Seeing the little ghost standing up, Kaito said calmly, "I advise you not to."

"You can go abroad all because of the special suitcase in my hand, which can shield the detection at the airport, and there are enough oxygen supply equipment, which is enough for you to smuggle so easily."

"If you tell me my identity, you can only become a black household without a passport, and you will be locked up in this country, and you will never even think about going back to Japan."

"I see you, you'd better cooperate with me obediently."

Hearing this, Conan's body stopped immediately, his face changed, and finally he gritted his teeth and gave in.

"Tell me, is there anything you, a strange thief, can't solve?"

Holding Conan in his hands, Kaito chuckled lightly: "The incident this time is a bit complicated, does it involve a case?"

"Case, wouldn't it be more reliable to find my uncle to solve the case? Why are you looking for me?"

Hearing this, Kaito couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Detective Mori, I was just worried that he would treat this trip as a vacation, so I brought you here as insurance."

"You count, how many women came with him? Do you think he will take my matter to heart?"

The little ghost poked his head out and counted, besides Xiaolan, there were ten other women.

Conan couldn't help being secretly surprised, this is too much, can uncle bear it?

At this moment, Aoko and Xiaolan, who had finished taking the photo, saw Kaito squatting beside the grass, and Aoko asked curiously, "Kudou-san, what are you doing squatting here?"

As soon as the words fell, a dark little devil's head emerged from the grass and hid directly behind Kaito.

Xiaolan was a little confused for a moment. Seeing this familiar face, she couldn't help but said, "Conan, why did you come here? Didn't you say you were going to live in the doctor's house?"

Kaito rubbed his head, laughed dryly and said, "This is not Conan, but a little boy I met in the local area. His parents are Nissin mixed race and can speak Japanese!"

"Isn't he Conan? He looks too similar!"

Xiaolan observed suspiciously, and continued to ask: "Son, what's your name?"

The little ghost stiffened as if struck by lightning, and instantly recalled the detective novels he had read, and blurted out lies again. "Arthur, Arthur? Hirai, my name is Arthur, my parents have gone to Japan for a trip, so leave me here alone."

Qingzi looked sympathetic: "Wow, it's so pitiful, the left-behind orphan, uncle, come here quickly, there is a child who looks very similar to Conan."

Hearing the greeting, Mori Kogoro approached leisurely.

And the little ghost was leaning on Kaidou's lap, sweating profusely, for fear that Uncle Maori would see through him. .

Chapter 0025 Molested Sonoko

Since Kaito doesn't want to reveal Conan's identity, Mori Kogoro is also happy to cooperate, anyway, it is this little devil who suffers.

He rubbed Conan's head, pretending to be amazed.

"It's really similar. I knew that Conan was a popular face. You can see people like him everywhere."

Immediately, the little ghost glared at Mouri Kogoro in displeasure, then hid behind Kaito again after struggling.

"Can't you see that this child has a good relationship with you, Shinichi?"

Kaito laughed dryly again: "I can get along better with this kid. His parents are not around, so it would be nice to be a little guide for us."

Qingzi couldn't help frowning: "Kudou-san, it's against the law to employ child labor!"

"Really? Just kidding, just kidding."

At this moment, Yuanzi's scream came from a distance.

"What are you doing? Go away."

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the garden was surrounded by a group of men in black.

The leader was a man with a hedgehog head, who was speaking frivolously: "Little girl, as long as I think about it, it's easy to put you in the car and take you away."

Conan looked in disbelief, Sonoko was molested, is that guy blind?How did you choose the garden?

Kaito, however, recognized the man: "Nakatomi Reijiro, the president of Nakatomi Shipping, a guy with a notorious reputation."

A cold light flashed in Sumi Tsukamoto's eyes, she could not help clenching her fists, and stepped forward with a brittle sound.

But before she stepped forward, she was held back by Zhenchun, who laughed softly: "Sister, it's not your turn to make a move yet, Yuanzi is not looking forward to you." As soon as the words fell, a figure flew past, The impact sounded.

Like a human tank, Mori Kogoro drove out the black-clothed bodyguards surrounding the garden one by one.

Seven or eight bodyguards in black couldn't fight back at all. They hit the stone railings on the left and right, their heads were bleeding.

In an instant, Mori Kogoro came to the man with the hedgehog head: "She is mine, what's the matter?"

The little girl clenched her fists in front of her chest, turned sideways, and looked at Mori Kogoro with a nympho look.

Heroes save me!Uncle is so handsome!

But another thought in his mind was: Miss Ben is really as beautiful as a flower, and she is so beautiful that she will be very popular when she goes abroad.

If you strike up a conversation and flirt, you won't be treated like me!

Yuanzi also looked contemptuously at the surrounding girls, and his complacency jumped out.

And Rejiro Nakatomi saw that all the masters he had hired with a lot of money were eliminated in an instant. Looking at the extremely imposing man in front of him, his calf trembled involuntarily.

He stepped back step by step: "No, it's all right!"

Mori Kogoro grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

"Go down for me if you have nothing to do, sober up."

After saying that, he threw the man with the hedgehog head into the pool, causing big waves immediately.

The onlookers couldn't help exclaiming: "Kung Fu!" "Kick you to death!"

And Yuanzi seized the opportunity and threw himself directly into Kogoro Mouri's arms, pretending to be scared, and said with a small crying voice: "Uncle, I was really scared to death just now, but luckily you are here."

Mori Kogoro stroked Sonoko's soft back with his big hands, comforting her softly.

The surrounding crowd let out boos and good-natured laughter.

Mori Kogoro didn't pay much attention to these clowns, but the narrow-minded Hongzi was unwilling to let them go so easily.

Looking at the people who were struggling to escape, crimson flashed in his eyes, and tiny red lights fell on the heads of Reijiro Nakatomi and his bodyguards.

Fusang noticed it, and couldn't help but said: "Witch, don't use your crooked methods indiscriminately!"

Hongzi laughed lightly: "Ghost, just take care of yourself. I'm a witch, so I don't need to talk to others."

"Besides, I cast this curse, but it can make people love each other, thick and thick!"

Hongzi laughed triumphantly again.

On the other side, Kyogoku was invited into an office by a black straight secretary.

Sitting in the office is an elite person in his forties, with meticulously combed hair, yellow glasses, and a goatee. This is the president of the security company, Leon.

Seeing Kyogoku really come in, Leon took off his glasses and looked at the noble young man in front of him.

"Mr. Jingji, I heard that you are sponsored by lawyer Chen Xuelin, and you are invited to participate in this karate competition?"

Kyogoku nodded: "Yes, Lawyer Chen said that I would be able to fight against the world's top karate masters here, so I accepted the invitation. Unfortunately, I learned of Lawyer Chen's death as soon as I got off the plane, and the sponsorship was in vain. Well, I'm planning to go back home."

Leon laughed softly: "It's all here, it would be a pity not to play a few games."

"How about this, I will be your sponsor, and the request is that if you win the championship, give me the Cyan Fist, how about it?"

Hearing this, Kyogoku's eyes flashed with surprise.

For him who is obsessed with martial arts, gems are really nothing, he just intends to use the sparring to hone his skills, first defeat Mori Kogoro's apprentice, and then defeat the righteous master to avenge his shame.

"Really? Great, as long as I can compete, I can take anything."

Lyon showed a satisfied smile: "Very well, then before the game starts, you can train in the gym at my home, and protect the items in the underground treasure house by the way, is it okay?"

"no problem!"

Kyogoku nodded, and soon the secretary led him out again, arranging his residence and training.

And behind the screen, a braided iron tower man came out, it was the karate master Hetzley Jamaldin.

"Leon, why don't you let me fight him, you promised me, let me deal with Kyogoku really."

Leon laughed softly: "Don't worry, this is a rare opponent, isn't it? He deserves a bigger stage."

"Tomorrow in the finals, the two of you will play against each other under the eyes of everyone, and you will have a decisive battle. Isn't that great?"

"When the time comes, the arena will be full of my people. I will make that old fox Chen Zhonghan pay the price. I will definitely win this gem."

The strong man in the iron tower glanced at Leon indifferently, then turned and left: "Okay, then I'll wait a little longer, anyway, as long as it makes me want to make a move quickly."

Chapter 0026 Mind Reading

Inexplicably encountering the plot of the villain's molestation, everyone lost the idea of ​​continuing to play.

Hongzi was the first to speak: "Xiao Wulang, let's go back to the hotel. I would rather try the infinity swimming pool in the hotel than to be exposed to the sun." Hearing this, all the girls looked excited.

Naturally, Kogoro Moori had no objection, so he took his daughters back to the Sands Hotel.

But as soon as he entered the hall, a young man with squinting eyes greeted him, and said respectfully: "You are a Maori detective. I heard that you are coming to Singapore. I have been waiting here for a long time."

He took out his ID: "I am a reserve police officer, Rishi. As an expert in criminal psychology, I was specially invited to handle the case. I am waiting here. Actually, I have a case that I would like to ask for your help."

Sonoko, who was occupying Kogoro Mori's arm, immediately said angrily: "No, no, uncle is here with us for vacation, and we have a game to watch tonight, so I won't handle the case with you."

It's not easy for my uncle to be so gentle to me, so I should take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

Richie touched his head in surprise: "Is that so? It's so strange to bother you. Someone asked you to help, and you will definitely do it."

Qianying then asked, "May I ask, what case is it about?"

Rishi then turned over the phone photos and showed them to everyone.

[The legendary secret treasure guarded by the lion, the sapphire shining with a clear blue light, will be collected in my fist-Kaitou Kidd! 】

Kaito couldn't help but look surprised, he was sure that he didn't issue any notice, but the Kidd notice appeared in the hands of the police officer in front of him.Mori Kogoro chuckled: "It's really an old friend, so I'll let you go."

"I'll come as soon as I go, Hongzi, you guys go swimming, Chikage and Fujiko will follow me."

Kaito licked his old face and said, "Uncle, I will go too."

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