Mori Kogoro pulled the door shut, and jumped on it.

You Xizi's delicate face immediately became panicked: "What are you doing, this is someone else's house, don't be like this! It would be bad to be found out!"

Of course Kogoro Mori knew that this was someone else's house, and the old-fashioned push door was unlocked, so anyone could break in, so he didn't do anything else. He hugged Yukiko tightly, stroking Yukiko's softness with his big hands. Sensing the softness against the chest, he said, "Anla, Anla, just let me hug you well."

"Really, the bed that was finally made was destroyed by you all at once." You Xizi muttered, her small mouth pursed slightly.

"Isn't the bed just for sleeping?" Mori Kogoro looked at the slightly pursed mouth, and immediately moved his heart, and kissed it all at once.

The two mattresses that had been painstakingly made were messy in an instant. After a long time, after the passionate kiss, Yukiko opened her smiling eyes with watery charm, and looked at Kogoro Mori tenderly. Kogoro Mori's eyes were red, panting Rough, but restrained.

The soundproofing effect of the room here is not good, and someone breaks in at any time. Although Mori Kogoro has a psychedelic charm that can isolate all sounds, his relationship with Yukiko for many years makes him unwilling to force Yukiko.

So he struggled to get up, turned off the lights in the room, then quickly took off the raft on his feet, returned to the bed, hugged Yukiko tightly, covered the two of them with a quilt, and said, "You Stop teasing me and sleep."

Yukiko couldn't help smiling when she heard it, and then turned over and lay on Kogoro Mori's chest, and gently drew circles with her index finger on Kogoro Mori's chest. smiled happily.

It was late at night, and the two of them fell asleep tightly hugging each other on the same bed, but the other bed was empty.


The next morning, the two were woken up by the noise outside.

As soon as Mori Kogoro woke up, he found that the postures of the two had completely changed. Mori Kogoro got up quickly with a soft mass on his face.

Seeing Mori Kogoro wake up, Yukiko showed a motherly smile on her angelic face: "Good morning, Kogoro!"

Mori Kogoro had a premonition that something was wrong, so he rolled his eyes at Yukiko.

You Xizi continued: "Grandma is delicious, do you want to eat more? My child, Xiao Goro!"

Sure enough, Yukiko wanted to take advantage again, Moori Kogoro couldn't help snapping his fingers on Yukiko's forehead.

Youxizi immediately lay down with her forehead in her arms, looking like a bastard who fell to the ground and was seriously injured but couldn't get up, and asked Mori Kogoro to coax her.

Kogoro Mori looked at this childish Yukiko, and couldn't help but feel a little helpless, but he had to go up to coax her obediently, otherwise this guy might be in trouble all day long.

For so many years, Mori Kogoro has known the magical creature like Yukiko like the back of his hand, and he amused him again with a few words.Yukiko got up with Mori Kogoro now, and she started tidying up the bedding for last night's rest virtuously.

Mori Kogoro tidied up his clothes and helped put away the futon bed on the other side.


Outside the courtyard, a middle-aged man in a suit and tie wanted to break in, but was stopped by guarding police officers. He kept yelling, "I'm the lawyer of the Suuchi family, and I'm here to announce today. Will, why don't you let me in?"

The policeman in uniform couldn't help but wonder, but recalling that Kogoro Mori seemed to have mentioned it in his reasoning yesterday, he quickly let the lawyer in again.

In another large room, the four members of the Shunei family, Carlos, and the police officers led by the mountain village police officer were also woken up by the lawyer outside. They all opened their sleepy eyes and stretched their waists. , yawning.

But last night was very peaceful, nothing happened.

Indeed, the Suuchi family were not so courageous, they did not dare to do anything in front of the police and Mori Kogoro, and passed the night safely.

Kogoro Mori stood up, and Yukiko, who was dressed neatly, also stood up. The two opened the door and walked out of the room. They saw a group of people from the Suzuchi family walking towards the room with the kotatsu table.

Kogoro Mori saw the mountain village criminal following behind him, so he couldn't help asking: "Officer Yamamura, did nothing happen last night?"

Criminal Yamamura replied immediately, even faster than responding to his superiors: "Detective Maori, everything was normal last night, nothing special happened!"

"Oh, that's it, I will trouble the mountain village police officer this time!"

Criminal Yamamura immediately squinted his eyes and laughed loudly, while shaking his head while touching his head, he said: "What's the matter, Detective Maori, you are so polite, this is what you should do as the head of your support club, just I don't know if there will be a chance to have lunch with Mr. Mori, but I know that there is a sushi restaurant in Gunma Prefecture that is very delicious!"

"Mountain village police officer! Mountain village police officer!" The police officer on the side said, "People have already entered!"

The village criminal opened his eyes, saw the empty corridor, and quickly patted the hat on the policeman's head: "Speak up!"

Then they followed into the room with the big kotatsu and sat aside.

At the front is a middle-aged lawyer, Suzui Hidekazu and Suuchi Hiromi and his wife are sitting on the side, Suuchi Yoshiyuki is sitting on the side with Suuchi Keiko and his wife, and the brawny Brazilian Carlos with black carbon head is listening to Mori Kogoro Ordered to sit at the bottom.

Mori Kogoro and Yukiko sat in the viewing seats at the back, while Police Officer Yamamura and the others stood at the door.

Tanaka Kesen is not here, and Mori Kogoro will act as Carlos' translator today.

The middle-aged lawyer said: "Today I came to announce the will of Mr. Fill in the house within a few days. The time has come. Those who are not present will not be able to get the inheritance. Well, I am going to announce it now."

After finishing speaking, the lawyer took out a mobile phone from his bag, connected it to the data card, found a video, and played it.

Immediately on the screen, the old face of Suzuki filling the house appeared: "The ones who can get my inheritance are my wife Machiko Suzuki, my daughter Hiromi Suzuki, son-in-law Hidekazu Suzuki, son Yoshiyuki Kikuchi, daughter-in-law Keiko Suzuki and myself. My younger brother's only child, Carulos, has an average of one per person..."

Sure enough, there was still the name of Carlos. Everyone in the Shunei family looked at Carlos, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, and relief appeared in their eyes.

Chapter 0015 Journey

The matter of the Suuchi family finally came to an end. With the help of the mountain village police officer, a translator who could speak Portuguese was found. Carlos finally understood why he came back. In the end, he was all alone. to inherit his inheritance.

At the door of Suuchi's house, Mori Kogoro put on a windbreaker over his suit to keep out the dust. He was sitting on a Harley motorcycle and talking on the phone with Xiaolan.

Yukiko, who was wearing a dark red leather jacket, was saying goodbye to Hiromi Suuchi.

"Yukiko, this time I'm really bothering you and Detective Mori, don't you plan to stay here for a few more days?"

"No, Detective Mori still has a case to deal with in the Tokyo office today!"

At this moment, Kogoro Mori's voice suddenly came from the phone: "Xiao Lan, Dad can't go back to Tokyo today, and tomorrow night at the earliest!"

The smile on You Xizi's face froze immediately, and the demolition came so quickly like a tornado.

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