Hiromi Suzuchi couldn't help but burst out laughing, and raised an eyebrow at Yukiko: "I understand, there are still cases to be dealt with in Tokyo."

Hiromi immediately pulled Yukiko over, and whispered, "Youkiko, you are with Detective Mori, you must pay attention to the protective measures, otherwise Shinichi will have an extra brother and sister, and I'm so sorry for Yusaku .”

"Thick and thick..." You Xizi smirked embarrassingly with her mouth covered: "Hiromi, what are you talking about, Kogoro and I are not what you think at all, forget it, let's not talk, let's go first, Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to catch the plane to Los Angeles today."

After Yukiko said goodbye to her friend, she got on Mouri Kogoro's motorcycle, only to find that Mouri Kogoro was still talking on the phone.

Yukiko couldn't help but smiled awkwardly at Hiromi Suzunai, then got out of the car again, and whispered to Kogoro Mori, "Really, if you don't want to drive, let me drive!"

Mori Kogoro moved back a bit, Yukiko sat up immediately, stepped on the accelerator, Harley roared and rushed out.

Seeing Yukiko leaving, Hiromi Suzui showed a gossiping smile: "Take the plane in Los Angeles, I think you are on the plane of the great detective, tsk tsk tsk!"

Hiromi Suzui shook her head and turned back to the house.


"Father, who's the voice of the woman next to you? Where are you going?" Xiaolan at Mori's house in Tokyo frowned when she heard Yukiko's voice, and stood up with a small face full of anxiety.

Hui Yuan on the sofa beside him put down the newspaper in his hand, and said with a chilly face, "Turn on the speakerphone, I'll help analyze it together."

Xiaolan turned on the hands-free without hesitation.

Mori Kogoro said perfunctorily: "Oh, she is the client this time, we are now riding to the scene of the crime to find clues, Xiaolan, I will leave the house to you, and I will be back in a day or two! "

"Kogoro, what do you plan to have for lunch?"

Suddenly, Yukiko's cute and contrived baby voice came from the phone, and anger immediately appeared on the faces of Xiaolan and Huiyuan.

Mori Kogoro's voice immediately became a little panicked, and he quickly said: "Miss Suuchi, please don't call me so close, I just accept your entrustment, Xiaolan, take care of the house and wait for me to come back!" After finishing speaking, Kogoro Mori immediately hung up the phone.

When Xiaolan heard what Mori Kogoro said, she quickly believed it, and her face turned bright again.

Hui Principle's face was gloomy, and according to her judgment, Mori Kogoro must have gone out to fool around with some vixen.

Haibara directly put a chestnut hammer on Conan's head who was trying to figure out the problem: "Detective boy, quickly analyze it for me, what is Uncle Molly doing!"

A small red envelope immediately appeared on Conan's head. He hugged his head and gasped for breath. This black-bellied loli is really black-handed. When he hammered it down, his scalp was numb with pain.

He turned his head to look at the somewhat darkened Huiyuan, but decided not to mess with her.

"How do I know, and I don't have any other clues. Uncle said that there is an entrusted task, so there is an entrusted task!" Although Conan said so, he secretly laughed in his heart: Black-bellied little loli, you shouldn't fall in love with someone The person he likes is the result of this. Uncle Maori must be playing with women.

Conan rubbed the little red envelope on his forehead: But the female voice just now sounded a little familiar, like an acquaintance!

Xiaolan on the side smiled softly: "Conan, you should continue to do the questions. Dad will come back later, you have a lot of time, why don't you do five more pages?"

Conan wanted to cry when he heard Xiaolan say such words, Xiaolan, if you keep doing this, I won't like you anymore!

Originally, he wanted to go to the football game today, but he was forcefully suppressed by Xiaolan to do the questions here.

Conan held the pen with resentment on his face: "Damn Uncle Maori, you still want to torture me like this after you leave!"


Kogoro Mori looked at Yukiko who was smiling triumphantly in front of him, and couldn't help being annoyed for a while, he quickly scratched Yukiko's slender waist with his hands, and the itch immediately invaded her.

You Xizi twisted her slender waist, and laughed coquettishly: "Itch, Kogoro, you are so despicable, you dare to attack me like this, I can't spare you!"

Under Mori Kogoro's harassment, Yukiko couldn't even drive the car steadily. The Harley motorcycle was swaying left and right on the road. Her body twisted so much that even Mori Kogoro couldn't bear it.

In the end, Youxizi stopped the car and turned around to fight back, but Kogoro Moori quickly grabbed his two little hands. Small face, said: "You are so naughty, and Conan is at home, so you are not afraid of being recognized by him when you speak."

"Oh, yes!" Yukiko realized it at this moment, and was about to ask Mouri Kogoro what to do, but saw Mouri Kogoro's face pressed over, and the beard stubble directly pierced her little face.

She immediately forgot about Conan, wrapped her arms around Mori Kogoro's neck, and started kissing in this empty field.

Mori Kogoro kissed Yukiko from the small mouth to the ear, and then whispered, Yukiko blushed immediately after hearing this, and quickly shook her head and said no, Mori Kogoro hugged her slender waist, Yukiko immediately fiercely Struggling, Mori Kogoro had no choice but to give up.

He put Yukiko on the back seat, and then got into the car. As soon as the Harley started, it rushed out like a beast. The recoil made Yukiko hug Mori Kogoro tightly, and the two drove along the road towards Gunma County went.


A two-day stay is a kind of short-distance trip, which means two days and one night. Yukiko finally agreed to Mouri Kogoro to take a two-day trip.

However, usually one or two days usually need to be paired with a beautiful girl, and a full reservation system is required. The full reservation system means that all living, eating, and playing things have been booked in advance.

It's a pity that neither of these two conditions can be met, but the naturally beautiful Yukiko is more attractive than a beautiful girl, and of course Kogoro Mori will not be dissatisfied.

Chapter 0016 Ikaho Holiday

Harley motorcycles soon drove into Qunma County. The domineering car made passers-by keep looking sideways. Unfortunately, both of them were wearing helmets, so others couldn't see what they looked like at all!

Both Mori Kogoro and Yukiko are considered super celebrities in Neon, and they might be recognized casually, so naturally they dare not reveal their true colors.

Mori Kogoro quickly called his secretary in the Banner consortium.

As a consultant of the consortium, it would be very convenient. Xiajiang Ban was afraid that Kogoro Mori would be tired, so he specially assigned a male secretary for him. Kogoro Mori ordered the secretary to book a hot spring hotel for him today.

The most critical thing for one stay and two days is the hot spring hotel.

The Qiben consortium made an appointment, and naturally they made an appointment for tonight's residence very smoothly.

On the other hand, Youxizi blinked and smiled, standing aside and looking at the people coming and going in Qunma County, as well as various tall buildings, with a look of nostalgia on her face.

After Mouri Kogoro got the secretary's reply, he turned his head to look at Yukiko: "Youkiko, do you remember when you were a child?"

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