"Because I owe a large amount of usury outside, if the inheritance can be more, it will be enough to pay off the debt without disturbing Yixing."

Keiko Suzuchi grabbed Yoshiyuki Suzuchi's pants excitedly, and said, "Husband, you have to believe me, I didn't kill Mom, I didn't kill anyone at all, I really just wanted to scare people!"

"Detective Mori, save me. I didn't kill my mother. After all, I lived for many years. How could I kill her?" Keiko Suzui knelt down to Kogoro Mori, and her husband beside her also He looked at Kogoro Mori with a pleading face.

Mori Kogoro heard what he wanted, smiled with satisfaction, and said, "This murder case was indeed not done by Ms. Keiko. As for whether the timed crossbow is an attempted wounding or an attempted murder, it must be handed over to the mountain village police officer." You ruled."

Keiko breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Kogoro Mori's words, and fell limply on the ground.

The rest of the people looked at Mori Kogoro with concern.

Mori Kogoro counted the letters in his hand, and then said: "The cause of all the incidents this time is because of inheritance, Yukiko and I were entrusted by Miss Hiromi to investigate whether this uncle who came all the way from Brazil is real or not. .”

"The results of the investigation have come out. I must tell you that the Mr. Yifang in front of you is not your real uncle, he is a fake."

how is this possible? ? ?

The pupils of everyone in the Suuchi family contracted, looking completely unbelievable.

Hiromi even shouted: "But isn't there a spike scar from a baseball game on Uncle's right foot? How could it be fake!"

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Yukiko: "Yukiko, do you still remember the three tips I gave you yesterday?"

Yukiko nodded: "Left-handed, martial arts, mixed race."

Mori Kogoro picked up the old photos of the baseball game that he found before: "Yes, Suzui Yoshibo is left-handed, so his baseball cover is on his left hand, so during the game, the number standing on the way to the base Yoshiyuki Nai is of course in the inner circle, and his left foot is inside the runway, so it is only possible for his left foot to be stepped on by a runner, and the upper cross of his right foot is the first flaw!"

"The second flaw is that this evening, the old man grabbed Yoshiyuki Suinai as soon as he stretched out his hand. If I'm not mistaken, it should be Brazilian martial arts. If I ask myself, someone who is proficient in Brazilian martial arts, Why spend money to hire a bodyguard, and this bodyguard looks extremely unprofessional, I am afraid that he has not been trained, and he is very stupid!"

"As for the mixed race, please look carefully at the faces of this old man and Carlos next to him, and pay attention to the details between the brows."

Everyone in the Suuchi family quickly stared at the old fat man and Carlos, even the mountain village police officer looked over, and gradually everyone's eyes lit up.

Mori Kogoro said: "That's right, one of these two people seems to be a Neon man and the other is a Brazilian, but in fact, both of them are of mixed race. We can tell from their faces that they both have Neon man's look." Bloodlines, there are also foreigner bloodlines, I am not wrong, Mr. Tanaka Kesen, and the son born in Brazil by this digital righteous house, Carlos!"

"Uncle Yifang's Brazilian son!"


The people from Shunei's family exclaimed again, today's ups and downs are a test of one's heart!

Everyone stared at Carlos closely, and Carlos, who could not understand the language, couldn't help being a little panicked.

"Yes, in fact, it is right for the two of them to switch identities. Carlos is the real person to accept the inheritance this time, and Mr. Kesen Tanaka, who is proficient in Brazilian martial arts, is Carlos' bodyguard!"

Mori Kogoro revealed the identities of the two!

Chapter 0012

Mori Kogoro threw all the letters he found from the warehouse on the kotatsu table, and said: "All of this is also confirmed by the letters I found in the warehouse later. Mr. Tanaka Kesen is Mr. Suuchi Yoshifusa in Brazil. A good friend who ran a farm in partnership, Mr. Yifang married a local woman in Brazil and gave birth to Lalulos, but Mr. Yifang died a few years ago."

Everyone couldn't help but went forward to read these letters, but the old fat man Tanaka Kesen's face was as gloomy as water.

Mori Kogoro pointed at the old fat man Tanaka Katsun: "As for the real murderer who killed Machiko Suuchi, there is only Mr. Tanaka Katsun who is proficient in Brazilian martial arts!"

Everyone's faces changed when they heard this, and they couldn't believe it.

Hiromi Suuchi said even more: "But Mr. Mori, Uncle Yoshibo, no, it is this Mr. Tanaka Kesen who has a perfect alibi. At nine o'clock, my mother was still in the hotel in Gunma County and For the class reunion, Mr. Tanaka just went out of the room to take a shower at nine o'clock, how could he meet his mother and kill her? You know, it takes an hour to come back from the county!"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Miss Hiromi, are you sure that at nine o'clock, the second call was your mother from the county hotel?"

"I'm sure, I still heard the voice of the venue on the phone!" Suzui Hiromi said again.

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said: "No, there are many things in this world that can be faked, not to mention a mere voice, buy a recorder, download a software on the mobile phone, pre-record the voice of the hotel venue, and then call Isn't that something that can be easily done by playing it when it is played, creating the illusion that she is still at the venue?"

Suzui Hiromi couldn't help being dumbfounded when she heard this: "So mom wasn't at the venue at the time! Why did she do that?"

Yukiko who was on the side immediately hugged Mori Kogoro excitedly, then looked at the mountain village police officer triumphantly, and said, "Stupid police officer, did you hear that? If this happens, my suspicion will be lowered all of a sudden, and you will always suspect me !"

You Xizi has long forgotten that she reasoned herself as a suspect!

Mori Kogoro patted Yukiko on the head and asked her to leave, and then he continued to explain Suuchi Hiromi's question: "Why did you do this, yes, your mother is behaving strangely today, she went to a classmate banquet, and it happened to be at eight o'clock She called during dinner to remind you that there was newly bought wood for boiling water, and she hid the wood by the wall and covered it with a curtain."

"I'll call again at nine o'clock to inquire about your boiling water, but it's more like asking about your uncle's whereabouts!"

"And she is the only elder in the family. She arranges the order of bathing every day, and knows that the first one to wash is the righteous house."

"In the afternoon, I specifically emphasized that your mother's death in the well had nothing to do with her, and there was a camellia hidden deep in her bosom pocket."

"All kinds of inexplicable behaviors, plus the previous threatening letter, there is only one explanation, and that is that Machiko Suuchi wanted to commit murder tonight, and wanted to kill the Yoshikazu Suuchi whom she thought was in the bathroom."

"I think she was really at the meeting place at eight o'clock. The man's voice from the meeting place is enough to prove it, but after the phone call, Machiko Suuchi drove back immediately, and parked the car farther away if you were afraid that you would find the car, and then I called at nine o'clock to create the illusion that I was still at the venue, to create an alibi for myself, and as for the carefully prepared camellia, I wanted to push the murder incident to your uncle." Mori Kogoro faced Within a few seconds, Hiromi opened the mouth and said.

"Then she sneaked into the bathroom from the backyard and wanted to assassinate Mr. Tanaka, but unexpectedly, Mr. Tanaka, who is proficient in Brazilian fighting skills, sent the dagger directly into her heart with an anti-joint technique."

"Because it was in the bathroom, it was very easy to clean up the blood stains, so the blood stains were quickly washed away, but Machiko Suzui's clothes had already been wet by the water in the bathroom, so Suzui Machiko had to throw her body into the well , to avoid being discovered. However, the alibi that Machiko Kuuchi painstakingly created became the alibi of Mr. Tanaka instead."

"Mr. Tanaka, you have come to this point, don't you admit it? Machiko Suuchi was accidentally killed by you in self-defense because she wanted to kill you. This is not a crime at all." Mori Kogoro stared at the old fat man intently. Tanaka Kerson.

"Before you didn't say anything, I understand that you kept silent. It was because I was afraid that Carlos would be in danger in this house after he was taken to the Metropolitan Police Department, so I planned to wait until the will was announced before explaining to the police."

"But now I have told the mountain village police officer to send someone to guard here to protect the safety of Carlos."

"And I also found out Keiko Suuchi, who might be a murderer, for you. What worries do you have now?"

Mori Kogoro spread out his hands and showed his achievements to Tanaka Kesen.

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