"Why is Dad like this, telling people everything, hey, discussing improvements, what's the situation?..."

But Fujiko and Qiankage, who sat in the front seat with their eyes closed, didn't care about the trick behind the bar.

The two girls had exhausted their physical strength before, and they were a little tired. They fought against each other again. They were thinking about how to steal this Cyan Fist. Naturally, they didn't pay attention to the noisy third girls behind them.

Chapter 0023

This one belongs to Hongzi, this one belongs to Yuanzi, this one must belong to Lianhua, eh, this one is Sumi!

Not bad, not bad, it seems that the good student has been exercising well recently!

All the girls became tense, their breathing became heavier, but they all pursed their lips and dared not make any sound.

Mori Kogoro saw that they were thin-skinned, so he had no scruples.

They play tricks on each other, and Mori Kogoro fishes in troubled waters, which can be described as a lot of fun!

Good times always fly by so fast. After more than an hour, the private jet came to the airport and was about to land.

Listening to the voice of the captain on the radio, everyone got up even though they were unwilling to get up, each found a place to put on their seat belts and waited for the landing.

However, all the girls who came back to the living room had reddened faces, causing Zhenchun to stare sideways frequently.

Inexplicably, Zhenchun felt a little lost in her heart, she just felt that she should have joined before.

When she saw Kogoro looking over, she turned her head shyly again.

After Kuaidou was blown by cold wind for several hours, he was finally rescued by Hongzi and returned to the cabin.

A broom with its head soaring to the sky leaned against the cabin door and curled up in a daze, completely frozen.

After a while of turbulence, the plane finally returned to the hot land of Singapore.

This country is a standard tropical area, the four seasons are summer, and every rain makes autumn.

All the girls were also prepared, and changed into cool summer clothes early.

Ever since, a beautiful landscape appeared in the airport hall.

Xiaolan, Mira, Lianhua, and Qingzi, like quadruplets, are holding hands, wearing shorts, and their fair legs are walking left and right at the same pace. The scene can be said to kill the audience.

Mori Kogoro was surrounded by other girls and walked out, attracting many envious looks.

Kaito behind him pushed the big suitcase bitterly.

As soon as we got out of the airport, the garden had already been arranged, and a row of black Mercedes-Benz cars were waiting by the side of the road.

A group of thirteen people, plus Conan in the suitcase, all boarded the car and headed towards Marina Bay.

Marina Bay is a new tourist attraction in Singapore, integrating casinos, opera houses, art, technology museums, grand hotels, convention centers, and botanical gardens

All in one.

And this time I stayed at the five-star hotel here, the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, which is known as the most expensive hotel in the world and was built at a cost of 40 billion pounds.

It consists of three top hotels connected to the sky garden above. There is an outdoor infinity swimming pool at the top of the 57-story tower, which is three times as long as the Olympic swimming pool.

From a distance, the building above the three hotels looks like a ship.

When everyone came to the bottom of the hotel, Xiao Lan couldn't help but marvel: "Hiss, it's so beautiful!"

Sonoko laughed lightly: "I've seen the photos, and it will be even more beautiful at night."

"In the swimming pool on the 57th floor, snuggle up with the one you love, stand on the edge of the pool, overlooking the night view and sea view of the entire Singapore, the golden light is shining, super romantic."

While talking, Sonoko leaned against Kogoro Mori again.

Soon, all the girls looked at Kogoro Mouri thoughtfully, as if they were moved by Sonoko's words.

The corners of Mori Kogoro's mouth twitched, this is not good, he is only one person, not enough for them to share.

Yuanzi continued, "I've already booked the rooms, all of which are the largest Jihua suites, for two people."

As soon as the words fell, Xiaolan grabbed Maoli Kogoro's arm: "I share a room with Dad."

The corner of Yuanzi's mouth twitched, and she quietly put away the prepared lottery props, knowing that she couldn't compete with Xiaolan.Soon, everyone was assigned properly.

Kuroba Kaito is naturally sharing the room with Conan in the suitcase, so he has no objection.

After putting the luggage in the room, the girls proposed to visit the Marina Bay Park below.

The competition was held at night, and it was hard to come to Singapore once. Naturally, we wanted to see the local scenery, see the Merlion and so on, so everyone went out together.

As expected of a tourist attraction, the outside is full of tourists.

But this park is really hot, the girls either run to buy drinks, or buy ice cream to cool off.

Then they gathered around Fusang one by one, and they all felt that Fusang was like a central air conditioner, and it was much cooler when they got close.

And Qianying held the ice cream in his hand, licked it in small mouthfuls, quietly came to Mouri Kogoro's side, and bumped his shoulder.

"Kogoro, how's the investigation going? Don't tell me you haven't started yet, I'll be very disappointed!"

Mori Kogoro patted Chikage's buttocks, and said in a rather speechless voice: "Hey, you just commissioned me to investigate yesterday, and you want to ask about the progress today, so it's too urgent!"

"Really, you care so much about your son's affairs, what about me?"

Qianying couldn't help laughing coquettishly, and took a mouthful of Mori Kogoro ice cream: "Shoot the fire, what's the point of fighting with children, but the Kogoro in my mind is omnipotent, and he can investigate things to the bottom with half a day's work."

"Don't flatter me, I'll see you when I get back to the hotel." Seeing Qianying's little pink tongue curling up and rolling the white ice cream into his mouth, the inexplicable Mori Kogoro felt a little hot in his heart.

"However, the case has generally been found out. The name of the deceased is Chen Xuelin, a female lawyer, forty years old."

"She was assassinated to death in the shopping mall on the first floor of the Jinsha Hotel, but the strange thing is that the surveillance shows that since she stepped out of the elevator, no one approached her at all within a distance of tens of meters from the center of the shopping mall."

"And she was normal in the elevator room, and there was no sign of being assassinated at all."

"So the police don't know where and who stabbed a dagger into his back."

"But there is a card of Kidd left on the wall of the elevator. Therefore, some people suspect that Kidd did it. After all, he is called the 'magician under the moonlight'."

"I said Qianying, please discipline Kaidou, steal things as soon as you steal, don't perform some foolish magic tricks, no, if it comes to blame, it will be covered."

Hearing this, Qianying smiled: "I can't control the child when he's grown up, he seems to listen to you more than me."

Mori Kogoro shook his head speechlessly, and continued: "After the incident, an explosion occurred in the shopping mall on the first floor, causing a power outage, and there is no monitoring behind it."

"The dossier only mentions the first witness at the scene of the crime, named Liu Lyon, 43 years old, the president of a security company."

"And the murder case was handled by local Inspector Mark Aidan and Reserve Constable Rishi Ramanathan."

"Coincidentally, this Liu Lyon and Lixi are mentors and apprentices. Liu Lyon is good at criminal psychology and mind reading. He has helped the police solve many cases. He can be regarded as a detective in Singapore. He is also booming when he switched to a security company. I heard that the Cyan Blue Fist is also kept in his hands, this is a key person."

Chapter 0024 Arthur Hirai

"The Cyan Blue Fist is also in his hands?"

"Yes, the one who salvaged this sapphire is Chen Zhonghan, one of the people in power in Singapore."

"And Lyon's company is the top security company in the area. Naturally, the gem is under its care. It will only be sent to the stadium in the finals tomorrow night, so it is still quite difficult for you to get it!"

Hearing this, Qianying leaned up, gently rubbed Mouri Kogoro's arm, and said coquettishly, "Kogoro, just help me, you don't even know how angry Fuji is."

"She really stole the gem, what will people in the world think of me after that?"

"As long as you promise to help me, you will let me go east in the future, and I will never go west. I will do whatever you want me to do. Be obedient and be your little slave!"

Speaking of this, Qianying smiled shyly, her eyes full of bewilderment.

Wow!Although the sugar-coated cannonball was very tempting, Mori Kogoro resolutely refused. The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, so how could he favor one of them.

"You've been out of the arena for so many years, it's none of your business, and besides, there's Kuaidou helping you, which already has an advantage, so it's not easy for me to intervene, don't think I don't know about your private arrangements."

"Really, what's the use of this fame battle, a woman, it's all about vanity."

As soon as the words fell, Qianyingsu's waist was pinched by Qianyingsu's hands, and he began to twist wildly.

Mori Kogoro immediately changed his tone: "Although I can't help you, I can still provide you with some information."

"The gem is stored in Leon's home, and his home employs a very powerful bodyguard, Singapore's top karate master, Hetzley Jamaldin!"

"After solving him, there is no danger to Leon's home, but you can do whatever you want."

Seeing Kaito appear with a drink in hand, Chikage snorted softly and let go.

After being exposed to the scorching sun, Kaito had already recovered.

After receiving the drink bought by the errand boy, Mori Kogoro chuckled: "It took so long to buy a glass of water, and what happened to your hand, did you drop it? Why is it all black?"

Kaito hastily put his hands behind his back and laughed.

At this time, the nearby grass trembled, and Kaito quietly walked towards the grass.

Looking away from the corner of the eye, Mori Kogoro also saw Conan the Kid hiding in the grass, apparently released by Kaito.

He didn't care, he wrapped Qianying's soft waist with his big hands, sipping drinks comfortably under the parasol, and looked at the girls taking pictures with the Merlion as the background in the distance.

Tsk tsk, this is what a vacation should look like!

Conan, who was squatting in the grass, was almost going crazy. He had just escaped from the suitcase, and he didn't know how long he had slept.

Looking at the arms, they are not dark, they are completely exposed to the sun!

Looking at the surrounding scenery, exotic scenery, and the iconic Merlion, the little ghost was instantly stunned.

Singapore, I was tied to Singapore!

Seeing this guy who looked exactly like himself, Conan didn't know that this was Kaito's handwriting.

"You guy, what are you doing? Why did you tie me here?"

Kaito laughed softly: "You should thank me more, if it wasn't for me, you would definitely be left alone in Japan again, watching your sister Xiaolan go abroad for vacation."

"Here, look, everyone is here."

Seeing that everyone he was familiar with was there, Conan calmed down and reacted instantly.

"You look like this, why are you pretending to be me? I know, Cyan Blue Fist, right? You want to use my identity to steal Cyan Blue Fist."

"Hmph, I won't let you succeed, I'll tell uncle now."

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