings as if they were seeing through, and couldn't help but sneered, and then walked away

The two beauties both had a feeling of being seen through. Seeing Hongzi disappearing, they said in unison: "What a stinky kid." After X2 said that, the two women looked at each other again, then turned their heads, At the same time, he hummed lightly.

Then he folded his hands on his chest and returned to the cabin slowly.

When Hongzi came to the room at the back of the cabin, he saw Kaito Kuroba in a blue suit clung to the door, trying to eavesdrop.

It was pitiful for Kaito, even though the door was unlocked, he dared not open it, for fear of seeing some heartbreaking scenes.

Hearing that there was no sound, he kept hypnotizing himself in his heart: the two of them must have done nothing after they entered the room.

"Hey, Kaito, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this, Kaito jumped up in fright, and quickly turned his head and said, "Shhh!!! No, I'm not Kaito, you mistook me, I'm high school detective Kudo Shinichi."

Hongzi then sneered: "Pretend, pretend again, I'll go in and tell Qingzi."

Seeing that he couldn't hide this mysterious witch, Kaidou put his hands together and begged for mercy: "Hongzi, don't expose my identity, I have unavoidable difficulties."

"Hey, by the way, isn't Mao Li-kun your boyfriend? Can't you manage him well and let him not pester Qingzi?"

Hearing this, the arrogant Hongzi turned her head to the side and stroked her hair lightly: "Nonsense, Mr. Mao Li is not my boyfriend, he is just one of my captives. No man in the world can resist Hongzi." Master Zi's charm."

"Besides, the matter between us and Qingzi has nothing to do with you."

"No, you peeping tom, it's too dangerous to keep you in the plane."

Saying this, Hongzi's crimson eyes flashed fiercely, and she took out a broom from the magic handbag.

The broom leaned against Kaito's body as if alive.

Immediately afterwards, the magic handbag flashed red, and a long whip appeared like a python, instantly binding Kaito and the flying broom...

Kaito's face turned pale when his hands were instantly restrained, and he couldn't help shouting in surprise: "Hongzi, what are you doing?"

As soon as the words fell, the magic broom brought Kaito to levitate, and soon the two came to the hatch.

Seeing Hongzi's beautiful eyes flashing a bewitching red light, the door of this private jet was manipulated to open by Yanli, and the gust of wind swept in, even Kaito was stunned.

"Hongzi, what are you doing, calm down, you will die!"

He was kicked hard in response, and Kaito was kicked out of the plane, the whole person floated out, and then the cabin door was closed.

"It's done, you can rest."

Hongzi patted his little hands, then walked towards the rear of the cabin with a relaxed expression.

And through the window of the plane, you can see the long red whip wrapping around the wing and tying up the flying broom. Kaito hugged the broom and shivered, constantly calling for help.

Because the action hadn't started yet, Kaito didn't bring too many props with him, so he couldn't get out of the dangerous situation by himself. When he returned to the plane, he could only ask for help.

It's just that the sound insulation effect of this plane is so good that none of the people inside noticed anything unusual.

Soon, after opening the aft room, seeing the scene of Kogoro and Qingzi sleeping in each other's arms, they really fell asleep.

There was a smirk on the corner of Hongzi's mouth, she closed the door after entering the room, then lifted the quilt, slipped in from underneath, directly into the gap between the two of them.

Qing Zi, who was already a light sleeper, was awakened instantly, seeing that it was Hong Zi, he couldn't help scolding her in a low voice.

Hongzi didn't care at all, and even hugged Kogoro and kissed him a few times.

Qingzi kicked Hongzi's ass, seeing that she didn't want to move away, so he could only stand up and climb to the other side of Mori Kogoro.His little hand held Kogoro Mouri's big hand, trying to turn him around, and continue to sleep upstairs by himself.

How could Hongzi do what she wanted? The two girls fought over the ownership of Kogoro on the bed.

Going into a deep sleep, Kogoro, who didn't feel any danger, threw himself into his sleep to replenish his energy, ignorant of what happened outside.

Chapter 0022

But there are not a few people who think like Hongzi, especially for Yuanzi who is always looking for opportunities, and he will not let go of the opportunity on the plane.

No, not long after Hongzi and Qingzi stopped, the door at the back of the cabin was pushed open again.

Jiu Zhuang and cowardly Yuanzi appeared in the room.

The little girl didn't notice the strange bulges on the left and right sides of the bed at all, and seeing Kogoro's peacefully sleeping cheeks, she couldn't help but giggled.

She did the same thing as Hongzi, she lifted the quilt from under the bed and wanted to get in.

But those who greeted Xiang Yuanzi were two fair feet, Hongzi and Qingzi's.

The two girls have already formed an alliance, so naturally they want to occupy Kogoro.

Yuanzi was kicked twice, and couldn't help crying out in pain.

Seeing Qingzi Hongzi showing their heads, his amber-like eyes glared at the two women: "Well, you two shameless bastards, you sneaked here to steal chickens and dogs, you are shameless."

"Who is stealing? Stop yelling, stop thieves, what are you doing here?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't wake up Kogoro."

Yuanzi lowered his volume: "I'm not a thief, I'm aboveboard, come here to find my boyfriend!"

Hongzi lifted up the thin quilt on her body, puffed out her chest and said, "Coincidentally, my boyfriend is here too."

Seeing the towering peaks, Yuanzi couldn't help but stagnate, but soon his eyes lit up with fighting spirit.

Thinking about her mother, she continued to say, "Hmph, he is not only my boyfriend, but also my father. We have a dual relationship, and we are much closer than you. Get out of the way!"

Qingzi was immediately happy, couldn't help laughing and said: "Che, you think you are Xiaolan?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized that she had slipped her tongue. Seeing Hongzi's surprised eyes, she immediately covered her mouth.

Yuanzi raised his eyebrows and looked at Qingzi with a strange smile.

Hongzi looked at the two girls with a weird face, but didn't ask any further, instead he hugged Kogoro tightly, not to be outdone, and said: "Cut, who is not his daughter? This bad guy usually likes to be called daddy the most." .”

Having said that, Hongzi even kissed Kogoro Mori on the cheek.

Kogoro in his sleep frowned as if he felt it, and the three girls became nervous again, fearing to wake him up, they all lowered their volumes again.

At this moment, the doorknob turned again.

The three girls lifted the quilt again in a panic, got into the bed, pretending to be sleeping peacefully.

This time it was Sumi Tsukamoto who came here. Sumi Tsukamoto didn't drink, she just wanted to spend a little longer with Kogoro.

But when she came in, she was stunned when she saw the scene on the bed.

But who is willing to back down, Sumi snorted softly, and then climbed onto the bed.

The next thing is very obvious, two monks can still carry water to drink, three monks have no water to drink, now there are four, of course nothing happened.

After more than four hours of regular sleep time, Mori Kogoro woke up.

He didn't open his eyes either, a smirk curled up at the corner of his mouth, and his big hands couldn't help but move around.Hey, this feeling is a little bit wrong!

It doesn't look like Qingzi, what's going on?

Hey, what the hell, why is there an extra leg beside it, no, there are more than one, there are many!

Mori Kogoro opened his eyes immediately, and saw that he was tightly surrounded by Luan Luan Yanyan, a total of six women.

The head is not resting on a pillow, but a knee pillow from Mira, no wonder it feels so soft!

The big hand was holding Yuanzi with a blushing face. The Yuanzi who occupied the best position only felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life, and the corners of his mouth could not stop rising.There is also Kataoka Renhua holding a small fan and quietly fanning the wind beside her, driving the heat gathered by many people.

Too wasteful, too corrupt!

"Lianhua, you guys, why did you come in too?"

Kataoka Lianhua replied with a red face: "Sonoko said that this room is the only room for the entire plane to rest. Everyone is a little tired, so let's all come over and sleep. But the bed is too small, and Miss Fujiko can't even climb up. .”

Aoko, who was squeezed aside, pouted and looked at Kogoro Mori resentfully.

If I had known that I would have locked the door when I first came in, I wouldn't have let these bad women come in with me.

However, the behavior of the girls made them understand the relationship between the others and Kogoro, and their gazes at each other became more complicated.

Mori Kogoro knew what was going on after a glance, and he didn't even get up, but chuckled lightly instead.

"Lianhua, don't fan it, it won't be hot with the air conditioner, you should rest too."

After saying that, he could not help but lift the quilt under the Lianhua technique, and covered the girls.

Even if you don't do anything, lying with a group of beautiful girls is still very enjoyable.

Such a day would not be exchanged for the emperor!

Mori Kogoro indulged in the gentleness and couldn't extricate himself, but outside the plane, Kuroba Kaito, who was holding his magic broom tightly, couldn't stop shaking.

His hair and eyebrows were covered with ice crystals, his face was blue and his nose was running.

The altitude of tens of thousands of meters is extremely cold, not to mention the cold wind, which is almost like a knife.

Kaito, who was shivering from the cold, was really afraid of Hongko's weird tricks, and vowed never to provoke this woman again.

On the other side, Conan curled up in the suitcase was even stunned.

In his sleep, he couldn't help coughing several times, obviously feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Zhenchun, who was still at the bar, looked at Fusang with amazement in his eyes.

At the beginning, she didn't believe that Fusang could do witchcraft at all, but after Fusang Xiaolu played a few tricks, she was instantly convinced by him.

Such simple techniques as turning water into ice, floating in the void, creating something out of nothing, etc., turned the pure world view upside down.

Xiaolan was amazed when she saw it, but she seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help asking.

"Do you have any other witchcraft that can manipulate thunder and lightning, and take the caller without harming the body?"

Fusang nodded: "There are some, taught to Kogoro, developed by Kogoro, need to constantly exercise the witchcraft, and you can release this kind of witchcraft by mastering the subtleties."

"Oh, it turned out to be you. I said that Dad would start electrocuting people for no reason. It turned out to be you who taught me."

Xiaolan pointed at Fusang, looking angry.

Xiaoshigami laughed badly: "But obviously Xiaolan also enjoys it very much. Moreover, after being electrocuted a lot, it can also eliminate impurities in the body, so as to strengthen the body and cleanse the marrow of the Book of Changes."

Xiaolan blushed instantly: "How did you know, you peeked!"

Fusang shook his index finger and said with a light smile, "I don't need to peek, it was all told to me by Kogoro and me when we were discussing improvements."

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