Hong Zikou, whose mouth was gagged with rags, could not speak, and could only wink at Kogoro.

It's a pity that Mori Kogoro, who was concentrating on sealing Fusang, didn't notice this scene at all, but Fusang saw her expression.The little face was flushed, and there was an evil smile on the face of the little Shikigami who was almost like a succubus, which was captivating.

Fusang's little pink tongue licked her lower lip, extremely charming.

Then she kissed Kogoro again, and began to draw spiritual power again.

On the other side, at the Singapore International Airport, Chikage Kuroba was leaning against the fence and waiting.

Holding an ipad in his hand, he was observing the defense of Leon's house through the satellite, and his black eyebrows could not help but frown slightly.This security chief named Leon is really capable, and his defenses are tight and impregnable.

The bodyguards with the big black-backed wolfdog patrolled seamlessly, and it was really difficult to sneak in without anyone noticing.

"Master, what are you looking at, where is Master?" A vigorous voice came out, and three young and beautiful girls appeared beside Qianying.

Afterlife Ai even snatched the ipad from Qianying's hand, and flipped through it.

Eldest sister Lai Shenglei also followed the left and right eyes, and felt a little disappointed when she didn't see Kogoro, so she couldn't help complaining.

"Really, master, you are too disrespectful. You ran to take a private jet by yourself, and let us come here by business jet. It wasted several hours."

Qianying reached out and patted Lai Shenglei's head, raised her eyebrows and said, "Why, do you have any opinions?"

"No no!" X3

"Don't be shy, you are master's secret weapon, of course you can't be on the same plane, what if Fuji finds out."

Lai Shengtong rolled his eyes involuntarily: "Master, will you be too bullying like this, and with Kuaidou around, with so many of us, will we be invincible?"

Qianying was furious in an instant: "What is bullying? The master has something to do, and the disciple accepts his work. This is not called winning without martial arts."

"Fujiko, on the private plane, he still wants to hook up with your master to go to the toilet and do some shameful things. I won't teach her a lesson this time.

How? "

Hearing that Fujiko seduced Kogoro, the three sisters in the next life blew up instantly, and immediately became filled with righteous indignation: "Wow, how could this be so? Sure enough, the rumors are true. Fujiko stole by relying on her beauty."

"It's unreasonable, master, don't worry, we will do our best to help you, and we will definitely get the Cyan Green Fist."

Seeing the full motivation of the three sisters, Qianying also nodded in pretended relief.

It's just that his purple eyes narrowed slightly, looking around the three sisters, his eyes were full of contemplation.

"Let's go, I've booked a room for you, at the Sands Hotel, take a rest, and start operations tonight."

Xiao Tong couldn't help asking: "What about Kuai Dou, will you act with us?"

Qianying laughed softly: "Leave him alone, Kaidou is still hanging out with a brat, and he will probably suffer tonight in all likelihood. It would be good to find the way for us."

Xiao Ai couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "My son is taking advantage of it, it's too cruel."


The rant didn't escape Qianying's ears at all, and Xiao Ai's ears were twisted by Qianying, and she immediately confessed.

"Ouch, Master, I was wrong, please let me go!"

On the other hand, after exercising in the gym of the Sands Hotel, Sumi returned to her room, sweating profusely.

Fusang was not here, Sumi just felt bored, so she turned and went to Kogoro's room.

But after knocking on the door, there was no answer inside.

She then turned to Mira's room, and when she opened the door, she immediately became dumbfounded, and hastily closed the door, her little face blushing. "Xiao Lan, you, what are you doing?"

On the mahjong table, four similar girls were playing mahjong, but Mira and Lianhua among them were playing cards with their upper body naked, covering their chests, with expressions of refusal to admit defeat.

The chair next to Xiaolan was covered with clothes that had been taken off from the other three girls.

Seeing Shumei, Xiaolan proudly opened her mouth to show off: "I have already lost all their money, and now I want to win them all."

"Hmph, just now I choreographed so well, I will make you lose so much that you don't even have a pair of underwear left."

Chapter 0032 Poor Sumi

On the other hand, Mira looked angry and slapped the Dongfeng in her hand, and said with red eyes:

"I don't believe I'm so unlucky, Xiaolan, when I turn back, I'll make you kneel down and apologize, come again!" The rattling sound of shuffling cards sounded again.

Xiaolan sticks out her tongue and keeps provoking the three girls: "You guys have no chance, lose everything, lose everything, just a little bit!!!"

And Qingzi also said unhappily: "Shumei, you came at the right time. You stood behind Xiaolan and watched. I always felt that she was doing something secretly. Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to be so lucky and win us so many rounds."

Shumei took a closer look, only to find that what happened to Qingzi was even worse, her lower body was stripped off, and her pair of slim legs were covered with a pillow.

Thanks to her pretending to be calm, people think she is safe and sound, which is too good to pretend.

Sumei nodded and stood behind Xiaolan to help observe.

After only staying in the hotel room for a few hours, the four girls' mahjong skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

Shuffle, code, draw cards, the action is smooth and smooth.

Soon the four of them had drawn their cards, and Xiaolan raised her head triumphantly, and said stinkingly:

"Tch, it's useless to let senior sister watch, I don't have to cheat."

"You guys haven't seen me killing all directions on the Fugui Pill. Yuanzi and I have made billions at the gambling table. I'm a super gambler."

As soon as the words fell, Xiaolan turned over all the cards in her hand, and when she saw the cards, she immediately whistled happily.

Sumei doesn't know how to play cards, but seeing that the cards in Xiaolan's hands are all of the same suit, she knows that her cards are excellent.

Although there is no Tianhu in this hand, all Yise's draws have already been drawn, and they still have a draw of [-] to [-].

Xiaolan smiled triumphantly, picked up the remote control of the air conditioner beside her, and pressed to turn on the heater.

"Tsk tsk, it's time to listen to cards again. If you lose any more, you'll have to take off your clothes. Don't catch a cold then."

The faces of the three girls became ugly, Mira immediately turned her head, and winked at Qingzi, her little feet stretched over, and scratched Qingziyu's legs.

Qingzi's reaction was also very fast, and he instantly understood Mira's intentions, so he sneakily grabbed the card and passed it from below.

It's a pity that the cheating was only halfway through, when the two hands were changing cards, a pair of bare hands grabbed the wrists of the two women.

"Hey hey hey!"

Looking back, Xiaolan looked at the two girls with a smirk.

With their reaction speed, cheating in front of Xiao Lan is completely asking for trouble.

"Okay, I got all the stolen goods. You two dared to spend thousands of dollars. Just now, you called a thief to catch a thief and slandered me for cheating. It seems that I will not teach you a lesson." "How can it be."

"Who is out of money?"

The two girls naturally wanted to play tricks, so Xiaolan smirked: "The rules on the gambling table, if you try to cheat, you will lose your hands."

"But because we are sisters, I won't cut off your hands, but the rules can't be broken."

Saying this, Xiaolan showed her strange strength, and lifted the two girls onto the big bed, making them both lie on their stomachs.

Immediately afterwards, she sat up, and the family law of the Maori family was cast from her little hands.

The crackling sounds continued, and Mira and Qingzi begged for mercy.

And Lianhua on the side watched with lingering fear, always feeling that Xiaolan was trying to scare the monkey and she was that monkey.

If I had known that Mira had laughed at Xiaolan just now, I would have stopped laughing.

Panic flashed in Lianhua's eyes.

Seeing the brutal scene in front of him, Sumei kept walking towards the door.Xiaolan is so rampant, only the master can cure her, and she has to be rescued.Sumei left quietly and searched for the next room.

Sumi opened the door of a room and saw Sonoko and Masumi gesturing in swimsuits, but the master was not inside.

Another door was opened, and Sumi finally found Kogoro Mori.

But the scene in front of her completely stunned the little girl.

Why is it even more outrageous here? What the hell, Hongzi and Fusang, how can they fly, how can they float in mid-air?

The touch of spiritual power was exerted by Fusang, and all three people in the room could see it, but mortals like Sumei who had never practiced before couldn't see it with their naked eyes.

So the scene in front of him was extremely weird!

Koizumi Hongzi seemed to be bound by five flowers, and was tied obliquely in the void.

On her body, the little Shikigami Fusang stepped on her feet with difficulty, laying on top of her, trying to maintain his balance!

It's as fast as the wind!Move like thunder!

The Fenglei Art of War came out successively, Kogoro Mori's face flushed red, and the veins on his neck kept popping up.

Obviously, this has pushed the sealing technique of shikigami to the extreme.

The endless spiritual energy poured into Fusang's body, and this shikigami couldn't bear it.

Fusang's brows were frowned, and his arms were tightly wrapped around Hongzi's neck, almost showing a red mark.

In the end, the little Shikigami Fusang couldn't help raising his head, and let out a scream, which shook people's hearts.

Finally, under the full force of Mori Kogoro and the continuous attack of wind and thunder, Fuso could no longer maintain his body.


His body turned into an endless white mist, disappearing into nothingness in an instant.

Sumei at the door watched the big living person disappear, her pupils constricted sharply, her mouth opened wide, her legs went limp, and she turned into a duck and sat on the floor.

"Na, na, na, Nani? What's the situation? Being, being, being...spirited?"

The sound seemed to disturb Mori Kogoro, who had just performed the Fenglinshanhuo Art of War, and caused him to look sideways.

Sumei saw Master's scarlet eyes, still panting heavily, and was startled immediately.

At this moment, she was still thinking about helping the soldiers, her head was almost short-circuited, and she instinctively reached out and crawled out the door.

But before she could take a step, she felt like her ankle was being entangled by a python.

Looking back, there was nothing at the ankle.

But, Kogoro Mori seems to be pulling something in his hand, which is even more shocking.

I saw Mori Kogoro waved his hand. As a karate master, Sumi, who was like a martial arts idiot, had no ability to resist, her body flew up uncontrollably, and hit the bed.

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