It was only then that everyone realized that the two things Mori Kogoro did before he started reasoning had ulterior motives, and they couldn't help looking at Mori Kogoro in amazement.

Tanaka Kesen couldn't help but sighed, with a look of amazement on his face, he looked at Mori Kogoro with sincere admiration: "You are really amazing, you really deserve to be a detective, what you said is absolutely right, with you here, My old man's child is relieved."

Tanaka Kesen looked at the crowd and said with a smile, "I admit that I killed Machiko Suuchi. She came to the bathroom with a dagger to assassinate me, but I accidentally controlled her joints and killed her accidentally!"

"Because of Carlos, I haven't said it all the time, but since I was exposed by the Maori detective, and the Maori detective has prepared so much for me, it would be unreasonable for me not to admit it."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro looked at Yukiko proudly.

And You Xizi couldn't believe it, she couldn't help but said: "Mr. Tanaka, you don't have to admit it, this guy is all speculation, he hasn't found any evidence to prove that you killed him!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being a little speechless, how could he be so disruptive!

The old fat man Tanaka Kesen couldn't help being a little confused, what the hell is going on here, he really doesn't understand the world of young people, so he can only shake his head and continue to say: "As for the dagger brought by Machiko within a few years, I threw it on the ground. The well is down, Yamamura Police Officer, I shouldn’t be considered a crime, I was attacked by Machiko Suuchi, and I accidentally killed her in subconscious self-defense!”

The mountain village police officer nodded his head: "If it is true what you said, it is naturally not a crime!"

The old fat man Tanaka Kesen couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Chapter 0013 Return to the room to rest

Everyone at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't expect this kind of result in the end. Those who wanted to commit murder were killed instead.

At this moment, a police officer from outside ran in and said with a report: "Officer Kimura, we found Machiko Suzuchi's car in the woods outside, and found her mobile phone in the car. There are strange recordings in the mobile phone." , like a recording of a venue!"

Another police officer ran in: "I checked with the hotel in the county. Machiko Suuchi attended today's reception, but she left before [-]:[-]."

"Officer Kimura, Officer Kimura, we found the murder weapon. It's exactly as Detective Mori said, we found the murder weapon that killed Machiko Suzuchi at the bottom of the well!" A dagger was wrapped in a plastic bag.

When everyone in the room saw the police officers reporting the news repeatedly, they all looked at Kogoro Mori with more and more admiration. This kind of brain is so wise and close to a demon, he has figured out everything.

You Xizi had a bitter face, and really let this guy make the murderer confess without evidence. Betting with this guy has always only lost, not won!

Kimura Cao's eyes were full of stars, and he stared at Mori Kogoro obsessively. That kind of gaze was a bit pathological: "It's really a wonderful reasoning, Mori Detective, you can sort out all the processes without even using evidence. It’s really amazing, it really deserves to be my idol.”

Seeing everyone's adoring gazes, Mori Kogoro said: "I have already completed Miss Hiromi's commission, and I have also told you about the death of Machiko Suuchi. But what I want to say is that for the sake of inheritance, such a thing happened in the Suuchi family. It really shouldn’t be troublesome, Miss Jingzi’s usury told her husband, it’s nothing to bear together in the future, there’s no need to commit murder out of greed.”

"So many things have happened all day today, and even the police have come. I hope that before the will is announced tomorrow, everyone will give me peace of mind and don't make any other moves. Understand?"

The serious Kogoro Mori said this very intimidatingly, and everyone lowered their heads in shame.

With a bitter face, Neixiuhe quickly said: "Detective Maori, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of them and will not let them do stupid things again. As for Carlos, we will not drive him away. Everything will be done according to me." Father's will."

Huang Fa-nan's Yoshiyoshi also echoed: "Yes, a relative has already died, and there can be no more deaths in the family. I will definitely take care of Jingzi and prevent her from doing stupid things!"

Mori Kogoro nodded, turned to Yamamura Cao and said, "Although they all said that, I still feel a little worried, Officer Yamamura, I will trouble you tonight, let them all rest under your surveillance, and wait until tomorrow If the lawyer comes to publish the will, it shouldn’t matter after it’s published.”

"Because if someone is not around when the will is announced, it will not be able to inherit, and Ms. Jingzi has loan sharks, so I would like to ask Police Officer Yamamura to bring Ms. Jingzi back to the Metropolitan Police Department for questioning later, is that okay?"

Keiko Suuchi couldn't help but look grateful when she heard this and looked at Kogoro Mori.

Shancun Cao patted his chest and said excitedly: "Since it is the request of the Maori detective, of course there is no problem, you all be honest with me, and we will rest together in the room tonight, but Maori detective, do you want to stay here too? "Shancuncao immediately looked expectant.

Mori Kogoro looked at the time, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and naturally he would not go to other places to rest, so he said, "Yes, Miss Hiromi, prepare another room for Yukiko and me!"

"Hi!" Hiromi Suuchi naturally obeyed Kogoro Mori's words, and agreed directly.

There was a sweet smile on Yamamura Cao's face: "Great, it's such a blessing to be able to rest under the same roof as my idol!"

Seeing the expression of his fans, Mori Kogoro felt a chill for no reason.

However, because it was a murder, the fat old man Tanaka Kesen still had to be taken to the Metropolitan Police Department for a thorough questioning. The will was not his business, and Kogoro Mori was present, so he followed the ordinary police officers in uniform with confidence. We went to the Metropolitan Police Department in Gunma Prefecture together.

The body of Machiko Suuchi also left with him.

The Suuchi family finally returned to calm. Keiko and the others spread out tatami mats in the hall, and then spread out the futons. At the request of Mori Kogoro, the Suuchi family rested with five or six police officers.

In the guest room on the other side, Suzuchi Hiromi and Yukiko laid beds on the floor, and the two beds were for Mori Kogoro and Yukiko to rest respectively.

There were only two people in the room, and Hiromi Suzuchi couldn't help but said, "I finally know why such an outstanding person like Yukiko finds Mr. Mori as a companion!"

"Huh?" You Xizi couldn't help but have some doubts on her small face...

Hiromi pulled Yukiko for a few days, and said in a low voice, "It's a pity that such a smart and sexy man doesn't want to eat it. When he was reasoning just now, I felt like he was a god, his whole body was shining!"

Suzuchi Hiromi looked amazed: "If I were as beautiful as you Kiko, I would definitely seduce this great detective too, and a one-night stand would be enough!"

When Yukiko heard this, she immediately pushed Hiromi Suzui onto the mattress with all her strength: "You should go, see if I tell your husband or not!"

"Look at you, you are so protective of food. I said that this kind of thing is very common in rural areas." Hiromi Suzui looked at Yukiko with a charming smile on her face. Yukiko was going crazy. After the ravages of time, it has become so unrestrained.

Under the night, Kogoro Mori stood in the courtyard, looking at the old well and the camellia tree beside him with his chin up.

As soon as the reasoning was completed, the task of this case was completed, and Xiao V issued [-] points for the task of the case.

It was already late at night, the lights in the big house of the Suuchi family were gradually extinguished, everyone began to rest, everything seemed to have calmed down, only the night wind outside was blowing wildly, and the leaves of the camellia tree were hunting After a while, a beautiful camellia fell down and fell into the well water.

Under the moonlight, the camellia flower floated on the water surface, gradually sank, and finally sank completely to the bottom of the well. The bottom of the well became calm, and the water surface only reflected the full moon in the sky!

Chapter 0014 Resting at Shunei's House

As soon as Mori Kogoro entered the guest room, he saw Yukiko laying on the mattress and making the mattress, her bowed body revealing a graceful figure.

Seeing this appearance, Yukiko couldn't help but stepped forward, and slapped her on the buttocks, and there was a crisp sound immediately.

You Xizi hurriedly turned her head and saw that it was Mori Kogoro, and then she breathed a sigh of relief: "I was scared to death, you bastard, you walked in without making a sound!"

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