They walked out of the hotel together with Conan, the little devil who followed furtively, got into Lixi's car, and went to a distant place.

Although a group of young girls were a little upset, they still had a lot of fun, and soon went to the top floor of the Jinsha Hotel under Yuanzi Xiaolan's call.

Kaito in the car couldn't help asking: "Officer Rishi, who told you to come to Uncle Maoli to handle the case?"

Rishi, who was driving, took out his mobile phone and found an anonymous text message, which stated Kogoro Mori's itinerary.

"I don't know who sent me a text message to remind me. To be honest, I've been doing some investigations for the past few days. When I saw Maori detective's name, I wanted to have the cheek to ask for help. After all, you are the top detective in the world. .”

"Maori Detective, I'm so sorry for ruining your holiday."

Mori Kogoro didn't care about these little things, he hugged the slender waists of the two women on the left and right, and said with a satisfied look: "It's okay, idle is idle, right to be some seasoning."

During the conversation, the car stopped at the door of a luxurious villa.

It's not far from the Sands Hotel. It takes more than ten minutes by car. From a distance, you can see the Singapore Stadium, which is where the karate competition will be held tonight.

After crossing the iron gate and walking through the vestibule, the group soon came to the hall of the villa.

What came into view was a Roman knight artwork, holding a spear, about three or four meters long, majestic and majestic.

Li Xi was still introducing in a low voice: "This is where the Cyan Blue Fist is stored. It is the home of Mr. Leon, the president of the security company. The security equipment is the world's top."

"Teacher?" Little Devil Conan couldn't help asking.

"That's right, he is my teacher. Teacher Leon is an expert in criminal psychology. I studied under him before. Later, his company became prosperous and I became a reserve police officer."

"Speaking of which, the teacher is very similar to a Maori detective. He also cooperates with the police and solves many cases."

At this moment, a tall, straight black woman in a white skirt walked in. She looked quite gorgeous. This was Leon's secretary Zhang Ruiqiu. "Everyone, please follow me to the reception room. Mr. Leon is waiting for you."

Everyone followed Zhang Ruiqiu to the direction of the living room.

Soon, a mustache wearing yellow glasses greeted him, looking like an elite.

"You are the Maori detective, you have known your name for a long time."

As soon as Leon grasped Kogoro Mori's hand, he began to observe carefully.

Mori Kogoro said: "I didn't expect that there are people who know me in a foreign country. I heard that Mr. Leon is proficient in criminal psychology and mind reading. I don't know what he can read from me..."

Leon laughed softly: "Rumours, rumors, if you insist on reading, then only the word 'unfathomable' can describe Mr. Maori." This commercial boast is not bad.

However, Leon did not get much information from Mori Kogoro, so he thought it was normal.

After all, he is a famous detective who is famous all over the world, so it must be wrong for him to be seen through so easily.

He turned his head to look at Conan and Kaito who followed, but there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

The child looked at him just now, as if he looked like an adult, it's impossible, he must have misread it!

Leon glanced again, and saw the innocent smile on the head of the little ghost, he immediately relaxed, turned his head to look at Kaito, and he said: "This is the high school student detective Kudo Shinichi, but compared to detectives, You are more like a magician, your fingers look extremely slender."

Kaito laughed dryly: "No, no, no, I'm not a force-based detective, I rely on wisdom, with slender fingers, why don't you say I'm a pianist, what a magician."

Lyon, who was choked, was speechless.

At this time, the secretary Rachel's panicked voice came in: "Mr. Chen, don't barge in. The boss is talking about something."

A white-haired, skinny old man didn't listen to dissuasion at all, rushed into the living room, and immediately asked, "Lyon, where is my gemstone? Why haven't I sent it to the gymnasium for exhibition?"

Lyon signaled the secretary not to say more, went up and explained: "Mr. Chen, today is just the preliminaries, and it's not time for the awards yet, and besides, Kidd has sent you a notice letter about the theft, I think Cyan Blue Fist should go first It's safer to keep my vault here."

"How about I personally escort you to the gymnasium tomorrow?"

The old man Chen Zhonghan sneered: "Kidd, where did the little thief come out, do you need to pay attention to him? No one in this land dares to fight against me."

"But since it's your idea, I'll give you a face, but you have to remember, if the gem is stolen, you have to pay me a sky-high insurance money, you know?"

There was a gloomy look in Leon's eyes, but he nodded respectfully.

Chapter 0027 the innocence of redevelopment

This old guy should be an overseas Chinese, and his names are all Chinese names.

Chen Zhonghan soon saw Mori Kogoro next to him, his cloudy old eyes lit up, and he immediately greeted him with surprise.

"Are you a Maori detective? My wife and I like you very much. We like your reasoning so much."

"She told me that you are the smartest person in the world. I didn't expect you to come to Singapore too. Let me treat you well!"

Such a powerful old guy turned out to be his fan, it's nonsense, very fake!

Mori Kogoro knew that he might have seen through his identity as the richest man, otherwise this old guy wouldn't be so eager.

As expected of a big man in power in Singapore, he really is an old fox!

He said with a cold expression, "I came to visit just because I was a little curious about the Cyan Blue Fist."

Chen Zhonghan didn't care, instead he looked flattering: "You are interested in that gem, hurry up, Leon, lead the way, and lead us to have a look." Hearing this, Leon could only obediently lead the way.

"Oh, Maori Detective, you didn't say it earlier. If I said it earlier, I wouldn't regard it as a karate competition prize. It's fine to give it to you as a gift."

Chen Zhonghan looked annoyed, while Fuerzi and Qianying looked at Kogoro in surprise.

I still want to steal it by hand, but others want to give it away.

Why is the gap between people so big!

Mori Kogoro smiled, but didn't say anything. After all, this is a hot potato, so I don't want it for myself.

Both Fujiko and Chikage want to use this gem to compete in stealing skills, so there is no reason to spoil their contest.

On the other hand, Rachel, Heizhi's long secretary, looked at Mori Kogoro in amazement. She had always known Chen Zhonghan's strength and dominance. In Singapore, he was almost like a bully. Even his boss, Leon, had to avoid him. Three points, very respectful to it.

How can I see this old guy kneeling and licking so flatteringly? Can this Maori detective be so respected for his intelligence?It must be very capable after thinking about it.

Rachel's eyes narrowed slightly, and she secretly thought about it, she couldn't help looking at Kogoro Mori a few more times.

And this villa building is back-shaped, with left and right corridors in the atrium.

There were black-clothed bodyguards leading a pair of big black-backed wolfhounds. Their waists were bulging, and it seemed that they were holding guns. They were very heavily guarded.

Fujiko and Chikage observed everything around them calmly, but Chikage had more hands and feet.

When she passed the atrium, she dropped the sticky lumps of chewing gum on the lawn, and no one noticed.

Soon, everyone came to a vault made of alloy.

Leon proudly showed off: "Only I can open this vault. The inside is all made of special alloy, which cannot be blasted and is isolated from all radio waves. It can be said to be the safest vault in the world."

Saying this, he first checked his palm prints and then his fingerprints.

The iron pillars on the vault shrank back, and then the closed door flipped over, revealing a passage.

Once inside, you can see that the whole body is like a cylinder, covered with black and white grids, full of high-tech feeling!

The bodyguard Jamaldin, who looked like a strong man in the iron tower, came to the console, pressed the keyboard on it, and began to enter the key on the mobile phone.

"The key is changed every six seconds. It uses the key of the nuclear bomb. No one can easily get it."

After Jamaldin finished typing, the black grid on the top started to run, sliding down from a height of more than ten meters.

The black cabinet popped up, and a sapphire embedded in a gold belt appeared in front of everyone.

"Look, everyone, this is the symbol of the Pirate King, the largest sapphire in the world, the Fist of Cyan Blue."

Fujiko and Qianying immediately exclaimed, their eyes were full of light, and they seemed to be very fond of this gem.

Mori Kogoro glanced at it, then turned his eyes away, and turned his head to praise the vault: "It's pretty good, so Kidd really can't do anything about it."

"This is not necessarily the case. We will send the gems to the stadium for exhibition in the final tomorrow."

"Although we are responsible for the security measures at the gymnasium, they are not as good as here. If Kidd is a smart person, he might choose to attack there."

Chen Zhonghan chuckled, and patted Leon's cheek.

"Nareang, you have to cheer up. I spent so much money to ask you to help, not just for free."

Hearing this, Leon lowered his head and nodded respectfully: "Definitely, definitely!" His eyes were full of coldness.

Mori Kogoro didn't care about the dirty things of these two,

He followed Rishi this time mainly to create opportunities for Fujiko and Chikage to visit the vault and watch their performance tonight.

Now that the goal was achieved, he ignored the handshake and close fight with Leon, and said goodbye.

But Chen Zhonghan, an old fellow, stuck to him again, desperately wanting to entertain Kogoro Mouri.

Mori Kogoro didn't pay attention to him, his mind had already returned to the hotel's infinity pool.

How could such a stupid thing be done by leaving behind a group of beautiful girls who are as beautiful as flowers and jade to accompany this bad old man!After Maori and his party said goodbye, they turned back to the hotel.

In Sonoko's room, Sonoko and Masumi are worrying about which swimsuit to choose.

Yuanzi held two bikinis in his hand, one red and one yellow, and couldn't help asking: "Zhenchun, which one do you think uncle would like me to wear?"

"Would red be better, look more enthusiastic, yellow would be more sporty, or this black one with a little black gauze, would it be very attractive, would uncle be a beast?"

"Yeah, how embarrassing!"

"Uncle likes my long legs very much. Do you think I should wear high heels? It's so annoying!"

Zhenchun has a black line on her face, and she doesn't bother to take care of the garden.

This dead woman chattered endlessly as soon as she came back, it's amazing to be molested by foreigners, and it's great to be saved by a hero?Is this necessary?Zhenchun puts on the blue bikini she brought with herself, the button is in the middle of her chest, but she can't button it after several attempts.The little girl realized something in an instant, and immediately ran to the floor-to-ceiling mirror, and couldn't help screaming.

"Ahhh!!! Sonoko, I'm getting older, I'm getting older, I can't fit my swimsuit anymore."

"I knew that I, like my mother, must be a girl with big breasts. You see, I made gratifying progress." The redeveloped Zhenchun immediately showed off with excitement.

Chapter 0028 The Noisy Garden Is Pure

Then the girl threw the blue cloth heavily on the ground, stepped on it, and said domineeringly: "You have followed me since elementary school, but from now on, you can get out of my world."

Then she ran to the bed, jumping and jumping excitedly, such a bold scene is really very interesting.

Yuanzi laughed lightly, his eyes blurred: "Okay, I knew it earlier, I have also changed, and the method that my uncle taught us really works."

Xiao Zhenchun managed to calm down, sat down beside Yuanzi, puffed out her chest and said, "Am I very good? Let me tell you, one day, I will become better than my mother, no, better than Mary. .”

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