Lianhua immediately became dumbfounded, and couldn't help asking: "Then Xiaolan, do you mind?"

"What do you mind, what do you mind, touch, haha, I listen to the card."

Xiaolan waved her hand, she didn't care about it at all, and Lianhua's three views were turned upside down.

Mira couldn't help but chuckled: "Hahaha, what does Xiaolan care about, she's more than us!"

"You don't know, she's always pretending to be me, wearing colored contact lenses to fool her mother, it's outrageous!"

Qingzi also looked curious: "Really? That's too exciting, right? I remember you and Aunt Yingli lived in the same suite!"

Mira continued: "So, do you think it's easy for me to live in Kogoro's house? I have to play Xiaolan from time to time, it's easy to get split personality, and I'm very tired!"

Qingzi stretched out his small hand and touched Mira's head: "Thank you, thank you!"

But Lianhua looked incomprehensible, staring blankly at the two girls with big eyes: "What are you talking about?"

After looking at each other, Mila Qingzi laughed lightly, and then the two girls moved closer to Lianhua's ears, explaining each other.

Lianhua's expression changed drastically in an instant, her pupils kept shrinking, and her small face instantly turned red, full of disbelief.

"Ah, Xiao Lan, is what the two of them said true?"

Xiaolan was pretending to be stupid: "What are you talking about? I'm still a child and I don't understand anything!"

Mira hugged her chest and chuckled: "Pretend, keep pretending, it's all yellow when cut." Bang, a West Wind was pressed on the mahjong table.

"Haha, self touch, big four, double kill, give money, give money."

The three girls complained dissatisfiedly.

"Why is this kind of card again, tell me honestly, are you cheating?"

"You have been the only one playing cards until now, Xiaolan, how dare you say you are a novice."

"I'm more curious about what they said, is it true?"

Chapter 0030 Witch vs Shikigami

"What is true and false, children should not be too curious." Xiaolan happily nodded at the cash, looking like a little money fan.

Lianhua was speechless immediately, she was obviously one year older than Xiaolan, why was she pretending to be an adult.

Not to be outdone, she said: "I thought Xiaolan was a very innocent girl, but she really is not good for her appearance, and she is with her mother... Tsk tsk!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan immediately gave her a look of resentment: "I'm still very innocent when I talk nonsense." But the words were full of guilt!

Mira couldn't help laughing loudly: "It's very innocent, every time you have to lean your legs against the wall, an innocent girl who can't wait to get pregnant right away."

"Ah!" Xiaolan's cheeks flushed instantly, "Mila, why are you talking nonsense?"

The two girls began to fight.

And Lianhua's little head is steaming, this topic is too hot, just imagining it makes me feel full of lust, I really can't stand it!The little girl understood in an instant that what the bad guy said to her back then was all to fool her.

Really, even Xiaolan didn't let it go, it's too hateful!

However, it's so exciting, I'm going to faint, I'm going to faint!

Qingzi wrapped his arms around Lianhua's shoulders, and said softly, "Don't mind, he's not a bad guy, and Lan wasn't forced."

"Although his style is a bit bad, he is very good to us, and you will know it later."

Hearing this, Mira also pushed Xiaolan away, and said to Lianhua, "Although we got together by chance, we will be sisters in the future, so we need to get along well."

Compared with Xiaolan, Mira, who is the queen, has the temperament of a big sister at the moment.

No way, although Xiaolan got more love, but also limited by her status, she couldn't deal with the girls frankly.

"Okay, okay, let's get on with the game, and I'm going to make you all lose."

The girls continued to rub their cards, and Lianhua gradually got used to it, and asked curiously.

"Compared to playing cards, I care more about what happened to Xiaolan, can you tell me?"

"Hmph, what can't be said, I, Mao Lilan, have done everything in my life, and I have nothing to say to others." Xiaolan acted like a dead duck.

"Really? Let me tell you, Xiaolan, I will call sister Yingli now and let her listen to your sincere speech?"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." Xiaolan immediately put her hands together and apologized to Mira, but her heart was full of bitterness.

Why can anyone threaten me now? It used to be Sonoko, but now even Mira is like this, don't do this!The heartbroken Xiaolan has become a card-winning machine with no emotions.

And in the suite next door, the witch Hongzi vividly staged a picture of a villain succeeding.

Waving a black whip in her hand, whirring, she swaggered at the little Shikigami Fuso wriggling like a caterpillar on the bed. "Little ghost, do you know how powerful I am now?"

"Do you really want to eat it? I really want to take a bite. Don't think about it. This ice cream is mine."

After saying that, Hongzi licked the ice cream, the white cream and the pink tongue complement each other, making her little face even more beautiful.Immediately afterwards, she poured the whole ice cream into her mouth, and looked at Fusang with smiles and provocations in her eyes.

But Fusang, who was cursed, silenced, and immobilized by the voodoo doll, had no ability to backhand at all.His crimson eyes were crying, and he looked like he was crying!

The body could only squirm and lean over, the long blue hair was a little messy, and there was an indescribable sound from his mouth and nose.

It seems to be something like 'Give it back to me, villain, witch'.

Fusang is no wonder for such an abnormal behavior, it is naturally uncomfortable to be torn apart halfway through eating.

Especially the ice cream was full of spiritual power, Fusang was instinctively attracted, and naturally refused to give it to the witch.Hongzi laughed again, and lightly kicked Fusang with her long legs.

After finally getting closer, Fusang rolled away again.

"Sure enough, it's an evil shikigami. Don't you like the spiritual power on it? Oh, I let you see it but you can't eat it."

Hongzi stood up and gave an evil smile. The sky-defying long legs looked even more spectacular from the bottom up.

A crimson light flashed in his eyes, and his own magic power was channeled out and landed on the black whip in his hand.

The black whip extended as if alive, and circled around Fusang's delicate body like a long snake, binding it up.

Hey, it seems that this is a tortoise shell binding!

The domineering figure of the little Shikigami became more and more perfect. Then, the black whip continued to extend, and was tied to the chandelier on the ceiling. Fuso was hoisted up, hands and feet behind his back, face down, suspended in mid-air .

In this way, even if she wanted to climb like a caterpillar, she couldn't help it.

Why?This witch is too bad, deliberately plotting against me, I want to absorb spiritual power!

The little Shikigami Fusang's big eyes are full of mist, and his face is pitiful, which makes people feel pity.

It's a pity that the evil witch won this contest after all.

Koizumi Hongzi began to enjoy the fruits of victory, but she was also proud and was killed not long after!

As the saying goes, prosperity must decline!

With his mind lost, Hongzi couldn't stabilize his control over the Witch Doll and the Magic Whip at all.

She was just in a trance, and the offensive and defensive situation was immediately reversed.

When Hongzi came back to his senses, he heard the sound of the magic whip falling.

She turned her head and saw that Fusang was hovering in the void, her long blue hair danced without wind, her body exuded white light, and her aura was extremely frightening.However, her porcelain white face was flushed with red, but it was a little more cute.

Hongzi secretly thought something was wrong, and was about to drive the witch doll.

But it was obvious that Fusang was faster this time, she didn't chant lengthy incantations, with a wave of her little hand, eight blue touches of spiritual power grabbed Hongzi's hands and feet, and hung him up in a large font.

This picture is almost like a tentacle monster!

Just as Hongzi was about to speak, a piece of cloth was pulled by the touch of spiritual power and stuffed into his mouth.

Immediately after Fusang stood back on the ground, Xiaobai let out a sigh of relief as he crushed the voodoo doll controlling him.

The little Shikigami stood in front of Hongzi, squeezed his little white fist and hit her on the chest twice, then triumphantly went to find the source of the spiritual energy he wanted to inhale.

Now it was Hongzi's turn to watch.

Chapter 0031 God of Gamblers Xiaolan

The ruby-like pupils of the little Shikigami Fusang are full of mist, which is extremely beautiful.

The porcelain white face was soft and cute, and Kogoro couldn't help pinching it lightly.

It feels great in the hand, almost like a real person, and it can bounce back when you pick it up.

The little Shikigami after the body shaping is like an ordinary girl, has body temperature, can breathe, and can cry, which is great!

Mouri Kogoro hadn't pulled Fuso with his big hand, but Shikigami took the initiative to sit in his arms.

With a soft cry, the pink lips of Q bombs were printed on Kogoro Mouri's lips.

The spiritual power in Mori Kogoro's body involuntarily poured into the little Shikigami's body, sending out invisible fluctuations, causing Fusang's long sky-blue hair to dance spontaneously.

This is beyond Fusang's control. The thousand-year-old earth-bound spirit has engraved her desire for spiritual power into her soul.

The spiritual power in Mori Kogoro's body is like a poppy, which has a fatal attraction to him.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have lost her composure just now, like a child who was robbed of a lollipop.

Fortunately, Mori Kogoro's spiritual power is so vast that he can bear Fusang's addiction, but he can't let Fusang make waves like this.The Fenglin Shanhuo method was directly sacrificed, and various attribute energies were used in succession. Mori Kogoro began to seal the small shikigami.

Just now, Hongzi suffered a sudden attack from the wind and fire, and was defeated all of a sudden, and now he was hanged even more.

Move like thunder, move like forest, invade like fire...

Among them, Leifa stimulated Fusang the most, and Leifa was the most evil. After all, Fusang was an earth-binding spirit, and it was only natural that Leifa restrained him.A stream of alien energy was tormenting Fusang's body, and the little Shikigami Fusang's small hands grabbed Mouri Kogoro's arm, and couldn't help but raised his head and screamed.The snow-white jade neck is as graceful as a white swan, which makes people stunned.

good chance!

The eyes of Hongzi who was tied up in mid-air by Wuhuada flashed, and he took the opportunity to break free.

But this is purely due to her overthinking. Although the spiritual power in Fusang's body, who has practiced for thousands of years, is not as good as that of Mori Kogoro, it is not something that Hongzi can shake.

The touch of spiritual power that he cast casually was so strong that Hongzi couldn't break free at all, so he could only continue to be imprisoned in midair in an extremely shameful posture.

So angry!Fusang, wait for me, when I go back to accept the inheritance of red magic and become a real witch, I must teach me a lesson

Ah, Kogoro, hurry up and save me!

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